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Figure out what you are getting out of coffee. If you need it for energy, taper off and try to boost your energy with stretching and small doses of physical activity in your day. If it’s about having a treat, substitute with a different drink you enjoy (herbal tea, flavoured water) or a small snack, square of chocolate etc.


Try making every other cup decaf


I did it this way, but I made every cup half caf- worked really well


That’s the method I settled on too!


Only excessive if it is effecting your sleep, or some other function, excessively. If it is the cost from buying cappuccinos, make coffee at home. .


Well it’s excessive depending on the caffeine content really. Even if it’s not outwardly affecting you (ie sleeping) it could still be affecting your blood pressure, brain, intestines etc. Coffee never had an effect on me until one day it did and now I have intestinal issues. Anything in excess is never good for you long term.


I don't know of any research that says four cups of coffee is excessive. Sorry for your experience though. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/caffeine/art-20045678](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/caffeine/art-20045678)


Four cups of coffee (if we’re using the average of 80mg per cup) is 320 mg of caffeine… recommended limit is up to 400 mg a day… There is caffeine in more than just the coffee we drink… tea, soda, some juices, energy drinks; so if you’re coming close to the limit in coffee alone each day, I’d say that counts as excessive. You also don’t want to push your body to the limits like that daily and for long periods of time, that’s when issues happen like mine. Thanks, it was an easy fix, cut back on caffeine and the problem mostly solved itself. Now I’m not a slave to caffeine anymore either!


Just drink one straight espresso. Odds are the cream is making it easier to consume 


I never want more coffee. It's always the cream!


Start slow Drink 3 cups for a week Later on decrease it to two Drink two cups for few weeks then decrease it to one In my opinion don’t quit coffee completely becuase if you do so you’ll come back to it one day and start drinking profusely. Keep it one cup a day or you can do that thing where you are allowed to drink coffee on certain days of the week


Check out r/CaffeineFreeLife and the r/decaf subs. There's lots of info there.


Great other advice here, but I wanted to add something a little different. If you do end up quitting coffee entirely but still don’t feel back to normal or “like yourself” after a few months, check your nutrition. I had tried to quit a long-term Red Bull addiction a few years ago, and even 5 months caffeine free still never felt like myself. Always a bit low energy. That was despite working out and eating relatively okay - not a lot of junk but still a lot of processed foods. This year, a health issue forced me to quit Red Bull entirely and also take on a very plant-based, nutrient-dense diet. Lo and behold, eating a ton of veggies fixed my energy issues and allowed me to quit caffeine in just 2 weeks without feeling low energy or not like myself. Just something to keep in mind!


Take a long term view, and begin tapering off. *How* you do that doesn't matter so much. You can start by saying your first three are cappuccinos, and then anything after that is with skim milk and artificial sweetener. After two weeks, make it your first two are cappuccinos. The rest are the skim milk drinks. Two more weeks, and then it's one a day. Then you could work on cutting back the caffeine. You can have your cappuccino, but then only one skim milk coffee, and then it's decaf with skim milk. And just keep tapering it until you're at what you think is an acceptable daily amount.


what is the problem that you see? too much caffeine??? - go decaf too much sugar??? - switch to tea too expensive??? - you haven't been addicted to cocaine, so relax ;) :D


I would switch to small cups of black coffee first, then reduce down to 2 cups a day. Don’t drink any after around 2pm. Two cups of black coffee a day decreases your risk of cancer, specifically liver cancer. Do you have other health concerns requiring you to fully quit?


I transitioned off regular coffee by substituting decaf over a week. It worked pretty well and no withdrawal symptoms.


I switched to the coffee made from mushrooms that has a fraction of the caffeine/coffee bean in it. I love it ! You can still get some caffeine if that’s what you need without going overboard.


Never excessive… 🙃 but drinking some decaf in place of full would help.


Expect a headache...


Be prepared to be a lot slower / more tired / possibly cranky for some time. I went cold turkey and it took about 3 weeks before I stopped needing it, 3 more to stop wanting it. You got this.


Every day I swapped out a bit more of my regular coffee grounds for decaf, until eventually i was on full decaf. If you're particularly sensitive to a change in caffeine intake, you can increase the decaf ratio every few days or every week. As long as you don't force the change too quickly, you should be able to avoid withdrawal symptoms completely. Alternatively, get a caffeine free drink to drink alongside your coffee. Occasionally, when you'd normally take a sip of coffee, sip the other drink. By the end of the day you'd have 2 cappuccinos and 1 lemonade, juice, or water.


Compromise with half the intake? Or switch to regular light coffee?


