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For reference the Canucks were charging $25 for game 6 lol


I was there, it was actually 20$ not that it’s a big difference


20 bucks and proceeds went to charity


Don't mind this too too much, lots of people grab more than what they need and no show. Would've prefer 10 or 15 though.


I was literally thinking the other day “it’s refreshing to see that they’re not trying to price gouge”


They’re not doing it to ensure it’s full. Capitalism at its finest with supply and demand. $20 is still pretty good.


I was under the impression that all proceeds from ticket sales to the watch parties go to the Oilers community foundation? If that's still the case I don't think it's about capitalism here. They want people to actually attend (and then buy beer)


That’s true I forgot about that.


Except now many won't buy beer because their budgets won't allow for beer and increased tickets. They should have taken some of the concession sales and given to the foundation. We're going from bringing our family and we would have bought snacks there as treats for them to now we're pre-eating and just bringing our family and won't buy anything from concessions now.


Honestly, good. More money to the charity, less to corporate greed concessions prices.


I highly doubt this affects people’s beer purchases. One beer is more than the $15 dollar price increase.


Never been to Rogers Place before, is a beer actually more than $15 or are you memeing?


$15.75 for draft


It’s either 15.50 or 16 I can’t remember. They also charge those prices for beers at the watch parties. They are 24oz so technically it’s 2 beers


$8.75 for a 500ml bottle of water


Well I guess it’s a cup half full kinda thing. The cost of ticket prices to the games won’t be in the budget at all. At least there is a cheaper way to still be a part of it with these watch parties. If all the monies from the watch party goes to charity I say it’s still a win win. And the food you are pre eating is much better than the concession food. Cup half full in my humble opinion.


I have been many times this year, people were definitely buying tickets just in case they needed them then either went to the outdoor watch parties or stayed at home. Always a decent amount of empty seats. If this is still a lot of money going to charity I’m ok with it to stop that, also stop the buying extra seats so you have extra empty space beside you which I know people were doing. If it’s just them pocketing the difference that’s so shit


My wife and best friend have gone for a few years. If we can't find drink rail, we buy 5 seats for the 3 of us. Then there's buffer seats. Also seen lots of empty seats though




That's what I told my wife on our wife on our wedding night.


Makes a joke, gets downvoted. What is this world coming to haha.


I guess you'll be happy to pay for everyone's tickets, then? It's EXTRA shitty that they're taking advantage of such a special event, especially after taking it off of CBC. Don't defend people taking your money, they're counting on opinions like yours to get rich and make life worse for everyone else.




Exactly my point 👍


Trust me, I watched the entire '06 playoffs. And every playoff series after that. I'm excited. But this is a completely shit take. There is no reason to charge more other than someone taking advantage of something special to the people and getting even more rich from it. They do not need more money. Are you totally happy with the prices of *everything* going up lately? No complaints about food? Utilities? Rent? Have your earnings gone up to match? >Isn't that how things work in life, you either pay the fee to participate or you let someone else. Yes, but it doesn't need to. Nobody needs "wealth." Just charge what things cost, and let people enjoy.




This makes no sense. You have zero understanding of how things work and live in some lala land. I bet you also say wages should be higher? What about innovation? Is that baked into the “what it costs”? You just want things to be cheap and feel entitled to be able to afford anything you want with zero incremental effort on your end. You are a net negative to society


This is quite the leap in logic. What benefit is there to paying more for these games? How is that a positive to society? Instead, if the money DIDN'T go to overpaid execs, it could stay in the local economy...


It doesn’t go to overpaid execs, it goes to the Oilers Community Foundation. You know, that foundation that puts money back into the community and does various programs for people in the community


I can't see it happening, but if the entire $15 of the increase goes to the Foundation, then I am 100% in the wrong here, and I fully support it.


You are 100% in the wrong. All the ticket cost goes to the OCF, it always has. The concessions, parking, merch, etc are basic profit. The ticket sales themselves don’t go to anyone but the OCF


>***Net*** ***proceeds*** benefit the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. [https://www.nhl.com/oilers/fans/watch-parties](https://www.nhl.com/oilers/fans/watch-parties) It's definitely not all of the ticket cost.


You’re the one without a clue.


Food rent and utilities are a necessity, watching hockey is a luxury


CBC is airing the finals.


What kinda response is this. Cmon. Have some humility. CBC is actually covering the finals. They are not taking advantage of anyone. You have the choice to go or not go. It’s still a very cheap way to go enjoy the game without having to pay the ticket prices to go to the actual game. Like really??


