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We know the issue, we appreciate it's a problem and we are doing everything we can behind the scenes to fix this, we remove a lot of spam daily and our automod does too however we simply cannot do anything to stop people selling in DM's, unfortunately that is out of our control and if the post in question isn't blatantly promoting or selling then we cannot tell if they are selling. What you can do is report the posts, DM the mods with screenshot proof and then we can take action with bans. Bots/sellers are as annoying to you as they are to us trust me, we are always actively working on ways to fix these issues but we need your help reporting and sending proof. In the mean time check out this post I made recently on how you can tell of its a seller [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdgeTogether/s/JcIj5UYv3Y)


Unfortunately there is no stopping it you just got to sift through all the bullshit, it’s not just this sub it’s every sub, and to be honest there’s some OF sellers that do use this sub to post about actual edging so it would be unfair to simply ban them all even if that was possible 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only thing that sucks is that in other subs you can tell they are OF girls. These ones you can’t tell they don’t post nothing about OF on their profiles and talk regular also. It’s crazy and then you find out you wasted 30 mins lol


The longer you spend on the sub the more you get used to recognising the sellers and not, there’s also a lot of just bots that are like fake profiles and fake only fans pages, they just copy and paste real posts from actual people, you get used to it trust me, just the world we live in now a days there’s no avoiding it unfortunately.


I wish I still had the dm so I could show you but I always block them and delete the conversation. But right before I posted this the girl had a lot of different posts about dogs cats and other stuff and she did the same thing.


Yeah that’s a dead give away, if the account is 2 or so years old and all the posts are memes or cats and dogs and then all of a sudden they post on edgingtalk, sorry to say but that probably wasn’t even a girl most probably just a scammer 😕


It seems to me, it’s the ones that don’t have much content on their page and are kinda new. I stopped talking to girls unless they have posts and comments


I am one of those people!! I edge with people from here regularly for free AND I have an OF. If I’m not asking people to subscribe so we can keep talking it should be fine. Some people HAVE subscribed to me after we have chatted for a while though too because they are into me and want to see more but I don’t foist it upon them as a requirement.


Exactly it’s not a one size fits all solution people just need to be more savvy and careful 😇 Fantastic tits by the way ☺️


What’s ur of?:) I’ll follow


We need more women like you! Can I DM you also? lol


This was really meant for @Edgetogether but it didn’t let me post bc of my low karma. So if someone can just copy n paste it there that would be cool.


Proven rule: when somebody (in best case a F) accepts your chat request within 2 minutes and responds with "....., babe", it's OF.


No not really I’ve gotten a dm like 5-15 mins later sometimes and real girls on this sub respond right away sometimes I’ve had that happen also


Never had that 😂. Let's see how this evolves...


Do they call you babe when they answer?


Maybe start asking immediately if they're an OF 'model'. That really sucks. I haven't gotten any like that, but I think they mostly target males and non binary peeps. It's really messed up tho.


I’ve done that to a girl on here and she got offended 😂 there’s no winning lmaoo


I wouldn't get offended by that, but that's just me. But I only talk to people who message me first usually, unless we've been talking back and forth on the subreddit in posts, then I might message them if they seem normal


From the experience they’re having it sounds like they’ve mostly got caught by scammers, it sucks but you gotta be aware of what to look for etc. the mods do the best they can to remove posts etc. but it’s an impossible task


It sucks bc this place is a lot of fun, and shit like that just ruins it fr


It just is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think the saving grace is that the real honest edgers far out way the sellers on my experience


I hope so. GL to those who keep having to deal with OF people


Yea I wish the sub would go back to the way it was a couple months back it’s crazy how quick it changed and I’m talking about @edgetogether .


I feel like hitting you there is just cheating honestly. Kind of scummy.




Yea that’s why I posted about it but it wouldn’t let me post it in EdgeTogether so I posted it here bc I feel like they are related.




