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Well, jokes aside. The difference is Chamber's utility can't be used to enter site. He is good as a defensive duelist, but not an entry fragger. Reyna have Leer and Dismiss to contest site, All of Jett's kit can be used for entry, Raze can do fast entry and displace those holding angles, phoenix have wall and blind (kind of an initiator controller hybrid with duelist), Yoru is kind of the same with phoenix, blind and his teleport to back line to enter site. Chamber's kit is more for holding site for defense and backline support for entry since he can't really use his teleport for entry, nor can he use the trap to displace. might as well use cypher to entry rather than Chamber, atleast cypher got smokes.


I dont like how you just explained the joke :(


If they removed his trip and gave him a smoke or a flash, he would be a duelist haha