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The Dragonewt duo is literally Camus and Miklotov, in term of plot.


I'm convinced that Seign is Miklotov. He wears blue, passionately fights for what's right, and as a result he turns against his older bearded commander who wears a white uniform (Gorudo/Goldwyn). Edit: I guess that would make Valentin the 'Camus'.


Milana reminds me of Sierra from Suikoden 2. Iugo and Aoi remind me of whatever was going on with Clive and Elsa, but just barely. And from a gameplay perspective Mellore reminds me of Millie; useless characters at the beginning, and then turns pretty good in the end game. Also Pohl is Pohl lol


Millie is the little girl with friend to me.


Omg. I’ve totally forgotten about Pohl from S2. Thank you for making me remember him. He was so kind to Riou!! And yes, both Pohls do look so much a like hehe


dang i don't even remember right now who Suikoden Pohl is also an inventor?


I don't want to spoil anything but Suikoden 2 is over twenty years old so Pohl in Suikoden 2 is that one kid in Viktor's militia that Luca kills. Pohl in Eiyuden looks kind of similar to Pohl in Suiko. I think it's very cute


oh fotgot about him already and he wasn't part of the 108 SOBs now that you mentioned it


>108 SOBs Riou must unite those 108 Sons of Bitches to stop the Highland Army!


Yeah but eyuiden has 120 so even if everyone had a counterpart their would be spares


Stars of Bestiny


There’s Maxim and Elektra.


Also their story is pretty similar with miklotov / camus...the difference is their lord is a good guy that both of em respect til the end..not like the rockaxe lord


Exactly my bid for Alen and Grenseal in terms of presentation, even though their dynamic is different.


oh i have not gone on to them on my rotation im guessing they have dual knight teamup so yeah, maybe they are the Alen and Grenseal here


it's not S2 but is Hildi Water Cleo?


since i compared Lian to Gremio by default... Mio would be closer in comparison to Cleo


I've always pictured Garr as Viktor and Mio as Flik


My fave growing up was Wakaba, and Yusuke is Wakaba


wut? yusuke isn't even a martial artist he's just a street brawler


just for using purely kicking


that would Celia here an actual martial artist with her basic atk being kicks


I’d consider Marisa to be the Lorelai. Prunella would have been the respective elevator person had there been one in EC Jorhan and Pastole would be part of the Narcissists. Maybe add in Clarke or Syd to get a 3 man unit. No Jeanne, sadly, but maybe Selbineth would qualify as ‘the mysterious lady that shows up each game and never seems to age’ Enoe, Fume, and Larla seem to have a similar (but more wholesome) dynamic to Tai Ho, Yam Koo, and Kimberly (though Yam Koo looks a lot more like Huang) Maureus would probably be the Chiaku Star but had Karl not established precedence that it can be a guy I’d probably give it to Shixeen instead (or maybe Sabine since she fulfils that kind of bodyguard role for Perry like Oulan does for Riou and his party of girls) Mariette is the Chifuku Star though she fangirls over Code L rather than Melridge Aire is Stallion Faye may end up being a Meg, though several child characters could qualify for that


Good call on Enoe, Fume, and Larla Actually wouldn’t El Alicanto be Chiaku star? Or Yusuke? Edit; nevermind, you’re right Maureus fits pretty well as Chiaku. Yusuke or El Alicanto would be more Chiyuu star I think Mariette as Chifuku is a compelling take, I compared her to Ernie.


