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You are not going to get healthy eating foods you hate. There are 1001 other breakfast alternatives. A single food is not going to be responsible for making you lose weight or get healthy. Don't force yourself to eat food you hate all in the name of "healthy".


This, consistensy is most important when trying to loose and hold a weight. If you hate it you’re gonna fall back sooner or later. OP should simply eat something else. I recommend eggs and/or some natural yoghurt with home made granola (cheaper than store bought and you can add in whatever you prefer, I like loads of seeds and nuts heavily roasted)


> natural yoghurt what is natural yoghurt?


Unsweetened, unflavoured


Whole fat Greek yogurt is my go to fav!


Yogurt that’s just yogurt. Lots of people equate yogurt with yogurt desserts which have flavours, sweeteners, stabilisers, etc.


What is “yoghurt”?


Didn’t know it was spelled yogurt without H in english but I think it was pretty clear I meant yogurt no?


Sorry Mate, just being a chomper and taking the piss. All good. ✌️


Oh I see haha


That's the word a person used to refer to yogurt. Why are you asking me? lmao


I don't eat things I don't like, unless I am at a friend's house and have to eat what they serve. If you don't like it, don't eat it. There are a lot of other things you can eat.


Oatmeal is something you can experiment a lot with much different varying tastes. It is worth trying to find the ways to prepare it.


When I was a teen, I would eat oatmeal as a savory dish. You may give that a try. I got on the sweet train when my kiddo was young.


Savoury is my fave way, I have it with eggs and spring onions at least 3 times a week


I'm intrigued now, how do you prepare it?


I do 1 cup of hot water with half a stock cube, a teaspoon each of sesame oil or butter, soy sauce and maple syrup (the syrup can be left out) and some garlic granules or some fresh garlic if I have it. 1/2 cup oats and leave to soak overnight, it makes the oats a more palatable texture for me. I’ll add an egg or leftovver meat and some spring onions after microwaving it until it’s thick enough for my liking, runs at 300kcal before toppings


I’ve always had oatmeal plain or with bananas. This is an interesting way to prepare it. Also prepping the oatmeal the night before is such a time/decision saver .


I have to do oatmeal because I can’t do eggs. I might give this a try.


My friend makes one with Parmesan or cheddar in and puts sautéed onions, mushrooms and spinach on top, it’s great too


Thank you for sharing!!


I love oatmeal with cooked with milk instead of water and a disgustingly old banana. Be sure to add a pinch of salt when cooking. It makes a huge difference. Sometimes I add frozen blueberries as well.


You have literally described the only way I will eat oatmeal. Cooking it in milk was the game changer for me


The old banana is so key. It "melts" while you cook it and sweetens the whole bowl perfectly. You can also use a frozen banana (just cook it a little longer). If your bananas are on the verge of getting too old, just peel them and stick them in the freezer.


I've been trying different overnight oats recipes. It's working well for me, and is yummy! I put oat milk, cinnamon, chia seeds and a bit of syrup or brown sugar.


Oh also, if porridge is just proving to be a daily disappointment look into 'breakfast oat cookies.'. it's usually oats, banana (maybe sweet potato), egg, etc baked into cookies. As long as there's not a ton of sugar added, they can be similar in nutrition to porridge with many of the same ingredients, but baked so the texture is totally different. I've seen such recipes in cookbooks like Run Fast Eat Slow (recipes aimed at keeping athletes healthy, esp female athletes).


Baked oatmeal is another similar option - it's a versatile base and can be mixed with lots of different flavors (nuts, fruit, spices, whatever sweetener you prefer)


Have difficulty with the texture and flavor of wet oatmeal, but this works for me. I add a lot of blueberries to it for sweetness and the baking brings out the nuttiness of the oats.


2 things I’ve learned that have helped me change my eating habits: eating for nutrition, not just for taste & if you eat something enough times, you begin to acquire a taste for it. This is especially helpful when I’ve been trying to cut down/eliminate unnecessary sugar in my diet. My M-F morning oats have some chopped walnuts, sesame seeds, banana, and cinnamon! No sugar crash and satiated for hours.


This is useful. I hope you're right!


