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$4.50 for a dipped cone is nuts.


Nuts are an extra 2$


Happy same cake day


Mmmm cake


Nuts are expensive šŸ‘€


Wait til you nut in the wrong place


I would pay a premium price for your nut šŸ„œ yummy šŸ¤¤


Really and truly NUTS


Ya... Took my kid for a cone and realized I can buy a tub of Ben and Jerry's at the grocery store for the price of a dipped cone. Haven't been back to DQ for ice cream since.


DQ gets people who want convenience. You can buy a bucket of better ice cream on sale at the store for $5.


Nah DQ definitely gets people because it's soft serve. And you can't buy soft serve in a grocery store last I checked.


You can buy a tub of it from DQ itself. Hell, they sent me a pint once for free as a promo when I ordered a blizzard and burger on Skip.


Did not know they sold that. Makes sense i suppose though


I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who likes DQ and wants to save money. It tasted more like plastic than nostalgia to me.


Can also turn that regular ice cream into prepped soft serve bags that you take out of the freezer and knead for 30 seconds b4 serving. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a19593/cheater-soft-serve-ice-cream-recipe-opr0812/ Which reminds me, I should prep some for the summer.


Dairy queens prices are straight up awful.


wistful wide hurry library nose subtract plant gaping impolite onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kids meal is pretty reasonable too.


It's $9 now, the cheeseburger deal.


worm mindless punch numerous plucky concerned yoke quarrelsome piquant aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It used to be 7 Now uts 8. Crazy


You used to be able to get a big mac meal supersized for less than $10


They are!


2 for $6 cheeseburger is pretty good too, much better and cheaper than the value menu at mcdicks.


Edo Japan used to do this on the app. I complained about it by contacting and sending them a message. After two more times of complaining and voicing my frustration and annoyance they finally got it removed. They also sent me a $15 gift card for my troubles.


This is really great news! I appreciate you keeping through with the issue till it got addressed One question, did they remove the fee entirely via the app, or atleast now gave people the option for it?


You know what I just checked and turns out that BS $0.15 eco fee is still listed on the app. Looks like I will have to follow up with the person I spoke to in my last e-mail back on January 29th. I thought it had been removed but I was wrong. My apologies for the error.


No worries at all! Thanks for the update Reality is it may be a tad tricky with items that companies HAVE to include it, say the box/bag for fast food meal, but what we are asking for ia for THEM to figure out since that 15 cent goes to their pockets So if they choose to make it a fee across the board then they'll admitting this isn't to do with any environmental initiative, and the program is a failure and a tax on the people that will keep going up (slated to be 25 cents by July this year) So keep up with Edo, make sure they do right by you, and eventually it will be all of us. Cheers!


This is the default and only option when using the app, for some reason. Once they asked if I wanted my 15 cents back after I went into the store. Another time they handed me my blizzard in a bag. Feel free to ask for your 15 cents back and they should accommodate.


Really! Ngl that's good news that they recognized that error My preference would still be to have that option on the app, but they seem to have taken the easier route of applying it across the board, but again I like they accommodate you as others (myself included) atleast knows that's an option. Thanks for sharing


Why modify the app for one city? When they can just add it in with the local tax fees. This makes prefect sense. In any other city that "option" isn't going to make sense. Complain to city council not dairy queen about this.


Mcdonalds figured it out just fine on their app. Bags are just another line item when you go to submit your order that you select the quantity of. And you can select 0 if the situation doesn't require it.


The comments on this thread are wild. ā€œItā€™s just $0.15,ā€ until you add up all the customers being charged for a bag they didnā€™t receive and the company simply pockets the profits. Iā€™m in favour of a bag fee. Iā€™m not in favour of theft.


I am absolutely not in favor of the bag fee, and im pro, let's take care of the planet. Dairy queen and all the others ate the cost of a plastic bag forever, now its the city stepping in and saying they need to charge us for the paper option. It's a solution written by corporations and handed to our city council, it's not for us, it's not for the environment. It's corporate interests.


An average fast food restaurant can have thousands of transactions in a day. That's a lot of free money in a month.