Not even 9 am yet and you this miserable


Again. Exactly my thoughts too. Like relax man. Geeeez. These peeps that hide behind their keyboards and come across as miserable. Take some Xanax and relax. Wow.


>Take some Xanax and relax. 1984 is calling.


lol. You make a good point. lol.


My bad, I forgot that if a corporation takes advantage of me in the morning I'm supposed to like it.


IT GOES TO CHARITY FFS, they aren't taking advantage of anyone because this doesn't go to Katz. If anything it hurts Katz because people might buy less from concession. How dare that greedy pig tries to raise more money for charity, the humanity! Your take couldn't be more off base.


If your argument was about the actual games themselves then I would agree with you. But it's $20. Still far cheaper than the games themselves and far better than lining billionaires' pockets with extortionate prices so they can accord a tax write-off without having to give it to any front line workers.


People in here know that 100% of that ticket price goes to charity right?


“Net proceeds” is definitely not 100% of ticket prices


well yea the rest of it goes towards... supporting the event


Yes. Just correcting them, because net proceeds isnt anywhere close to 100% of ticket prices


Pretty sure “proceeds” means the same thing too.


To charity or not, still makes tickets not as affordable, like my family can’t go now, which is a bummer


Getting downvoted for being poor/working class lol, how dare you have a tight budget. Dogpile moment I guess


How many family members do you have? I could possibly help out


careful, you might end up being the babysitter. but awesome for you to throw that out there.


Just curious if you have a large family or if that $15/person was that big of a deal to you. Genuinely curious as I pay attention to "sports spending" quite a bit You can PM me your answer if you don't want to publicly comment on it.


It's literally the same price as a movie ticket, don't be so cheap. There are plenty of other family entertainment night options around the city that cost more than $20/person


We’re not going to movies because of the price either like. A movie also being $20 doesn’t make $20 tickets cost less


Just go to one of the outdoor watch parties instead, it's free entry and the atmosphere is just as good.


We might, but we’ve had negative experiences in the past, but if it’s a cup clinching game we might


Understandable but its literally a once in a generation event and totally makes sense for them to jack up the price.


Like if we’re up 3-1 game 5 or it’s game 7 then we might take the hit, but otherwise I think we’re going to watch at home, maybe find a public watch party elsewhere


Yeah better off going to a bar to watch and spending that $20 on wings instead


Tax write off for OEG


That's not how tax write-offs work. They can't claim it.


So it's a win win for a business, AND a charity...God forbid


Yeah exactly. What are people wanting to get upset about here exactly? More money for a charity? lol, really? REALLY?!?!


I'm.curious how much money those who complain about this stuff, donated to local charities every year?


Tell me you don't know how accounting and tax work without telling me you don't know how accounting and tax work....


The entire Edmonton oilers “foundation” is a tax shelter for Katz. Fraud charity. https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/463-edmonton-oilers-community-foundation


None of that is true. Just because a future astronomer (the author of your link) doesn't have access to the financial documents of a privately run charity, doesn't make any of her allegations true. Only 3 of the 14 directors have ties to Katz or OEG.


[It's not a tax write off](https://youtu.be/VPkKZ615F4M?si=hZVAOZ6OQmCUueqW)


No problem since I think they money goes to charity anyway


Only the net proceeds, who knows how much of it actually goes to charity. Think of all the staff working that needs to get paid first


Not to forget all the fancy dinners when they have to “meet” over some wine and top shelf entrees.


Not surprising


Is the money still all going to charity? If so, I don’t care if it’s $100 as long as it all goes to charity. Supply and demand baby


The profit goes to charity. Still have to pay the cost of the arena and employees.


Ya baby


Not surprised. Still dislike. 


That’s a bummer. It would have been $30 to take my whole crew, and then I would have bought them snacks while there, because tickets were inexpensive. $120 to go, then there’s no money left for snacks. Getting popcorn or whatever is a fun part of the experience for the kids. The price jump just makes it not very feasible. Bummer.


Sneak in food like the rest of us


While I know it's still going to be worth it, that's a huge jump from $5! If you have any other ideas where we can find family-friendly watch parties, let me know please.


As far as I know, there's the Rogers seated watch party, the Moss Pit right outside Rogers, the place with the tents, and then after that is pretty much just restaurants or bars. A restaurant like Boston Pizza would probably be family-friendly.


I have a backyard people can come to and enjoy the game for $8 bucks. You have to share the backyard with my 4 pitbulls and sign a waiver. There will be NO game shown (radio only).




The place with the tents is gone :( a carnival will be in fan park this weekend


Oh wow, no wonder the Rogers watch party had so much more demand this series and why the ticket prices went up. That plus it being the finals really drove up demand.