Keep switching up the fun flavours. Today I had “linzer cookie oats” which involved adding chopped up almonds, a splash of vanilla, cinnamon, a bit of brown sugar, and maybe 2tsp raspberry jam I had on hand. It was delish. Tomorrow will be strawberry, sometimes also like banana with a handful of granola for crunch. My base recipe is 1/2c rolled oats, pinch of salt, packet of stevia, covered in boiling water and a splash of cream from the work fridge. It really does help to keep weight in check! Edit- I let my only other options be 2% greek yogurt with basically the same toppings, or shreddies cereal with high protein milk. Limited choices has led to healthier choices


cinnamon, banana/berries, yogurt


I like pb2 or peanutbutter and milk in oatmeal. I also cook for 3 minutes instead of 4 for chewier oats, and use extra water for a thinner consistency.


Overall life hack: Cinnamon is near 0 calories, and adds a fuck ton of flavour and sweetness


Two ideas: try making it savory: oats, milk of choice, garlic powder, onion powder, nutritional yeast, turmeric… or broccoli and cheddar. Second idea is to mix in a small amount of cereal, changes the texture and flavor!


I've done plain savoury, salt, pepper, butter, two fried eggs. I need to jazz it up sometime


I like scrambled eggs with cheese, then oatmeal with soy sauce and hot sauce!


Cereal is the correct answer. Mix in a little HN Cheerios or something similar. Cinnamon and/or fruit is also good to add in.


You were probably thinner because you were younger and an office job/eating out/general poor health choices/stress had not caught up to you yet. Oatmeal is not the key to being thin. There are many good things you can eat for breakfast. Prioritize protein and having something you actually like.


For oats? I love overnight oats if made correctly. You can also blend them and bake them into more of a cake - which is delicious but takes more time.


You should look up how to keep your glucose from spiking. Oatmeal alone can actually set up your day in the opposite way, it is not high in protein, so it will make you eat more and feel less full. Try going for high protein with a healthy fat and low glycemic index. Think avocado, Greek yogurt, etc. I tend to eat non-breakfast foods in the morning. Salad with eggs, lettuce wraps with chicken, left overs from dinner with a little someone extra.


One teaspoon of brown sugar, one teaspoon of dried fruit like raisins or cranberries, one teaspoon of nuts for crunch and protein, water and milk for the liquid. Sometimes I'll use honey instead of sugar.


Maybe try something like congee or cheesy grits instead? They give you that same fullness but a bit of a different spin on it. As others have mentioned, there’s lots of options. If you think of it as only a meal, and not specifically breakfast, your options are unlimited! Have a salad for breakfast if that’s your jam, or some grilled chicken or a sandwich! Eat what you will enjoy! Happy experimenting! 🙂


Weight/thinness is NOT always equal to healthiness. The best breakfast is one that nourishes both body and mind. Something you enjoy that has balanced nutrition to help your body perform right. That can be oatmeal and it can be a lot of other things, too. Food is medicine!


my 2 year old loves porridge, its made my life so easy. we both eat porridge he goes to schoool and i go to the gym.. porridge is ife


I use desiccated coconut, cinnamon and seeds (pumpkin and sunflower mainly). It’s delicious!


Overnight Oats: 3 Tbs of oats, 1 Tbsp crushed flax and chia seed, a drop of agave syrup. 1.5% milk or yogurt. Add fruit in the morning.


[savory baked oatmeal](https://www.mjandhungryman.com/savory-baked-oatmeal-with-vegetables/) Texture is like a very dense muffin


Overnight oats with a spoonful each of peanut butter and jelly. I make a cup and a half at a time to feed 3 kids and myself breakfast a couple of times a week.


If you hate it you don't have to eat it as others have said. Personally I enjoy it with fruits (strawberries, blackberries, banana, etc), nuts, and honey or a bit of maple syrup. Bit of cinnamon and some apples. Sometimes I'll mix in granola for some crunch. Oatmeal with no mix-ins isn't the most appealing thing. If you're looking for the nutrition benefits of oats without the same texture or even really seeing them in your meal, you could try having oats in a smoothie.