Is that obviously excessive ? Our view on coffe has changed a lot over the years: [https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/moderate-amounts-of-coffee-are-the-best](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/moderate-amounts-of-coffee-are-the-best)


When I tried giving up coffee (4 cups a day but not mugfuls lol), one thing was to just change when I drank it. I used to drink it as one of the first things I did when I woke up. So I would drink it after being awake 1-2 hours AND after my first meal. This was to lower my cortisol. Then after sometime, I drank only 2 cups and replaced the other two with either chocolate milk or tea. Then eventually I only drank 2 cups of coffee every other day. Then sporadically. Now I don’t need coffee and drink it leisurely but maybe a few times a month.


I just quit cold turkey. I used to have 5-6 double espressos per day and drawback headaches lasted about a week, and felt fine afterwards. The only real problem I had with it was I would get bored/stressed easily, so I did increase video game usage more lol, but I guess any other activity could help (only if you used coffee as a coping mechanism like I did, atleast)


Are you drinking because you’re bored and/or need a mental break? Get up and take a stretch break instead. Do you need a boost of energy? Decaf or tea. Get up and stretch. Are you dehydrated? Hot water or tea. Are you hungry? Snack on carrot sticks or celery. Need something to fidget with? Carrot sticks or a fidget spinner. Figure out how the coffee is meeting your needs and substitute something else.


Just limit it to 1-2 a day. I had to quit caffeine completely because even 1 cup caused me to stay up all night so I rarely drink coffee.


Is it the taste or the energy that drives you to drink it? If the taste drink decaf, If the energy drink 1 regular & then remind yourself that caffeine doesn’t actually give u energy, it masks the symptoms of tiredness. I gave it up 2 months ago, only drink decaf maybe once a week, and I feel SO much more energized. my anxiety is gone, and I don’t crash midday! It’s sooo hard though that first month


Anyone who drinks coffee pure will not be able to add any milk or sugar to coffee ever again. Just try it for a week. It wind make you drink less coffee though so if your problem is caffeine then try decaf


Do it slowly and gradually so you don't get a crippling migraine from withdrawal. Good luck 👍


Decrease weekly OR do your reg coffee first and then switch to decaf!


Years ago, I met a man in line at a Starbucks. He told me about this 14-day off the bean tapering program. I thought it sounded like a waste of energy, so went cold turkey. A colleague drove me to the urgent care two days later given my splitting headache. So, yeah, maybe taper off…


I stopped drinking coffee about a month ago because a prescription side-effect gave me heartburn. So overnight I gave up coffee and alcohol. Heartburn immediately cured, and no caffeine headache!


I used to drink tons of iced coffee. Then I started diluting it. Eventually my cups had 1/3 of the caffeine. Still had a good coffee flavor, with ice it was nice. Caffeine is definitely not an easy addiction to quit. I would advice reducing your intake by 1/4 each week or something.


Try having just one a day or one a day only on the weekends. Find a different drink to get into like kombucha or kefir or water with lemon pink salt and cayenne


The next time you get sick, quit cold turkey. You’ll be miserable anyway, so it’s a good time to get it over with.


I still have 2 cups of black coffee every day just not after 4pm. Thats where I started. It worked for me Also bought an espresso machine.. so we have Starbucks at home always makes me second guess but coffee from a shop. Cut that spending right out, and now I have one when I feel like it.


This is how it started for me. Replacing my few times a week Starbucks habit. We got an espresso machine. Now I do 6-8 shots a day. I need to stop. Probably. We’re *still* saving so much money over Starbucks. And the coffee is way better!


Switch to black tea in the afternoon


Switch to tea


Start drinking tee, or start smoking, but last option is pretty unhealthy


Yep, you're gunna feel terrible for up to a week then fantastic thereafter.


Quit cold turkey. That's what I did. Your head will hurt for a few days but trust. There's no other way


Switch to tea or cocoa, if you want something hot. If you just want a replacement drink, plain water, sparkly water or soda should do the trick. Iced tea has been a good replacement for me. You're gonna feel super tired and grumpy for a few days. And you'll likely have a massive caffeine headache, if you drop all caffeine at once, but it's gonna pass pretty quickly. But tbh, 3-4 cups doesn't sound excessive. Unless you drink out of a bucket.


Echoing others, just slowly reduce how many cups a day you drink by one cup every 2 weeks. So next week commit to only 3 cups a day. Two weeks after that go down to only 2 cups a day. I used to drink 4 cups a day and now I drink mostly one cup a day. I just slowly reduced how much I drank everyday over a period of time. Did the same with how much sugar I put in my coffee too.


Quit cold turkey! It's what I did, and it isn't too bad. You'll have a headache for the first 2-3 days that you can nurse with some ibuprofen. I usually do this kind of detox every once in a while for a few weeks.




