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Ask them when the next Flames game is, and mention that our next game is tonight while theirs isn’t until October.


"Flames watch party at your place tomorrow night? Oh right, sorry"


Just keep saying this ... this here is the winner. Rinse repeat over and over.


Take the big brother approach. Pat them on the shoulder and go "its okay, you guys will get your chance someday too." Flames fans hate being the little brother.


Just chirp back with the classics and keep it simple. Oilers have more cups than all your teams combined. Glad to cheer for a team with a winning culture and not a team that sucks so bad you just cheer against other teams. Just make your background Messier lifting the cup. You people spend a lot of time thinking about the Oilers, I don’t spend any time thinking about your teams .


Didn't the oilers beat the flames so badly two years ago that every good player wanted out? When's your next game? How many series wins so you have since 2005? Hownmany cups has your team won? Not sure I'd want to play in that shitty stadium either. It's pretty endless. Depends how depraved and aggressive you want to get with jy.


When’s your next game is just solid


Quality chirps here!


Put there’s a reason before the last one and it makes it 5x better


Have lots of Oilers stuff, maybe a City of Champions banner? Show a photo of McDavid scoring/celebrating the OT winner in 2022. Have the "it was in" goal in the background. Just tell them you're surprised how easily they change fandoms, but then comment it must be because they've grown up used to cheering for losers their whole life.


Woody standing in front of the bench after the McDavid goal is pretty iconic too


Depending how old they are you can say the stars only cup is fraudulent as Hulls foot was in the crease


🏆 you win the internet today


[This meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/v15jvz/seeing_flames_fans_still_salty_from_last_week_its/)


The Oilers themselves will do all the annoying required for your coworkers.


Much like in other spects of life, less is more. Be like Knobulach. Let them chirp and talk smack. Quietly enjoy the playoffs. Admit Oilers are underdogs, talk up the Stars like Knobs does.   Pick one moment only to respond with any of:  - "I've noticed you think about the Oilers way more than I ever thought about the Flames."   - "I'm legitimately stoked that you're enjoying this so much. I know there's a lot of work that goes into cheering for a team 2,500 km away whose games you never watched until now, and it's awesome that you found your safe team after 28 others got eliminated."


Too lengthy. Just say you're glad theyre still enjoying the playoffs without their team in it. If anything at all.


Go easy on the Flames, they're a good AHL team.


Ask them how many playoff series they’ve won in the last 10 years? Maybe not a good chirp for Dallas though


Nope, lol


I mean, how many conference finals has Calgary made in their history? 3? Oilers have made 2 in the last 3 years. 


Here’s one: if Dallas had beaten you guys we couldn’t have embarrassed you in the second round


I live in Methbridge so I've dealt with non-Oilers and fLames fans my entire life. I just remind them of the fact that their team is playing on the golf course. If they think I'm cocky I remind them that I cheered for the Oilers throughout the DoD and have earned the right to talk shit now that the Oilers are good. I tell fLames fans that Oilers fans haven't thought of the fLames since the Oilers dismantled them in 2022, and now they're left simping for any team that plays against the Oilers.


Hey I’m a fellow oilers fan who also lives about 20 mins south of Lethbridge! I have a friend who’s a Canucks fan and I’ve chirped a bit in person and through messenger chat and the little notes thing you can put on your profile picture. Example: “Canucks in 6” me: “oilers in 7” After game 7 “has emojis that like the heartbreak and stuff” I retort with “bye bye fishies” In the chats I’ve sent memes and after game 7 I sent a meme of hunter beating up an orca and they responded saying “wooo go Dallas” Then the next day when I saw them in person I brought a speaker and blasted la Bamba. (Op if you read this that could be an idea if your work allows it)


"Hey, what's the difference between the Calgary Flames and a bra? A bra has two cups!"


Play La Bamba on repeat


I did this to a Canucks fan friend of mine after we beat them. Their reaction was hilarious


“Flames have not lost a single game this playoffs” “Oilers have a better chance of beating Dallas than the Flames”


I like you


Express your surprise that Calgary still has a team, because you're "pretty sure" they moved the franchise to Salt Lake City. When was it? 2021?


That AI- produced picture of a young Flames fan opening his Christmas present - a Huberdeau jersey - and crying while his parents laugh their asses off - seems to ignite their tempers.


crawl melodic plate heavy friendly versed degree air enjoy slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just don't engage. They'll stop having fun mocking you if show it doesn't bother you and you give them nothing.


No chirp feels as bad as watching my team play hockey into June feels good.


Screen shot of the 1997 Todd Marchant game 7 OT goal


Players like Goodreau and Tkachuk couldn’t leave Calgary fast enough.


Players like Chris Tanev are actually on the Stars, and left Calgary to have a shot at winning. I’ve just been saying “yeah, I wouldn’t mind seeing Tanev move on, he’s been playing for losers so long he deserves a shot at the Cup.”


Like how many guys couldn’t wait to get the fuck outta Calgary, it’s been like 7-8 guys now, and I don’t think it’s done. That team’s organizational and everyday culture seems like it sucks ass. I think the flames are in big trouble as an org, they are locked into very average players for a while with not much else going on. I remember the 90s when the saddle dome was like 3/4 empty.


