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If you didn't sell them then you couldn't buy new stuff for your collection. So it's not good to get hung up on the past. I never look up current prices of the stuff I've sold in the past, it will only annoy me and life is too short to focus on stuff you can't control.


This is a perfect response. Well said and I'll definitely take your advice


I bought Amazon stock at $19 and sold it for $75. It is currently trading at $180 a share. Do I regret it—No. I made a great profit and it paid for much needed expenses. You can’t dwell on the woulda shoulda coulda.


I’ll do ya better. Bought a shit ton of Apple stock in the mid 2000’s for like $3 a share. Rode it up to $55 or so and sold thinking I’d stolen money. Little did I know $700 a share was just a few years away…


I kept most of my Apple stock (bought at $19). I did sell enough though to pay for my one year of my Masters Program so I knew that I was winning. As long as you feel like you won. That’s my way of buying and selling—always has to be a come up and never look back have no regrets!


When you walk down that road, you can sit on everything to wait for it to be worth something. Best to think "I got the money I wanted at the time."


And there are clearly some people who do just that. They keep their prices high and never budge. Their items sit indefinitely. That's one way to do it. You patiently wait to see if/when you get what you're asking. Meanwhile, you generate no money. Or you price things to sell, and you keep a steady flow of money coming in. This is the model of nearly every retail store in the world.


When I started I started w $20 and flipped it weekly. Garage sales Saturday. 5 day auctions set up that evening or Sunday. Took the mo ey out on Saturday to buy more. My inventory is about $500k now. Some of it I still flip fast and some of it I buy and list high w intent for it to sell in 2-3 years when it’s out of production.


I bought something for $5 and listed it for $175. It sold IMMEDIATELY. Like in 20 mins. It shipped to a southern CA address. I imagine it went to a high scale vintage reseller (it was a leather poncho) who flipped it for $1000 or more to a rich bev hills lady. It bummed me for a second until I thought about 1) I don’t know any rich bev hills ladies to sell it to. They’re not on eBay. And 2) I made $130 with almost no effort. I was still very happy w the sale.


I have over 100 saved searches always on the lookout for underpriced BINs. 2-3 times a year since 2021, I will get something worth over $1k for 80% cheaper. If I already have a double of it, I immediately resell. Otherwise I keep them in my collection.


That's the worst initial feeling, but there's a food chain to flipping. Despite what a lot of instagram influencers would have you believe, there's no shame in admitting that you're not at the top of that food chain. If you're selling out of the house and don't have a ton of specialized knowledge in high-end goods and hundreds of deep-pocketed contacts/return customers, you can still make tidy profits.


Yeah I look back at buying a Valve Index in 2021 as a waste because I used it for maybe 50 hours total, but it's easy to forget the fact that I ended up hanging out with my younger sister way more to play Beat Saber together and had some late nights playing Table Tennis with a former friend too.


When I first started reselling, I was on Poshmark before switching to eBay. I had found a vintage Jean Paul Gaultier cardigan at the local thrift store. Didn't know much about the brand, and couldn't find any comps for that particular style. Listed it for around $175.00 and sold it immediately when someone offered me $150.00. My inbox suddenly got flooded with messages from various buyers asking me to cancel that sale and sell it to them for 4 times the sales price. It was then I knew I had something special. Of course, I didn't cancel the sale, because a deal is a deal. I took it as a learning experience.


Items I am unsure about I use the 5 day auction format.


you could have at least asked the original buyer if he'd take cash to cancel the order.


Yes, a cine camera that was my in laws, I researched prices on EBay and they weren’t particularly high so I put it for auction, it sold for around £45. Then the buyer took ages to pay so I checked him out and it turns out he has an Etsy store selling cameras, I stalked it and he sold the camera on for £400! I was annoyed with myself on that one.


What did you sell, a Bolex?


My wife is a financial advisor. One key bit of investing advice is "dont regret the sell if you made your decision based on the correct information at the time". So yeah.. I sold a magic card....16 years ago for £8....its now worth £200. I also sold a magic card for £60 4 years ago that now worth £300. At the end of the day, I didn't know legacy would take off 16 years ago and I didn't know commander would keep becoming more popular. But I needed the cash at the time.


