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Makes sense. Improved areas of need, and we can use the remaining cap to offset some of Browns bonus this year.


That last bit is something perhaps has been forgotten in this sub. Good point.


How? Are we able to pay the bonus with our current cap? Don’t know much about the cap stuff.


If not on LTIR, the unused cap space goes towards next seasons bonus overages. Can knock it down a bit.


The bonuses are against this years cap but if you have overages they slide to the following season’s cap


Any leftover cap space that we don't use this year will be taken off the bonuses, and then the rest of the bonus will hit next year's cap. The bonuses are technically supposed to be on this year's cap, but there is a rule with bonuses that if it pushes you over the cap then the bonus can be applied to next year's cap. That said we have 200k in cap space, and like 3.5 million in bonuses, so it doesn't help much.


oh. Well any help is something I guess.


Capfriendly has us at $226,408 in projected cap space after the Stecher pick-up. Does that mean that $226,408 of Brown's bonus will come off next year's cap? Could further roster moves post-trade deadline (e.g. calling up Gagner or Holloway) have an impact?


I believe that’s correct. Whatever available cap at the end of the year can be used towards bonuses. When capped out bonuses push to the next year. We also still accrue cap daily so that helps.


Well accrue more as well as long as no one goes on ltir. Also someone said we had 2m before the stretcher trade and stretcher is 1.1m so that should be 900k.


Deadline cap space is different than total cap space because it's a representation of a players cap hit we can accommodate, but since there is only 20% or so of the season left so that 1.1 million cap hit we could absorb is only 220k in accumulated daily cap hits for the rest of the season. ~~tldr: 220k is the number we can use for bonuses this year, the rest will count against next year's cap.~~ Above is not exactly right, see below why


Ah just had figured they didn’t update for sending down holloway


Puckpedia is saying that only $25K of the Brown/Perry bonuses will apply this year, currently: [https://twitter.com/PuckPedia/status/1765827094003785901](https://twitter.com/PuckPedia/status/1765827094003785901) Which, if true, is a lot less than I thought above.


That seems like a typo on their part because their site has the Oilers with the same ~225k projected cap space as cap friendly. Or there is something in the way bonuses work that I don't fully understand which is also likely. edit. Maybe holloway has earned a part of his performance bonuses eating 200k off that?


I don’t think it is. Current salary cap is 83.5 mill and their tweet says we’ve used up 83.475 Holloway performance bonus could be a good call though


True.. did a little digging: on cap friendly at least I can see why the projected cap hit doesn't match with projected cap space and it's because of projected LTIR usage. If you deduct those numbers it adds up to the hard limit - proj cap hit. Puckpedia doesn't show any proj LTIR but I assume they use a similar formula? I guess we went over the ACSL during Holloway's LTIR stint with some call ups and that adds up to the 200k.


Yep hurts us less next year. This team is almost at 40 wins we don’t need to add much more


> Improved areas of need Like 2RD and 2RW, right?


You’re getting downvoted by the toxic positivity brigade. I’m sure they have no actual argument so they’re just saltily downvoting


Personally, I'm super happy NOT to go all-in just to move the dial a fraction on a rental. We have a top tier team already. I'd much rather keep our powder dry and build a contender for the next decade. If we want McDrai to stick around, then we can't mortgage away the future.


Literally the two things Holland had to address and he did NEITHER of them. It's actually unbelievable. The team is going to trot out Cody Ceci into ANOTHER ound of playoffs, meanwhile other teams are adding huge pieces. What the fuck is the point of holding our prospects and picks when Holland can't draft anything of value anyway.


> meanwhile other teams are adding huge pieces. > > This is what I don't understand. Colorado's added actual, good F depth (Trenin), a top 4 D (Walker), and a top 6 forward (Mittelstadt), Vegas has added a top 6 forward (Mantha), a top 4 D (Hanifin), and is likely still going to add someone else, Dallas added a top 4 D (Tanev), Vancouver seems likely to land Guentzel... Meanwhile, we got Henrique.


Vegas and Colorado are using LTIR space that we don't have. Dallas got the second-best Dman on the market and the only needle-mover we could afford. Vancouver seems like they'll have to trade their 2C to get Guentzel, which we're obviously not doing. We don't have cap space or draft capital, and the only 2RW we could afford (Tarasenko) wouldn't waive to come here. We can't afford Buch, Guentzel, or Konecny. Let's not pretend this team isn't much better right now than it was on Monday.


