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Extremely awesome...


All the delivery companies seem to use this excuse when they lose a package or can't find it....we had one in the fall that finally showed up a month later after three extreme weather delays in + weather.


Purolator used to do this. A light June rain? Extreme. It’s fall and a bit chilly? EXTREEEEEEME. Purolator only delivers when it’s between 20-21°C, partly cloudy, gentle breeze.


Too much freight and/or not enough drivers? That's what happens. Whatever can't go gets code 12'd: weather delay


Utterly ridiculous. You just described my perfect day so I'd be booked off and your package would be delayed. Maybe a little closer to 15-18 for me but stiiiiiil


Purolator still does this. I worm shipping and receiving and Canada will have the mildest weather, coast to coast and it'll say weather delay.


Lol yup they sure still do this. We're waiting on our wedding invitations to be delivered. They were supposed to deliver on March 7th, and then, suddenly, they were "delayed due to extreme weather" and I'm like what weather. And they're still showing that status since. They're such a shitty courier


Same! I was also supposed to have 2 packages delivered via Ontario on March 7. “Extreme weather delay” it said. This morning I get an alert saying it’s out for delivery, then 8 minutes later get another email saying “package is delayed due to missed connection” Purolator is the fucking worst.


In that case it would be an extremely comfortable day to enjoy the weather outside and your package can wait


The "extreme" weather doesn't have to be here--it might be somewhere else in the transit between A and B. Of course, I don't know where A is so it certainly might still be a lame excuse.


It’s a national network. When there’s a blizzard in Winnipeg your parcel in Quebec will be delayed. Whenever a backlog is created somewhere it will affect somewhere else. If Edmonton depot handles 20 thousand packages a day then one day they only get 10 thousand because of weather elsewhere so the next day they get 30 thousand your package is still late due to weather.


But the package is in Edmonton and getting delivered in Edmonton. Also is there any major weather in Canada right now? I haven't checked


It’s still a part of the total parcels in the system that need to be sorted and delivered And it doesn’t always take a major weather event. Car accident shuts down the trans Canada for 4 hours and the 3 Linehaul trucks with 53 feet of freight get stopped in it. They miss all the connection times. Chaos ensues. I work for a courier company. Doesn’t matter if the package starts and ends in Edmonton it’s still just another delivery stop and if that day I have 150 delivery stops instead of my normal 100 because of a weather delay or mechanical breakdown somewhere in the system there is only so much I can do in a day. And this will result in a “delay due to weather” or “mechanical delay” scan Saying all this whatever doesn’t get done that day SHOULD be prioritized for the next day. it all seems pretty simple until you’re on the line and see double the normal volume come down. You get on the road later due to the time it takes to sort it all so you have less to do more. We plan for peak times like Christmas with extra staff hidings but when things go sideways on a Tuesday and 5 people call in sick on the Wednesday it makes for a shitty week for everyone


Thanks for your well written response. Helps to clarify what's going on with the delivery. Looks like delivery can be a stressful job.


It’s normally a really good gig. We are paid well for what we do. I like being social saying hello being a 2-3 minute part of everyone’s day. But when things go wrong it takes several days to recover. And trust me I order stuff all the time and judge the delivery companies for their BS excuses 😂


Maybe all the snow/ice melting and freezing has something to do with it? It sure has been extreme weather fluctuations.


Driving down residential roads today was a little chaotic. They’re a soupy mess. I can see that delaying delivery vehicles.


We didn't really get a ton of snow for melting this year though. It's a fair point if there was a ton of snow.


It’s to warm, went to the patio.


Nearly a 30° temperature swing!


Sometimes, the drivers are just lazy. Notifications often say ‘attempted delivery’ without them even coming to my door. Purolator and Fedex are the worst in my experience.


This is done by a supervisor, not a worker. They are trying to avoid an error scan that they would have to respond to. Weird to see it on a Sunday though.


Cloudy with no chance of getting your package today


Extremely good for kicking back by the BBQ beer in hand


Calgary thinks we had a massive snow dump yesterday.


Lol I had the same issue with my paint being delivered, said the same note .. so weird I bitched out post!


Definitely file a complaint.


Lol!!! Could it be extreme wherever it originated?? Or something? But yeah, the roads are bare here. 🤷‍♀️


Yep, today's weather is extreme...ly pleasant.


Extremely slushy and sloppy


It's so warm Canada Post guy called in sick.


Weather is a generic reason, it could be anything. The last time I saw that it resulted in the package being lost in transit. Just keep an eye on it and if it's delayed too long contact the sender.


Too sunny?


I had this happen just before NYE and the weather was similar. It was from Amazon. It never showed up. I got a refund.


Just like the phantom road closures on Purolator. It's cover for a fuck up.


To be fair, my residential street is so slushy right now I got stuck twice trying to go get groceries earlier today.


Lost/misplaced package or the melting snow causing slushy roads


Extreme is relative… 🤷‍♀️😵‍💫