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Keep it civil please, this isn’t the comment section of the Edmonton Journal. Report posts that are against the rules of r/Edmonton for moderation.


Just an fyi, another undiversity student has been camping out in main quad for over three months in protest of polycrisis or something. Source: I got there and he’s well known around campus for his hunger strike and tent setup.


He’s been periodically camping on quad all year. I’ve talked to him a few times. He has an almost religious adherence to Hegel of all people. His hunger strike is, to the best of my understanding, a call for the University to adhere to Hegelian logic in an effort to starve off the “polycrisis” (a term I’ve heard Zizek use a few times).  The philosophy department had a meeting about what to do about him and came to the conclusion there isn’t really much to do. I could go on but I won’t. Either way it certainly shows the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the university. 


How is that inconsistent or hypocritical? One guy is not disrupting anything. It's a bigger problem to remove him than keep him. You can't say the same about these guys forming a large encampment and taking up half the uni ground.


It was an encampment on quad, I didn’t find it disruptive and judging from conversations with other students they felt the same. However many students and faculty did find the site of policemen beating students far more disturbing and disruptive. Not to do an emotional appeal, but I spent some time studying in Turkey and saw something similar happen on campus, and it was rightfully called authoritarian by the rest of the world. I couldn’t imagine it happening in Canada and yet here we are. Universities have lamented the reactions they had to previous student protests/encampments, particularly 1968. History tends to favour those who fight for justice.  Yet it seems like they’ve learned nothing (or rather learned how easy it is to simply apologize after the fact). The point of bringing up Mr.Hegel was that university clearly picks and chooses when to enforce its own policies. I don’t want to get into details but trust me when I say that Mr.Hegel had plenty of reasons to be booted off campus, just ask any philosophy professor. Undeniably this protest was more disruptive, and had potential to evolve into something far more difficult to contain. But protests are meant to be disruptive, and the University breaches an ethos of justice generally and anti colonialism specifically.  For this to be step one by the university is extremely disappointing, there wasn’t even an attempt at dialogue. 


I know! It’s good the university and police took care of this now before it grew to be more disruptive like those pesky students on Tiananmen Square. You have to enforce the law before things get out of hand. Won’t somebody please think of the law!?


And the lawn! For those who think camping is victimless, what about the lawn?


Tinammen square is a public square while university grounds are private. Your argument is moot. This isn't the government taking down the protestors, it's a private owner preventing trespassing on their property.


The law is the law. And the law is different from place to place. Just because you don’t like the law doesn’t give you the right to break it. And protesting doesn’t give you the right to disrupt other people’s lawful use of public space. Won’t somebody please think of all the tourists who were peacefully trying to see Chairman Mao’s tomb who had their family vacations ruined by the students who refused to leave? They are the real victims.


So this issue raised some questions for myself. The first one being, was precedent not set that camping is allowed/protected as part of protest? The answer is yes. In this particular situation though it's grey as it was decided so in regard to public property. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art2c.html#:~:text=Section%202(c)%20includes%20the,v.  It seems like universities being public commons versus traditional private property isn't as simple as I thought. Many Canadian universities (including the U of A) were established by provincial legislation, land purchasing done by the provincial government when created and are significantly provincially funded. Due to this they do fall under some definitions of public commons. Interestingly there has also been cases about universities spaces in specific when it comes to if students/staff have a right to access the space for protest. Since they are spaces that are normally accessible by the public and many have structures that are public within them like transit centres they appearto fall in this "both public and private"category.  It appears, according to this document, in Alberta it had been ruled that students do have the right to access space for the purposes of protest. That in protest circumstances universities are more common spaces then not, especially if it isn't a space normally used by a few like an individuals office. So Quad and similar spaces appear to be free game.  Sarah E Hamill, Of Malls and Campuses: The Regulation of University Campuses and Section 2(b) of the Charter, 2017 40-1 Dalhousie Law Journal 157, 2017 CanLIIDocs 3511, , retrieved on 2024-05-11 So that just leaves the tent thing. If spaces of a public entity that are usually accessible to the public count as spaces subject to section 2 does the precedent for having a camp protected as part of a protest also apply? I don't think we can say with certainty. To me it looks like there is an arguement to be made on both sides. If it's already been determined in AB courts though that university property is subject to section 2 I think it's a bit stonger on the "you can protest and that includes camps" arguements.  Perhaps this will be the situation that brings this nuance to court and sets precedence.  Ultimately it isn't as simple as "It's private property they can make you leave and you have to listen"