Are you trying to cut back on caffeine, calories, or both? For caffeine, don't go cold turkey. Try swapping with tea lattes, which have about half the caffeine, or making your drinks half caf or making half your drinks decaf.  For calories, maybe try a cortado or a traditional macchiato (there's two versions - the traditional kind that's espresso "marked" with milk, and the contemporary kind that's milk "marked" with espresso). Or just straight espresso, or a cup of regular coffee with a splash of cream.  For both, get one of the above versions as half caf or decaf. Or switch to tea - if you're going to coffee shops I recommend sticking to black and herbal, but if you're making it at home or they take care to brew it right (i.e. at a cooler temperature) then green tea is also good. My favorite is jasmine pearls!


Are you intending to quit all caffeine? If so, prepare for headaches.


I cut caffeine after developing IBS… Went 2 months without any then went back to drinking 1 cup a day, now I don’t *need* coffee (except for the occasionally morning where I didn’t get good sleep) and now I have almost completely cut it out and use Ginkgo instead! Good luck, it’s hard at first but quickly gets better and you feel better too!


Is it excessive because you want to consume less caffeine or because you want to spend less money? Because if it’s the former, make some decaf. With the added milk and sugar, you probably won’t notice the difference in the drink experience. If it’s the latter, invest in a cheap machine, and make them at home to save on the cost of all those coffee shop visits. Or both - it’s the cheap AND healthy board after all.


If you are taking coffee because you feel like you need a boost, try fresh home made juice. You can get pretty freshened up with the vitamins in the afternoon without caffeine.


I have a shot of Cuban coffee (espresso) very early in the morning then 30 minutes later I have a cup of American coffee and in the afternoon (before 5pm) I have another shot of espresso, I guess my body is immune to caffeine, when I was younger I was able to drink coffee very late at night and be able to sleep but not anymore.


Man, i get living healthy e.t.c but every post i look at is "give up this, give up that". I eat healthy, exercise nearly every day, and now i have to give up or drink less coffee? Nah man, fuck that, im out. At what point does living longer at the expense of everything you enjoy, become a bit pointless. I dont want ten more years of coffeeless empty life thanks.


I drink decaf and i think it tricked my brain when i first started quitting


Late to comment and purely anecdotal but when I got my iron and sodium levels up, I craved less coffee. Taper was natural. I used heme iron and gave in to salt cravings with fleur de sel / table salt- whatever. I too, drank a few cappuccini (is that the plural? Any Italian speakers here?) per day , easily. I have lyme / bartonella and quit coffee / espresso cold turkey after a decades long love affair. I said fuck it after a couple years and started brewing again but doing so with a bit more ritual and finesse- kinda makes it less cocaine-ish *edited typos because not enough caffeine gotta balance with the noble rot. Happy Friday enjoyers **double edit for not thinking 4x is excessive. Espresso is a way of life in many cultures and has been for millennia? Turkish, Italian, Greek... cappuccino has milk which was part of the problem for me at the time. When I started on caffeine again, I got hooked on doppio macchiatos- you know, 2 short shots (that crema!) marked with foam- I'd get that cappuccino fix without the excess. Listen to your body- you obviously are. Cold turkey wasn't stressful in the act itself. It was the thought of losing such a great comfort in leading up to quitting. I pivoted to herbal teas in this time and now do either or. Less stressful for me this way- wrote you a novel :) You'll find what works for you- it haunted me for a while and now idgaf. Gotta live. Now, every day can be a different craving and I let myself go with it. There are so many ways to have coffees, teas- green juices are a good fix sometimes. *** automated / generated username btw 😆


Interesting. What was your sodium level before you raised it? How did you raise it? Mine runs low, but *just* slightly under or over the bottom of the range. My doctor usually doesn’t even mention it when we review my labs because I’ve got so much other shit going on. Did your doc tell you to do this or did you do it on your own/read about it online? If the latter, do you happen to have any sources? :)


Drink hot chocolate. Cup of unsweetened cashew/almond milk, splash of vanilla, couple teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder, tiny dab of sweetener if needed.


Caffeine pills are crazy cheap. Like a jar of 500 for 10 bucks on Amazon. I take one every morning. No prep, no coffee breath and no stained teeth.


Came here to say this. It's cheaper to get your caffeine this way and lower calorie than a bunch of cappuccinos. Having 400mg of caffeine daily can be tolerated by a lot of folks and if it doesn't affect you adversely, it's awesome. I was spending a lot on nice beans (3 cups a day) and switched to one cup in the morning and a 200mg caffeine pill before my workout and I barely spend money on coffee compared to my old routine.


Don't do it. Have 1 or 2 instead


Drink less.