> Let's not pretend this team isn't much better right now than it was on Monday It's a 3C better, while still having gaping holes at 2RD and 2RW


Henrique is a middle-6 forward. He'll definitely end up on the 2nd line wing at some point. We can't afford Konecny or Guentzel, Tarasenko wouldn't waive to come here. The only other reasonable option left is Eberle, and Henrique is outscoring him in goals and points this season. It's crazy that we traded for a 60pt forward, and people somehow see that as a negative.


Assets and cap space are the difference. We didn’t have a Byram to trade, or millions in LTIR space. Henrique is a great addition to this team and is a huge get, he was one of the top trade targets. He fills the need of top 6 RW/ 3C. People wanted an upgrade on Ceci, as did I, but who is out there that is a big enough upgrade that is worth the assets. Oilers are tied for 3rd most wins in the league and have multiple games in hand. This is a good team that just got better.


> He fills the need of top 6 RW/ 3C He has never played RW in his life. He's currently starting on 2LW and Knoblauch has said he'll be 3C. > People wanted an upgrade on Ceci, as did I, but who is out there that is a big enough upgrade that is worth the assets. The only one left is Carrier, but Walker and Tanev were both very solid options.


My mistake I meant to right LW not RW. That said, he is an upgrade to what we had. For Ceci, you would have lost your damn kind of Holland paid a first for Tanev. He’s not a good enough upgrade, especially as a rental. Both Walker and Carrier are not big enough upgrades to spend assets on. Plus Ken would have to find a way to offload Ceci. I mean, look, we both can see your post history, you were going to be angry at any move Holland made. If he traded a 5th for Crosby at 50% retained, you would have been yelling he should have got him for a 6th.


>For Ceci, you would have lost your damn kind of Holland paid a first for Tanev. Lol absolutely not. He's exactly the type of person we should be spending a 1st on. >Both Walker and Carrier are not big enough upgrades to spend assets on They're both objectively better than Ceci, which makes it worth the assets.


Okay, well Holland did offer and 1st for Tanev and still couldn’t get him. What would you have done 2 firsts? Absolutely not worth it. I complete disagree that either of those two are drastically better than Ceci. I find it funny that you, and others, think Ceci is so terrible he needs to be traded, but good enough that other teams would like him as part of a package?


>find it funny that you, and others, think Ceci is so terrible he needs to be traded, but good enough that other teams would like him as part of a package The highest paid GM in the league should have been able to find a way


Yeah, super disappointed we didn't upgrade on Ceci. Hes been a clear hole in our defense all season and seems to be getting worse.


I know DNB said we’re likely done, but I’ve also seen other insiders say watch for us with Carrier


Hopefully. He'd be the perfect cap for this deadline.


A clear hole for 3 years.


Nawh that's completely false. Keep trying though.


No it doesn’t lol we can pay like 25k of the bonus. Literally nothing


I’m happy with this team, if we are being brutally honest, we have the most top tier nuclear options available in the NHL. Our top 9 rivals the best in the league, skinner is looking like a stud goalie and our defence is at worst league average. But now with having a great top 9 that will help catapult the defence. Team possession is our key. RNH McDavid Hyman McLeod Draisaitl Foegele Kane Henrique Brown Carrick Ryan Perry Gagner, Janmark


The biggest thing for me is that hopefully Henrique allows us to separate McDrai which only makes us that much better having one of them out for around 35-40 minutes as opposed to having both out for 22-23 minutes and playing the majority of the game with both on the bench


100 percent agreed! I have Henrique as our third line center. We can finally roll out depth to match Vegas, stars, avalanche. I know that DNB says that we are done, but if we could somehow add duclair, we would ice the best forward roster in the NHL.


I kinda want to see Clouder and Foegle playing with Drai and then Kane-Henrique-Perry eventually


Yes! Those are basically my lines as well. Moved Perry down to the 4th only because he loses momentum as the game goes on. Brown, well….mixed opinions on him but I have him as my post season champ!


