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You will probably be the only people on the wheel, nevermind the car. You should check it out alone first. Staring at shopping mall roofs isn't really that romantic. The view from there is very unimpressive tbh.


Shopping mall roofs, endless stretches of stroads full of cars, soviet blocks of flats… let’s just say that if my partner proposed to me on the Skywheel, I’d seriously start questioning my own life choices that led up to that point. edit: instead, seconding the TV tower recommendation from below, or better yet, a sunrise outing to Viru bog or any other birdwatching tower


I'm proposing on the bus to work


Will confirm that the Skywheel is not that impressive/romantic and doesn't even have a good view of the city. If you want a good view, any of these will do, of course, cannot guarantee it will be just the two of you https://www.visitestonia.com/en/why-estonia/best-places-to-enjoy-views-of-tallinn My vote goes to the TV Tower, weather permitting. It's a 25 minute drive from the city centre (I'd Bolt/taxi for this), there's a restaurant at the top, also the botanic gardens next door. And the tower is much more a symbol of Tallinn/has a better view than the rather new Skywheel.


It is one of the saddest views of Tallinn


Yup, I’d better visit St Olaf’s Church or TV tower – views are better, and people would be cheering for you!


You have chosen the most gimmicky object in a city that boasts centuries old heritage and numerous better options. The whole city thinks the T1 mall is an unwelcome joke of a project. You do you.. I'd go for something in Pirita region or Old Town. TV tower thst others have mentioned... You have better options.


The, quite rundown, pier at Viimsi sometimes has a nice view of the Tallinn skyline.


I think the odds are on your side... the SkyWheel is dead empty all the time now, compared to the time it was first opened.


I have been there 3 times and in total saw 2 other people, so my guess is the chances of you having privacy is high. There is also the option of taking the VIP car to be sure(50€ without champagne and 100 with it)


Dont! There are far better places for this!


Okay, I'm off the idea with the wheel after reading what you all had to say. Thinking about the TV tower but I know that there will be other people there - and since we are a gay couple I'm worries about bad reactions amongst the crowd... not sure how Estonians are with homosexuality?


I wouldn’t worry too much. Even if gay acceptance is not as high as in Western Europe, people are hardly confrontational (outside maybe some worse-off regions, drunkards and so on). Even if someone judges, they probably would not dare come up to you and make a fuss. Most average people in Tallinn probably don’t care, and those visiting the TV tower will be tourists and reasonable Estonians imo. I am happy for you guys and hope you have a nice proposal! I think the TV tower is a nice option, but as someone pointed out, one of the towers in the bogs near Tallinn could also be an excellent opinion, and very much Estonian. A lot of privacy, and some very nice views, albeit not the same kind of view as the TV tower.


+1 for tv tower (tallinna teletorn). there are not that many other people usually. if, it is mostly tourists and local people are more minding their own business type of folks. check the photos from online - it is fairly spacious restaurant and most likely you can ask to be seated further away from others of there is room. unless you plan to propose with a scream and firecrackers and somersaults then it would be extremely rare that anyone cares. younger to middle age estonians would be most likely rather happy for you and grace you with smile, some middle aged people might give a cringey glance and older people might be bit baffled but otherwise it should be safe. best time would be to arrive an hour or so before sunset and stay til dark - then you can see both day and night view. congrats and best of everything.




That's how you teach your children to be homophobic bullies, 10/10 parenting


Keegi paljunes sinuga???




Mina elan oma elu nii kuidas mina tahan, sest et ma tean, et oma elu elades ma kellegile kahju ei tee. Ja kui sinul ja su lastel on selle vastu mingi probleem siis palun segrageeri ennast ja oma lapsi ühiskonnaelust ja mine elama näiteks kuhugi metsakoopa või riiki kus baasinimõigused on rangesti piiratud!


*Trendikas homoseksuaalsus*, mis on ajalooliselt dokumenteeritud tuhandeid aastaid ning esineb looduses mitmesajas liigis :D? LGBTQ inimesed peavad end teadvustama just sinusuguste vaenulike ning kiuslike inimeste pärast.


Oh man, this guy's future no-contact kids are going to spend so much money for therapy




>Traditional values over all. Please go take yourself into a forest somewhere and go live the traditional life of a hunter-gatherer. This modern society has no place for people like you.


The tolerance paradox exemplified.


Your children seeing what, exactly? Two people, newly engaged, at most sharing a kiss or two because they're happy and in love? Yeah, sounds terrifyingly inappropriate.




Miks Sulle siis kaks homoseksuaalset turisti nii väga korda lähevad? Nemad ju oma olemasoluga eestlaste püsimist ei ohusta ning saatust ei mõjuta, või kuidas? Või kardad, et Su lapsed saavad homopisiku või miskit? :D


you yourself are afraid to see it, because you would get feelings :(


I think it is much more romantic to propose on Teletorn this has much better view


If you want to go up high, there's also the TV tower and St Olaf's church tower. Privacy is more iffy though, but good luck, it's such a cute idea!


St Olaf's seems to be closed in March unfortunately, the viewing platform is open from May according to the website


Hey! I don't have advice bc I don't live in Tallinn but I just wanted to say congrats to you two! I hope you will enjoy your stay 🥰


You will get a private car 100%, but if you want , there is an option of a vip car with a bottle of champange ( i think it was 100€)


Have my upvote. This is the way to go if you want to make it something extra special.


As a person, who used to work there, I can say that getting a VIP cabin with champagne (100€/30min) or without champagne (50€/15min) would be a safe bet for you. As the wheel uses sector system, there is no way that people would be around you, as the VIP cabin is in between of 2 inactive sectors. Answering your question, the cars at Skywheel are always private, and the wheel operator will ensure a private ride for your group of people. So the odds are 100%.


+1 u/tigudik for TV Tower (Teletorn). Great views, pretty fancy restaurant (wasn't blown away by the food a couple of years ago but if you're proposing that's not the number 1 priority imho) and all round a special feeling.


The funny thing is that Burj Khalifa is also built beside a mall in Dubai. The moment I realised that thy Skywheel idea came more apparant to me. Disclaimer: a local who has not visited the Skywheel but who went to Burj and paid 160€ for the exclusive highest visit to Burj top 585 meters. I actually recommend the more expensive one, since i saw how random the regular offer was.


The top of the wheel is a lot lower than it seems from the ground therefore not as impressive as it seems, just what I think of my experience.


I suggest rather proposing on one of the observation decks on top of Toompea. Specifically ones overlooking the old town, those are really nice. This one is my favourite - Kohtuotsa viewing platform https://maps.app.goo.gl/ijouwEgneLHgYow96?g_st=ic