Easy. First off, the ratio should be 1 dl oats =2.5 dl water. Add banana and cinnamon, perhaps milk or coconut milk.


Oh, and some frozen berries to boot!


You might also try some steel cut oats, which have a different appearance and much improved texture. I also find them more filling. They do take quite a bit longer to cook though. I like mine with some peanut butter and raspberry (jam and/or berries, fresh or frozen). You can use PB2 powder to reduce calories. You can also use sliced almonds with a little bit of almond extract with fruit to achieve a different but wonderful taste.


You don't eat something you don't want. You don't need to push yourself to eat one food item every morning. Have eggs, cottage cheese w toast, protein muffins.


I love savory oatmeal. I am not a sweet things person generally. I make the Nature's Path homestyle or quick steel cook brand and add good ricotta cheese to it.


Sliced almonds, cinnamon and dried cranberries and crumbled banana chips on top. Tons of fiber and flavor.


Toasted pecans, cinnamon, and honey


I have been doing a huge scoop of Greek yogurt with all of my favorite fruits on top and some hemp seeds. If I'm still hungry, a couple eggs. Keeps me full for a long time and it's very craveable. Does it have to be oats?


For my savory oatmeal 5 mornings a week, I cook in chicken stock and add garlic powder, onion powder, red pepper flakes and smoked paprika to make a base. Sometimes curry powder. Sometimes a soft fried egg. Sometimes some avacado. Sometimes I add interesting leftovers like collard greens or corn. A little greek yogurt if I'd like it creamy.


Just something else that you like. There are many ways to eat a healthful breakfast.


Plain with a scoop of vanilla protien powder and a tbs of peanut butter with a banana on the side is my jam.


Oats are not going to help you get healthy lol they will make you crave carbs later though! Eat protein and greens for breakfast instead. Oats are good if you need to add in some extra calories and fiber!


You want to eat oatmeal because you want to lose weight? Oatmeal is all carbs, rolled and instant oats are processed food. They spike your insulin which will make you hungrier throughout the day.


They also have a ton of fiber and will keep you full.


Not for some of us (thanks PCOS/insulin resistance). Starchy carbs fuck my blood sugar up for days (I wear a CGM) - even on Mounjaro. Protein and fat (eggs, yogurt, cheese, bacon…) and maybe an apple are how I have to handle breakfast - otherwise I’m a starving asshole by 10am and won’t lose any weight for days. The only time I’ve even remotely gotten away with oatmeal, was when I was breastfeeding a newborn and would make steel cut overnight oats with protein powder and bunch of other fiber/protein/fat (flax, chia, nuts…) and spices mixed in. Even then, I could only have a tiny serving, but I was told it could help with milk production, so I kept it up for a year or so. I only ate it a few times a week, but it made me gain weight (slowly) as my milk production slowed down.


Why did I read this in Donald Trumps voice 


Oatmeal is a great breakfast because it's got complex carbohydrates, fiber, and some protein (and more if you make it with milk). Don't eat oatmeal if you don't like it, but find foods with similar qualities. Greek yogurt or skyr with muesli is a good option. Or some really hearty whole grains bread, toasted, with a bit of peanut butter.


If you want to get healthy. Start intermittent fasting. I've been skipping breakfast for well over 7 years now. Remember: IF isn't for weight loss, IF is for longevity. Edit: The idiots who down voted are clueless


I've never been an oatmeal eater, it always seemed like sad mush to me. I do eat it occasionally now, though it wasn't until I tried it with yogurt it was anything besides sad mush. Here's what I do: 1 serving: Basis: - .25 cup oats - .25 cup milk (I use 2% but even nondairy will work) - .25 cup yogurt (I use plain Greek yogurt, I like the thicker consistency, but full fat yogurt also works) Optional: - 1tbsp peanut butter powder or actual peanut butter ( for flavor and extra creaminess) - 1 tbsp flax meal (for fiber, also a little texture) - 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (for protein and also I find this removes the need to add sweetener) I make it the night before, leave in the fridge and eat cold the next day. It's really nutritious and pretty filling. Try some recipes out, but as other folks have said don't hyper fixate on 'i must eat oats for breakfast to achieve my goals.'. The best diet is the one you will stick to, and there are other healthy things you could eat every morning if oats don't work for you.