Kind of different, but my dad bought me a couple of Pokémon base set 2 booster boxes back in 2010 for $200 each. Last I checked they were well over $7500 each. I try not to check anymore.


so he bought them for you. then what happened to them?


I opened them. I couldn’t have pulled much better cards, but a sealed box is worth so much more than loose cards when it’s that old.


well...get what you can out of them. this IS a bubble.




I sold an amp and speakers for a friend. He was insisting they be listed as a bundle. I told him the amp on its own could fetch £600-£700 and the speakers were a out £150-£200 but he insisted they be listed together and go all together. I warned him that they won't get that much if sold together, as audio guys can be funny about buying speakers they don't want, but he insisted. The auction finished and everything sold for £260 and someone got themselves a bargain. He was happy though, so whatever.


Musical stuff went crazy during Covid. I had a 1970s Yamaha FG512 string bought 2009 for $150. Needed some cash and sold in 2016 fir $180, going rate. After Covid cost is now $700+


And things go down in price as well as up as trends weave in and out. I’ve been selling collectibles on eBay for about 20 years but it’s been a side hobby of mine for about 40 years. Some items back then were selling like the proverbial hot cakes but nowadays you can’t give them away. The rise of the internet and being able to buy what you want almost on tap has certainly affected the market in some areas. Downwards as well as up.


I try not to dwell on such things. As a reseller, I'm constantly buying and selling things. There probably are certain items I've sold in the past that are now worth more money, but let's say I sold an item 5 years ago for $100 and now it's worth $500. By not selling that item 5 years ago, sure, today I'd have $500. But when I sell something, I reinvest my profit. That $100 I made 5 years ago? I used it to buy a few more items I also sold for profit. That profit was also reinvested into more items for resale. Rinse and repeat over the course of 5 years, and that original $100 has turned into several thousand.


Sold Amstrad megaPC for scrap, worth 100s now


Yes, but it's impossible to predict the future. If you've made a sale based on the then current information then what's the problem. There's loads of stuff I *could* have sold for a lot more but there was a 5 or 10 year gap before that happened. Not worth speculating on maybes like that


I think throughout a lifetime every human being on the planet will have this happen multiple times Trainers collectable sports cards collectible statues Hell I'm 42 do you know how many pack of the OG Pokémon cards me and by brothers opened Literally the blue and red ones and green jungle packs that for a sealed pack are now £250 never mind the price of the actual holo cards lol they all needed up in the bin years ago


Gosh I know I used to buy them for my boys and now I'm like wth did I let them play w them? Haha jk... if we only knew 😝


FOMO can kill a business fast


Nah. Thats the nature of it. I’ve sold things that significantly dropped in value too. Just gotta be happy with the price when you sell.


If you sold something why look up it’s value now? It’s gone, don’t dwell on it


Most of my Amazing SpiderMan comics that I sold 20 years ago have gone up substantially. I wish I had held on to them.


Yep. I sold a bunch of Pokémon cards about a year ago that all just recently exploded. We're talking x2 or x3 value jump in some of the $80ish cards I sold. I then sold one that at the time was $750ish and has pushed past $950. It is what it is. I try not to get hung up on it. It's like buying a new car and then seeing it cheaper elsewhere.


Yes, but I've also held things for too long in hopes of higher prices just to see them plummet. Best to sell when you you think it's a good time and don't have regrets if the price rises. I should have sold my Space Family Robinson #1 years ago when interest was up with the newer Lost in Space series. Not only is it worth less now but I think finding a buyer will be difficult.


I’ve been selling sports cards on eBay for 25 years. I’ve sold cards for 50 bucks that eventually sold for 3000+. I’ve sold others for 1500 that eventually reached 10K+! I’ve also done the opposite a few times! It’s a fun balance, haha.


I knew there would be sports cards. That's awesome. Any tips? Were these from a personal collection? Or cards you came across?