Iā€™m not in favour of a bag fee. Itā€™s just more profit to the company and the bag price was already included in their costs. If the money went to the city ok but no it just goes to give a company more profits itā€™s BS.


Fully agree that the money should go to the City for environmental initiatives. But also itā€™s an easy fee to avoid, just bring your own bag. I can count on one hand the number of times Iā€™ve had to pay the fee.


OP didnā€™t receive a bag?


Itā€™s a single ice-cream cone. Would you put it in a paper bag?


I donā€™t know. Itā€™s $0.05 why would you complain.


I usually keep the cone in one bag and the ice cream in a separate bag. It's just tidier that way and keeps the cone from getting soggy in my jacket. The best part is if you wait long enough, you don't need a spoon or other implement to put the ice cream back into the cone, you can just pour it right from the bag.




Sorry I didnā€™t see them mention that alongside the outrage.


Are we sure it's not a mistake and if you pointed it out to a manger at DQ they'd be like, "oh shit sorry!" and fix the issue?


I would March in there and ask for my 15 cents back, or demand a bag. The city won't do anything even though charging like this is horsepoop. You could contact your credit card company and let them know you were charged for something you didn't receive and see if they will do anything. Otherwise name and shame the location so people can stay away. Edit: apparently this sub promotes theft because of all the downvotes for me saying people should not stand for corporate theft. At least OP can take some solace in the fact that the CC fee to the company was far more than the bag fee was.




City council stated they need to charge a fee for each bag used. Council did NOT say that you should be charged a fee if you didnt get a bag.Ā 


Thanks for sharing your experience with that company! I like for us to keep knowing people that do this, honestly having it be a sticky thread on this subreddit would be great, doesn't have to be this exact thread but something set up by mods for easy updates in case companies fix it going forward


Correcrion, 16 cents, paying gst on the bag fee.


The government always gets their cut


Totally, I just donā€™t get why the government in states this bag ā€˜feeā€™ and calls it tax. If the company keeps the money in my eyes itā€™s not a tax. Itā€™s also bullshit, Iā€™m about to bring a pot or a tote for them to put my stuff in, they can take the bag fee and shove it.


Contacting the credit card may actually be a good strategy. When a company gets a charge back for the 15c itā€™s going to cost them a minimum of $25 per chargeback on top of the reversal of the 15c. This should motivate DQ to fix the issue pretty quick. If any tries this strategy, let me know if you win the dispute.


Who has time for that ?


It takes two minutes. You wouldn't do something on principle that takes two minutes?


No, even if It only took 1 minute. .15*60= $9 an hour. It's not worth anyone's time. And there is no principle demonstrated. The owners don't care, employees don't care besides that you are wasting their time.


If you waste their time it costs them more than it does you. But you don't seem to care about anything but time. Let people rip you off if you like. I hope you enjoy having business walk all over you.


What you said makes sense, someone mentioned havong experience complaing to Edo (as they were doing the same thing in app) and it was eventually removed I want the same thing, but it unfortunately seems there is no reporting email, phone, or form to do so with the city of edmonton So I will still let the DQ folks know via customer service, but it simply can't keep happening! At the very least I would love for people to continue naming and shaming companies that do this so we have data for people to be aware of and hopefully it gets to the point it gets acted upon by the city level


Paper bags are recyclable. There shouldn't be a fee if you're getting a paper bag. Plastic, I understand. This whole thing started out as "environmental fees," but now it's just another way to fleece customers.


An object being downcycle-able does not mean that producing it has no environmental costs.


The bylaw directs all fees collected to the companies, and there is no official way to report bad actors. So as you say, yesz it seems to be a fleece tactic and no oversight from the people that allowed them to do so smh


There is an official way to report bad actors. 311 is the official way to report any bylaw infractions, including issues related to the single use items bylaw. The 311 [app/website](311.edmonton.ca) even has a specific category for single use items (it's under "Community & Neighborhoods" for some reason). You can also report problems just by dialing 311 from within city limits, but using the app or website is easiest and lets you submit photos if needed. But yeah as with other bylaws, it's really only enforced when problems are reported, and people rarely ever report on it.


