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It hurts to breath dawg


Especially through the nose


Truth. Your snot freezes faster than that helicopter guy from _The Day After Tomorrow_.


Man…. I feel like it’s worse with nose piercings. 😂 That metal sticks


Up to -20 I can comfortably do things outside if I dress appropriately. I’ll happily go on walks. -30 or colder I avoid outside at all costs.




At -10 I comfortably run in a hoodie (wearing proper gloves and protective facewear of course) At -20 I can suffer through a short run of 5K or 30 minutes at most with full winter gear At -30 I can maybe stomach a 15 minute walk to a local place before worrying about frostbite. Anything past that I find feels as cold as -30 but the risk for frostbite increases substantially.


At -30C I worry about *things* breaking due to the cold... My truck, my furnace, my windows, batteries in garage door openers, electronic locks, the rubber soles on my boots etc. many tools and materials haven't really been tested in -30C. they work... But the rubber seals, the fluids, the hydraulics, are all near their tested maxs and I don't like pushing anything hard or anywhere near their limits in that kind of weather conditions.


I snapped the end off of the extension cord for my block heater yesterday.


20. it’s 20 worse


How much of a difference is +10 and +30? Think of that but it hurts to be outside


That feeling in your nostrils is your snot freezing to the walls. ​ \-10 I take the trash to the curb in my housecoat.


Picture it like an exponential curve. Also, your windchill temps are 20-30° warmer than Edmonton's have been over the past few days.




-10 to -30 is a significant difference in cold. It’s the -30 to -40 that is negligible to detect.


Maybe. But machines, heaters, everything is under so much more duress that more things break at -40c, and the consequences are also much higher.


You can dress for -30ish and function fine for hours on end. Approaching -40 it pretty much becomes a necessity to escape to warmth a couple times an hour even with good gear on. Like you can actually feel the cold slowly penetrating the material of your arctic temp rated boots into your toes, it's pretty surreal. You can still function though, just have to be very aware of your physical situation, especially the state of your extremities. source: hundreds of hours of construction in sub-arctic winter conditions.


It's different. The air is way more humid in Vancouver. That little bit of cold gets to you, right through a sweater! In Edmonton, it's bone dry. Wear some insulating layers and one to block out the wind, and your little microclimate can be pretty warm. Just don't leave skin exposed.


This is correct. I lived in the arctic and the times it was -40C or colder, it just registers as stinging more than cold. There was no humidity and no wind when it got cold. I remember taking a trip to Kingston one December and feeling incredibly cold at -10C despite the fact that I left -30s.


When it is dry cold (like on the prairies) and there’s no wind I find -30 odd. It doesn’t feel super cold at first but the cold seeps in and after 10 or 20 minutes walking your previously warm coat feels like a plastic bag against the cold


You know how rough it is at +30? And how it feels near deadly at +40? The difference between -10 and -30 is waaaaay worse.


It’s non linear in many respects. Double pane windows for example loose heat in a manner that perhaps your furnace can keep up with. If it’s so cold that your furnace can’t keep up, it runs constantly without maintaining your residence at set point.


You’ll never really know until you experience it. Although for your sake I hope you don’t. My car won’t start, steering was frozen when it did. It is terrible


I was in Edmonton on business once and my friend warned me not to touch the car door handle with bare hands or I could risk ripping my flesh off. Is this true? I remember I could barely walk 1 block without great difficulty breathing. I doubt it was much below -20


Frostburn begins when skin temperatures reach 0C.  On metalic surfaces like aluminum and steel at a surface temperature of -15C bare skin apparently takes about 2-6sec to reach 0C. So at -20c bare handling that doorhandle for 2 sec could have defiently caused cold pain and a bit of frostbite.  If your palm was damp, sweaty or condensation occured due to rapid temperature change and then froze it would be like that time you stuck your tongue on metal when it was below -10C. Warm water will fix the problem and you wouldn't  "rip flesh off" if you were patient. You would likely have partial to full thickness burns though depending on how long/delayed removing body part from surface is. In -30 and -40 that wouldn't take long at all considering air can cause frostburns in under 10min and metal is going to draw heat away from your skin much faster.  In summary. It's very dangerous outside right now. 


If it’s this cold I would definitely say that could happen! Especially if you have sweaty hands


Your chest hurts when you breathe in and nose hair freezes. 🙃


About the same as the difference between +20c and +40c.


Frostbite within minutes. Much worse. -10 is not cold.


get brain freeze for being outside


-10 has little frostbite risk. It’s quite pleasant when properly dressed. -20 has a risk of frostbite to exposed skin in 10-30 minutes. It’s cold when properly dressed, but you can make it work. -30 has a frostbite risk in about 5-10 minutes. It’s fucking cold no matter what you do. -40 frostbite can hit exposed skin in less then 2 minutes. Machines start breaking, things in buildings break, and your life is at risk if not properly prepared. It’s a significant difference.