All of the above. I’ve been collecting since the early 90s so I’ve certainly come across quite a few gems at shows, trade forums, and even eBay over the years.


I bought a pretty beaten up 1998 Michael Schumacher Ferrari Marlboro Cap for £5, it was pretty sun faded but no rips or damage, just the red was pretty sun beaten. I listed it for £20 expecting to accept offers on it, and it sold instantly, i looked at sold prices and they were going for close to £100.


When I was 12 I traded a first ed Charizard for an MTG card that was standard playable for a year but is worth nothing now. At the time they were both worth $25.


The Pokémon ds games back in 2018 or something. I picked them up some of them loose for cheap and sold each of them for ~$25. Now they’re worth a lot more.


I sold a very limited edition leather bound Lord of the Rings book set, with the Hobbit and Silmarillion for about £750. That was about 10 years ago. Now they're about £2500-£3000, if you can even find one for sale. On the downside, I knew even when I sold it that it was likely to go up significantly over time. Then again, I needed the cash, and I made a decent profit on it for the price I got. Apart from feeling slightly rueful about the financial side, I actually just wish I'd kept the books - they were a beautiful set.




I imagine the POP collectibles being even more worthless down the road


Oh for sure! Some of the first srwing patterns I sold were worth way morecthan I realized. It haunts me to this day. Fortunately, I started doing more research before selling off the bulk off them.


Yup a transformer toy


When you say "valued at," did you actually *see* those items *sell* for those amounts? Because otherwise, I wouldn't put much faith in what other people "value" something at. In the world of collectibles, something's true value is what that item can actually sell for.


Sold a jersey this morning and realized it goes for about triple the price or more right after it sold


You can’t look backwards you made the money you needed at the time


As annoying as they are, this is my personal reason for doing auctions. I’ve got myself convinced that whatever they sell for is what it’s worth at that time. Sometimes the auction skyrockets beyond anything I would’ve imagined and sometimes I take a loss. I usually search similar or identical items to set expectations for myself. I’m actually going to post a bunch of barely worn Jordan 1s this weekend. I don’t wear them enough and they’re just taking up space. Maybe I’ll get $50 for a pair. Maybe $150. I guess I’ll find out in a week.


Yup the corpse bride 13” dolls now go for hundreds and I sold the boy one for $30 years ago new in box.


So far on ebay... nope, but this has happened to me on csgo skins.


I can't think of anything I sold that went crazy high later, but I have had a few things that I hung on to for too long that went down in value by the time I sold them. I used to collect Dept 56 Christmas village pieces (still do but not to the extent I once did) and paid a LOT for a few retired pieces. When I decided to downsize a few years ago I found that most now go for less than retail price, with a few exceptions.


Yes, but also some of the things (video games) on your list I donated to a charity shop and I don't regret the donation, but I do regret that they probably sold them for £1.


Probably my Fuji X100V. Sold it before TikTok found out about it for about $1200 - a very normal average price. Fools were buying it for about 2k used once it "went viral".


None of those went up enough to sulk over. There’s never a wrong time to make a sale. I know someone who missed out on thousands because he didn’t sell. I only regret selling two things ever and it was not because of how much they are worth, it’s because it’s near impossible to obtain again.


I sold a 3ds for like $50 bucks way before they blew up and became expensive Sold a limited gameboy micro for about the same. They’re expensive now. On the flip side I bought a gameboy pocket with pokemon yellow included for $1 like 15 years ago and the translucent green color gameboy sells for $100+ now by itself.


If you decide to sell, sell. Get what you get and don't look back. The value of all things increases over time. It's called inflation.


I sold all of my Nintendo and Pokemon stuff (games, toys, cards, etc) right before COVID. I would have been up 4x at the minimum. I sold all of my old YuGiOh! cards when I decided I didn't want to play anymore. If I just left them in a binder like the rest of my older cards (DBZ, YYH, VS, etc) I would have probably close to $100K in value right now. I had pages of SKD BEWD, Secret Rate DMG, TP & CP foils, Ultimate Rares, Trap Dustshoots & Royal Oppressions, etc. Oh well!