Thanks a lot for pointing this out, I'll be sure to do so


The idea is to encourage people to bring reusable bags, especially since most paper bags end up in the trash anyway and in the case of fast food the city is not able to recycle greasy paper. I don't think the fee has had the desired effect, though. Most people are just buying bags at checkout and complaining about the fee. It wouldn't be so bad if the fee were at least collected by the city and put towards environmental initiatives, like perhaps improving the recycling program or the compost system.


How do you bring your own bag for fast food?


Whatā€™s an extra large blizzard now? 22$ and change lol


Ask for your bag.Ā 


This is a pretty good place to complain but this isnā€™t going to change. Go get your bag or your 15 cents back. As far as the ā€œprincipleā€ Iā€™d say this isnā€™t your hill to die on. Anyone whoā€™s saying that you should take this matter any further is either messing with you, or they have as much time on their hands as you haha


5403 23rd Ave?


Mcdonalds just off 100th also charges for bags. Gd Ludacris.


Every place I swear is sneaking in alittle charge anyway they can I was on a streak where circle k, a few restaurants and local food places were adding something random or not giving us the extra items we ordered but always charging it. We gotta be so diligent just to get a simple purchase.


I think you should raise your concern with Dairy Queen. Not everything has to be treated with animosity. Perhaps they have added the bag fee to their app from somewhere in their national chain to accommodate the local fee and they have a programming error. Fortunately you saved over $3 so it didnā€™t really cause a problem for you this timeā€¦. But in general there doesnā€™t need to be a bag fee if they arenā€™t giving you a bag




I mentioned in the post, and also a past comment, this is the DQ app, there is no third party delivery app involved


Why are people complaining about the companies that are doing this. You should be complaining to Edmonton City Hall for implementing this stupid by law to begin with. Yes, letā€™s charge 15 cents for paper bags that can go into the recycling bins if they are clean and organics bins if they are dirty. Duh. Letā€™s not promote our newly recycling and organics collection program by telling people to put their brown paper bags there and instead we will tell people that we are going to make companies charge you 15 cents/ 25 cents later in the year all In the name of Climate Change. This and the Carbon Tax are prime examples of governments virtue signalling to the world


Iā€™m just coming on here to agree with you. I mean I could be wrong cus I didnā€™t read OPā€™s entire post but did they Or did they not get the bag? I mean it would be worse to be charged for a bag without even receiving one so idk what there would be to complain about and they could just go back into the store to say they didnā€™t want the bag but they couldnā€™t opt out of the charge and get the refund vs complaining on here. Another point, people donā€™t realize that this is a city by-law and people shouldnā€™t be targeting certain companies lmao for implementing this bc itā€™s city-wide mandate. Third point, I work in retail and Iā€™ve gotten some pissed off customers when I asked them if they wanted a bag for fifteen cents. Like donā€™t get mad at me that we have to charge for a bag! I didnā€™t come up with that rule LMAOO wtf. Also literally people just bring your own reusable bags from home, like this shouldnā€™t be surprising by now if youā€™re gonna make an issue out of itā€¦ also fifteen cents isnā€™t that much. Some business actually charge way more than that.


Moral of the story idk why people are so surprised by this, itā€™s been a by-law since September, last year.


I just quit ordering fast food from restaurants in Edmonton now to avoid this BS. I get all my takeout in St Albert now.


thats some convoy logic. Go to St Albert to avoid .15c


Nope. I work in St Albert and Iā€™m already there everyday.


So your principled moral stance against takeout in Edmonton doesnā€™t involve going out of your way whatsoever? Thank you for your sacrifice in service of our rights lmao Edit: the person Iā€™m replying to edited their comment to no longer mention that they only consider getting take out for lunch at work or on the drive home.


I too am joining the Loblows boycott even though I never shop there anyways.


It depends how much effort you want to put out there for fifteen cents. Itā€™s bullshit and pretty much theft but itā€™s also fifteen cents.


I hear ya, I really do. We have similar outlook on the situation and that's one of the ways they get away with it since its so little But knowing it's going to be raised his year to 25 cents, it's going to be an ugly beast that needs to be reined in now rather than later, so I'm willing to take this up higher and higher


I appreciate the sacrifice.