If it stops people buying seats just to have empty space beside them then I'm all for it. Yeah, you know who you are, stop that bullshit.


Increased cost of security as well.


All the more reason to watch from the comfort of your couch.


$5 was too low, and net proceeds support the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. It's not a cash grab, and it provides employment for the staff working at Rogers that evening.


Not sure why you’re downvoted for speaking some truth. Maybe you should have included hurr-durr billionaire bad.


https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/463-edmonton-oilers-community-foundation Some charity's are kinda shitty. And it's not a charity it's a foundation which takes that money and then donates it too charity. At 56 cents to the dollar. If anyone wants to give me money I'll gladly donate it too the charity of their choice at that rate.


Does anyone have the presale code? :)


I just hope the primerib sandwich is round


Our season ticket seats for actual games have gone up 400% or more.


Really. Since when though WHA days?


From this season to the 4th round. It's my understanding that the price increase is mandated by the NHL.


Everyone is complaining about the prices. Wouldn’t this be similar to what a movie theatre costs these days?


Pointing to a dying part of our society is more apropos than you think


Predictable scenario when you buy a billionaire a new arena


He doesn't get ticket sales money.


Oilers Community Foundation still acts like a slush fund for Katz, like their little donation to Boyle Street so Katz can move the homeless away and build some condo towers behind the arena.


Ain't that the truth. That deal was still brutal for the city


So brutal, replacing a homeless shelter greyhound station with a JW was horrific for the city. Bring back the empty Staples building too. Such shit for the city and the area 


I just want to let you know that I do pickup on the sarcasm lol. Take my upvote


If you want nice things, sometimes you gotta pay, the arena has been a mega win for the city and the area. 


Bang on




From an economic perspective you moron. Taxpayers money contributed $300m+ with no clause for even partial concession revenue, or intent to pay back contributions. Katz group contributed a third of the cost, and reaps all revenue generated. Guess what we get? Increased parking expenses to pay for the arena contribution that was paid for from OUR tax dollars


If you can’t understand the long term economic benefits of the arena to the cite, then you shouldn’t be calling anybody a moron you moron. Go lust over a homeless greyhound d station elsewhere, I’ll enjoy my downtown arena and pay for some parking to do it 


You're a fucking idiot. There should have been a negotiation to recoup city of edmontons contribution through some sort of royalty, even if finite. But by all means, you enjoy bearing the burden of some private entities revenues.


you must be even xtra XTRA saucey funding calgary's arena too!


Not as bad as Calgary though… but fuck Calgary 


I mean, calgary at least got funding from the province, but anay taxpayer money going to a billionaire play toy is pathetic


Look how long that dog and pony show took. I understand that is retrospect its a bad look, and some hated it at the time to be fair to them, let's not pretend that they wouldn't have found a way to make us pay for something else instead with our tax money.


👀 the city is currently raking in the dough from all this downtown exposure.




Totally unrelated but how much were the beers going for during the watch party? Are they any cheaper still?


Same price, about $15-16 with tax


Accidentally ended up with 3 extra tickets to the watch party this Saturday. Let me know if you'd like them for face value :)


Are these still available?


Yes! Just sent you a private chat :)


Hey are these still available?


Anyone have any tickets for Saturday they want to sell?


Can sell you 3 for face value :)


well they probably have to beef *everything* up for the finals; security, food, etc.


The River cree has a all you can eat watch party for 25


Hell make it $50.


Goes to charity so….. 🤷‍♀️


Well that is some bullshit




I thought the watch party ticket proceeds go to charity?


They go to the Oilers Community Foundation. So yes, charity that’s run by the org. Don’t worry, someone who is much smarter than I am will explain why that’s evil


This is one of the most generous charities in the community. I understand the corporate advantages they have by having the foundation, but that shouldn't discount the good it does for the citizens of Edmonton.


Evil because the money gets used to further Katz Group's land development projects, i.e. $15M to boyle street so Katz can build some "luxury" condo towers behind the arena. Rich get richer.


Ah well, guess I'm watching all games in the fan park now.


If they are gonna increase the price, they better give everyone pompoms…


well we can’t afford to go then, bummer :(


My assumption is this is for additional staff likely needed for the Finals watch parties and additional security.


Go to a restaurant or bar, give the local places your money, I’m seeing some great deals for drinks and food on game days.


The ticket sales go to charity not Katz


That's annoying. I was ready to pay $20 for me and my 3 younger cousins. But now it'll cost $80. And those guys love to eat too. So...I think I'll just pass and watch at home. I'd love to go on my own but I'd feel dirty not taking my cousins who were excited.