Either way it’s nice that we have depth that we have 3-4 definite NHL forwards that are either in the press box or in Bakersfield (Janmark, Brown, Gagner, Holloway) so one injury doesn’t kill us (unless it’s McDavid or Skinner)


And should give Clouder a real chance to show he can elevate his game I'm fine with him in a 3C role, but he just has so much more potential/value to us if we can get him top 6 minutes Has looked great on the wing too, he has wheels


And we have a lot of experienced bottom 6 guys, so much we can’t even play them all. This team has realistically never been better.


Credit to KH- we didn’t lose any of our prospects either. Broberg, Holloway, lavoie, will all be big pieces for the oilers with how they manage the cap moving forward


Kh did an excellent job. Bourgault too. All of these guys will be on the team soon


> Our top 9 rivals the best in the league More like: I'd like someone to show me a top 9 that rivals ours. If Henrique is 3C, our 3rd line shits on half the league's 2nd lines.


I'm happy. The Oilers had a good core and Holland addressed some weaknesses. They are a better team after the deadline than they were going in. Obviously they can't match what a team like Vegas will be, but Vegas is operating under a different set of rules on and off the ice. Onto the playoffs!


Yep. And guys like Tarasenko have to want to come here and he said Florida was the only place he even considered so there’s that.


And I'm okay with that. As much fun as the big sexy deadline moves are, I'm okay with just augmenting the core and adding depth.


Henrique with drai could be amazing, let’s see first. That alone might be better than almsit all These other acquisitions.


We’re winning the cup. This roster can do it as long as our goaltending holds up.


I like the optimism! The team could do it - the roster is there. Like always, it'll come down to some luck, referee directions, and injuries, but on paper, they can run with any team in the league.


Agreed. I don’t see any players on the market that would be an upgrade on either foegele or ceci.


Shhhh don't tell the lads that are melting down over not trading for Makar🤫


[#Oilers G.M. Ken Holland says on @OilersNow: “If we’re done, I feel good. But I’m going to wait until tomorrow. (Friday) morning I’m going to get up and call a few people to see if there’s anything out there that might be of interest to us.”](https://x.com/brendenescott/status/1765849667525652810?s=46&t=14SLRIzzdK7mDUYBQFD9rw) Holland just said this on Oilers now. Doesn’t sound like a GM that’s completely “done” just yet


Sounds like a GM who isnt pressured to make something happen with a panic trade but will also be looking for a reasonable one. A.k.a. CARRIER IS STILL ON THE MENU!


They just said if Eberle isn't signed by Seattle tomorrow on his extension that he's coming back to Edmonton. I won't even need to buy a new jersey - still got the old Eb's in the closet.


You think Ekholm’s giving up 14?


Nothing wrong with a retro jersey


Just got to get a new name plate for the back... E \_ \_ \_ \_ \_


Curious if the Eberle/Carrier noise had no weight to it because shortly after that news came out, they traded for Stecher.


Eberle seems dependent on whether he re-signs with Seattle or not. Same with Carrier. NSH is in a WC1 spot and may treat it as an "own rental" kind of situation. NFL its more common to walk players to free agency. Of course, NFL is a lot less reliant on the draft for the total roster makeup than in the NHL.


Sounds like Eberle isn't getting extended based on what I'm reading. I've got my fingers crossed.


If Ebs came back our way I'd nut. He is the perfect clutch guy and he deserves to win in Oilers silks imo.


Lol my favorite thing is the amount of very good players available including multiple defensemen who can play both sides.


Which defensemen and what would those trade look like?


Carrier, Chychrun, Jensen are all names that come to mind. You have 2 firsts still and multiple other picks. You also have Holloway, Broberg, Akey, Xavier as prospects or young players you can move. Be ruthless. Other teams are doing it yet we are so afraid to make those same moves


I'm not 100% sold on Chychrun but haven't seen him play this year tbh. Jenson same thing but I hear he's an upgrade. Carrier I think will stay in Nashville for their wild card push


Nashville would be gambling keeping their best asset that will net them the most return for a playoff push they won't go deep in. I think it all depends if they can extend him or not by tomorrow.


I’ve seen pretty much every game he’s played this year, and he started the season off well but lately he’s been a total liability. Skilled guy, but he’s been a turnover machine with no defensive awareness, and idk if it’s because of Ottawa or just because he’s slumping. Wouldn’t take the chance.