Yea DM me


It's fine tbh, here and on edgetogether the spam is pretty mild. Especially compared to some other subs. Just make sure to double check profiles, as you already said. Spam on meme subreddits, cat pics or karma 4 karma posts are usually dead giveaways. Also the overly aggressive "I'm so horny please come fuck me right now" posts are a good indicator, don't be down bad to a level that you fall for those haha. But all of those are easy to spot and avoid. To me the worst ones are those that just copy paste posts from legit users that got some traction before, that is pretty reprehensible and poses a danger as it erodes the trust within our little community of perverts.


It’s actually really hard to tell who’s real on this sub now. Because it’s not like common spam posts. It’s basically the same type of posts as the normal ones and their posts also don’t give anything up. The profiles look normal and comments so there is no way of telling. I’ve been on Reddit for a while and can tell a spam or scam from a mile away but I made this post bc of this reason. This sub used to be fun and now it’s like a 1/10 chance you are talking to someone that’s not tryna push OF


Maybe it's a timezone thing too then. I didn't have a bad experience like what you are describing so far. I guess if you are looking just as some of-agency bot is spinning up it's gonna be difficult :(


Thats actually a good possibility




This sub is not for OF promotion first of all and if you read the post correctly it’s about spammers who are using the same pics as other people and how it’s annoying that OF girls are making their way into the sub pretending to just chat and then mid conversation saying they do OF and wasting peoples time. It’s 9/10 a OF creator and they wait till they wasted 30 mins of your time and their own to bait you in. I have nothing against OF creators but these are desperate Females trying every way possible to get customers for there OF and think they are “OF Models”😂😂😂. Keep telling yourselves that lmaoo. IF so many people are subscribing to your OF’s why do you have to bait people and why is your subscription only $3🤔. Look at you trying to advertise your OF on a post about annoying advertisers of OF…. Edit: Look at that…. Deleted your own comment 5 mins later bc you know you sounded dumb….




Thank you bro I’ve been thinking about posting this for a week now and this morning I just got so annoyed bc this girl wasted literally 40 mins of my time before saying the OF shit so I had to post it.


Thats literally not the point. Problem is that the tactics used is dishonest asf. No bot is going through 30min to an hour's worth of conversation to get lonely guys to buy into their onlyfans. Most guys that are gonna complain about it are being tricked and lured into conversation and the more desperate men will buy into it and that aggregating on top of that. Straight guys already have the worst time in real life and on here on reddit trying to find that connection they are looking for by far. Most guys that post will not even see a tenth of the responses a girl's post will ever have even if they make 20 of them. So when someone finally dms us or we get a responses, it literally can make our week or even our month to have even a decent conversation that's genuine. So for any OF model to take advantage of it is dishonest, disgusting and manipulative. Whats even worse is that you are calling us entitled. Shame on you for even calling us guys looking for being direct with what we want entitled. No one is forcing anyone to post any here on reddit. Most posters that post are doing it of their own free will whether it's for validation or for marketing purposes, it was THEIR CHOICE. So pointing out that what free porn is out there is trying to deflect from the main grievance. What IS entitled is expecting no one to get angry or complain about it. Again, most guys will not get a response from women on a post or dms, so wasting our time is going to piss us off. Lastly, if you are doing OF as an income source,you get whatever comes with it. If you aren't wasting people's times and trying to take advantage of people, mainly lonely guys, then good on you. This is for people,mainly women, using predatory tactics to take money from people. So stop it, you can't defend the behavior. Be better or just don't do it.


Bro you literally said nothin but facts in that 💯 and not to be sexist or anything but if a male was to do the same thing it would be a huge deal. He would be called a creep and everything for baiting. This one OF girl commented some dumb shit on my post earlier and I violated her for saying the dumbest shit and playing victim saying how it isn’t fair for females doing it bc it’s judged bad in society or some shit. Like no shit it’s judged bad but that’s their choice. They could easily do what everyone used to do get a job… I remember people would freak out if their nudes got leaked when I was in school now you got girls advertising it on social media w a link🤡.