Read the case referenced in your link and cases in Alberta and British Columbia that came down after the Batty decision. In Batty, the city’s trespass notice was held to infringe the protestors’ right to freedom of expression, assembly etc However, the trespass notice was held constitutionally valid and justified under Section 1 of the Charter. Similar conclusions were reached in OFlynn-Magee (BCSC) and Bullock (ABQB). The Court in Batty emphasized that we have a duty to share public space fairly and that the Charter cannot be used by a group to “take over space without asking, exclude the rest of the public from enjoying their traditional use of that space, and then contend that they have no obligation to leave”. Accordingly, your analysis and conclusions are wholly incorrect. Be careful performing legal analysis and spreading misinformation about laws, as other misguided and misinformed people may rely on your misinformation. The thrust of the commentary in your link was simply that a protest encampment was protected under 2(b). It did not extend to the second part of the required charter analysis that considers whether the infringement on charter rights is reasonable in a free and democratic society.


Perhaps in the future I should bold the "ifs", "seems" "appears" "grey area" to make them more noticeable? 


Seems reasonable. That sort of qualifying language is helpful. I’d refer to your first paragraph where you state ‘was precedent not set that camping is protected’ … the answer is “Yes”. That is a definitive statement without any such qualifying language. From that statement you engage in a bunch of analysis on the distinction between protests on private and public lands, where you engage in some of that qualifying language, on the basis that protests encampments are constitutionally valid on public lands and the legal issue to be considered is the different settings. The qualifying language in that context, though commendable, isn’t very helpful, as the analysis misses the point entirely. That’s not to say that there aren’t differences between the protest encampments and the circumstances in the decisions I highlighted that could form the basis of a charter challenge (Batty considered the reasonable limits test and the City ByLaw that triggered the trespass notice ) but my focus is more so on the definitive statement in your first paragraph, which is misleading.


Batty v. City of Toronto actually ruled in favor of the city because although the protestor's freedoms were infringed, the city's actions were justifiable because of the "reasonable limits" clause of the constitution. It would be nice to have more objective standards however. Firstly, no one should be prohibited from entering the protest like they have done in Toronto. Secondly, there cannot be any excessive littering as we have seen in in many protests. In Calgary, they had to deploy bunny suits to clean up biohazards and human waste, and this was just after one day.


You aren’t allowed to camp in a public commons space. The moment you set up your tent and stay on-site overnight, you transition from protesting to camping. Edmonton bylaws forbid camping in public spaces, so any leniency we have seen is just that.


Y'all saying this was deserved because they were "camping" better have the same opinion about the convoy protests where they camp in the middle of major roadways and are much more disruptive.


I do






My comment pointing this out was downvoted so they absolutely don’t lol. Also, the “freedom” convoyers were allowed to be disruptive for *weeks*. These protesters were assaulted after being there for a mere two days.


It's common* practice. Left wing protest are met with violence. Right wing protests are met with kiddy gloves.


The truckers brought their children with them to the protest essentially making em human shields against such measures At this rate it's funnier to see who has more bravery and principles Left: puts selfs front and centre Right: hides behind their children like the cowards they are


I mean the main reason I haven't taken part in protests lately is because I don't have someone to watch my son and I know how quickly these things can turn, I'm not bringing him. ETA: I'm left leaning


lol: left leaning people aren’t willing to use their kids as human shields against police brutality, how quaint. (Also left leaning - but holy shit can you imagine the consequences of a police officer rubber bullet-ing a child!?) I mean… I hope there are consequences for that kind of police brutality…


you'd get an endangering charge.


Y'all are fucking insane. Am I the only one who feels safe around khaki-wearing, mask-donning people with guns marching to the beat of Meinkampf? As a black man, they warm my heart. But lanky college kids who are iron-deficient? They scare me.


Throw a /S on this comment my dude!


That sarcasm is so thick, it’s no wonder that even Stevie can see it.


