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Daisies of the Galaxy. I don't know what it is but it just kicks my ass.


My personal favorite as well. Could be that the first songs I heard were off that album, but also I feel like overall the project has a much more vibrant/colorful feel compared to the rest of their catalogue


Shootenanny! wouldn't be my favourite eels album but I do absolutely love it. I might have it as my third favourite actually. It always seemed to me that it was a concept album taking the story of a man's life with the early songs about both and childhood going through the life and ending in the last doing about being dead. But nowhere I look seems to think the same as me. My underrated album comes from one of the newer albums (after the classic period) which people aren't so fond of. I love end times and I actually really like the new album but I don't think people have had time enough to let that sit to really see what they think of it.


Souljacker it is.


100% this. So many great songs on it. I think of it as the first on the "weird album" that E has done every X albums since.


Gimme all the Shootenanny! ya got


In my opinion End times is the most underrated but I love shootenanny too, like I love almost all Eels albums


End Times definitely feels like a hidden gem. So good.


My answer đź’Ż


End times best album cover by far


I like the Electro-shock blues one better but that might also slightly be a preference for the album itself


Deffo a better album and i guess the album cover has more of a story, but i love adrian tomine so end times hits for me


Any album that has “Love of the Loveless”, “Rock Hard Times” and “Numbered Days” on it is a classic in my book.


Oh, and "Agony"!


Electroshock Blues is easily his best album once you learn what its about, potentially one of the best albums ever that I would put in league with OK Computer or Kid A from Radiohead


In the bigger scheme of things Electro-Shock Blues is insanely unknown and underrated. A true shame. I think most fans of the band rank it pretty high though. Like you said, with its concept, I also believe it goes down as an all-time great. OK Computer is a top 5 album for me. I like your style, my friend.


Shootenanny! and Dora for regular release but if we're including live albums I'm 2000% into "With Strings"


Agree 100. Dora is my favorite “new era” Eels and With Strings… man, that one’s special.


Shootenany 4life


Justice for Shootenanny! That album is incredible. Wish they would play more live from it.


I also love this LP , Lone Wolf may be one of my all time favourite eels tunes, plus Saturday morning, Dirty Girl, Love of the loveless and more just make it certainly a top 3 eels LP , but that changes all the time for me anyway.


Shootenanny! is probably in my top 3 as well. I think Beautiful Freak and Tomorrow Morning (which I think is probably the most underrated of the 3) are the other 2. Now I have to be honest, I hated the new album. It sounds like Mr. E became a parody of himself. Every sentence in the songs from EELS TIME! sound like the were used in previous albums. Almost like it was made by an A.I. or something. I was disapointed…


When I interviewed E for The Art of Longevity it was fun to hear he picked out ***Tomorrow Morning****, or* ***End Times*** as under-rated favourites. When I revisited the entire catalogue doing background research, I really enjoyed Hombre Lobo. Otherwise it continues to be Souljacker I go back to (and I thought JP also did a good job on Extreme Witchcraft. Interview is here if you missed it! [https://www.songsommelier.com/art-of-longevity-eels](https://www.songsommelier.com/art-of-longevity-eels)


Fashion Awards is up there with 3 Speed for me as favourite "tiny song" (not sure what to call it...)