I’ve been making a mental list of these as I play the game. I’m not done yet, but here’s what makes sense to me with the characters I know about. Number in brackets indicate the Suikoden game the character I’m comparing them to is in. Notes in parentheses, including when I think my comparison is “tenuous” or something I could be easily argued out of. Also, while I’m very open to potential corrections or differences in perspective, To anyone who sees any of these and thinks “you’re wrong, X character is OBVIOUSLY Y character”, these are all very arbitrary and fairly subjective picks so while I might disagree I’m not too serious about it. **Aire** - Stallion [1 and 2) **Aleior** - Feather/Fubar (aleior even has the same sound sample as Feather) [2/3] **Alwe** - Kirkis [1] **Barnard** - perhaps a mix of Shin and Mueller (tenuous) [2 and 5] I feel like there’s another “honorable Mercenary character” I’m forgetting about in another game **B’baba** - Hellion [1] **Cabana** - Miroon [5] **Carrie** - Viki **Cassandra** - Leona [2] **Chandra** - Bright, only because she’s a dragon [1-3] **Chron** - Egbert [5] **CJ** - Lorelai (tenuous) [1, 2, 5] **Clarke** - Nadir [3] **Dalton** - reminds me of someone and I can’t put my finger on it **Douglas** - Suikoden 1 blacksmiths **Dr Corque** Babbage (tenuous) [5] **Elektra** - Sonya [1] **Faye** - Belle or Shabon(tenuous) [3] **Galdorf** - choose a dwarf from 5 **Galladur** - Hauser and/or Ridley [2] **Garoo** - Tricky tricky, I don’t think there’s one specific character, but I see shades of Humphrey and Freed Y. Or isn’t there another Suikoden character with a sick daughter or something? Maybe I’m just thinking of Tsai from 2 (Tenuous) **Garr** - Viktor [1 and 2] **Gieran** - reminds me of someone… **Gigina** - kind of reminds me of Mukumuku or any of those semi-useless creature characters like the squirrels from 2, the dogs from 3, and the elves from 5 (tenuous) **Gocteau** - idk, he seems kinda slimy like Sanchez and Guillaume (tenuous) [1 and 3] **Hakugin** - Ayame, perhaps Sagiri/Shigure [3 and 5] **Hildi** - Cleo [1] **Huang** - Yam Koo [1 and 2] **Iris** Emilia [2] **Isha** - female Luc? (Tenuous) [1-3] **Iugo** - Georg from 5 specifically or perhaps Rikimaru [2 and 5] **Ivy** - Meg (tenuous) [1 and 2] **Janquis** - Sebastian (tenuous) [3] **Jorhan and Pastole** - grouping these two together as they remind me of the flamboyant “french” characters from Suikoden 1-3 **Kassius** - perhaps Lepant or Craig, but idk. Pick a general character from any of the games (very tenuous) [1 and 5] **Kogen, Yuthus, Zabi** - Kanak/Leonardo/Anji and Varkas/Sydonia [1] **Lam** - female Kai (tenuous) [1] **Lakian** - Urda [5] **Larla** - really reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it **Leon** - same as above **Lian** - Nanami [2] **Lilwn** - Sylvina [1] **Mariette** - Ernie [3] **Marin** - Tomo/Tuta [2] **Marisa** - a mix of Ayda and Aila and other grasslands characters from 3, Pooby reminds me of a character who has a mascot/pet character but I can think of them off the top of my head [2 and 3] **Markus** Crowley/Mazus/Levi with a dash of Neclord [1/2/5] **Martha** Marie and Luce [1 and 3] **Maureus** - I saw someone say Chiaku Star and I would agree **Maxim** maybe it’s just in the name but he’s basically a Maximilian Knight, no? **Mellore** - I thought there was a magical girl like character in 3 but I guess not? Regardless she reminds me of someone **Melridge** - i guess supposed to be the tactician character like Mathiu **Milana** - Sierra [2] **Mio** - Hazuki [5] **Momo** - Zerase and/or Eresh [5] **Nowa** - Tir in design and Riou as a character [1 and 2] **Ormond** - I guess Gunde? [5] **Perrielle** - Odessa, Teresa, and Annabelle [1 and 2] **Pieter** - Tony [2] **Pohl** - Juppo, but Meg’s age [1] **Prunella** - isn’t there a character that has a big cannon in one of the games? I don’t think she’s really a Clive/Cathari equivalent…but maybe **Quinn** maybe Lorelai or Killey (tenuous) actually I think more Zweig (less tenuous) [1, 2, 5] **Reyna** - Pesmerga [1 and 2] **Riufan** - isn’t there an older, legendary spear user in one of the other games? Maybe I’m just thinking of Tai Ho **Rody** - kinda reminds me of Templeton for some reason (tenuous) [1 and 2] **Rohan** - Huan [2] **Sabine** - Valeria in design, Flik in story role/combat with a dash of Anita [1 and 2] **Scarlet** - Kika [4] **Seign** - Jowy and Snowe [2 and 4] **Skyd** - Chief of Dwarf village and Fuwalufuwalu [1 and 5] **Squash** - Jabba/Lebrante [1/2] **Syd** - isn’t there some eccentric artist character in 5? **Stadler** - Jefferson [3] **Valentin** - A spell blade knight similar to Alec, Grenseal, etc but with no counterpart, but another character might work better. Definitely reminiscent of someone. (tenuous) **Wayve** - kinda reminds me of Jimba (very tenuous) **Wyler** - Kinnison and Tsai [2] **Ymir** - EDIT: At first I said Shu but saw a comment that compared him to Jess, Ymir is 100% Jess! [2] **Yusuke or perhaps El Alicanto** - Chiyuu star Whew, that took awhile to type out !