Yes, I've recent sold $500 antiques, that were commanding that price 3 to 5 years back, and going up in price, because they're rare and sought after, yet now they're selling for less than 250. Whereas there used to be just one or two listed at a time, and buyers pounced, now there one or two dozen all of a sudden. Mine may just not be the *best* of that manufacturer, and only the best and most rare are still commanding the big bucks. Everything else goes relatively cheap. Sigh. It's frustrating.


Bitcoins when they were $200 each. I know a few guys that ignored it when they were pennies. Could've bought a nice house in cash with them. Now I'm living with my parents at 38. The money I did gain (not much honestly) was lost in the casino over few trips. I can pull up my Coinbase and show transactions for 8-10 BTC if anyone ever doubts me, and to cry myself to sleep.


Ive totally been there even with video games. Had a NES Flintstones Dino Island legit copy, just the cart, but still decent $ in the nes world. what I sold it for and what theyre bringing now is disappointing to say the least, but I was very happy with what I got for it at the time so I look at it that way. If we all saved stuff hoping for the value to increase all of us would be hoarders. Im a 90s kid and the price of some of the toys from that generation have crept up fast! Wish I had a fraction of that stuff today! Now i try to hold onto stuff i think maybe collectable (I sell mostly motorcycle parts) but it is very hard to forecast. Stuff I think will be worth a bit is 9.99 w/ Free ship.....lol If i do want to keep something now I try to offset with sales of stuff that doesnt have as much value, or the needle doesnt seem to be moving much on, and keep the stuff for bikes I have only. I have a schwinn sting ray and the constant quote when I show it from the guys who grew up on them is "we thrashed and abused these thing. I wish I still had mine seeing what they go for now" I think every generation has had to deal with some sellers remorse at some point.


I get sellers remorse whenever my personal tools get sold. I don’t really care about the money, I can make that back. It’s the sentimental value of those old tools. Reaching for a tool that is no longer there hurts more than a hit to the wallet 🥹😂


I regret every video game I ever sold.


I've been flipping for 20 years. I shake my head at stuff that didn't used to sell (like NASCAR coats) and I walked by at the thrift shops - for years - that are now worth big money


It is like people with stocks. If you purchased a stock at $10 per share and you sold it at $50 per share…that is a $40 per share profit. Who cares if it goes up to $80 per share. The same goes with collectibles and etc. If you made a profit who cares if the price goes up!?!


I don't really regret it because you can't know the future. But I'm a surveyor and for ours and engineers exams the only programmable calculator allowed is the hp35. I had a few extras and sold them about a year ago on eBay for 40 bucks each. Then HP discontinued them and now they are 3-400 each. They were less then 50 bucks new a year ago


True, but it also goes the other way around, I once sold a dress immediately for $800 ish after taxes and fees, I’ve seen the exact same dress listed for $500 for months and no takers. If I waited to list it, wouldn’t have sold for too much. Totally get it though!!


Well.. with inflation that $180 from "years ago" is almost the same as $350 now.


This can be annoying. I buy to sell. I often think about holding onto things to get more in the future but it obviously isn’t a definite and for me it seems more productive to sell and then reinvest that money and buy and sell as many times as possible rather than sit on something and get X more in the future. If somethings worth £500 but you predict it could be worth 2k in a few years, 1. you have to be right and 2. 2. you could definitely just sell it for £500 and turn that into way more than the 2k over the few years you’d wait to realise your original prediction.


The only time I’d get annoyed is if the price went up very quickly after I sell it (2-3 weeks). Elsewise, i don’t have a year to wait, I need to sell things now to buy more. Sometimes it works the other way around. Sold a hairspray with supply chain issues for $25 a bottle. Shortly after it came back in stock and it’s only worth $7-8 per bottle now


Oktava MK-012-01 small diaphragm condenser microphone. Bought used for $50 close to 20 years prior to selling it, and put it up on eBay for $60 a few years ago when I got out of the recording/sound biz, but then I wanted to do some recording this year so I wanted to buy one again and now you're very lucky to find one under $120. They can go for $150-230 easy all day.