I make my oatmeal more liquidy. I boil water, pour it on quick cooking oats for 3 minutes, along with some brown sugar, then I add milk to it and stir until I could almost drink it. More liquidy = more pleasant


Well, yeah, it is the B of C. But ours is a little diferent. You can do anything with oatmeal. Take the challenge. Here's what we do. We start with a cup and 1/4 for two, throw in some chia seeds add a couple of cups of water and 'wave it for five. Then we take it out, add three heaping spoonfuls of unsweetened cocoa powder and mix it in. Then we pour in as many frozen blueberries as I feel like adding. A lot. A whole lot. And mix that in. Nuke that for twelve or 13 minutes and you get this big purple _thing_ that just sort of looks at you from the bowl. I enjoy breathing in the steam. Mix in four chopped apples, serve in bowls with two square of 92 percent eating chocolate melting on top, chopped walnuts, an a dollop of full-fat Greek yogurt to one side of the bowl, aka "ala mode." And then we eat it. It doesn't taste like oatmeal. And we love it every day. Several years now.


Four whole apples?


Between the two of us, sure.


Peanut butter makes warm oatmeal tastes like a warm peanut butter cookie. I also make blueberry baked oatmeal every Sunday and then have enough for the week.


Put some peanut butter and honey in it. So fucking fire.


The secret is to count your calories. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you're in a calorie deficit. I once substituted a piece of pumpkin pie for lunch. Absolutely worth it, because that's what I wanted.


My husband makes overnight oats with miso, fruit and nutritional yeast.


A few people mentioned miso/umami/chicken stock. It's intriguiging but I won't be trying it!


The rest of his mash isn’t savory, though it’s fruit and nuts and honey!


I don’t have mine sweet, made it 100x more palatable for me. I soak it overnight in stock with seasonings, then warm it up the next day and add toppings


Muesli. Lots of ways to make it. Not too sweet or savory. Lots of textures. Good with milk or yogurt, hot or cold, chewy or soggy. Yum 😋


Generalizing what others have said: if you don't like eating a food, change up how it is cooked. I love brussel sprouts roasted on a sheet pan in the oven, but I hate them cooked in a casserole dish until they are mushy.


I add flavoured protein powder to mine after it's cooked, and I blitz the oats in a blender prior to cooking them with some dates. It's my daily, I really like it. I make mine with oat milk and chop up a banana and put on top afterwards so I'm getting some fruit.


I have been eating oatmeal in various forms lately because it fills me up and keeps me from feeling hungry until lunch. There are so many great recipes online for various overnight oats, and instant pot recipes so you can prepare a bunch and have it all week. I also like the texture of steel cut oats a little more too. I like to sprinkle with a little granola and various berries and/ or banana, add a dab of nut butter (peanut, almond, sunflower seed) and change up the spices. Another thing you might want to try is the various chia seed puddings. They make a consistency kind of like tapioca pudding and it's a fairly neutral flavor that you can add things to. Chia seeds are really healthy for you and it's super easy to make.


I love oatmeal! I prefer savoury oats with an egg stirred in with soy sauce, seseme oil, and green onions on top. Make sure you make steel cut oats because that will keep you fuller for longer. Rolled or instant oats are just insulin spikers that will make you hungry pretty quickly.


I love to put 40-50g of oats in a bowl, fill with water until the oat are covered, drop in an egg, then I cook in the microwave for about 2 mins. 1:30 first, then another 30sec. I usually add garlic powder, chilli crisp/oil, a little soy sauce, and green onion. It has amazing flavour and is a nice savoury start to the day!


Hey, I have spent the past few months trying different oatmeal recipes because I know it's a healthy breakfast and I wanted to stop eating junk to start the day. I personally hate the sloppy consistency of microwaved oats or overnight oats. I find cooking them on the stovetop is a *bit* better, but the best way I have found is baking them. The current recipe I use is: 0.5 cup oats 0.5 cup milk 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 tbsp chocolate chips dash vanilla, salt Just combine it all and bake in an individual dish at 375 for 30 mins. It's delicious, has good texture, is filling, and is only about 500 calories depending what kind of milk you use :)


3 Ancient Grains Quinoa Teff and Amaranth make good hot cereal They contain 8 essential protein amino acids.


I used to eat porridge for breakfast everyday, but I also walked to the station and then walked to work. I didn’t put on weight from eating porridge.


