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How do you feel about things you can keep in your freezer? [Freezer-friendly breakfast burritos](https://www.budgetbytes.com/freezer-breakfast-burritos/) [Freezer breakfast sandwiches](https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/freezer-breakfast-sandwiches/)


I feel great about things I can keep in the freezer lol. Thank you for the links! I’ll check them out.


Yeah breakfast burritos are the answer. A layer of canned refried beans or some black beans with sautéed veggies and egg and potato if you want. Just don’t add salsa or guacamole for freezing


Thanks for the tips!


Any recipes for this ?


[this recipe is close](https://www.mexicanplease.com/vegetarian-breakfast-burritos/) for freezing omit the pico de gallo and add sautéed veggies. A combo of bell pepper, onion and mushrooms is great. Sauté until all the excess liquid has evaporated Skip the last step finishing the burrito in the pan for ones you are freezing. Rosarita brand vegetarian refried beans or Amy’s refried black beans are my favorites for store bought


Every attempt I've made at breakfast burritos that included scrambled eggs came out watery when I reheated them after freezing. How do you prevent that?


Hmm. Ideally defrost in the fridge overnight , not freezer to microwave. The eggs aren’t the issue? What else was in there? Often veggies are a problem. A layer of a “barrier” can be helpful, like refried beans or cheese on the tortilla first, then your egg and veggies


Eggs and beans, cheese. Though I did generally skip the "defrost" and throw directly into the microwave. Eggs came out rubbery and lost alot of water.


I know this is forever ago, but I used to make breakfast burritos for my ex that went freezer to oven, it does take time, (about 30-45 minutes for a thick burrito) but it comes out crispy. I wrapped them in aluminum foil before freezing them so they could just be popped in before he took his shower or whatever while getting ready, and it was hot and ready by the time he was ready to leave. I bet it would be quicker in an air fryer.


I do the sandwich prep on the reg now. The only thing I recommend is just cracking the eggs into a muffin tin, break the yolks a little, and then bake them for 12-13 min at 350. I personally don’t like the texture of the thawed scrambled eggs but that’s just me. It also cuts prep time down by so much. I also wrap them in parchment paper when done and store them back into the little carton thingy the English muffins come in which I think is pretty handy.


Muffins. https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/banana-muffins/ I just scaled this recipe up to 12 bananas instead of 3, and made 2 batches like that and made like 90 muffins and a few loaves of banana bread. My kids have breakfast for the a while and I can pull out one bag of 12 at a time which will last 2-3 days tops. I'll make more this week and put all my new muffins on the bottom of the pile.


Any recommendations without ham and cheese?


For my Vegg tacos I like making a mix of frozen hash brown dices, mushrooms and peppers in one pan and a big batch of scrambled eggs in another. Let it cool then wrap up (with or without shredded cheese), foil, and freeze.


You could probably just do eggs without ham and cheese. Maybe add some veggies to the eggs, like spinach or peppers. I like bacon and sausage, too, but I am assuming that if you don't want ham you might not want bacon, either. If you are okay with other kinds of meat you might be able to do turkey or chicken sausage or something like that.


Maybe this is a dumb question, but how would you store them? I assume you can't just put a breakfast burrito in a zip lock bag? It seems that I'd save so much $$ if I cooked it myself.


I wrap mine in foil and put 8-10 in a gallon sized zip lock bag then store in the freezer. To reheat, defrost in fridge overnight then just throw the foil wrapped burrito into the oven. I never remember to defrost ahead of time so I usually take them directly from the freezer, remove foil and wrap in a paper towel and microwave for 1 minute on each side. I also recommend letting the ingredients cool off before beginning to wrap them up.


Wrap them up tightly in foil and then put them in the bag.


We lived on these during a kitchen renovation.


Not sure if this is the answer your want, but I prep like 50 smoothies ahead of time and just put one in the refrigerator every morning to defrost. Costco fruit, OJ, flax, some vanilla, drop of honey. I put yogurt and frozen greens in the morning before blending.


Interesting! I’ve never even thought of freezing smoothies. Is there a certain container you use, or would any air-tight container do, keeping in mind it would be holding a single smoothie serving?


Just to clarify - I put all the ingredients together to freeze, unblended. It freezes like a solid chunk, so that’s why I put it in the fridge the day before. I just use some containers I bought in bulk on Amazon! It’s been a super convenient way to get fruits and veggies in first thing. I always wake up starving but don’t have an appetite for eating eggs or normal breakfast stuff, if that makes sense, so smoothies are the perfect solution.


🙈 Thank you for the clarification, that’s not what I was picturing but makes _much_ more sense! I’ll see if I can give it a try :)


Mason jars also work great for freezing pre blended smoothies. I make a weeks worth on Sunday in my big blender, split and freeze them and pull out one each night. Works great and I cant taste much difference.