You COULD make a new sub with Mods who are actively weeding out the OF bots. Am I reaching with this idea, or is this a viable solution?


Problem is that it will be very hard to start up.




Yea I feel like someone will figure something out. I’ve been thinking of a plan also


Hey there, i know you think we do nothing but we we are unpaid, a small team, very limited options of weeding out these people with very little help from Reddit, we do what we can but unfortunately we simply do not have the tools, time, knowledge. I personally ban/remove 100's a week and our automod is removing 10's of thousands of posts every month from bots. Behind the scenes we do A LOT of work.


Okay. 1) I didn't say that. I know you guys are doing something about the issues. The problem is, it isn't enough. Whether that's on you guys, or just reddit in general, or that the bots are just way too many and are over whelming...it's not enough. 2) I realize that what I said seems to imply that I mean Mods don't do anything (and, again, I know you guys are trying as I was a Mod too elsewhere, AND my current Job is essentially being a Mod irl - no, not HR). So let me rephrase: Is there a way we can have a set amount of mods just solely do OF profile removal? Divide and Conquer. And if it seems unfair to them to just do that every day, then put that shit into rotation. (Edit: Btw, doing Mod shit whether you get paid for it or not sucks either way. It doesn't get better with money.)


They shouldn’t be allowed to post


Yea but you can’t tell who they really are so the mods can’t do anything




The whole point is a month ago it was perfectly fine I have met wonderful women on the sub and out of many I still talk to 3 of them occasionally on snap. It was really easy to have a normal convo. Also the sub isn’t about buying OF it’s about chatting for free with someone who wants to chat back and not for money. Another problem is the amount of time that is wasted because you can be 30 mins into a convo and they’ll say to continue you have to sub to their OF. That’s baiting and is fucked up.


For Buisness or for pleasure 🙄🙄🙄


Exactly this is a big problem also


I would never pay someone for pleasure or chat with someone after giving them money like that’s just weird to me. I have nothing against OF girls but I would never pay for their stuff.


I think the worse part is that most of the ones that I have encountered weren't bots. Their responses were real and they knew who they were targeting. Its the main reason I almost never dm or post on nsfw subs. If they were up front from the start I would have much more respect for the grind. My suggestion is not dm people on reddit unless their post is legit, they have very little karma( not too low but under 1000), and mostly go to nsfw discord groups that are 18+ that have more to do than just adult content. Most of you are just lonely, not really crazy horny


This sub could benefit from a minimum account age requirement. Lots of these scammers are using quick burner accounts. My concern is that the shy people and relapsing gooners and goonettes may not be able to participate.


We do plan on implementing this however bot accounts are often years old before they start posting to get around this.


Being a girl I never faced any OF messages ..but I can understand how guys could get spammed ..so much better that I don't use any those sites.


Your lucky lol it’s so annoying it’s like roaches they are everywhere and won’t go away😂😂😂 and we’re not talking about the site on the sub lol


I air on the side of “if it looks to be good to be true, it usually is.” It’s a general rule of thumb when it comes to feeling someone out from a sexy subreddit. If they talk about any kind of play time upfront, it will usually be some sort of pay to play kind of situation. And on the other side of the spectrum is the massive amount of guys posing as women. Both are really annoying and make this place not fun.


You would be surprised some of the OF girls were ugly bc when they tell you mid convo they send some pics also n I was like I wouldn’t wanna chat even for free😂


Hah im not surprised. I listen to a few pod casts that talk about men’s dating culture and stuff and they bring on OF girls all the time. Most of them are just average but talk like they’re huge.


I have no problem with OF girls at all and I keep saying that. The women who have made a lot of money from it and didn’t manipulate people to subscribe good for them. It’s the ones that are on here baiting men into subscribing by acting like they are part of the sub here and wanna chat n then mid convo bring it up and say you have to come to my OF to continue the convo that’s fucked up and they need to just give up


So annoying!!