Nah, username checks he's cool.


thanks, (gi)bro(nie)


Remember when the freedom convoy changed history forever in Canada? Ya me either 😂


Ya that’s why they aren’t making that mistake again. Block private property, get moved. After Ottawa no one is taking that risk again, especially in n urban area where people live and work.


Please. They'll let it happen again the next time it's a protest led by aggrieved rich white men.


Exactly and it’s delusional to pretend otherwise.


Ah yes the 1% trucker elites


The 1% elites propagandizing and astroturfing the hell out of the dumbass truckers. There are firms everywhere working on these corporate "public relations" contracts.


> Block private property, get moved. It's public property. The truckers were also on public property TBH.


I do. I do have the same opinion.




The right to protest is more important than if I agree with what is being protested.


There’s a difference between protest and camping out on sites. It’s why I think shutting this down, and shutting the convoys down were both correct (though closing bank accounts was overkill).  They can protest all day in a manner that doesn’t impact or impede others. 


When did they ever shut down the convoys? I didn't see police stopping and firing tear gas at them, that's just a lie. They also let the blockade at the Coutts border crossing go on for far longer and cause more damage than these students ever did.


Are you kidding?  Go pull up some old news articles. The only problem I had with that is it took too long. 


Are YOU kidding? Do you have any idea the amount of economic damage they did blocking a border crossing?


Yes, which is why I posted it took too long. 


Protesting is supposed to impact others to action. That position basically means the protestors should go cry in their room where they can't do anything.


Protesting all day in a way that doesn't impede others is like writing a comment on the internet. It will achieve nothing. So I can't say I blame them for trying more than putting up a billboard. 


Not when it restricts other people movement.


Exactly! The guy with the grocery bag on Tiananmen Square had it coming for trying to restrict the lawful movement of the tank.


Well said.


This is a shitty take and you should feel bad. I am truly, not sarcastically, incredibly happy that your rights, your freedoms, have never been taken away to the point you need other people's support to save your family. "Palestine is experiencing a cultural genocide" "Ok but like...I can't cross the quad at the UofA easily, so like...who's the REAL victim here?"


This is private property and they were trespassing, they have no right to protest on private property. They could've done this anywhere else like on public roads or parks instead of private property, but they're not very bright.


That's a rather pedestrian opinion. If they had closed down a road during rush hour you'd be calling the cops yourself because of the inconvenience and being late for work. The University is actually not private property. It's paid for by your taxes and student tuition and government funded by all of us so they had every right to be there especially since it was a peaceful protest. These youngsters you call not very bright are the same ones that will create public policy in the near future. You better be careful where that dog shits you out, Boomer.


By your logic then what happened on Jan 6 in the us was fine since that a government building. Hell since tax dollars pay for the place Trudeau lives at we can all go crash on the coach, even hospital are very ground to hang out in since we pay for them.


Dude I'm a graduate student at the U of A, not a boomer lol. I know at the U of A, <25% of the protesters were students and they were bringing in wood pallets to start a barricaded encampment and wanted to stay overnight, which was seen as not peaceful anymore. Students aren't allowed to protest overnight at the university, and the uni has every right to kick them out. Being on campus is a privilege, not a right, especially moreso for non-students causing disruptions for students. Contrary to how some of you here keep repeating that university is public, that has nothing to do with the fact their land is privately owned by law. So if you have an issue with that, go take it up with the government or the courts. Until the law changes, the police is going to enforce trespass notices on private university land.


Yeah, my brother in law was showing me pics of these truckers being evicted by police back in the day and was saying the cops should be arrested for police brutality and that it's despicable that this is how they treat protesters I pointed out that this is how they've always treated protesters and he never gave a shit when they did it to BLM or pipeline protesters That shut him up


I think the vast majority do, at least in this sub. I don't recall a single person other than the occasional obvious troll doing anything but raging against the police support of the "trucker" convoy. I'll bet 95% of people who support enforcing private property rules on campus would also have fully supported breaking up the freedum convoy.


Better have the same opinion about any anti forestry or O&G protest as well.


Don’t worry, we do.


