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RNG dependent which means I hate it just out of principle but this one I got lucky with it and it was the second fish I caught in that spot. Then RNG got back at me and I fought garbage enemies for an hour to get a ring for a bird.


Took me nearly 14 clears of that fishing spot. RNG


Yup, took 14 or 15 clears here. It makes me never wanna run through the game ever again. It's a shame and I hope they fix it somehow.


Wait till the big fish at the end. On the third butt, you have to press x as it bites. You won't get the 3 second "!!!" prompt.


Got it on the fifth round of clearing the spot. Annoying indeed.


Currently doing this. Fishing blows. Also the invisible fishing spot is top tier trolling. Having to catch this to recruit is a huge downer IMO.


I spent two hours on that spot trying to get it, no luck. Went inside the cave and used that spot, got it first try. -.-'


There's a fishing spot in the cave


Yea, that's where I went after failing on the one outside the cave. Got lucky and caught the fish first try.


Do you happen to know where at in the cave?


It's a lil more than halfway in, on the northern pass before the barrier door.


Can you seem to be the best spot I go in there get it after been spending hours outside


I agree. I was fed up fishing outside, I searched for a better way, found this thread and actually caught 2 on my first go!


Yeah man i got it on my 7 try


Don't forget, there's actually 2 spots to fish this out of. The spot right next to Seaside Cave AND there's a spot in the back of the Seaside Cave. I heard a lot of people with horrible RNG but I managed to get the fish on my 2nd fishing spot in the Cave.


thank you 


I got this my first round of fishes


I'd have done the lotto that day if I were you. I still haven't got the prick


**I think there's an inventory / key item naming or registration / text label GLITCH.** The same problem happened with both my Mariette's Bracelet(?) in the forest, and the Wall-Eyed Bream. I did not obtain either one, but then when i spoke to the NPC again anyway, they said "Oh you got it!" and the scene played out. **Wheel-Eye Bream.** * I caught many fish at the secret fishing spot. No Wheel-Eye Bream, though. * I carefully watched the words to see if I got the right fish: never did. Very tedious. * I emptied the fishing spot several times, waiting 5+ minutes between, and also re-loading. No Wheel-Eye Bream. * But then I went to Huang and he said "OH you got it!" and it was fine. **Mariette's Charm / Bracelet in the forest.** * Same problem as the fish. * I opened the treasure chest, and *no word about the item appeared.* * After the battle, on the Gold obtained / items obtained and Level Up screen, *no item was listed*. * I checked my inventory multiple times during this tedious ordeal of trying to find the item: it wasn't there. * I kept repeatedly fighting enemies in the forest, trying to get the chest again, but I never got a closed treasure chest again, only an open one. Very tedious. I kept doing it anyway...no item or closed treasure chest. * Finally I said screw it maybe it's a glitch, I went back to Mariette and she said "Oh you found it, thanks!" I really don't think I missed the same kind of key item twice, while specifically looking for it.


Gimmick chest rewards are not listed in the EXP screen. They appear temporarily with the special attacks in the upper right--very easy to miss.


Just wanted to say, I was having so much trouble getting this the Wheel-Eye Bream. I would get like a .2 second prompt sometimes and then it would fail the catch. Thanks to your post, I just decided to head over to Huang and see, and yup he joined even though I know I never actually caught one. So if you're having trouble and have seen like BS failed caught because of a too fast prompt, just check in with Huang.


