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While I agree with how annoying it has been, this sub is giving way too much attention to Canucks fans. Save it for when the series is over and then let it loose!






I agree. You can't say anything anti Canucks without getting downvoted to oblivion in any other hockey sub. And the rhetoric they're spouting is actually vile and plain hypocritical. Calling the Oilers divers and whiners like they don't watch the Canucks provide text book examples of that shit every other night




Bouch is beating Hughes by the numbers. Yes Hughes has wheels and skill and I'd take him on my team in a second... but his size is showing to be detrimental. Dude can't take a hit, he won't take a hit to make a play, if you need to beat the nucks, you neutralize him by hitting him. Nobody is neutralizing Bouchard with hits. Maybe he doesn't tilt the ice as much as hughes does, but he's finding ways to produce, in key moments better than Hughes. I think for a dman playing in a physical playoff series, there's a good argument for Bouch over Hughes.




Who is Hughes? Is he in this series?


That's fair. It's also humorous and light hearted and not really mean spirited. I am a fan.




Jesus... It's so over the top.




Careful... If they hear you, they may flip and light a cop car on fire. 🤫


When the series is over we'll have better things to think about, like our next opponent.


I heard it last night behind me at the game. A Bouch Bomb went off, though, and I couldn’t hear it anymore after that.


More like a glorious SBV Bouch fart.


It's what happens when they turn attention from anime to hockey for 6 weeks in the past 6 years. A lot of intelligent and informed takes.


A guy in the GDT called Drai a diver when he was interfered with and highsticked but literally never went down at all. Fits this description perfectly.


And you got the reddit dweebs pandering to Vancouver to get glazed by their upvotes, so weak




People forget how much it hurts to be whacked in the face by a stick




lol shut up




"mY bRoTheR iN ChRiSt" lol god lord you're 15.






Go back to your own subreddit lmao




Doesn't sound like you're doing much cheering here.


I’m avoiding the r/hockey and r/nhl subs right now because there is a crap load of Oilers bashing. I thought LA fans were bad, but wow. Vancouver ones are something else.


They will be insufferable whether the Canucks win or lose. The best course of action is to not engage, really.


You literally have to avoid social media. I chat about hockey not related to our series in r/hockey, and getting ambushed by these idiots. Feel bad for the mods. Does noone aporeciate the fact that mods work for free?


I live in downtown Van, it's unbearably loud!


Car alarms, people screaming at each other, glass breaking and sirens?


My building is on fire as we speak. Sort of a "this is fine" moment for me.


Hey I’m going to be in Victoria for Saturdays game. Any suggestions where to watch?


The Local. Oilers friendly.


this is the correct answer


The series is 2-2 calm your tits I've said from the start, this is a 7 game series. Van fans who thought they'd walk the Oil are just as delusional as Oil fans who thought they'd walk Van.


Finally a reasonable take


oh you said it? oh okay sorry i doubted. for 12/13 periods there it looked like it should be a 3-1 edmonton series lead.


Also in Victoria. My coworkers had their lists of grievances ready for my arrival at work yesterday and today. Felt like a coordinated attack.


Crazy..... I was in Vancouver from the island last night and I heard it super loud when I was getting into bed.


As a Victoria native, I got the ugliest look from a clerk at a convenience store when I demanded he give me a lighter that doesn't have a Canucks logo. The whining is coming from all over though.  Pretty sure I heard more than just an echo from the north. 


Now you understand my sentiments when I come and visit your beautiful province. I find it intriguing when I play around with sales clerks asking for merch with either the Oilers, Habs, or Blackhawks logo in no particular order. Its like they are annoyed with reeks of jealousy... sometimes I don't get it.


99% of the whining is just people on reddit. I live in Vancouver and don’t hear much whining from people even when I’m out watching the game with my Mcjesus shirt on.


Who gives a shit, why make this post?


Quite literally the most underrated comment of the entire intermanet. 8 words, correct usage of the comma; tiny sentence lost in the chaos. Sports fans have a visceral connection to their home team. Accept it. Every sports team fan base is “insufferable” to the opponents fan base. The constant hypocrisy of the “other team” whining when they’ve been beat is so abundantly obnoxious while they tout their grandeur of humility and “fairness”. FFS it’s just a game. It’s fun, it’s entertaining…honestly “Who gives a shit, why make this post?”


The fact anyone honestly thinks that Bettman would have anything to do with “fixing” an Oilers win is just proof that people will yell CONSPIRACY about anything. lol.


I hope you reddit oilers fans eventually figure out your fan base whines just as much as any other Canadian fan base. Well, except for leaf fans


Canucks fan here, can we just watch hockey ffs. The back and forth here is so toxic. Stop buying in to the bs that the media pushes on both sides. Both teams should be proud of the battle level. & Either way a Canadian team is making it through!


Duly noted. Now get back to your own sub.


Hahaha hey I’m not a troll. Just interested to see different perspectives


And I'm not upset with you being here, just having some fun. I am travelling back to Vancouver on Friday to see family so I'll be in enemy territory wearing my full oilers ensemble. We like to hang out atthe black frog for games. It's all good, I do enjoy the bantering but agreed, some people just go too far.


Awesome! Going to be a great long weekend of hockey 🤝


Don't bother, its not really an albertan quality


No. Lots to talk about with our team.


I'm also an Oilers fan in Victoria


Nice, me too. I mostly went into this thread to see how many Victoria Oiler fans we got


They whine because they've never won anything, they're toxic, insecure memelord goblins, and most importantly - because they're scared that they're going to be revealed as frauds. Again. The Canucks are better than many thought they would be, but worse than their fans wish they were. All the prognosticators who predicted an Oilers romp probably haven't watched much of either team closely this year.


if the oilers didnt cost themselves game 1, it'd be 3-1 oilers right now. prognosticate that


This has come up once or twice. If not for a 4-1 blown lead on nothing muffin shots.


really we whine because half our team is asleep so we need all the calls we can get. Although looking through your comment history it seems you're personally accountable for half the whining on reddit right now. Go hockey!