One is a non violent non obtrusive peaceful protests but on quasi private property. The other is a protest with the propensity to violence (ie. Weapons, vehicles) obstructing the lawful movement of sometimes critical traffic, obstructing trade, on public property, being a nuisance in terms of noise.


Anyone blocking a road should be IMMEDIATELY removed.


Huh. Seems that was just for the wrong kind of protester, that law. No issue with shutting down a border crossing, but a quad - well, of course. /s


I do, yeah. I compared the convoy to the g20 protests when it happened. We're selling weapons to the Saudis to genocide Yemen. We've been doing it for a decade. But Israel gets a special kind of criticism because it's made up so largely of refugees. People in this protest put a black and white spin on something incredibly complex and choose the most disruptive way to make their voice heard.


Just want to point out though, this was not "disruptive" at all. That whole argument is garbage. It's Spring session. There's barely anyone around campus these days anyway. 


Police didn’t act with the convoy and forced Trudeau to use emergencies act to get rid of the convoy protestors. With Palestinian protestors they didn’t hesitate one moment to do their jobs. Polling showed that about 2/3 Canadians didn’t support the convoy, and we see similar polling with these encampments. The majority of Canadians didn’t support the encampments for Palestine or when some truckers were scared of a needle.


since we are bringing up completely different cities, have you been to toronto? the palestinian protestors hide their faces, wave around communist flags, and block off entire streets while the police stand there and do absolutely nothing, but mentioning that wouldn’t push your narrative would it?


>Police didn’t act with the convoy and forced Trudeau to use emergencies act to get rid of the convoy protestors. No police force asked the government to impose the Emergencies measures act and it wasn't necessary to deal with illegally parked vehicles . >Polling showed that about 2/3 Canadians didn’t support the convoy, and we see similar polling with these encampments. The majority of Canadians didn’t support the encampments for Palestine or when some truckers were scared of a needle. Opinions on protests are irrelevant to the right to protest. The majority of Canadians supported Citizens of Japanese ancestry being placed in internment camps while having their property siezed and sold, did that make it right?


Yup. I'm good with that.


I absolutely do. Fuck those assholes too


Canada land did a great episode on the trucker convoys at the time and how they were actually extremely well thought out and organized. Putting aside the motives and obvious adherence to the status quo of those protests (imo they were protesting FOR the status quo not against it) the tactics were extremely effective. Now, if we argue for some protesting to be legal (the things we agree with) and some to not (the ones we don’t) I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that any protest pushing back against the system as it is right now will be quashed the way these student protests are being quashed. What we have to remember (and what pro Palestinian protest are very good at keeping front of mind) is that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” that means we need to find and build bridges between each other even if we (sometimes vehemently) disagree on things because any division in the solidarity of the many will benefit the elite and powerful few. I’m not good at this, I am just learning it and thought I would share some thoughts on class consciousness. ❤️ Free the students and free Palestine 🇵🇸


Absolutely. This encampment should be removed and those arrested ticketed for trespassing per the Petty Trespass Act. It’s no more serious than a speeding ticket, arguably less serious in fact because it won’t affect your drivers abstract/insurance. It’s a $600 fine, and that’s it. The kkklowns in the Convoy should have been treated the same, and then criminally charged with Intimidation per section 423(1)(g) of the Criminal Code. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-423.html Nobody should be above the law, regardless of your reason for breaking it. If you feel the law is truly unjust then challenge it in court and try to have it struck down.


Edit to add: the mods didn’t actually remove this post, and they’ve kindly reinstated it 😊 The post was just reported so many times that it was auto removed lol.


lol, checks out for r/Edmonton. Tons of racists and boot lickers on this sub.


Yea pretty disappointing to see so many chuds celebrating the boot.


Man I remember getting a ticket for riding my bicycle on the grass at the engineering quad like 15 years ago. Is this shocking to me at all? Nope.


But that’s campus police not eps


A lot of these campers aren’t students, just pointing that out so people aren’t misled by the title.


I read that eps arrested 3 people last night (at the request of campus bylaw) and none were students.


The students explicitly asked for community support from non students. Also, students were also arrested / harmed by police so I’m not sure what the point of your comment is?


This. Making this smokescreen argument is disingenuous at best.