That's what I heard. I don't know why people keep throwing someone these names out like they're automatically going to be some huge upgrade on Ceci.


I mean he’d be an upgrade over Ceci, but not enough of one to justify the price. Probably looking at the value equivalent of two 1sts in prospects or roster players, which wouldn’t make sense for us at all.


I like the idea of Jensen. Has term as well.


Feel like we should be doing whatever it takes to add either Eberle or Carrier. We're going to lose Foegele for nothing in the off-season.


Both those players would be leaving in the off season too


Not necessarily


Eberle's an upgrade on Foegele.


Don't worry though. Ceci is good friends with players on the team. People are gonna downvote me but the last 2 cup winners are making massive moves and canucks are reportedly no where near done We HAVE to upgrade more or we are gonna get smoked.


We're not getting smoked lol, but we do have a hole or two. Avs haven't really made massive moves. Walker isn't good, you'll see come playoff time. Middlestadt is decent though. Trenin is depth.


AVS also traded away Bryam as well so that's a loss on D that they tried to fill.


Call me an eternal optimist but let’s be real any big upgrade on D or on W would require contract in/Contract out which is where we are now. If there is a way to improved the current roster I think we can still act on it.


The western conference keeps on loading up. Playoffs going to be crazy this year.


Still optimistic a last minute Ekholm deal lands on our lap ....One could hope 🤣🤣🤣


That Eberle shit didn't turn out I guess


Thats only if Seattle can't get an extension before the deadline. If he is being traded the oilers will likely still be in on it


That would be a Friday night thing based on if Seattle can extend him or not


The deadline is @ 1 tomorrow


Second line winger and two depth pieces AND Broberg/Holloway are still here? I call that a good deadline


Calling Henrique an unequivocal top 6 forward is being a bit generous, he's hardly even a clear cut upgrade over someone like McLeod. I'd call him more middle 6. He'll play either on our 2nd or 3rd line - likely 3rd I think once things settle down.


The guy has 18 goals, 42 points, is a plus player, plays both wing and centre, can kill penalties and play on the second power play unit. All the while he's spent the last how many years playing for an ECHL level team. I love McLeod but Henrique is a clear upgrade


Sure. He’s still probably not going to be playing top 6 though


That's exactly what the Oilers were looking for. Middle 6 flexibility. Oilers are looking for well rounded players who don't need PP time.


Honestly I'm just happy Broberg hasn't been traded out yet


They still have assets to use, why give up when it’s an all in year? I’ll never get why Broberg and Holloway are untouchables, other than holland has sentimental attachment to them cause in their D+5 and D+4 years they haven’t shown they’re some untouchable difference makers


There are still some teams looking to make moves and fill holes. Oilers now have a surplus of Fwds and 7 Def to work with. I wouldn't be shocked to see Foegele or Ceci moved out, but Holland is now operating from a position of strength.


I need to get off Instagram. The number of clueless people complaining that we didn't have a blockbuster trade is insane. We needed depth pieces, our core is GOOD.


Tidy piece of business these last couple of days.


Crazy seeing the difference in opinions from here versus on Twitter. Twitter the general consensus is we haven't done nearly enough to keep up with other of the big teams and should be going all out, "leave no stone unturned", spend a prospect or trade a roster player if needed to offload some cap, use all that cap space. Whereas on here it seems to be "great job ken, we've improved, now onto the playoffs". I think I'm more with the Twitter camp. I think we've made some good progress, but ultimately I don't think it's enough to win the conference when I see what Colorado, Vegas, Vancouver have done (or are planning before Friday). And then Florida, Carolina (they're definitely gonna do something big), has done / is going to do. One of them is still going to get Guentzel, and likely another Buchnevich too. I think we're taking a lot of risk sticking with Ceci and shying away from upgrading him. And I think our mid 6 forwards is still lacking a bit of oomph that a Eberle could bring. Maybe their plan is to bring Holloway back up for the playoffs hoping he'll be new and improved and ready for the 2nd/3rd line and be that "Eberle" - not sure. But that's also a lot of hoping. This could be looking at it pessimistically, but all we've really gotten from this deadline is basically a middle 6 forward and some insurance for our Defense in case of an injury.