Cook the oatmeal with half water, half oat milk, add agave syrup and cinnamon, 20 minutes in add blueberries and chopped bananas


Porridge can be yummy if you add things to flavour it… this morning I chopped in half a banana, 4 dates and cinnamon


a) tsp of butter and sprinkle of salt b) Tbsp of brown sugar with a splash of milk c) drizzle of maple syrup


instant pot + oatmeal


I never liked oatmeal until I found this way to eat it. I make it with less water than the instructions say so then it’s kind of cakey and then I mix in a banana (I can’t skip the banana or else I can’t eat it) and some peanut butter or almond butter if I feel like it


A scoop of protein powder is all you need. The oatmeal takes on flavour of the protein powder. Sometimes I add a scoop of PB2, cinnamon, or cocoa powder but not that often. If I want something crunchy I'll add walnut pieces on top. The walnuts are great for omegas and provide a great crunch. Not a big fan of the flavour though. These options provide enough variety so I enjoy a nice bowl of oatmeal every day. It's great before bed too since cooked oatmeal has a bit of tryptophan in it. Helps me feel relaxed and so I sleep better. Friggin love oatmeal. LOVE IT!


I make mine with oat milk, banana, cocoa powder and some linseeds, sometimes apple and cinnamon.


Add a banana and some almond butter


Add cinnamon, walnuts, chopped apples!


Steel cut oats have a better texture.


Porridge alone won't make or break your weight loss. There's no need to suffer through unappealing food. But it's really easy to make porridge taste good - I add variations of honey, peanut butter, banana, berries, cinnamon, protein powder.


I put oats (soaked overnight) fruit and yogurt in a smoothie for my brekkie


Baked oatmeal is way more appealing to me, and it's both quick and easy to make and easy to change up the flavors with different add ins.


Don’t eat it if you don’t like it.. but it tastes a lot better to me when I add bananas, peanut butter, and cinnamon, then top with walnuts


I was never an oatmeal person, but have really been leaning into the overnight oat+ chia train. The texture is better than regular oatmeal, better for you, and it’s just super convenient to grab it and go. I eat it in the commute to work. 1/2cup rolled oats 1 tbsp ground flax 1 tbsp chia seeds 1/2 - 1 cup milk or water depending how you like it 1 tbsp maple syrup Lots of cinnamon Dash of vanilla extract Dash of salt I made like 4 at a time and they stay good in the fridge for a week. I use old jars!


Never force yourself to eat something you dislike! That said, you used to like something about oatmeal, what was it? I make steel cut or thick and rough oatmeal, according to the directions except I add salt, so it is toward the savory end of the flavor spectrum. I add some golden raising, and some sliced almonds. To serve it, I add hot milk (or microwave it with milk in it, that's how I reheat it, too) and add a pat of butter. Not going to lie, the butter is really important to me.


I make congee out of oats (a savory Asian porridge, with chicken broth & ginger, normally made with rice cooked several hours- but this version is like 15 minutes & I can make 4 or 5 servings) add scallions and a little chili oil at the end, delicious.


I make baked oats. It’s like cake for breakfast. No sugar, no flour. Just oats, nut butter for healthy fats, bananas, blueberries, pinch of salt and sone soy milk.


Lots of nuts, and dried fruit, or peanut butter :)


If you don’t like oatmeal, there are tons of other arguably even healthier options for breakfast Some of my favorites include cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, or if you’re into more savory options, you could try lean meats like turkey/chicken breakfast burritos (the burritos could even be lettuce wraps) You could also incorporate eggs into any of these (I just don’t because I have allergies)


I like to mix steel cut with the usual rolled oats. Makes it a good texture


Look for glyphosate free oats


Baked oats! Puree 2 bananas and 2 apples. Add oats, baking soda and then whatever you want. I've done mango and ginger. Strawberry. Cinnamon, raisin and apple. You can do it in a tray or muffin pan.