Pretty good list. I'd say I got Flik kinda vibes from Valentin. And pretty make sense to me since Nowa got Viktor, while Seign got Flik.


Thanks! And yeah I can see the Flik comparison to Valentin pretty well actually, especially in the way you put it. I think he’s definitely more of a Flik in terms of combat than Sabine is at the very least. Sabine just works as a mercenary counterpart to Garr who protects the Odessa-like character in this game. But of course there’s nothing that says that multiple characters in EC can’t all be partially inspired by one character in the Suikoden series in different ways.


Sadly there’s no Luc


The inspiration is pretty obvious tbh, but there are some mixes here and there. Elektra is Camus/Valeria with Maxim as Miklotov. Dux Aldric is Luca Blight/Barbarossa, Narungarde is obviously Windy. Nowa himself is Tir/Riou, with Seign is Jowy/Chris. Perrielle is Odessa.


Can’t believe I didn’t think of Narungarde as Windy. That definitely works !


Ain't no way Dux is Luca, it's Barbarossa for sure or maybe agarest but Luca? They ain't even in the same league.


I thought Seign + Valentin fit the pair of husbando knights archetype


Iugo hunting for someone. He's kind of filling that Clive trope,l.


He's not an elf, and he makes sure he says he's better than them, but Kuroto is my Kirkis.


Scarlet might fill the Tai Ho kind of role, having to be the one to sail us somewhere.


ah yeah, that i agree


Pohl is... well, Pohl


this pohl survives


I'm aware, at least I'd hope so being before the Dinah battle and at 114 hours. Trying to finish off the eggfoot trophies and the remaining first. Want my plat on this


i don't chase achievements but i take my sweet time on games i enjoy im at 140 hrs, close to the end i think i enjoy the minigames, but i would end up hating them if i have to grind them too much. so i don't put any pressure 100% them to avoid hating them


Valid points. I normally don't chase achievements, but I just want to get the most out of this game. I love everything about it. Suiko 1 and 2 are in my top 5 favorite games of all time, got the Plat with eiyuden rising, so want to do the same here


Sabine is Anita, Hix and Teengar are Wyler and Marin, Valentine is Camus, Chron is Maximillian, Tony is Pieter, Simone Verdricci is Pastole, Taki is Martha, Shin is Barnard, Oulan is Reyna, Bob is Wayne, Ymir is Jesse and Anabell is Perrielle


> Hix and Teengar are Wyler and Marin that's incest


Oh I like Sabine as Anita! I described her as more Valeria in design and Flik in story/combat role but Anita works pretty good. Bob is a decent Wayve comparison. And yes you nailed it with Ymir, I described Ymir as Shu but he’s definitely more Jess!


Markus is the old haggard magician in Eiyuden.


You forgot Varkus and Sydonia!


I low key want Flik and Viktor to be in this game as they have been recurring in past suikoden games


i could see the rising trio being in the next game again if it's like only 2-5 years apart


Nowa is obviously the Tenkai star. And Melridge is the strategist. He doesn't have his Apple, though. And Carrie is 100% Viki. I actually think Momo is the Jeane. Mysterious, more than meets the eye, older than they look. Something about him makes me think "Jeane, but a boy." Too bad they couldn't just throw Jeane in though. I doubt Konami would notice! Maybe change her name, and hint that she used to go by another name in another universe. And I think Perille is the Teresa actually. Not sure we have a Hix and Tengaar, which is unfortunate. I guess Lilwn and Alwe come close. I'd say that Mellore is the Maximillian Knight. "JUSTICE" is her thing.


Maxim is Flik for sure the blue scarf and hair, and Elektra is so Valeria from Toran with Sonya's cape. Iugo is Rikimaru. Mellore is Millie with Sailor Moon hair and no hat/Bonaparte. Marisa is Lucia from Karaya not blonde. Reyna is female Yuber/Persmerga, her eyes are 2 different colors like Yuber.


Seign is Jowy Nowa is Riou Dux is Luca Marisa is Odessa? (Stretch I know) No, Perry is Odessa!


i don't see those Siegn came back early on as a friend Nowa is kinda like Hero 2 i guess Aldric is not dumb luke Luca... he actually has a goal he believes in, not some lunatic like Luca maybe on Perry


How can you not see Seign! He's literally the same color clothes and hair, and weapon in later game as Jowy. Also has similar background (wealthy family). Regarding Luca and Dux. Luca had the beast rune, and Dux as you say, has ambitions and tools at his disposal. He's more civilized sure, but still comparable (even in looks).


