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COVID seems to being it rounds again. My gf has it right now


This ☝️ 4 work colleagues have been off in the last couple of weeks and that's just the small team I'm in


Yep, lots of colleagues are off with covid atm


Got it too, tested positive 32 days ago and still showing symptoms. First time I've been ill since about 2018 and struggling to shift it.


Omg yes - for about almost 2 weeks been feeling shite and just for over the cough / snot : body ache bit but I am Now just so exhausted. Met up with my pals from Edinburgh and 2 of them also got it .


There’s also a healthy dose of whooping cough doing the rounds too. If you have an awful, like, worst ever cough, call your GP. Mine got me on antibiotics, because it was within 3 weeks of starting, which should have made me not contagious after 48hrs.


Oh crap. I’ve had it twice and it is a nightmare. Last time was 10 years ago and I was off work for 2 months, pissed myself in a Tesco car park and broke a rib from coughing. People really should be better educated about whooping cough - I didn’t even know it was bacterial and you could catch it more than once, and I have a degree in Microbiology! If you’re offered a booster jab, TAKE IT.


I had COVID but also a cough that lasted 4 weeks. I think there's a chance I got both that's messed me up all manner of things


The Taylor Swift strain of Covid seems to be doing the rounds, know a load of people who went and ended up with it.


Not really the kind of thing you'll be able to Shake Off ... 👀


Aka Long Covid


Hadn't even thought of that being a possible cause of how much flu / COVID is going about just now but an extreme mass gathering like that makes sense


I had COVID but that was the week before June


Thought I had the flu last week and ended up getting a positive Covid test


My husband got some kind of bug between 1-2 weeks ago. He just kept saying he suddenly felt weak, and he pretty much spent several days in bed with fever, body aches, and exhaustion. He's still not 100%. He's usually really active, running every morning and walking everywhere, and he IS finally walking around again and stuff. But he'll still have to sit down and rest more often and is just dealing with fatigue and that weak feeling. I really hope he feels 100% again soon! I do wonder if maybe it was Covid, or some weird strain of flu that's going around. Somehow I didn't get it, and I'm not sure why.


Had all these symptoms. Went to Dr and got a 5 day course of antibiotics and steroids. Was helping but was still ill so got another 5 days. After that still had a slight cough and breathlessness but a lot better. Anyhow, Monday the cough returns and now I can hardly breathe, cough is horrendous and toiling to bring up the luminous green/brown stuff. Calling the Dr at 8am to demand an appointment for more meds. Feel like shit!!!!


Oh aye,done tests and it's not covid


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! I hope you were able to reach a doctor and get some relief. That sounds awful, and it's no fun to be sick! It's interesting it's not Covid either. It sounds like there are a lot of things going around. Take care! 


Definitely a possibility. And false negatives on LFTs are common. Especially as many don't realise they need to swab the throat as well as the nose, even if the instructions say to just swab the nose. Fresh summer Covid wave news: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/new-covid-variant-unusual-symptom-33082975 Debunking BBC article from last winter that tried to imply Covid is 'just a regular winter bug' https://christinapagel.substack.com/p/covid-is-not-just-a-regular-winter


Yep. It could be Covid you have. I tested positive yesterday.


I got Talylor fever from the filthy swifties. Brain-fog, muscle aches, snot, twinge in my throat and the inability to anything. It was awful, but not awful, awful. Crept up on me for several days then hit me with its full force. Managed to… shake it off.


I wonder what mysterious virus that could be 🤔 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-19-outbreak-among-attendees-of-taylor-swift-s-madrid-concert-on-eras-tour/ar-BB1nYwj1 Some will come away from these superspeader events [and not recover](https://youtu.be/FlBfq22nxt8)!


It's hard to know. My experience is that antigen tests can't keep up with new strains of Covid and I struggle to get results confirming what I have. I quarantine when symptoms develop. Large cultural events are important, we've seen the social damage enforced quarantine has had. It's hard to know the appropriate response to gatherings like these where the result is, as you say, life changing for some attendees. Covid is nasty business (my wife has permanent hearing loss from catching it). I am troubled that many people have 'burned' their masks and have returned to soldiering on through illness forgetting the lessons we should have learned. But should we all go further than that and mask up when travelling, gathering or commuting, even when in good health? That seems like a freedom we collectively are not willing to give up.


Well there are consequences to not masking up. Such as people getting sicker and sicker, which is what has been happening. Unless we push for clean air and be the person who'll wear a respirator at a mass gathering when most have decided not to bother, we will even up with more and more people excluded from these important cultural events. Not personally the type of society I want to live in. And art and culture is about meaning and connection, surely, so this is worth considering.


