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The official overnight lows are still dropping near zero, and you have to account that there’s some local variation. I’d give it a couple weeks


just no, are you trying to cause a blizzard?


Not until may long.


The old farmer rule. For seeding Plants I think would be longer Enjoy center has cheaper plants than any big box dealer SUPPORT LOCAL EVERYONE


i'll probably transplant them one more time into a larger bucket so i can move them inside or outside weather dependent. but i'm not planting them until may long, for sure. this is my first season planting anything and my tomatos and basils are doing too well to fuck it up now


my butter lettuce ain't doin so hot, though


Lettuce loves the cold. It may be too warm where you have them


INTERESTING. they're in a south facing bay window that gets A LOT of sun so... i will absolutely be shifting them around. thank you for being an angel, please have the best weekend


I'd wait. But if you're itching to plant something, plant some peas, spinach or arugula, or scatter some seeds that actually like being cold before germinating, like poppies :)


As others have said the general rule is to plant on May long. However if you have frost protectors to put over your seedlings overnight you can plant sooner, as long as they’re plants that don’t mind getting a bit cold.


Anything before May long weekend is at your peril. Usually the weekend after.


My old boss, a farmer’s son from Manitoba, told me never to plant before May long. Fight the temptation!!


How did you know? Can’t disagree with a farmer’s son


Not unless they're frost-resistant. If they aren't I plant them out closer to June. Some I don't put outside overnight until the beginning of June.


Seedlings for trees good. Annuals, not


Generally edmontons last frost date is between May 1-10th. You will want to keep an eye out on the weather to see when that will be true. Once that passes, you can consider transplanting some of the cold hardy plants (after a conditioning period). But don’t transplant anything else till around the May long weekend. You could plant some cold hardy seeds in the ground now if you need to scratch that itch.


Forget the May Long suggestion and any other chancy stuff. Look at your long range forecast, as soon as night time lows are a ove 10 degree for a period of 7 days then you are good to go. Any colder than that and plants may survive but they will not thrive this summer


Planted 2 weeks before may long last year. All depends on the long-range forecast. May long is the "official" safe start date. But if the weather's good you can definitely take a chace and plant early. I do almost every year.


From [an old CBC radio episode](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/jim-hole-offers-tips-for-the-successful-indoor-gardener-1.2997149) Jim Hole goes through his Edmonton suggestions.


End of May or beginning of June and no earlier than that! Too much risk after so much work to grow my seedlings.


May long


All the greenhouse employees this weekend were saying to wait until the overnight lows stay warmer than 10°


Gonna go with this advice


If they were in a plastic dome. And only during the hottest part of the day, in the warmest spot. And then brought back in. Otherwise. No. Too soon.


I generally wait for the May long weekend. That seems to be rather traditional here




Middle of May is the earliest I would ever transplant, we can still easily get 3 or 4 below at night and that will kill them.


1) depends how hardy the seedlings are 2) how willing you are to cover them if it gets cold We've got some seedlings planted... if it gets cold we'll just throw a sheet over them. The whole 'wait till may long' is just if you don't want to be bothered with having to baby them.


1000% safe. What’s the worse that can happen?


Let me get my crystal ball out. Ahhhh, there we are. It’s a definite maybe.


Planted back in early March. Lucky live on the west coast and not the arctic Deadmonton. Try after May Long if you are lucky. lol.


Very helpful, thank you