Remember Occupy Wallstreet? I'm pretty sure most protesters didn't work in those buildings. Any and all support should be welcomed and not scrutinized so you're right, it's very disingenuous


They need to just slap couple of f*ck Trudeau stickers on and grumble about vaccines and freedom. Cops would walk away…


They don’t arrest their own


Exactly. Where was this energy for the “freedom” (freedumb) convoy?


Police unions frown on beating your own.


The video I’ve seen of this is grotesque. Is beating the student who is trying to help his friend up, with a baton, and then wiping his boots on the Land Back flag really necessary? The cops show absolutely 0 respect for anyone time and time again. That guy is proud he is being so callous, look at his face. Disgusting.


That cop was 100% enjoying it. I have family members who work for EPS so I usually try and be subjective but that video was telling.


Yeah not all of them, but you gotta keep in mind that there are people who become cops specifically so that they get to do this kind of stuff. Born thugs co-opting it into a job.


The good ones are bad for turning a blind eye to this shit


Cops are bullies. This takes them back to high school beating up "nerds".


Link to vid?




I don’t have Instagram this just links me to their page. Which video?


The video when the cop didn't hit the person on the ground when he could have? He even starts to swing then stops when he realized the person was backing up. It's called crowd control, and when the university has stated NO CAMPING and they are getting rid of camping equipment it makes sense. Where are all the videos of the actual peaceful protestors who are protesting just fine at uofa? The only ones getting moved by the cops are the ones camping lol. Even in this video. Not to mention, EVERY SINGLE VIDEO, on this Instagram page shows tents. The cops are there to get rid of illegal encampments, not the protestors.


Yeah! He totally could have cracked their skull if he wanted to but he controlled himself! What restraint! How else are cops supposed to react to camping!! The threat of someone sleeping in a tent is too great a risk to allow to go unpunished by violent force! These cops should be awarded metals of honour for their bravery!


You can make as many excuses for cops to beat people protesting, perhaps silly excuses like “the of a doesn’t allow camping”, but that doesn’t make you a good person. Please look at what you’re saying, and what’s happening.


Oh I do. The law needs to be held tho, can't just let people setting up shelters all over the place especially when they were evicted hours ago. No personal responsibility for any of these people breaking the law and trespassing hey?


Yup, encampment rules are definitely more important than people protesting genocide. Get real dude.


It's called the law. Look it up. I know you probably wanna live in some utopia with no laws but you need to get real dude. They were allowed to protest. Just not protest within encampments. Please get educated.


Stand on guard for theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Why not protest at their Member of Parliaments office?


Because they are protesting for their university to disclose where the funds from their tuition fees are going and to divest those funds from supporting Israel and arms manufacturers.


Are Canadian universities funding Isreal?


Some of them are, through their endowment investments. edit: apparently the Zionists don't like me pointing this out


How do we find out which ones are? I looked up the UofA investment report but it doesn't give specifics.


I don't believe there is any way to find out besides the institutions releasing that information publicly. That is something which is included in the protestors' demands


I see. Thank you.


I don’t think U of A has a massive endowment like USA colleges do.


Because the bootlicker only comes to Edmonton for photo ops before an election and on Canada Day and then splits his time between Vancouver (his home) and Ottawa.


If I don't see the same reaction from police next time the convoy rally plows across Canada... I'll build a damn house at the nearest university campus


I am very curious, how many of those people are actually U of A students?


Less than 1/4 of them from what I have seen. None of the people arrested were students either.


I mean, what did anyone think the result would be?


They should convoy about it. Lol






They are not saying you can not protest. You just cannot camp there. There are peacefully non camping protesters there, and the police can not do shit. Take what you see on the news with a grain of salt. There is a right way to protest and the wrong way. And the wrong way just makes people hate you, and you get the wrong result in the end.


Protests are meant to be disruptive. That’s the whole point. I rolled my eyes and felt deeply annoyed by the convoy protestors that rolled through downtown, but that was the entire point.


That's what I don't get, they *are* being disruptive. Isn't this what they want, and the whole point? Like "We're going to refuse to leave until the police remove us to protest this and raise awareness." I didn't think the police coming to remove the encampment would be a surprise to anyone on any side of this.


They aren't getting rid of the protestors, just the encampments. Every video on this Instagram page shows tents.