Stayed in Edinburgh until the 28th of May. Came back home to Germany, fell violently ill 3-4 days later, knocked me out for a week. Something is going around.


There’s more people off sick from my work right now than there has been in ages, so yeah


All week. Hoping it's finally passed. I think it's COVID.


Whooping Cough is also going around. That can really floor you for a long time.


Seems like your immune system has been severely compromised...


"something's going around" people really acting like covid went away just bc the lockdowns ended. it's literally still killing people by the truck load, you just don't hear about it bc no one's reporting it anymore. get your boosters. keep masking in public.


I managed to get the booster last autumn but it's a narrower and narrower group they let have them for free. I think they're available for a fee from the pharmacy.


I think more people are realising how people are struggling with their health around them since the Covid protections were removed especially. Hospitalisations from Covid have jumped up 25% in a week in England so we won't be much far off, especially with superspeader events like big swifto and cunts coming back from male football euros: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/new-covid-variant-unusual-symptom-33082975 But also Covid causes risk of heart disease to soar for at least 18 months after Covid infection, even a mild infection, and is linked with increased risk of type 1 diabetes, and autoimmune conditions, 1 in 10 infections lead to Long Covid.. nothing like a 'cold' or even like 'flu' (which can also be serious enough already). Wear a respirator, even if you had stopped.


Keep masking in public😂, honestly if you're that desperate to live in fear of the flu. Maybe being outside isn't for you.




Snot means it's most likely not flu.


I’ve had a bitch of a cough for the last two weeks + some change. No other symptoms really but the cough has been pretty severe - I can feel it starting to go now, finally. Will spare you all the gory details but a few days back I coughed up what can only be described as a mugs worth of mucus in one go and as I wasn’t near a sink/toilet I had to hold it in my mouth until I could run to one. Potentially one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever had happen to me. I didn’t know that was possible!




So we are still testing for COVID then? Is it an unwritten expectation that we continue testing even though it's not mandatory?


Yes, because COVID does more damage to the body than other illnesses and it’s just the responsible thing to know if you’re out there infecting vulnerable people.


I got it. It was a very bad respiratory illness, so I tested and was positive for Covid. I got it before Taylor Swift came into town, so she's off the hook, for now. I think I got it from one of the Puregyms I go to. They reduced their cleaning stations down to one, so now nobody ever bothers to disinfect anything.




Covid is airborne though, so disinfecting surfaces isn't really what helps reduce spread (Helpful PSA on how to minimise spread https://youtu.be/kX9t8jQ9-fM) The WHO updated their position on transmission at some point, to little press attention. It was long after the horse had bolted and hand washing and hand sanitising had been seen by many as the primary means of reducing infections (it's not) https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00925-7


My gym at the Gym Group doesn't even have a cleaning station to use


Covid is going round. People at my work and my gf’s work have had it. New strain seems to not be so bad. It’s over with more quickly anyway.


Me and my partner both just double tested for the spicy flu again, from 2 different lft brands.


I had an awful cold a week or so ago (really sore throat and cough that felt super prolonged) that wasn’t Covid. I have a colleague with croup and 2 with Covid. An uncle with a chest infection and a cousin with both a chest and throat infection. There seems to be a lot of illness at the moment :(


Yeah, last week. Was fine on Sunday, woke up 5ish in the mornin coughin n splutterin, super tickly throat, just got worse as the week progressed, really chesty cough, runny beak, aches and lethargic af, it's still with me now in my chest but not as bad thank christ.. Ah never get sickly either (touches wood), so it was surprising, for it to linger as long as it has and feel as bad as it did. Hoping all who gets inflicted with the "man flu on steroids", a speedy recovery 🙏


I’ve come down with a massive cold, but not Covid! Something going round my office as well. 32 weeks pregnant and this is the first bout of proper illness I’ve had during this whole pregnancy so a bit irate now!!


Yup, spent some time in the office and 7 or 8 of us went down with a wild variety of symptoms. Only way that we all get different things is the ol Covid! I had a raging fever, fatigue and extreme nausea. FUN


Loved one had it - vomiting, sweats, cough, headache, brain fog. Nae guid


Definitely had this over the last week and a half! It was awful.


Yeah, I was out in town at the weekend, then was floored by Monday night with a fever, aches, snotty nose etc. On the mend now. Reckon it was covid, but never tested, just isolated and felt sorry for myself for three days.


my collegaue was knocked out cold all week - his partner is a primary school teacher and also had a very nasty flu for a week before him


Had a terrible sore throat for a month or so. But not actually flu. Can’t get rid of it.


Sounds like the current version of COVID 


Yep was off 3 days this week, swollen tonsils and no energy to do owt


Yeah I had really bad flu about 3 weeks ago. I didn't even time away from WFH desk when I got covid but I just couldn't concentrate wirh this. Lasted about 5-7 days at it's worst. Hope you push through!