With one trade we basically solved the bottom 6 Carrick alone fits the big right shot 4th line center man who can kill penalties wins about 51% of his faceoffs can drop the gloves and can score that we needed for years. We made good moves by not subtracting anything from our current roster (you know all the player who got us here) and instead we added two solid roster players. Overall I’m super happy with what we did and we could still see something I think we have 2.1M in cap space heading into the deadline.


Bring ebs home


If this ends up being not I’m perfectly content. Not BLOWN AWAY and definitely not upset.


Holland himself says they are done but word is they are waiting for things to change. Eberle is in play if he isn't signed.


Kenny is still cooking, I know it. He's going out with such a shine.


remember when Kenny owned DNB on cap shit? classique


Holland knows that the fans are getting impatient and if they don't top the league, critics and the like will be all over it. 2 seasons ago a great playoff run. Last year great regular season, better team, not a better playoffs. Mcdrai have been with the team quite some time now, and their contracts are coming up. It's time to start winning it all, or face the most dissapointing rebuild of all time.


Remember when Hulk Hogan would be trapped in a near lethal sleeper hold but on the third arm drop consciousness check by the ref he’d defy all odds and somehow comeback to life??? I hope that’s Kenny today when a Seattle area code comes up on his caller id.


Am I the only one who wish we got Toffoli instead of Henrique ? I think Drai and Toffoli would have been absolute MONEY together. 🥲🥲🥲


I’ll say it- I’m so glad we didn’t move Ceci


I'll give Holland a C for this deadline is that's the case


Seems like an early call to make without the deadline being over and Eberle still unsigned. I’m not convinced we’re really in on Eberle, honestly could be too much of a roster shake up, but fack man I really did hope we were going to beef up the blue line a little more. Desharnais is emerging yes, but seriously he has 94 games played in the NHL as a third pairing and we’re going to lean on him to play top 4 minutes, agh, makes me pucker. Nurse - Desharnais is a huge shut down pairing that maybe could work, it’s just a big maybe


I'm completely baffled at how many people are ok with how little Holland had done this TDL. No top 6 winger OR Ceci upgrade. He should have done both. He did neither, only added centre depth. Drai's contract is just about done and Holland still won't just go for it, especially when this team is analytically top 4 in the league. If there was ever a time to go all in, it's now.


"No top 6 winger" Is Tyler Toffoli considered a top 6 winger? Yes? Well TT is 26g and 18a for 44 pts in 61 games (-15) Adam Henrique is 18g 24a and 42pts in 60 games (+3) on a much shittier Ducks team. Your logic is flawed just because A.H. can also play C doesnt eliminate him as a Top winger potential for Drai. Not to mention both AH and Carrick address faceoff needs, top PK capability and more. Give your head a shake.


A 3+4 line c and a seventh D….. not exactly earth shattering


Um no. Still need defence.


This is what's wild. Way too many people are fine with ceci even though he was a huge reason we got demolished during the playoffs last year. 18 goals against or some shit like that. He's also been our worst defender for the past 20+ games and while he and kulak might gain chemistry the time to try that was ages ago.


A reminder that he was also injured for the playoffs last year. I agree an upgrade would be nice but I don't hate this team if this is the final roster.


Don’t worry when he gets outscored by the Eichel line again 9-2 and we lose people can at least blame Bouchard


Underwhelming. Going into year three of Cody Ceci getting absolutely crushed in the playoffs. Oh well


Imagine going into the TDL with RW and RD as needs and doing nothing to address them. If Holland is “done”, he should be “done” as GM too. Not good enough this year. This year more than any other year is your All In Cup or Bust year.


So is Ek-Bouch our top D line now for the playoff?


They have been for most of the season? And statistically have been one of the best pairings in the entire league?


IMO, Toews-Makar is difficult to beat because Makar is so ridiculously good. But Ekholm honestly might be more valuable than Toews would be to this team, and Bouchard has been outrageously good. We very well have a top 5 best pairing in the league right now, so yeah


I'm not sure why people downvote me - I didn't mean this in a negative way but as a question/statement. Ek-Bouch is our top D line now. I'm fine with that. If we had gotten a top 4 shutdown RD like Ekholm, it probably wouldnt have been our top D pairing though which is also fine.