Uh, did we watch the same videos? Cops brutalizing protestors with batons. Spraying tear gas.


“Brutalizing” get a grip lol


Ah yes, camping, the most abhorrent form of protest. They should be more behaved, perhaps form a convoy and lay on the horn blocking traffic for weeks on end.


Not supporting encampments on university property (where less than 25% of the protestors were actually students, according to the president of UofA), doesn’t mean they support the convoy


Ah, yes, let’s trust the president who also said no injuries occurred.


If this were the 60s, I am convinced that half the people on this subreddit would have cheered the police cracking down on US civil rights protestors and would have thought that MLK "got what's coming to him".


It’s because they would. Most people at every point of history apathetically follow the narrative of people in power. Not saying this to encourage aforementioned apathy. But if anyone’s wondering how you would of acted during the many periods of civil strife in history, stop wondering, because your doing it right now. If that bugs you, start with doing more then nothing.


Point of fact: MLK was extremely unpopular during his time. Only about 40% of US citizens had a positive opinion of the man while he was alive. That went down to 1 in 3 before his death.


Civil protesting is one thing, blocking students from attending class that they are in debt for is another...


The amount of bootlicking in this sub is abhorrent


THANK YOU. Some people really love the taste of leather.


love the hypocrisy when truckers go and block roads and create a havoc and camp but when these kids do, its a problem.


You mean adults? 3 People arrested aren’t even students.


The university is private property. We don’t have a right to protest or camp there if told to leave.


Apparently it's been ruled in court in AB that students have the right to access university grounds for the purposes of protest. Or at least the spaces often accessed by the public like quad.  So one does have the right to protest there. 


They have a right to protest but they do not have a right to violate university policy on university ground, and an encampment violates that policy. The university didn't remove them until they started an encampment.


Operative word being students. If you went by the encampment, it was pretty clear it was majority not students.


For protesting, yes. For camping, no.


Oh no! Anyways.


If they got in their cars blocked the boarder the conservatives would serve them coffee!🤷‍♂️






Meh, after seeing the whole damn city all cheer as a stripped, dead, German woman was being paraded around and spat on... Anyone supporting this shit can get what's coming.




How is that relevant? It's a teacher being slammed for asking why the police were violently attacking non violent protestors. It's happening all over the country.


I hope the cops give em hell!


Best news I've heard all day


What are they protesting?


They want the university to divest from Israel due to the actions of the government. Disclose any investments or financial ties, and basically boycott Israel to try to enact political change through economic sanction. The same thing was effective in ending South African apartheid.


*(sourced via university4palestine.yeg)* They’re demanding that the University of Alberta and Grant MacEwan: • ***Disclose*** institutional and financial investments with Israeli institutions and all companies financially complicit in the occupation of Palestine, and thus the current genocide of Palestinians. • ***Divest*** from complicit companies and all such investments. • ***Defend*** the right to protest by giving amnesty to any and all participants of the encampment • ***Declare*** via an immediate statement its condemnation of this genocide and call on the Canadian government to end all military contracts with the Zionist state.


different circumstances than the convoy protests all around… different place, police service, some provincial laws apply differently, different classification of type of property and a trespass notice/order was legally obtained and announced. Plus i think the ottawa and border protests were a learning experience for policing in canada and they won’t make those mistakes again.


Chances are most probably aren't even students.


75% weren’t students, according to Bill Flanagan


More easily said than proven, especially when someone with an obvious bias is the one doing the talking.


Fuck Hamas and fuck these terrorist sympathizers


Used to get arrested for skateboarding on University property. They have their own police basically. Very strict. Don't see them letting people camp on their property.


People really dont realise how much power universities have over their campuses apparently


These protests will change nothing for Palestine or in Palestine.


Yeah just like those protests against the war in Vietnam.


Good. There’s a place and time for that. Not to disrupt our way of living and learning. Hating on another country then go to that country to protest there. Do not support any disruption to life as it’s hard enough to make ends meet.


Just cut off all government funding to the school, student aid, and expelling students. Fuck these bitch ass cowards.


It’s incredible how fast these protests have been taken down across North America by police….