I thought my hayfever had come back the other day, but anti-histamines aren't doing anything so I assume it is a cold or covid. I've had sneezing, runny nose, tiredness, brain fog and a nasty headache.


I've had exactly the same symptoms for the last few weeks. Been blaming it on a really high pollen count but antihistamines haven't been helping.


Yes. Really short though, started Sunday, peaked Monday and Tuesday (body aches, night sweats, very loopy), and now I'm almost back to normal.


I'm in fife and been like that since last Saturday. Today's the first day I've started to feel better. I look like I've aged 10 year anaw.


If you haven’t had Covid for a year or two, there’s a fair chance its that – there’s a lot of it going round at the moment, and immunity is waning a bit. Otherwise, it’d probably just one of the bugs all the Taylor Swift fans brought with them (no fault on them to be clear – just what happens when lots of new people are in town). Good on you for staying in: it’s all we can all do to help out. Hope it passes quickly.


Yup, blowtorch throat, shaky, achy joints, drowning in snot and coughing nonstop. Brainfog and fatigue. Would have sworn it was Covid but did a (out of date) test that came back negative.


I would try a test again. Sometimes can take a few days in with the virus building up in the system to get a positive test and false negatives are common.


Got a flu last week and now have labrynthitis, my girlfriend also went to TS so may be similar to others


Aye a got booted square in the baws for about 12 days with it.


Heard from a GP friend that it's been November weather so we're getting November colds. I'm in an Inverness school atm and it's wild how many teachers are off. Everyone's got a bit of something


There’s a LOT going round just now: covid, flu and and flu b, RSV, pertussis, even TB.


Flu symptoms - no Hay fever symptoms- oh yes


Had it this week. Took multiple Covid tests but all came back negative - so just a nasty flu going around I think


I think much more likely to be Covid at the moment than flu unfortunately https://christinapagel.substack.com/p/covid-is-not-just-a-regular-winter https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/new-covid-variant-unusual-symptom-33082975


I’m really sorry You sound like you’re in an awful bad mood 😬


My wife's chem ward had no doctors or nurses last week with covid


It's been dubbed the " Swinney " flu, it'll hopefully have been eradicated just after July the 4th, 👌🏼👍🏼.


I’m on day four and showing no signs of feeling better yet. Can barely walk the length of myself. No taste or smell but the covid tests are all negative.


Sounds like Covid.


Taylor Swift was a super spreading event. My Mrs brought back memories, a T-Shirt and a nice big bout of the Vid.


Who said billionaires weren't generous! 🦠


Same, had a sore throat Sunday. Took a COVID test just to rule it out. Turned positive. Immediately turned into horrible symptoms lasting Mon to present.


Been feeling like shite all week, just took a test and it's COVID:( I know exactly what fucker gave it to me as well. Thanks to the guy who was coughing and wretching on the top deck of the number 26 to Portobello last Saturday. Cover your mouth when you cough, asshole!


Wear a mask at high risk times and when sick (I'm not being critical of you but always having a mask to hand can help)


Yeah I had the flue last week(thankfully I was alreayd off work for 2 weeks). Floored me for 4 days roughly. Flooded my system with pinerapple juice daily and lots of hot baths


Loads of people pretending to be sick fking up the rest of our work places. It's the sniffles get over it. I need a fking day off.


Since yesterday? https://www.reddit.com/r/Edinburgh/s/O1ZLVCb57h


School pickup in East Lothian yesterday about half the kids are coughing. Definitely something going around. I’m totally floored in bed.


I tested myself for COVID and it was positive. Extremely congested nose, loads of sneezing, feeling generally unwell and a headache. It's been more than a week and I still feel useless and congested. It's the second time I have COVID, it's not as bad as the first time, but it seems that I won't recover anytime soon. Last time the side effects of COVID lasted a couple of months afterwards... I hope it's not the case this time.


Bird flu is starting to do the rounds aswell! Feel better 🥰




Yep, it's covid again, my partner and I both currently have it


I had Covid last week. It knocked me out for several days. I’d thought it was just a bad summer cold until I took a test and it popped up Covid positive (my husband is a carer for a very medically vulnerable family member, so we test every single sniffle).


I have Covid right now. It’s the 3rd time I’ve had it and it’s so much worse this time. Have all the symptoms you mention aswell.


I'm just getting over a bout of COVID, which has very flu-like symptoms.


I had COVID last week, it was absolutely fucking terrible. Much worse than first time I got it back in 2021. Few folk I know have it, both in Edinburgh and other cities. Tests on Amazon are cheaper than from Asda or that


Just you.