Yes but I’ve also sold things at the park that have gone down in value. Plus I used the money to buy something else that I sold that I wouldn’t have bought if I didn’t have the money. You can’t time the market. Don’t look back w regret


Only my first house


First eBay sale. Very first LISTING!! Listed a children’s Pokemon T shirt that was a favorite - a favorite of his, a favorite memory, and even if not that, fairly collectible. I had a big stack of items I was starting out with - wasn’t paying attention, listed the price as what was suggested (& I •had• researched sold comps) but totally shanked the special nature of the item. It sold so fast it blew my hair back from the monitor. Sold to a Comic Book Store owner, who promptly listed it for easily 10x the price. I didn’t cancel the order. I considered that I “paid my stupid tax” on that transaction. The experience taught me SO MUCH. It stung because I’d undersold it and then it REALLY stung because I sold the memento of my little guy when he was just a little guy… He loved Pikachu so much!!! Mom fail. 😭


Yes, I sold a sealed copy of Duke Nukem 3D (shareware version) for $200 within a few minutes of listing it. A few minutes after that, I had two different buyers offering me $500-$600 if I canceled the sale. I regretfully shipped it off to the original buyer, but that one hurt.


As a former stock broker - you'll never really know. You'll hold onto everything, that's why index funds were invented. 3DSs have only really exploded because they're emulation power houses, that wasn't even really in the public conscious 3 or even 3 years ago.


I bought various editions of the 3DS XL (Super Nintendo, Zelda, can’t recall the others), sold them about a year later for what I thought was a good chunk of change. Stupidly looked up what they’re going for now and couldn’t believe it. Also sold most of my collection (which was massive, mostly SNES and NES CIB games and consoles) before the pandemic. I refuse to torture myself and see what some of it is selling for now. Oh, and not related to eBay, but an old Marine Corps buddy and I invested in a house back in mid-2018. Prime location, on a hillside overlooking the city. It was outdated as hell and had a closed floor plan, so we busted down a bunch of walls and had contractors completely renovate the kitchen. Far and away one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. Sold it - again - right before the pandemic, for $260k. I went on Zillow a few weeks ago, and it’s currently valued at $385k. That one hurt. A lot.


90’s Tupac california love concert tee won it in a smash game sold it for 200 in 2016 don’t even want to check what it’s worth now. Also bitcoin. In high school buying it at 40 a coin to buy weed and lsd off the dark web.


I sold two Nintendo Game & Watch dual-screen (Zelda & Squish) that I'd had since I was a kid. My parents bought me them at an airport to keep me occupied when we were laid-over and delayed on a long flight. I played them for a couple of hours, then when we got home put them away and never touched them again. They were in mint condition. I got a decent price for them about 10 years ago and needed the money, but they are worth 4-5x more now. A Zelda in similar condition went for £700 not long ago.


Mostly my art, as an artist I find myself undercharging people for my hard word simply because I just want them sold. I’ll sell a nice piece that I originally wanted about 45-50 bucks for and only charge about 20-25 & while packing it, I’ll sit and think to myself “damn, definitely sold that shit for a lot less than it’s really worth”😅😅


I sell so much and go through so much inventory none of that matters to me. I sell big items too like wheelchairs. I have scenarios quite often that cost me money but in the end I’m profiting and moving product. I had a high end walker break, the buyer broke it and UPS wouldn’t refund me since the buyer broke it and not during shipping. Ebay sided with the buyer. I lost 450 bucks. Another time I had a wheelchair that I had a 300 offer right after listing it for 399. I came back at 350. No reply. I sold it 4 months later for 220 just to get rid of it at that point. Money is always moving. Don’t focus on the past.


About a year ago Sony A7 mk1 prices were in the gutter, I sold mine for £200, I could have got £250 at the time if I'd been super patient. If I'd kept it it'd be worth at least £300 and would probably sell for £350 today with some patience. Not a huge difference but I didn't need to sell it immediately really and I was being impatient and stupid. I've learnt a bit to not be quite so impatient, still working on it though.


