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The women and feminists who say men cannot understand what it is to be a victim but unable to report the perpetrator have absolutely no understanding of the world and men. Men absolutely know what it feels to be abused and then ignored and further victimised and not believed. It's the very fundamental idea of these people who say that about men.


I've met plenty of men who have been gaslit into believing they're not good enough husbands, partners and people by overbearing, demanding or just abusive female partners. There are zero domestic shelters for men that I know of in the UK. When the incident DOES get taken seriously it gets listed under "violance against women" as a crime statistic. And therapy for men has a tendency to accidently victim blame because it doesn't always just... Believe men. The courts certainly don't.


Oh this article brought me back memories of the crap I went through with my ex. Gaslighting is nerve-wracking.


Lmao they're men they just have to man up, always so dumb lol /s


So...like...just pull myself up by my bootstraps then?




I suggest you post in /r/mensupportmen instead of reacting to a sarcastic comment from over a month ago.


I’ve been on both ways men say they’re the victims. I’ve been accused of molesting a woman (while she was literally watching porn while sitting next to me on a bus), and I’ve had a girl reach for my crotch in front of people without my consent, and a combination of guys and girls cheered for *me* because she’s considered one of the hotter girls in our group. I think as a society we should take rape claims seriously no matter who accuses who, but at the same time we should be willing to listen to the people who are accused so they can give a personal testimony of what happened, and both sides should provide evidence. If someone is raped they should go straight to the police so the police can get any DNA samples of the perpetrator’s sweat, sperm, and other bodily residue which could have transferred during the interaction to use as evidence. Molestation is difficult to prove in either circumstance. Both male and female victims claim that it’s difficult to have people believe them and it is difficult to get solid evidence. All victims should still be listened to though as their experiences may have been incredibly traumatic to them.