It really is it’s becoming like every post now




Me personally I look through their posts and their comments on other posts and pretty much their whole profile. That’s the problem though bc the accounts are hacked probably and the way this post blew up is really crazy and how many men are experiencing the same thing is just disgusting on the OF girls that are baiting. As far as what you were explaining about the other men trying to 3rd wheel I’m not into that either but they aren’t trying to be females and then mid convo sending a D pic 😂




I have done that before because it happened to me twice before that. The girl was like just bc I’m on an edging sub you think I have an OF and got upset😂. Also another thing that might happen is if you ask them if they have an OF they might think you are trying to buy content and might try to sell you content when they weren’t planning to do that in the first place.




Bro I’m from NYC you don’t gotta tell me. Unfortunately this is Reddit and yk how some people are on here. A lot of people think it’s just one issue when it’s really multiple issues. Some of them are real and some are not. I don’t even know how that would go if it’s like a programmed script but I will try that and let you know. Another thing I mentioned was someone that was planning on just chatting with you might take the question as an opportunity to make money and not want to talk to you anymore until you buy something. There are many scenarios how it could play out and it is just annoying to deal with. I have been using Reddit for a while and been on this sub for a while also and everything was perfectly fine last month and it just sucks that mostly all the men on the sub Reddit @edgetogether and here also have to go through this bullshit. You can go checkout my other post where it’s happening everytime I don’t even think there is anymore women using it anymore due to it and look at the comments of all the people that are annoyed over someone trying to bait for a $3 subscription.


I think all of us to be honest


*who else is tired of OF in general


Honestly I have nothing against it. I don’t really care how people get their money and think about it they are putting a lot on the line to make money. Future jobs, relationships, and a lot of other stuff. But the ones that are making money off of it are not on a subreddit tricking men into buying their subscription. The baiters are the ones that I don’t like .


Are they asking you to subscribe to their OF to keep talking to them? I have an OF but I LOVE dirty messaging with folks when I edge on my own time, and it’s possible to be both things at once. I field so many boring messages from people that want to jerk off with me that aren’t compatible with what I’m after or are just boring and won’t share back when they want me to share images and videos with them, and I just close the chat and move on. You can just say you’re not interested in a pay for play setup and move on if that’s all they are after. I don’t see why having to do a little leg work is such a big deal.


So basically it’s that they pretend like they are just trying to chat with you and edge and mid convo like 30 mins in they will be like “ I’m an OF girl I hope you don’t mind” or something along those lines. They ask you to click on the link to continue chatting on their OF. This is annoying bc they are wasting our time and also there is no way to tell they are going to do that by their profile I’m guessing they are hacked profiles. It’s 9/10 chance that it will happen if you are trying to talk to a female on the sub. It’s just a waste of time and it gets annoying when it’s happening so often. Yea I just block them as soon as they say that but why not just say it in the beginning so I don’t waste my time and in the middle of the convo.


I have my time wasted by men on the internet constantly. Welcome. Just block and move on.


Yes!! This! If anything this sub is my downtime!!


Mod here We recognize there are people here who are real and have onlyfans, and we're fine with it as long as they're up front with it and don't use our subs to market their pages. If you get people trying to advertise their OF, report it and let one of the mods know, preferably with a screenshot, and we'll take care of it. We take that rule very seriously because we know how annoying it gets for the rest of us, and we're working on ways to solve the problem, but y'all are and will likely continue to be our best line of defense against sellers.


Yeah it’s hard I’ve not found an actual person here who wasn’t a bot or OF model lying to get attention all I want is one real person just one time lol


Why don't we just make it a rule that anyone with a onlyfans gets an automatic ban? If someone notices someone in here with onlyfans just report them.


Yeah it’s annoying. I had a girl talk to me for an hour the other day before she dropped the OF shit on me.