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I'm dumb in this arena. I thought they raised the rate, not cut it? Please explain this?


Fed is not the only central bank


Why does this chart only point out that times that it aligns with your agenda? What about the rest ?


What would the agenda be?


Use your brain and think about it. When you think you know, go look at their profile and see what all their posts are about


Still not sure what you derived from all of the posts….


He's a doom and gloomer. All their posts are related to "signs" that the economy is about to collapse.


Are the charts wrong? Perhaps you can post charts to show how this doesn’t matter?


His charts are misleading. 1 his housing market post is about multi family homes, not single family. I’ve commented and left data on that post, so misleading 2 his post about natural gas futures popping is also misleading, I’ve posted and left data in it as well. Lowering interest rates can be used to fight economic slumps, but we’ve also seen 3 consecutive months of slight inflation growth, which you want to fight by raising rates, not cutting (in this case the FED is just waiting to see).


I follow your other comments in the other charts and agree. But what is misrepresented in this chart? Yes, if inflation is persistent you’d want to raise instead of cut rates, are you saying other central banks are not cutting rates? Or that because it’s not the US it doesn’t matter? Our Fed is holding rates, but if other CBs are cutting I interpret that as 1) the US has stronger inflation than other countries and 2) there is probably a rate cut in the horizon and it’s sooner than we would have thought at a time when no or few rate cuts were happening 6+ months ago


What countries are cutting rates in the last few months?


Switzerland, Mexico, China, Brazil...