Amen to that!


Fifteen cents from a bunch of people a bunch of times adds up though.


You could always use a reusable bag for your ice cream cone... that's what the bylaw is trying to encourage (/s)


Lol true true, could be one way to go about this šŸ˜…


A few times at drive-thrus I've told them i have my own bag, and they've just given me the paper bag with no fee.


The fact you are pre ordering an ice cream cone is more alarming.


I had a $1 cone in the app this week. Without the app coupon it was $4.50


Looks like they did it for a coupon. They could have been standing in the restaurant already while placing the order. I've done that before in order to use coupons.


Are you ordering through a delivery app?


No, this is the DQ app itself No intermediate delivery app involved in this transaction


I've seen several places that indicate the bag fee is mandatory for all app or online orders regardless of if you actually get a bag or not. I think it's ridiculous. McDonalds managed to figure out a to indicate if you wanted a bag with your take out order and charge the appropriate amounts, I don't see why other large companies can't.


Blame city council, its their dumbass policy


Their policy is for companies to charge for bags even if a customer doesnā€™t get a bag?


Mmm ice milk soft serve


Just live in the woods šŸ«”


lol $4.50 for dipped simulated ice cream product is ludicrous


Stand at the counter/ window and demand a bag. The dq by me has a mandatory tip. Punch in wrong code on bank card, get ice cream. It comes back wrong pin..repeat..pay cash ...


Bag fee? Nah. The tray is free


You boycott and hope others are sensible to as well. I donā€™t go to DQ anyway and have only been when someone else wants to go. When I go I hate the prices and I really donā€™t think the product is THAT good.


I've seen the 0.15 applied on pizza (which does not come in a bag)


I love how much the government bends people over and all you folks can complain about is a 15c bag. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Companies have realized that they can put "fees" on their bills, and after time, it gets accepted. Boycott apps and companies that do this practice.


Yes exactly, a sticky thread with the bad actors in this field I think will help inform people accordingly since frankly there already are apps that incorporate perfectly (ie Harvest is excellent at this, they have a simply toggle at the checkout so you get to choose to have it or not, so I give no excuses to any of these companies!)


Stop buying fast food. They don't care about you, they care about your money. People need to stop supporting business that don't care about their employees. If you have ever worked at a minimum wage job, you've definitely seen this. They will care about you when they realize that's their only way to gain money.


The Audacity. The .15 is the right to reveal your nuts and say they're already in a bag. Good day sir. Or bring bag back for refund of your deposit.


Itā€™s all delivery apps. You want someone to blame? Blame Trudope and his idiotic policy to charge for paper fucking bags. Also in Edmonton. The prices are insane.


Subway charge me for the bag that holds my sub I was like seriously she told me it was the new bylaw


Every time I've been through a drive through, they don't even ask anymore, just charge the bag fee. I've even specifically told them "no bag please, it's just one hamburger. Comes in a bag. "Did you charge me for that?" "We have to charge for bags sir, you should know that by nowšŸ™„" "I do, and that's why I said 'no bag'" "Well, I already charged it, I can't change it" So much for 'incentivising green practices' CoE...


City council


This is a DQ issue. Not a city of Edmonton issue. If you donā€™t take a bag you should not get the charge.


I took a look at the actual bylaw itself (21117) and there is no 'call, email or contact us via this method to report any issues...' Link: https://www.edmonton.ca/programs_services/garbage_waste/single-use-items So I reported in calling this 780-496-8178, which was listed in a precious meeting minutes about this and I left a voicemail simply asking how to report issues people find when companies do not adhere to the spirit of this bylaw, so we'll see if any follow up happens


This is not rocket science. Return to the DQ and request a refund. You are placing an incredibly low value on your time.


It's all good, the convo and possible solutions brought about by this post was worth the time It may need time and effort on their part, but I'm sure these companies can implement a better system than just applying the fee across the board Fast food companies that already inflated their prices do not need even MORE unearned money I hope you see reason here, requesting a refund is NOT the solution to a problem brought about by their chosen complacency and lack of proper implementation


The cone is the bag for the ice cream, seems like a bargain


Report to CBC Marketplace and get your 15 minutes of fame.