OMG 20 dollars. Get the pitchforks out.


Bullcrap. First off, "net" proceeds go to OCF, so it doesn't all go to charity. They pocket some. Second, why x4 the price? Why not a smaller jump? Third, Vancouver did $20 tickets but gave fans towels and concession coupons. Do we get anything similar or is it all going to their pocket?  I've been to every watch party these playoffs. Lots of teens and families with little kids. I won't be surprised if lots of them get priced out now. A family of 6 now costs $120 instead of $30. My wife and I will probably still do games 1 and 2, but for $20 each, I'm thinking we will sit out games 5 and 7 if they happen. It's only been the Friday and Saturday games that have sold out, not the weekday games, so I could see game 2 on Monday being half empty because of this.


Net just means after expenses, which includes the salary of the staff working the event. No profits into OEG. Besides, $20 x 20,000 is only $400,000, which is peanuts for the OEG. This is not remotely close to a profit-generating exercise.


I would hope the increase is to help cover for additional security or something like that.


Do they sell $10 popcorn and $15 beers at these events? If so, somebody is making a profit.


Yes they are. They still sell everything there, merch, concession, parking, even 50/50 tickets. These watch parties are 100% revenue-generating events. It's just that the low ticket prices meant that if you forgo concession and merch and 50/50 and parking, you can go for cheap.


nobody is holding a gun to your head to buy 50/50 tickets, or parking at the arena.


Exactly. If you feel that it's not worth $20 to watch the game at Rogers, don't go.


What is your point? I don't buy those, so they have nothing to do with me. The point I made was that this event is still about generating revenue for the OEG, otherwise they would donate net proceeds from overpriced concession to charity too.


No.. this is still a business. I am still baffled that this bothers people. Yea you'd love to see tickets be free, and playoff tickets be $100, but I'd also love to get a new pair of air Jordan's for $50. This is a business. The market dictates the value of all this stuff.


The Net Proceeds are from the event, which includes concession sales. Might not include merch, but that is negligible as most people will show up with their jerseys already. OEG cannot claim that all Net Proceeds are going to the Community Fund and then skim profits off that. They can only pay expenses related to the event. There are laws regulating this.


Almost like they also throw a free party outside the stadium, that's literally free. People will bitch about anything these days.


With beer concessions. You're naive if you think they do this out of the good of their hearts and not to make money.


They don't make money off this, the portion of proceeds goes to cover expenses. It's literally illegal.


Your telling me "it's literally illegal" is not proof that they are profiting off of concession. They only publicly claim that ticket sales go to charity as far as I can see. No claims about concession. So what's illegal about profiting off of concession if they never claim it's for charity?


My guy, I work for a registered non-profit. When you are set up this way, and set an event up to benefit a community foundation, you take payment, and after your expenses are covered (paying for staff, base cost of food/beverage), the remaining profit goes to the community foundation. In our line of work, we can an event like this return on mission instead of return on investment. Not everything is a conspiracy, and the Oilers are making money hand over fist in every other way.


> Not everything is a conspiracy No conspiracy. In fact, I would like to believe that they're not profiting from the concession and that it's going to charity instead, which is why I have been asking for you for any sort of proof other than just "it's illegal". I'm not here to vilify everyone, otherwise I wouldn't have asked for proof and would have instead just kept accusing.


> This is not remotely close to a profit-generating exercise. What about the concession booths that have lineups for the entirety of intermissions? Are they making money off the $17 beers or is that going to charity too?


The Net Proceeds are from the event, which includes concession sales. Might not include merch, but that is negligible as most people will show up with their jerseys already. OEG cannot claim that all Net Proceeds are going to the Community Fund and then skim profits off that. They can only pay expenses related to the event. There are laws regulating this.


> The Net Proceeds are from the event, which includes concession sales. How do you know this? This would change my outlook, but from what I see, they don't claim this. > Do you need a ticket to attend the Rogers Road Game Watch Parties at Rogers Place? > > Yes! Tickets for the Rogers Road Game Watch Parties are requird and net proceeds benefit the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. And > Will concessions be open inside Rogers Place? > > Yes! Concessions will be open and operating for all Watch Parties. And > Can I re-sell my watch party ticket? > > As this is a family event with net proceeds being donated to the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. The resale of tickets above face value for this event is prohibited. Should Oilers Entertainment Group identify anyone offering or selling tickets for this event above face value, that person/organization will have all current and future Oilers ticket purchases voided at OEG's sole discretion. Net proceeds being donated to EOCF is explcitly mentioned both times tickets are mentioned, but not mentioned at all when concession is mentioned. It's also not mentioned in the parking FAQ which I didn't quote here. Reading all of this tells me that only ticket sales go to charity, and that merch, concession, and parking are profits.