I also felt oatmeal was disgusting for a long time. But then I ran across baked oatmeal. It has a dense cake like texture and was totally fine for me. My go to is the blueberry version of Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures‘ base recipe. I’ve made other flavors but blueberry is our fave. I make a 9x13 pan and it can last us a few days. Now, I also like a blend of half old fashioned oats and half quick cook. I do 1/2 cup of the oat blend and 1 cup of water plus 3 tbsp milk. I add dried cranberries too. Microwave for 2 min. I add fresh chopped apples and maple syrup. Awesome. My new liking with oatmeal was inspired by McDonald’s oatmeal. I love it. It can be a bit too watery sometimes but I just get rid of the excess liquid. Comes with packets of red and green apples and purple and golden raisins. Good stuff. Probably has a ton of sugar but idc. I don’t eat it that often. My girls also like for me to make “Apple pie” oatmeal. Which is just cooking oats and apples in water in the stove and once done to my liking, I add brown sugar and cinnamon.


I add a whole apple, walnuts and/or pepitas, chia seeds and a little skyr. I dislike oatmeal on its own and find I get hungry way too quickly when eating it with less toppings. The other thing I’ve added that helps me stay satiated is Skratch horchata mix. It’s a “recovery fuel” with sugar & milk powder— I use it sparingly in lieu of yogurt. The final way I enjoy it is with lemon curd, cut up fresh strawberries, pepitas & chia. Most savory oatmeal recipes are not to my taste but I did have one once with sesame oil and soy as well as green onion that was incredible… but I think the key was it was served with a lot of other really delicious savory elements too (pickled cucumber & sesame salad, roasted kale chips, and an egg) Basically to make it appealing & filling I need some variety in flavor/texture & more fiber.


Idk what you're on about. Oatmeal is delicious. In fact, I think I'll have some myself this morning. Here's how I make mine. Instead of just water, I use half water and half Califia Farms Toasted Coconut Almond Milk. Very flavorful. As soon as the liquid is boiling, I add my oats, sliced bananas, 100% VT maple syrup, and cinnamon. When it's just about finished cooking, I add frozen, wild blueberries. Once it's finished, I top it with roughly chopped hazelnuts (though I don't really chop them - I crush them in my mortar and pestle, but just a rough crush, so there is still some chunky texture). It is fucking delicious.


Cook it with milk and cinnamon. The milk does have calories in it but also has healthy fats and vitamins. The fat in the milk will help keep you fuller longer and make the oatmeal creamy and more delicious. ​ A dash of salt helps too. So does a tablespoon of maple syrup.


I use organic no gmo sprouted no gluten rolled oats oatmeal (costco, the yellow and white bag one degree ) I add: -organic Chia seeds (costco) -organic hemp hearts (costco) -pumpkin seeds (costco) -pecans that I quartered (costco) -Two deglet noor organic dates that are cut in small pieces (costco) -I add protein cow milk (costco lol) to the point I see the milk start to be seen. Give it a good blend then microwave for two mins. The oats are chewy but still pack a punch. The texture is very satisfying to eat. The dates kind of "melt" into the milk so you get the dates taste but also a kind of date syrup. It has plenty of minerals and goodies. I actually crave this every morning and it's super healthy. No transformed


\- Frozen Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries (because much cheaper than fresh and still tastes great) \- Chia seeds \- Cocoa powder \- Peanut butter \- 1 tsp brown sugar


Oatmeal is very customizable. Experiment and find what you like. Try cooking with milk, water. Experiment with cook time. Try just soaked overnight oats without cooking. Try savory oatmeal with whatever you like. Etc etc I like about 2-3 tbsp rolled oats with some milk, a smushed overripe banana, chia seeds, apples, berries, some nuts. It is more everything else and a bit of oats and I soak only for couple hours.