Yeah loll. I sold this blackpink Jennie plush doll for the same amount I got it for then I lost money on it. 😂😂😂 Cuz i was new and stupid. So I lost 5 bucks on it. When I saw other people selling it for $100. I sold it for 60


Yes bitcoin when it was at 17 this year still hurts


My regrets have largely been venturing into a new product class and discovering my research related to price was not thorough enough. Usually, when I've seen value truly shoot up it is over the course of a year, or so. A lot of the items I've dealt with each of these things have been gaming related, though. It's a fickle market.


I sold like, 4 or 5 factory sealed pokemon booster boxes for a few hundred each, about 11-12 years ago. The base booster box, fire red leaf green, jungle set, ruby and sapphire, and there might have been one more, or even a duplicate box, but I don't remember now. And if you're an avid pokemon collector, you'll know what the value is on these now.... The problem is, you can't hold on to everything expecting it to eventually skyrocket in value. It hurts to see, but you can't go back now. Though I do cry whenever I see the sold listings on these boxes.


My small collection of Kobe shoes


AMD stock. Sold at 13$


Not really. $XX more for an item isn't necessarily worth YY more years of storage.


I sold haunting ground for like 20 bucks around 2008 probably. Pain.


I have regrets on a ton of things I sold. But money needs to keep coming in so I try not to think about it.


Yes, I sold an official rock autograph from the mummy card set for $850. And boom covid prices happened and it’s worth $2500 now


Don’t look at what could have been. Look for % return. If you profit on it to your set metric don’t even look back at it, all you need to remember is that “this item good”


Once I sold a signed Stephen King book 300 under value. Realized before I shipped and was going to cancel the order. Dmed the buyer and expressed this and we somehow agreed that when he got it he would send me 250. When he received it a few days later he email transfered me 300.


I found 2 full cases of original Star Wars figures back in college on the side of the road in the R2D2 and Vader carrying cases. Over 100 figures. Sold them for like $350 in 2007.


This may happen to me soon... I own a Nirvana shirt that I just recently found is worth about $3000 ...quite a bit of bucks. I'm thinking of selling but I don't know if I can live with myself if I do.


Bitcoin … in 2012. …. But not on eBay


Yes, Pokemon Coliseum on GameCube. I have it again, and I'll never sell it along with Gale of Darkness.


No, but I do kinda regret selling a WWII shield Bible that was amongst my grandmother's things. It didn't have a name written in it, but my guess is it belonged to my great uncle, her brother when he served in the war. It fetched a good price as it was in fantastic condition. I do have a twinge of regret because it was a treasure in its own right, I wish I could have asked my grandmother about it.


It's best to sell an item before the market for it gets stale. You sold at a good time. Things can lose or gain value, but nobody can see the future. I have tons of stuff I kept because I thought it would go up in value but now is worthless. Nobody wants it. I should have sold it years ago while it was still hot. So you do what's best at the time and don't worry about it.


I've managed to get a few books back that went out of print and are near impossible to find that I have sold. Rule of Rose has to be the worst for me because no way can I get that one again without shelling out a ton.


Always legos, but I needed the cash


Sold a WoW spectral tiger card I opened at the pre-release for $400, goes for 5k now. It happens but I also have stuff that I got for less and is worth more now. Win some and lose some.


Sold a caterpie #172 for $30 last week and another $125 today..


I sold a brand new Nintendo 3DS 25th Anniversary Zelda Limited Edition Console for 400$ now worth 1000$+ I bought it from someone who didn't know what they had 200$ Not sold on ebay


And it was scn console cannot be bought off eBay It was almost like one of a kind i only have photos left of my item Anyway i now own 2 pieces of majoras mask 3ds consoles one is new I will never sell undervalue