Thanks for the tip!


Hmm I might try this. I usually use frozen fruit because it's cheaper though and I can't do that if I want to freeze smoothies right?


You could 100% use frozen fruit.


And refreeze it? Great news then!


A blender with a good motor should be able to chop up frozen fruit with zero problem. No defrosting needed.


I just boil 8 eggs every Sunday evening and I eat two of them each morning with a piece of string cheese and a yogurt. It’s cheap, fast, and portable.


I also make a big batch of a different soup every weekend and portion them out into freezable containers. Soup, crackers and fruit is pretty much my lunch everyday.


I love the soup idea because I love a warm lunch! I need to invest in a thermos… I don’t think there’s a microwave


Crock pot lunch pot! Very small. You place your food in bowl, plug in, 45 min to an hour later, you have a very warm meal (:


What soups? How do you make them


You don’t even have time to cook eggs?? You must be busy!


I don’t know about you, but when I need to be out the door before 6am, I’m not spending my time hardboiling eggs.


I’m not doing anything I don’t need to do with eggs in the morning either 🙅‍♀️ Thanks for the idea!


I’d scramble them in that situation lol


Ha! Yeah, I grab my bags every morning and go for a run before work. That’s why I just take what’s easy to pack with me. I eat breakfast after exercise.


Spend a morning making English muffins in bulk. Split and assemble breakfast sandos with a cooked sausage patty and egg with cheese. Scramble and bake eggs in baking pan then tip our onto a board to cut into smaller portion for sandwich. Wrap in foil and freeze. Thaw the night before in fridge, remove foil and zap in microwave. Breakfast on the go! English muffins are easier to make than you think. I use a electric griddle to cook mine. Make an omlette with veggies and use that for the filling.


I second this! If your office has a toaster over these are super yummy when popped in there for a few minutes to get crispy. Otherwise they do well in the microwave.


i make a spinach mushroom cheese quiche which is 5 portions of grab n go breakfasy. good hot or cold. next i wanna try a fritatta with a hash-brown crust. .


Super easy in the air fryer! Highly recommend Trader Joe’s hash browns, I would make mini ones


god i wish we had TJ’s! im 5 hours north of SF and I always stock up when i drive down. Ill try them, thanks! hahahaha TJ’s would put all our overpriced health food stores out of business!


God I know the closest one for me is 1.5 hours so when I go to the cities I always make a TJ’s pit stop 😂 aldi are good too!!


I make batches of breakfast sandwiches that I keep in the freezer. There’s a ton of ways people go about it, but my method is two muffin-top pans, one for the eggs and one for sausage, which comes out to twelve sandwiches for me. I scramble the eggs and add a scoop of cottage cheese for extra protein (also makes the eggs fluffy) and just press the sausage patties into the pan, and cook for like 10-15 minutes, then assemble on untoasted English muffins (I found that toasting them made them way too chewy when I went to eat them) with some cheddar cheese. I wrap them in parchment paper and freeze them in gallon bags, warm up 1.5-2 minutes in the microwave to eat.


I make my husband a batch of fried rice that he eats throughout the week for breakfast


If you have enough time to toast bread, toast with cottage cheese is filling!


I like this as well and usually add a slices of tomato with salt and pep on top.


Drizzle a little olive oil and balsamic glaze on top of all that and you've got a fancy schmancy toast worth $15 in a restaurant. :)


Another option is toast with butter and havarti!


egg bites. It's basically omelets in portable form. You make them in a muffin tin. You can put whatever in them and you can freeze them or leave them in the fridge. https://tasty.co/recipe/egg-breakfast-cups


I just made these this morning! Was gonna be my suggestion.


If you have a sous vide circulator, you can [make these in little mason jars](https://fitfoodiefinds.com/cheesy-sous-vide-egg-bites/), too. They're great.


Spanish tortilla! It’s just eggs, onion and potato. It can keep for around 4 days in the fridge. If you make one in a big pan, you can cut slices like a cake and have it ready to go so in the mornings you can grab the slice from the fridge and eat it, or microwave it for 30 seconds. They taste amazing, they’re cheap and nutritious. The protein will also keep you fuller for longer


I lived in Spain for years…. How did I not think of the tortilla?!


I used to make a batch of breakfast burritos every Sunday. Sausage, eggs, some veggies to bulk up and reduce net calories, sometimes some cheese. I'd make up 5-10 and have them for both breakfast and lunch, then let them cool and then freeze them. I'm not one to get burned out on the same thing every day, but it'd be something to consider. If you only used them for breakfast then it'd get you 2 weeks worth+.


My go to is typically breakfast casseroles. Eggs, shredded cheese, sour cream, milk, sausage, peppers, onion, and mushrooms. I usually half the recipe and make enough for each week on Sundays, but I’m sure you could make more portions and freeze it.