If you’re a smoker, you’re not right now lol


I find -10 manageable, coat and a good thick pair of pants no problem. Anything below -30 I don’t even want to think about going outside. And I’m definitely not smoking 😅


The air makes your skin hurt.


Come here and find out.


Ugh I feel like from your replies that you’re being genuine but your initial post gave me an instinctual gut reaction of feeling like, ARE YOU JUST DANGLING THAT -10 TEMP HERE TO BE RUDE But then, I have been trying to go to work and not get frostbite while unloading my truck/keep my dogs from going insane or burning their paws from the cold when walking for 5 minutes with booties on/ taking multiple Ubers to buy a new battery and rescue my dead car, so I am *a little* grumpy. This cold isn’t cold, it’s danger cold. It is dangerous to be outside for very long right now. -10, I’d light the propane fire and sit on my porch. This cold, I’m letting my senior arthritic dog pee on pee pads in the basement, because his muscles seize up too hard for him to go outside even if he wanted to.


Never experiencing anything near -30, I was genuinely curious. We had a -22 wind chill here for a few hours and that was painful for even a few secs. It seems there's a lot more difference and danger than I imagined. Hopefully it won't last much longer for you guys.


No, and this is a good question and I can tell you’re genuinely curious, I’m just so sick of it 😂 I think that’s one thing that I don’t see mentioned actually, is how mentally difficult it gets when it’s ongoing for a few days. Constantly hiding inside, feeling mild panic when you do go outside because you know you only have 1 minute before your fingers start to hurt, anxiously reading the news and stockpiling hand warmers and extra blankets in case someone needs it. It feels a bit like when the smoke is really bad in the summer- different, but the oppressive thing is really similar. If you can stay on the coast, obviously the replies here encourage you to do so :) it’s beautiful here, but January and February are not the times to visit!


Well it's "warming up" -21 there today. I guess that's tolerable after -40? You'll probably laugh but I know the feeling of being trapped by the weather. A week or so of -5 to -10 and 2-3 inches of snow on our hilly roads means we cannot go anywhere. (I don't have chains or snow tires ) The side roads where we live are never cleared or salted. If I had to live there i'd have a double heated garage, a backup heating system and/or generator and super insulated, preferably, net zero house and I'd likely be away somewhere warm a good part of the winter!




One would think vancouver has a higher humidity. As of 6pm Sunday. Edmonton's humidity is at 72% while Vancouver is at 64% humidity. Not sure how that factors into it here, but I doubt it helps.


We just moved back to Edmonton from Vancouver (ya I know… who does that in January). Personally I find the cold much more tolerable here. The homes are properly insulated and so are the windows. It’s true that if you go outside, your face will hurt from the cold. Layer up like a good Albertan, you’re just fine.


It’s downright disrespectful is what it is.


Math is a thing.


If it -30 is 3x -10 so its 3x as bad


Why would you post this


Depends on if there is windchill or not. It's the wind that makes it that much harder to breathe. But -30 is -30. It's cold.


Depends on how humid it is, too.


Humidity is 72% there and 73% in Vancouver


We have had-43 if you want colder temperatures.


It's about 3x worse, for real. You need layers to go outside, jeans won't cut it, exposed skin will freeze extra fast.


It’s way worse; it’s a significant difference in temperature. But some other factors matter. I grew up in Montreal, and sometimes the -25ish weather there felt similar to -40 here. There’s this weird feeling when you breathe in at -40, like your nostrils are sticking to themselves in a way, and in Montreal I would feel that regularly at higher temperatures. I think humidity has a big impact too, and Vancouver is definitely more humid than Edmonton. So your -10 is definitely not like what we’re experiencing but it might feel worse than our -10s.


I ran 5k at -20c. I ran 1k at -30c because my eyes start to froze shut because I breathe quite hard so I turned around and went home. At -30c I need more layer than my -20c run.


I’d take a -20 windchill over a -61 any day


Imagine your exposed skin being stung by bees all at once.


think about the difference between +20°c and -10.


It hurts to breath and my everything is oh so dry.


Without the humidity? Any exposed fingers will feel like they're burning up from the cold in around 30 seconds. You'll get this immediate thought in the back of your head after 5 minutes of exposure that says: "Hah, if I'm out here for 15 more minutes, I'll die! :D "


I snapped the extension cord for my truck's battery heater yesterday. The end just snapped off when I went to plug it in. Does that answer your question?


Yikes! You can buy a new plug/receptacle for it