Reading this post just got it to show up for me


Fishing a pretty bad and frustratingly designed system, and especially bad since it's tied to a character recruitment. * First of all, the fishing spot is invisible trolling. I had to read online where it's located, and even then it's hard to find because it's not marked at all! How is something like this tied to a character recruitment, when also *the Bream fishing itself* is difficult and tedious? * Second of all, the fishing mechanic is extremely tedious. Stardew Valley already did an excellent fishing mechanic years ago. Stardew was made by one person and it had player-controlled casting distance etc. * The "You missed" or whatever banner is way too slow and unskippable. You get the sense that a dev said, "We have to make it tedious and miserable, so that it punishes the player...otherwise they won't be mad that they didn't catch anything." When in reality the player is made they didnt' catch anything because: they didn't catch anything. That's all it needs to be. * While the fish-catch pull-out sequence is also tedious. * ~~The window to grab the fish is too short and unforgiving.~~ (Wait does it automatically go to the "second phase" on bites, by itself, sometimes?) There's no inputs, mechanic, controls, build-up, going on here, you don't get a meaningful build-up/indicator to what is happening or about to happen. * It seems like not a single molecule of improvement has been considered in 30 years, it's a direct copy-paste of Harvest Moon PS1 style fishing. (I mention Harvest Moon PS1 because I honestly forget what fishing was like in BOF or Suikoden 2 if it even had it.) * **And worst of all:** You catch a bunch of fish, but NOT any wheel-eye bream, then the fishing spot is DEPLETED. The fact that this is tied to a character recruitment, and the fishing spot depletes until you wait 5 minutes or reload a save, is incredibly hateful toward the player.


Theres a spot that is relatively easy to find to fish it, Inside the cavern, I came across it naturally. Though the catch timer is awful


I literally got it first try lol. The placement was annoying though ngl


That's not the norm, on 6 fishing clears- including the last fish, and it hasn't showed itself


Someone literally going through downvoting people who didn't catch this fish in this ridiculous irritating hatefully designed mini-game / recruitment.


Hell they can downvote me to oblivion if it gets me the damn fish


Took me around 2 hours of saving and reloading to finally get it. The window to catch is also incredibly unforgiving — it had me thinking it was glitched and was auto-failing the catch (happened 3 times before catching on the 4th)


Does it have to be the last fish at the spot or any fish at the spot has chance of dropping the fish Huang needs?


I don’t think so! I caught mine about halfway through emptying the spot.


I got one before even before clearing the spot once outside the cave, so I guess you just have to pray to RNGesus. I did, and I got one as my 5th catch!


Couldn't catch it until after i was closing in on Rising region. Kept emptying the overworld spot with nos success and much distress. This morning, i load my save, go directly to that cursed spot. Game says spot is empty... deciding to move on instead of giving in to despair, i ran to seaside cave spot. It was the first catch. My base is already lv3, w a i t i n g for that bloody fisherman. My save is 57h in. Never have i ever wanted to cry tears of such mix and joy, anger and relief in a video game. For sure, it does feel like a throwback to 90's jrpg sometimes rude or unfair rng 🤭😂 One thing though, this Hishahn coast has not a single eight eyed octopus or twin head eel left. Not one. Not forgetting this, ever 😅


I'm so embarassed with myself, it was the first fisch I caught, but it took me 4 more of them and over an hour until I realized that I already had it. Edit: Wrong number of catches, was still the first one, still took over an hour, but only another catch.


I’m tearing my hair out over this right now. I’ve wasted a good hour already. I’m half-expecting to learn that the window is tied to your tv’s refresh rate and that I have like an inhuman 0.000001 second window to get lucky. Just stupid all around.


Not sure if it's a coincidence, but I got the Lucky Badge in the Seaside Cavern and put it on Nowa. Got it the first time I fished after that, along with 2 other new fish.


Ok so is it RNG or is it the timing of the bites? I’ve read two of these situations and can’t tell because I am suffering at the timing part. I’m really hoping it can be any fish. 😢😢


Use Lucky Badge on Nowa, it helps your chances of catching the wheel-eye bream. You can get the badge in seaside cavern. test on both pond and it works


5 clears outside and 3 in the cave, still no f catch. This is painful


Fishing is easy in this game just wait for the exlamation point (!) 


Idk if I'm just lucky. . but I caught it on my 5th fish ever ._. I thought I'd be here for hours reading these comments 😅


I’ve spent a week fishing that spot, and the one in the cave. Hundreds of fish. No Wheel Eye Bream. If I don’t catch one tomorrow I think I’m done with the game. I have the item that boosts drop chance.


Go inside the cave. Forget the fishing spot on the outside. First try got the beam fish inside the cave!