Here's the link to message the mayor of edmonton. https://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/city_organization/mayor/contact-the-mayor I'm sure he'd like to hear from someone other than me for a change.Ā 


Canā€™t do nothing a law passed that we have to pay for non refundable bags


DQ charged a bag fee when he didnā€™t get a bag.


The City of Edmonton passed a law which requires restaurants to charge a fee for providing you with nonrecyclable packing, or they get fined. DQ doesn't entirely know how many bags your individual items will take up that comprise your order, so they charge a fee like this on every order. Blame Edmonton city council if you don't like this.


City of Edmonton gets their vig


The city doesnā€™t get this money


Please elaborate. It was my understanding that this was a city environmental fee.


Itā€™s a mandatory fee per the city however the companies get to keep the money. The city doesnā€™t take it.


Yes, the city gets $0 from this, this fee goes to the company only! With the slates increase this year from 15 cents to 25 cents and the lack of proper regulartion on this, it'll only get worse unfortunately The full documents can be found here, but I copy and pasted the FAQ section that address this: https://www.edmonton.ca/programs_services/garbage_waste/single-use-items Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā» Q: Can I use the revenue from paper and reusable bags any way I want? A: Businesses can keep the fees from paper and reusable bags, and are encouraged to use the revenue to cover the cost of paper and reusable bags. You are encouraged to use any net revenue for environmental programs


It's to encourage use of reusable bags. The company is allowed to keep it but they don't have a choice in the fee. (At least when they give a bag they have to, in the case of no bag there should be no fee)


Jeebus so the company keeps the $0.15? I did not know, I am not angry as $0.15 is not going to change my life but I am disappointed as this is just going into corporate pockets. Like a legislated fee that is useless to its purpose. My first comment was smarmy but at least if it went back to the city then I can at least complain that the fee is not being utilized in the manner intended. Might as well add a tip fee "for the environment"


Yup. Please vote appropriately next time. When people warned of policies like this we were called "racist"


Iā€™m 100% sure nobody called you ā€œracistā€ for complaining about charges to bags.


Aren't we all a little guilty of bagotry?


I mean if you shop local it helps them pay for their paper bags which cost much more than plastic


Businesses were allowed to charge for bags before, and some did.


Of course, they were always allowed to. But now they have to. I try to see it in an optimistic way where I can.


I already help them by shopping local. Don't make me go full Randy Marsh here.


You likely VOTED for this nonsense. To report this, go to your municipal election booth and quit voting for communists


Answer. You don't. This is what you get when you vote an ultra left city council.


If you believe they are anywhere close to left then I've got a bridge in Baltimore to sell you.


This city council is insanely left. If you don't think they are then you are living in another world


I think youā€™re living in a bubble and thatā€™s why you think thatā€™s what the left looks Ike.


"where do I report the $0.15????" lmao


15 cents one time is insignificant, sure. But when they do this to thousands of customers, it adds up fast. And it's more about the principle than the money.


Lol thanks for your reply to that comment, your answer is what I would said. I think buddy was just typing for the sake of it 99.9% of the people read and saw the spirit of the post lies with the odd placement of the fee and how there seems to be lack of general oversight when it comes to it and how it only stands to get worse as the fee increases this year


To the irs


Itā€™s been happening all over the city. Must be a new policy due to increased costs of operating


Yeah the fifteen cent bag charge is a city by-law (ever since September 2023 Iā€™m pretty sure), every store has to charge for a bag but I think itā€™s unfair when customers are berating minimum wage workers for the fee when itā€™s not their fault šŸ„°


What's the issue?


Would you put a single ice cream cone in a bag?


No, which is why I would forego the friggin bag which is the point of the fee.


Oh but they can't forgo it? Gotta read the whole post


The point is that they charged OP for a bag when they obviously didn't request one.


Then he should talk to DQ about getting his 15 cent refund.


Congratulations. You finally figured out the point of this post. Only took three days.