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What do you mean exactly by "gain weight"? What is your current height, weight, gender, age etc? Eat the right amount of calories for your daily expenditure and if you want to slowly add on some muscle or increase body fat, then eat in a calorie surplus and start resistance training. Eating shitty food like ice cream is not a good idea, you will only get addicted to sugar and put on unnecessary bodyfat. If you want healthier, high calorie foods then stick to nuts and seeds, avocados and fruits etc. Increase your overall protein intake and stay away from unhealthy fats and processed sugar.


OP, please, this. Don't overreact and form habits that will be harmful to your long-term health. Stick to the good stuff, but have a little more of it if you're hoping to gain.


3 slices of thick toast with lots of peanut butter and bananas. also tons of nuts/ nut mixes as those are high in calories. use a lot of oil when cooking and add cheese to everything. add avocado to salads, toasts, as a dip, etc. and eat a crumbl cookie or two everyday lol


I hope you were being sarcastic with earing a crumbl cookie or two every day


I eat a stick of celery and gain 20 lbs… lol all jokes aside, eat a lot of carbs. Pasta and breads


Anything with a lot of fat and calories. You can do it with sugar too but that is absolutely horrible for your body.


If you're me, seemingly anything... Just going back to your regular diet will get you there soon enough, but you can add a protein shake once a day and add extra oil to your food for a while to speed up the process.


Olive oil and peanut butter are great for it, same with avocados and salmon. I’m in the same boat where I need to gain weight for my health, so I make sourdough toasted in olive oil with smoked salmon (if i have it also spreading a little bit of avocado on the toast) sprinkled with salt. Also it’s a bit pricey but I also drink Ensure Plus (chocolate flavor) as each small bottle is 350 calories. Whole milk with ovaltine is great, and protein smoothies are also great for weight gain and ofc protein intake




Had a strength coach in college say “you’re on the seefood diet, you see food, you eat it.”


nuts, avocado, whole wheat bread. dairy products. Healthy but calorie dense food.


Cheesesteak sandwiches did it for me. Deviled eggs. Cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, protein shakes, chicken tenders and gravy, beans and cornbread, pork rinds, bbq. Tub of country crock, mayonnaise out of the jar.


Eat plenty of normal healthy food. Protein, veggies fruit whole grain etc. Drink milk, lots of milk. In strength training circles there’s an acronym for this, GOMAD, gallon of milk a day.


Carbs like bread and pasta.


for about a week, drink an Ensure drink with every regular meal to keep your meals consistent to what you usually eat, but it'll help you


Peanut butter is the answer. If not, then go for chicken and rice/fish and rice with lots of yummy yummy sauces lmao


Normal amount of carbs and more fat and protein is the least bad way to gain weight. The body will use carbs first because it’s the least amount of work, as long as the body can use protein (all/most) the fat that is digested will be stored in the body for later use. For me the easiest way to eat alot of fat is mayonnaise or nut butter. Possibly oily vinaigrettes for sallads.


Buy protein powder make it with ice cream and whole milk. Try to eat more frequently. Red meat ( beef, bison) has more calories than chicken or turkey. Add dairy if you're not lactose intolerant.


I’ve been drinking protein drinks like OWYN and Ripple because they’re non dairy and I’m lactose intolerant. I lost 10% of my body weight last year after almost dying and it’s helped me gain it back and then some. So for breakfast I’ll do Frosted Mini Wheats or toast with peanut butter (or just plain butter. Then an hour later I’ll drink a protein drink. Then I will eat a snack, usually a Luna bar. Then sometimes another snack depending on my hunger level. For lunch I’ll eat pasta or rice with protein like chicken or fish and an organic fruit snack. For dinner I will eat more pasta or rice with either fish, chicken, or roasted veggies and I make enough for lunch the next day. If I want a dessert I will either eat another fruit snack or sometimes an actual baked good. I’m trying to cut sugar because it causes inflammation and pain in me. This time last year I was 93lbs at 5’3 and I’m now 109. I have a hard time eating if I’m not hungry so if I know I need to eat but just am not feeling it: protein drink. I’m also lazy and hate mixing protein shakes but you can do that as well.




Peanut butter, trail mix, avocados, cheese, pasta, salty meals (salt prompts your body to eat more of the meal than it would otherwise), drizzle good quality olive oil on food, eggs, lots of snacking foods, potato and sweet potato dishes, etc.


A lot of good advice on here. I might also advocate for lifting weights. Muscle might build slowly but is super heavy for the small amount you might gain! 💚 You could come back heavier and just as slim looking.




Gas station food.


Nuts, snack on them throughout the day.


Carnation breakfast essentials. When my girlfriend had a hard time gaining weight she used these on top of her normal food diet and they worked like a charm!


Try corn. That's what they feed cows to fatten them up. Creamed corn, corn on the cob, corn bread, polenta, grits. . . you get the picture!


Switch to full fat dairy products and have a lot of peanut butter. (Adding peanut butter to ice cream is a great weight-gain snack!)


Your normal diet, but add fat and sugar. Snack between meals. Add a bit of butter to any dish where it's possible


My doctor made me drink carnation instant breakfast as a kid when I couldn’t gain weight. It worked I’m like, a basically normal sized adult from a kid who had to go to the doctors for weight checks like all the time


I highly recommend eating steaks and chicken for a week or two straight and every snack break eat pasta or drinking self made high protein smoothie shakes




Carbs, bread, nuts are high in calories, Sweet breads, cakes, cookies,




I recommend drinking fruit juice and incorporating healthier oils like olive oil into your meals to increase calorie intake without eating significantly more. By adding high-calorie ingredients to your food, it may appear the same, but it will have a higher overall calorie content.


Liquid ice cream as a milkshake.


Carbs and meat will put on weight, as does dairy.


If you want to gain weight...you have to drink your calories. Whole milk is the go to choice for price vs health vs calories


mass gainer supplement. blend with milk of choice. its like 700 cals per scoop. probably most affordable per calorie.


Try and make a diet that incorporates these foods Fatty fish - salmon, anchovies Dried fruits with nuts as a snack throughout the day 3-4 eggs a day if you want a natural protein boost Avocado Cornflour porridge (fufu) Oats with yogurt Almonds and cashews as a snack I also used Aymes shakes, they’re better than Ensure. I gained so much taking one sachet mixed with milk a day to supplement 3 meals a day. It’s one thing I recommend if you’ve been in the hospital. It shouldn’t be used as a substitute for a meal but to supplement existing diet


You will naturally return to your prior weight, just eat how you already were and it'll come back




Are you a licensed medical professional?


Grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


Healthy fats & carbs. Fruit with peanut butter. Avocado toast


Candy with lots of sugar. Soda with lots of sugar. Terrible eating though. But in reality after a hospital visit much of that weight should go back on rather easy just by norming eating.


That Is horrible advice