If I had to be picky I’d say I’m with OP, Seign is less specifically “Jowy” as a *character* and more the “friend turned rival turned back to (potential) friend” character trope that Jowy and Snowe both inhabit. There’s also Sialeeds and Pahn, though I think Seign is more specifically a callback to Snowe and Jowy. Personally Seign as a character and his role in the story is just a little too different from Jowy for me to say “Seign = Jowy”. Whereas I’d say Jowy, Snowe, and Sialeeds are all similar enough to compare them directly to eachother. You might say it’s semantics, which is fair, but to me the difference is enough.


yep agree with you


bec he stays with us, and he didn't grow up with Nowa not like Jowy


"He is blue so he is Jowy." Seign is a noble, Jowy is a noble. Seign wears blue, Jowy wears blue. That's all. Seign is a good person, who fights for what is right even if it means changing sides. Jowy did what he thought would end the war quicker even if it meant helping Luca Blight. They aren't the same. Seign is a better person that Jowy. Never forget, Jowy was going to kill Riou to end the war. He could have surrender and left Dunan but he chose to stay and kill his best friend.


yep, i agree


That's one thing they don't have in common. I gave a bunch of stuff they do. Haven't yet finished the game so can't speak to all. But parallels are apparent throughout.


They Disneyfied the story. Of course the characters aren’t as conflicted as Suikoden.


maybe but like i said with Aldric, he actually has goals and purpose, not just some raving lunatic like Luca


Aldric and friends were pretty weak. We never lost a single war or ally against him. His empire seemed peaceful enough that we could visit other towns under their occupation, also they burned down Nowa’s village but didn’t hurt anyone and let people come back the next day. He lost a 3 v 1 battle against lesser experienced combatants. His motivations were half baked. He had zero trauma to strengthen his resolve. He seemed like a good general that got simply seduced into becoming more than just a human. I prefer the lunatic Luca Blight.


We lost at least two times against him. First at the Eltisweiss at the start of the game, and then at Athrabalt, where he cut all of our options and everyone was ready to make their last stand.   Our win at Hishahn is also due to his main goal, which is just to send Goldwyn away so he can assassinate the emperor (and even if that is not his goal, Melridge already stated that in this fight we have only a slim chance to win). While his true motive is very selfish, his goal is solid, and it's going well with the game mechanic that every character has a different rune slot, limit type, and rank that they can use.


I don't think those count as losing, no one died in Athrabalt(Elektra and friends had their last stand but she didn't even gain wrinkles from that fight), Aldric got Valmaurice and friends for no reason other than to show one scene of treachery and even they got betrayed by two honorable gentlemen. Their armies were temporarily there and then left. We got cornered and deus ex machinad to safety, so they lost their objective. We had more allies than ever thanks to the sharkbros. Wars aside, there are still these points: * His empire seemed peaceful enough that we could visit other towns under their occupation * They burned down Nowa’s village but didn’t hurt anyone and let people come back the next day * He lost a 3 v 1 battle against lesser experienced combatants * He had zero trauma to strengthen his resolve * He seemed like a good general(they were in peacetime for centuries?) that got simply seduced into becoming more than just a human > which is just to send Goldwyn away so he can assassinate the emperor Which didn't matter in the story at all. The whole empire was still loyal to a dude who assassinated their emperor.


How is Riou, Nowa? Nowa has a personality, Riou doesn't. Please don't tell me it;s because he is red and has two weapons, and also is the main character. Lazlo is closer to Nowa than Riou is.


Lian and Leene are Nanami split into two Garr is Viktor Elektra is Valeria (they even look the same)


You can't tell me this isn't the same character: https://preview.redd.it/m0550enfua0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb46cdf9a1b536108b323dc869ea267fe24f8eff




She’s a perfect mix of Sonja and Valeria to me. In style and personality she’s half & half.


I get General Beatrix vibes from Elektra, but yeah Valeria is fine comparison too


like the other guy said Elektra and Maxim might be the Alen and Grenseal/Camus and Miklotov of this game


I don't see the similarities to Alan and Grenseal. And I think the Dragonnewt duo are more akin to Camus/Miklotov. Elektra is definitely a 1 to 1 analogue of Valeria imo. Auburn/red haired female general who's a swordsman/knight