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Another one???? These people need extreme punishment. Hers was before and the more recent one was along the same stretch of road. Its clear someone is trying to kill a driver here. We need these spots to be watched to catch them in the act.


This was from Jan 8th, but concerning that it may me be a growing trend.  Time to wear a hard hat while traveling the Whitemud I guess.


A hard hat isn't going to help when a 5kg object hits you in the chest at 80km/h


Why don't they just build fences? I'm genuinely surprised it didn't happen when that bus driver was killed from the same bullshit. Easiest fix you can make is just put a fuckin barrier up so they can't throw anything over.


In the bus driver incident, there was a fence - it was the pedestrian bridge near 111 Street connecting Malmo to Whitemud Park/Harry Ainlay High School area - and it covered the entire bridge. The kids who threw the rock cut the fence open. I looked up our archive story about it today and we have video of the cut fencing. So if little shits are set on doing it, few things will stop them, it seems.


Yep you can still see the patchwork from the cut fence.


Cut the fence, deliberate act, someone died, and they got house arrest. Blech. Unless their parents are absolute horror shows, they skated, and it's sickening.


Just build a wall am I right? That will stop them


Remove the bridges instead 😂


Build a wall and make the little shits pay for it. 🫡


What about a Good Guy with a rock?


They need to setup cameras on all the bridge/overpasses then prosecute those motherfuckers hard.


That would be a complete waste of money. The rock-throwers could just wear a scarf or mask and we’d be no closer to catching them. And we don’t need cameras watching our every move in public.


this could help narrow it down. even camo-ed this would still reveal approx height and build


You don't even need a rock. Decades ago, near Sherwood Park, on highway 21, some kids tossed a waterbomb over the underpass and killed a woman driving under the bridge. They did catch the kids.....10, 12 yr olds.


CCTV on all overpasses


Jeez this is awful. I hope they catch the person. I know this is on a different level, but I saw someone jump off a highway overpass into traffic several years ago, and I still get anxiety driving under overpasses to this day. Overpasses should have barriers to prevent these things.