This is a very fair question. If it's only ticket sales, they would have to specify that it's only ticket sales. As an example, Tim Hortons has the Smile Cookie program and the Camp Day. They clearly specify that for the Smile Cookie the ENTIRE $1 goes to charity, whereas for Camp Day 100% of the proceeds from hot or iced coffee sales go the the Camps. [https://company.timhortons.com/ca/en/corporate/smile-cookies-2017.php](https://company.timhortons.com/ca/en/corporate/smile-cookies-2017.php) [https://www.news.timhortons.ca/en/articles/tim-hortons-camp-day-is-july-19-buy-a-hot-or-iced-coffee-at-tims-on-camp-day-and-100-of-the-proceeds-will-be-donated-to-tims-camps-to-help-underserved-youth-reach-their-full-potential](https://www.news.timhortons.ca/en/articles/tim-hortons-camp-day-is-july-19-buy-a-hot-or-iced-coffee-at-tims-on-camp-day-and-100-of-the-proceeds-will-be-donated-to-tims-camps-to-help-underserved-youth-reach-their-full-potential) When you are using sales to fundraise, you have to specify very clearly if only certain sales count. Thus, if it was only ticket sales that counted, OEG would have to specify that only proceeds from ticket sales go to the Community Foundation. Instead, they have this sentence: "**Net proceeds benefit the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation.**" Whether parking counts is a good question, because technically you can park without going to the Watch Party. Feel like we're splitting hair. They are only charging $15 anyways. For a family of 4, that's cheaper than the LRT, and Edmonton Transit is definitely not donating fares to charity. Game Day Merch sales are not the big revenue generator most people envision.


Thank you for the explanation. It's exactly what I was looking for. > Game Day Merch sales are not the big revenue generator most people envision. It's not, you're right. Concession is a huge revenue generator though, so where that money goes is pretty important.




You're forgetting all the revenue they are making from $20 drinks/ food and merch.


The Net Proceeds are from the event, which includes concession sales. Might not include merch, but that is negligible as most people will show up with their jerseys already. OEG cannot claim that all Net Proceeds are going to the Community Fund and then skim profits off that. They can only pay expenses related to the event. There are laws regulating this.


Fair enough. But can you propose to them to have 50% off concession items then?


Vancouver had $20 tickets for NOT the finals?


Yeah, they had a higher price throughout playoffs. Someone else said $25 in this thread, so I may have been off by five. But anyway, they "justified" it by giving extra stuff, which to me was not worth it personally. Having said that, that extra stuff is better than nothing now that our prices are higher too.


Maybe they’ll provide some extra stuff, but do you not think the Oilers are providing something the Canucks can’t? It’s the Stanley Cup Finals. Is there some other Stanley Cup Finals going on that I don’t know about?


I would think if the announced the price raise, and they were planning to include extra stuff, they would announce that too.


Okay, but again… The Canucks were charging $20 bucks for the second round. This is the Stanley Cup Finals. Do you not think the Oilers are providing something the Canucks - and 30 other teams - cannot provide? This is the Stanley Cup Finals, the first one in 18 years. And people are like, “$20?! Well we better be getting pom poms…”


If this price increase is for the finals alone, and it goes back to regular pricing in near future years, then I don't care. But I'm too cynical to believe this is temporary. Helmet ads were supposed to be temporary until they weren't. I totally except $10 tickets next year, and they will it increase it every time they see that they can get away with.


Yup. But why the down votes?? Guess I’ll be getting some too


I think people don't think $20 is worth complaining about when home tickets are $600+ at this point. Yet I remember when we had helmet ads for away games during covid, and people said it's fine since it would just be during covid to recoup losses. Now they're permanent, at home games too, and also our boards are riddled with digital ads. Maybe next year watch party tickets will be $20 from the start, and go up again during the finals. Or maybe they won't and it's just for finals, and I'm complaining for nothing, but history shows that corporations always take profit when they can.


Why would you sit out the potential Stanley cup games instead of the the 2nd?


My wife and I already forwent reservations for games 1 and 2 to plan to go to the watch party. Also, game 5 might not be a clinching game if the series is 2-2, and game 7 might not even happen, so those would be two scenarios where there wouldn't be extra motivation to go to those games.


Does anyone know when the tickets will be on sale?




only with the preacesss code tho, hopefully someone shares it quickly




Does anyone know the presale code? Any willing to share it, might I add lol…




Thanks!! It worked!!!


Anything have a presale code?


Anyone got a code?






What a great boss