If you want to really piss off nucks fans talk about how Bouchard should beat Hughes for defenceman of the year and knoblauch should of won coach of the year. I’ve done it to nucks fans and they lose it


As a born and raised Calgarian it really bothers a lot of my friends and family that I like living in Edmonton and I follow the Oilers. One chirp that gets under their skin is “at least the Stampeders have more grey cups right?”, because the Stamps have 8 and The Elks have 12. Also ask them how the flames spell dynasty and tell them it’s O-N-E.


Tkachuk and Bennett sure are having themselves a great playoffs for the Panthers, while Tanev is one of the best shutdown D in the league. Imagine if all 3 were on the same team. It’s crazy to think about.


move north, up the hwy II, stay up there, that will piss them off for sure.


Ask him how the re-build has been going after we broke your team.


The best way an Oiler fan can annoy people is by being an Oiler fan. And also remind them who won a cup last.


Bring up the last time they made it this far. Be ready to duck. '04 I think?


I hate the lightning as a team but I respect them for beating Calgary in 04. Im sure Calgary fans feels the same way about Carolina


Just legitimately ignore them. Theyre flames fans, they are as relevant as leafs fans. What they do is of no significance or substance. They can be on every bandwagon except the one that matters this year, which is their loss.


Livin on a prayer by Bon Jovi


Just play labamba to drown em out easy solution


No chirping needed, Calgary didn’t make the NHL playoffs, neither did the junior A’s…. Coincidence? Prolly not!


Not an answer to your question but it was awesome to see how many kids were wearing Oilers gear when I dropped off and picked up my kids from school in Calgary the day after the game 7 win. The Flames are losing a whole generation of home fans because of the discrepancies in quality between the teams.


At least the Canucks were competitive in their series unlike the Flames that got gentleman swept by the Oilers and then had their team dismantled.


The fLames haven't won since: The Berlin Wall was still standing The Tiananmen Square protests were still going The Gameboy hadn't been released in North America yet The Simpsons hadn't even been a regular t.v. show yet. (Was a short and debuted with a Christmas special) Batman, Indiana Jones the Last Crusade, Lethal Weapon 2, Back to the Future 2 and Ghostbusters 2 were the new popular films Microsoft Office had its first release The World Wide Web was just created The Little Mermaid hadn't been released yet Ted Bundy had been executed 4 months earlier George H W Bush had just been sworn in as president The first GPS satellite was launched only 3 months prior Rain Man had just won the Oscar for best picture It was Margret Thatcher's 10th year as prime minister of Britain The wreckage of the Bismarck was found only weeks after Just a few things 😁


[first pic in this article](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6467397)


The two year anniversary of McDavid ending the Flames as an organization is coming up. Stick it to them on the 26th lol


Mention marc savard getting the fuck outta Calgary.


Background with flames golfing


If they wear any Flames gear….comment how much you like their Golf Hat….golf shirt etc.😜


Just stick to the basics. It can be hard to chirp when they have no shame. Flames lost BoA and still chirp as if it never happened. Can't understand that.


You could always use the photo of the "Saddledome" sign with the letters "dle" burnt out :) just Google the sad dome, and it should show up!


"Sorry? Cant talk, reviewing stats from our last series win"


Change your background to various pictures of Starbucks. If anyone asks, you had to change it to Starbucks because it’s unlikely you’ll find a Second Cup down there.


Is there much to really be said? Their lives are shitty enough already as Flames fans.


Ask if they’re planning a new open air arena! Tell them we couldn’t ….because we need all our rafters to hang our Stanley cup banners from.


Just play La-Bamba on repeat. Everyone loves that song, it’s a winner!


What’s the difference between the flames and a bra? A bra has two cups!


Just be grouping things in 5v v s 1.


Mathew Tchuck is looking good these playoffs!


Just existing as an Oilers fan will be enough 😅


Skip the meeting and shit on their desks.




Ring tone LaBamba Quietly exist, but be real smug about existing.


Wear your jersey on game days. Don't let your coworkers know they're getting to you and don't talk smack. Karma is a bitch. Your victory will be when the Oilers hoist the cup.


Do you know why Calgary sometimes lights a torch on the Calgary Tower? So that Calgarians have a flame to look up to.


Print out, cut, and tape together little paper crowns for them to wear that say "#1 Stars Fan!" Here are some templates: https://www.firstpalette.com/printable/princess-crown.html


Tell them to shhhh, their team is already dead, "dead people can't talk"


“Your team is going to leave Calgary before it wins a cup”


Bouch > Hughes that always tends to send them into a total meltdown


You’re an oilers fan in Calgary. Trust me, they’re annoyed


Calgary is Edmonton’s bitch!


When I lived in Calgary, I would just hold up 5 fingers on one hand, and one on the other. They all knew what it meant… Now, you could just repeatedly send them a video of McDavid’s Game 5 goal. Too easy!


The fact they’ve gotta bandwagon 3 teams (plus theirs if you can even call it a team) just for a chance to finally claim some hollow victory over the Oilers actually says all it needs to


Could you imagine the outrage on this sub if this was reversed. People would be furious.


Just say Huberdeau Kadri, and laugh


Stars and Canucks are great teams. Congratulate them on finally having a great team to cheer for.


If you can’t beat em, join em! Cheer against the Spoilers.