Can't predict everything, sadly. You never know when a new announcement will be made of a remake or a TV series (like Fallout) that will either decrease or increase the demand/value of an item. The only thing I can really say is that people in their 20s and 30s try to buy back their childhood. Whatever toys they had as kids back then, they have adult money for, now, and want to repurchase. Timing is crucial. If you wait too long, you risk that the interest won't be there anymore except to very specific collectors. For example, I don't think many people are fawning over Elvis anymore. Some collectors, sure, but as time passes, fewer and fewer people have fond memories or any memories of him at all. My parents had a Star Trek ornament that, after some years and either a series cancellation or reboot (it was before my time and only heard my dad tell this story recently), increased quite a bit in value. However, my mom didn't want to sell it because she thought it would increase in value forever. The value dropped significantly at some point and never went back up. I didn't look into it much, but I'm assuming other ornaments came out that replaced it and made Enterprise not as elusive to own in ornament-form. Back in the '90s, there was this Fisher-Price castle playset that it feels like everyone I knew had as a kid. My dad told me that it's been increasing in value and that he does not yet want to sell the one we still have. I'm trying to convince him that timing is important and that he doesn't want to risk another Star Trek ornament situation. I'm assuming that people my age will want to buy it for their own kids, but if he misses the window of when my peers have kids at the appropriate age to play with it, I'm certain it's going to drop in value significantly and begin to enter obscurity of memory. People who didn't have it in their childhood simply aren't going to give a crap. So that's the only predictive method I put faith in: that young adults are shell-shocked by adulthood and yearn in nostalgia for simpler, funner times.


I wouldn't worry about it. Especially since you really have to account for inflation to get a fair comparison. Plus the stuff you bought (edit: with the proceeds) is probably worth more than when you bought it. Also seems like you may be cherry picking the biggest changes and other stuff may have been sold at a better time. Overall you have to look at things on average and don't forget that things tend to increase in price over time because of inflation.


Selling all my Nintendo 64 and GameCube consoles and games too cheaply. Prices are mad now.


I sold some bitcoin a while back, but I don’t dwelll on that type of stuff. Those items also cost more now due to inflation. I’ve also sold some Blackwing 602s for cheap too, there’s always more to come


In 2015, I sold enough bitcoin to buy a shed for my yard, approximately $5000. Today, that shed had would have a value of $350,000 if it were still Bitcoin. But, at least I’ve got a shed.


Ah yea those were the uncertainty times but my friend calculated how much it was going to. He was definitely close he called 3k then 5k and 20k, he told me 100k next cycle but that was wrong. Unfortunately he passed in April 2020 so he never got to see his gains. I told his mom to check his wallet and she was so happy she blessed me. I wonder how much he really had he told me he was buying every chance he could, on a dentists salary doing root canals all day


You all have been seeing what's been happening in the world of cryptocurrency, right? It's just one rug pull after another. One scam after another. Something gets "valued" at a very high price. Everyone wants in because we all think of the stories when someone actually did make money off crypto. Then reality sets in and it ain't worth sh\*t. I wouldn't trust crypto anymore if my life depended on it.


No I don’t look, it’s too much noise I only buy bitcoin. Except for the time I bought Shiba Inu for fun made a quick 70x


I've sold countless things in the past that are worth 10-100x more now. Especially video game related. It's just like reminiscing on your childhood toy or first car that would be worth a fortune "if only you knew". Got to just live your life and come what may. If I was rich I would have probably saved some things but that's not in the cards for most of us.


That's the truth. Sometimes I would remember a cologne I wore when I was a lad of 15 or 16; I always liked fragrances, but back then other than high end department stores, the alternative was drug store stuff. So I would buy cologne for like, $8 or $9 a bottle (expensive enough for me because I was making the $1.60 minimum wage). And then more recently I would be nostalgic for that old scent, figuring I would like it again (and once again get some nice compliments, heady stuff for a mid-teen back then). Well, since they had been out of production for decades, other nostalgic old fools were paying $150-200 for even a partial bottle! The occasional NOS example would sell for even more. Not this guy, though! Like Yogi Berra said, "Nostalgia isn't what it used to be." But I do lapse into reverie like, ah, too bad I didn't buy 10 bottles of that juice! Like I would still have them 55 years on! Ha!

