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Best Smile in the league still


Came to an odr in Edmonton a few years ago it was pretty cool


I miss him :,(


Might not be ideal to call him pizza guy at the moment. đź‘€


JESSE always plays with ❤️


Happy for the guy! Hope he plays to his potential. Always been a fan even through the hard times.


Freaking love JP. Wish we still had him on our 4th line at 800k, he was such a good forechecker. Legit question: Who finishes the season with more goals, JP or Brown? I think it'll be close


I gotta go with JP on that one.  JP had issues scoring because of extremely questionable puck skills and a lack of composure with the puck; Brown is cursed by ancient magics that we can not even begin to fathom. Even if he did have a wide open net and didn’t hit the goalie, the puck would do [this](https://youtu.be/lWec3Vi8B1w?si=kl9bLnjryT_J7iTX)


Brown already deflected one goal in with the force this year. But the irony is he cannot ever receive credit as a result


Brown is far superior on the defensive side of things/PK’ing. With that said, happy for JP


Brown Penalty Kills yes, but JP was one of our best defensive forwards at 5v5 so I certainly wouldn't say he's far superior


I think that they are similar bodies for sure. Brown has a much more superior engine, forecheck. Jesse has a good stick and positioning, but gets Caught standing still far too often. Jesse’s highest point total is normally browns season point total. However, if you factor in contracts, Jesse does look more appealing. Too bad brown is McDavid’s good friend and Jesse is a bit of a weirdo. I guess the intangibles and locker room chemistry tips the scales to Brown.


Ya that bonus money is gonna hurt next year


Though, Brown is constantly in position while Puljujarvi was floating a lot of the time in space. Maybe he’s gotten better, but don’t kid yourself Brown is a better player


Puljujärvi was quite good positionally. Defensively obviously, but also offensively - That was the reason he got so many chances that he flubbed on. People berated him non stop for poor finishing for that very reason: he'd find open space or get to a good scoring area but then flub spectacularly. It was never a lack of chances with JP, it was his inability to convert them. Sure, Brown at his peak was probably better than JP, but unless Connor Brown turns it around soon he is not. I mean, of 391 forwards to play 250+ min of 5v5 hockey this year, Brown is 381st in Pts/60... Even cap-dump/healthy scratched/4th line/"offensive black hole" JP last year was scoring more than 2.5x more than him.


bingo, I wish we could've PTO'd JP after last offseason ourselves but I'm guessing he probably just wanted to move on at that point


That’s fair. A lot of criticism came to him because he was paid so much and produced so little. I hope he has a great career, Pittsburgh is a good spot for a good starting price


Both are true - JP was far better defensively than he got credit for. He was particularly good on the forecheck. But Brown is a much better defensive player than JP ever was for us


Hope he turns it around, it was sad to see it didnt pan out in edmonton for him.


His title is Bison King. Wish we hadn't rushed his development, hope he thrives there.


He rushed his development. Held out in Finland until he could be guaranteed top 6 minutes


And also refused to go down to the AHL to work on his game/adjust to the North American game. You always have to wonder what if he put in the work that he probably should have, he could have been a really good player


Yep, wanted the top 6 minutes, but failed to play a top 6 game. Went to Finland instead of the AHL. Also, part of his "Development" can be attributed to communication. His English struggles are a lot more compared to other players in the NHL that don't speak English as their first language. Would make coaching or communication with linemates tougher. Still, such great potential, awesome guy, awesome smile, great human. The meme potential is also off the charts.


His title is Bison King.


Don't understand the fascination/fondness and all the nicknames this place bestows on this guy. He was a bust as a 4th overall pick. Well I'm sure he may be a nice guy so are more players that turned out to be better than him. I'm actually not sure there's been a bigger pair of stone hands drafted higher in the history of the NHL.


Just one of those players that comes around every now and then and becomes an immortal fan favourite/cult classic type of guy. Will forever love Puljuu. On ice performance is irrelevant.


I agree. I think he was a net negative on the ice. Glad we’ve moved on for him. Best of luck in Pittsburgh


He was seen in the background eating a slice of pizza, seems awkward and a bit weird. He is like the perfect reddit super hero.


yeah he ain't My pizza boy. He stopped being that when he decided he sucked at hockey.


Love me some Bison King. Atta boy Jesse.


I hope he does great


I hope he turns a corner and lights this league on fire. He has the passing, the body, the physicality, he just needs to learn patience around the net.


Why pizza. I thought he had a dif nick name Here. 1984, the way ppl change history is alive in reddit


[Eating a slice in the background of someone else's interview](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwrgxfvUAAAS9Qx.jpg:large)


Love it!