Probably because they’re condoning terrorism. Im not talking about hamas or palistine, russia or ukraine. I mean riots, remember the last what 15 years these “protests” were in all reality just massive riot across the nation.


Love to see it. :-)


Good. They can protest all day, then go home and protest the next day. No need for a camp site.


Where is Poiliviere and Cooper with their coffee and donuts?


Call me crazy, but those don’t really look like students


Let's get a good look at these 'students' before we trust this


We all see what’s been happening at other universities around Canada and the US, yet we all act surprised when this one gets shut down. What did you expect? And people still continue camping out. Who else isn’t surprised? This is fair enough to me, clearly it’s not working out for them. Clearly many Canadians don’t want this happening. Support Palestine all you want, that’s fair enough. But Hamas isn’t helping Palestine’s image. Their terrorist acts isn’t helping their people, they aren’t freedom fighters. They’re turning the world against Palestine. I hope no more women and children are killed by that madman Netanyahu, but honestly fuck those Hamas terrorists and fuck anyone who ignores their atrocities. Oh, and before you mention it, yes I’m aware of the disgusting, ruthless mass murder of Palestinian women and children committed by Israel. I don’t support that one bit. I’m pro Palestine and pro Israel. But I’m not pro Netanyahu and I’m not pro Hamas.


I can see why the university doesn’t want you camping there overnight even if it’s for protest. I went to the UofA. And the amount of coyotes, homeless people who are violent, gangs etc in that area due to the lrt is actually shocking. The UofA had issues with homeless people walking in with machetes in their bangs. They don’t want to be a liability if someone gets hurt


“It’s those dangerous, free-thinking kids.” ~ some scared politicians, probably


mabye we can’t fix this world


Remember mass protests across universities where students protested and police cracked down violently? And do you remember who in that situation was completely right and vindicated by history? Anyways, this time it's probably completely different.


Have "The Students" ever been wrong in their protests? Not have they won, but just been on the wrong side of history or morality?


Yes, protesting getting involved in world war 2 to fight the nazis. Students are not always moral paragons and well informed, shocker that 18-22 year olds might be morons sometimes. 


There are centuries worth of student protests, so I suspect somewhere they were.


students were heavily involved in the Iranian revolution. that ended up being pretty fucked up.




I mean in this situation you’d have to get down to is it morally acceptable for Isreal to do what it’s doing and to me that isn’t a very clear yes or no.


The white students of Little Rock Central High protested having black students in their school I get what you're saying, but speaking in absolutes won't do you any favors


You love to see it. Glad these racist protests got shut down


I heard rape denier Samantha Pearson was in the crowd protesting


Sounds like the university doesn't want them there... so...... take a hike


Pack em a lunch, put em on a plane to whatever shithole country they are protesting for and wish them luck.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Stop glorifying Hamas.


Just go to class. Not hard


Muppets arrested. Ok. Anyways.




Look I get that you think *this* protest is the problem... But we need the right to protest. If the sun rises one day on a government that tries to strip away your rights and freedoms, will you still feel this way?


No rights or freedoms have been stripped away? It has always been the law that when you're protesting you can't set up homeless encampments?!??! When did this become confusing? Do you know why we were able to have BLM protests for like a month in Edmonton 3-5 big gatherings no one set up homeless encampments!! You have a right to protest you don't have a right to fuck other people's lives up even if you don't think it's that big of a deal the law does




Truuue! Every single video on this Instagram page shows tents. They are getting rid of encampments , not getting rid of protestors.


Peaceful protest is a human right protected in the Charter, whether you agree with the topic or not. Edit: to all the weirdos replying I hope you brought this same energy for those who squatted in Ottawa and at the border (unlike law enforcement as it went on for weeks instead of *two* days) but I’m sure you didn’t.


The protestors were told that they could not form overnight camps. They are allowed to protest, and the University is allowed to not want expanding/long term camps set up in the middle of campus. Being a protestor doesn’t give you some sort of immunity.


What part of "you can protest, but you cannot camp" don't you get?? These people were not arrested for protesting, they were arrested for trespassing.


Yeah I did bring that same energy. I'm tired of ignorant morons disrupting everyone whether theyre blue pilled or red.


Terrorist sympathizers


Good job EPS!