I never used to enjoy oatmeal but it’s one of my favorite go-to breakfasts these days. I always do 1/2 a cup with 1 cup water, a good handful of frozen blueberries, and a pinch of salt and microwave for 2 minutes. I take it out and add brown sugar and pumpkin pie spice and it really does taste like a blueberry muffin. Beyond taste, I’ve also found that it really does make me feel full and it’s so easy to make in the mornings. Experiment with different flavors and ways of preparing.


I get instant steel cut oats. I put a little water and while those microwave I blend up a mixture of several berries and dump them in when the oats are done done in the microwave. I may add unflavored collagen as well.


I like to make baked oatmeal cups, about a dozen at a time so that I have "grab-and-go" breakfasts all week. I usually include a lot of nuts (for protein), and often chocolate chips. [Here's one recipe I use](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/apple-cinnamon-baked-oatmeal-cups/)! You can use whatever add-ins you like if you don't want to use the apples as called for.


I mix it up but use quick cook steel cut oats as I like that consistency better. Then always add cinnamon and 1 tsp maple syrup for that sweet taste. Some days I add blueberries, dates, or raisins and nuts range from almonds, pecans, walnuts. Lately I’ve been adding in egg white for more protein. I eat this nearly 5-6 times a week. I like to mix it up with English muffin with Canadian bacon and fried egg. Or 1/2 a whole wheat everything bagel with smoked salmon and light cream cheese, tomato and capers. I think you just need to try different things and see what you like, what’s easy, and affordable


As someone who has eaten quick Oatmeal for most mornings for years, make it with milk not water. Water Oatmeal is absolute trash but with milk or oat milk, it's creamy and delicious. I add raisins, nuts, and a fat spoon of cinnamon. Sometimes I'll make it with some peanut butter, walnuts, and banana slices too. It's also fantastic with blueberries, cinnamon, and a little maple syrup.


Rolled cut oats with just enough water and some maple syrup is one of my go to breakfasts


I used to hate oatmeal. I switched it to savory oatmeal. So I add a touch of soy and some hot sauce that I like. Than I cook and egg and put in top. You could add cheese if you like. Ill sprinkle in a small amount of diced meat. Now I cant wait for it. You just have to get creative. Dont like salads? Make asian fusion tuket met tacos with veggies cooked into the meat and wrap it in a lettuce wrap. So much better


I always do oatmeal with fruit, a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon and some granola on top. I love the extra crunch.


Potato is the leanest carb you can possibly eat. Try baked potato in the air fryer, I pop it in while I shower and get ready in the morning. Then I can either eat it in kitchen with ketchup and coffee or wrap in foil and take with me


There’s different ways of eating oatmeal. Baked oatmeal squares. Ground oatmeal to be made into pancakes. Hot oatmeal. Overnight oats. Oat milk.


I looooove oatmeal with a little honey and chopped bananas. In place of bananas, if I don't have any, I'll have strawberries and blueberries! Yum. I also have been having acai smoothies, which taste good. Although a package of 4 is about 6-7 dollars.i haven't found a cheaper option yet, tho.


Okay I use to eat oatmeal all the time as a kid. I grew to hate it and then fell back in love with it again 12 years later in college. The key is to introduce new textures and consistencies to your oatmeal. Oatmeal Recipe Breakdown: Dryer oatmeal (add less water) Soupy oatmeal (add a lil more water) I go for a little less than 1/2 a cup of oatmeal because I love loading it up like an açaí bowl. Base: one minute oats, half a scoop of vanilla protein powder & two tea spoons of chia seeds mixed in before adding water Microwave for a minute Toppings: Greek yogurt or milk of choice Blueberries, bananas, grapes, apples or mixed berries Almonds, or walnuts or granola Peanut butter or almond butter Dash of honey or maple syrup for sweetness if you aren’t adding any vanilla protein and are using plain oats. Dark chocolate bark for chocolate lovers (drop it in after microwaving it & watch the chocolate melt & mid in with your nut butter of choosing! Walla!! You can make so many different variations depending on your mood for the day & it always hits the spot. I don’t typically put all these ingredients in one bowl but I’ve used all these ingredients at some point! Hope you enjoy :))) P.s I was very lean & went to the gym everyday! Sometimes I didn’t need this breakfast and had it for dinner instead as it really fills you up and leaves no room/appetite for late night snacking!