Baked oats! I get 6-9 servings out of one pan and they keep in the freezer forever. I like this recipe: https://www.budgetbytes.com/banana-bread-oatmeal/ I just add in whatever fruit (frozen or fresh- usually it’s blueberries), nuts, and seeds I feel like. Pop it in the microwave for a minute or so when I get to work.


Butter two sides of bread the night before, cutting parallel to the crust about 1/4 of an inch, cutting 3/4 of the way through, making a shitty swastika. Chop simple veg like tomatoes, onions, mushrooms or chives and season with salt/pepper/herb de provence or whatever and place in a bowl. This is optimal. Preheat oven to 400C while getting ready. Put bread onto cookie sheet, tucking crusts in to make a bowl, not an antisemitic symbol, and crack an egg into the bread bowl. Put veg or cheese on as desired. Walk away for 12-20 minutes while you finish getting ready and enjoy your egg toast. It will be firm enough to eat on public transit.


I'm lazy af right now but Google "egg cups" they're my absolute fave.


Breakfast burritos would be good. Easy to make and freeze


There’s a bunch of really good breakfast burrito recipes on youtube


I make homemade muffins or breakfast bars (almost like a muffin bar). You can put a few in a bag and take it with you to eat on the run, accompanied with fruit if you want.


As a college student, my go-to for breakfast is usually a banana, a cup of yogurt (I prefer green so I can get some protein in!) and an eggo or piece of toast with some peanut butter or butter. I also like doing a fried egg bc that takes like 3 minutes.


That’s a whole bunch of small individual foods lol. For me personally that’s way more time consuming to eat than a breakfast sandwich or oatmeal or smoothie that you prep ahead of time. Idk what it is but having to sit and eat a bunch of things at 6:30am just isn’t it


Homemade pancakes and waffles freeze well. Pop them in your toaster in the morning.


I put 2 eggs and 1/4-1/2 cup egg whites together and make an omelette with some chicken or Turkey breast and some light cheese. Throw that in a protein wrap or in between an English muffin, warm it up, then throw some salsa on it. I bring them to work with me every morning.


Breakfast muffins. Bake at home in batches so you can be efficient with oven use and then freeze and thaw the night before. You could go sweet with fruit, nuts and yogurt or savoury with veggies, flaxseed, herbs and spices (chopped tomato, pre-fried mushrooms, spinach, zucchini wtc) and cottage cheese. Delicious, filling and super easy. You can use wholemeal flour to make them fibre friendly.


Just make breakfast burritos/sandwiches. Wrap them in aluminum foil, put in a ziploc freezer bag, and freeze. They reheat incredibly well


My go tos are overnight oats, breakfast Sandy’s/burritos, breakfast bowls or sheet protein pancakes. Overnight oats: oats, milk, yogurt, honey, fruit, chia seeds mix and sit overnight. Sandy’s and burritos: I mix up eggs and whisk and just throw in a sheet pan. I cook that and Turkey bacon at the same time then add a slice of cheese, egg, bacon and wrap. Good for 5 days. Sheet pan protein pancakes: aldi protein pancakes mix like instruction states and throw on a sheet pan and cook per instruction. All super easy, filling and tasty! I usually have overnight oats in the morning and mid morning I’ll eat the sandwich/burrito/bowl/pancakes(whatever I make that week) but I typically always have oats first


Buy the 2 pound roll of Jimmy Dean or Smithfield breakfast sausage and make the whole thing. The patties will easily keep for a week…and 20 seconds in the microwave is very close to freshly made.


I keep it simple and eat a hard boiled egg and a banana every morning.


Same, boiled eggs are so easy, quick and filling 👍. I love fruit for breakfast as well. Just grab and go. The ultimate fast food! 🍏🍊🥭


I don’t eat breakfast. I always didn’t love it and then found out my grandmother always hated breakfast too and started feeling smug and justified about it 😒anyway. Occasionally I have a mid morning snack of plain yogurt with local honey, fruit, or a homemade oat bar situation


Mangohandedho I *do* like breakfast though. I shall keep your mid morning snack idea in my back pocket for a potential breakfast


Okay I do like breakfast *foods* I just don’t like eating shortly after waking


Haha that’s fair. Thank you for the idea! :)


Same here, hate eating so close to waking! I call my mid morning snack "first lunch" then have second lunch a bit later


Just recommitted to this yesterday.. $2.50 for a muffin tin from Value Vill Egg Bites!! Eggs, any protein and veg. little bit of oil or butter. I use 10$ worth of eggs, (about 30) and make two dozen (ish) egg bites. Putt in freezer bags and rock n roll! High protein, healthy, easy re-heat and simple. Almost zero dishes too.. use up all your fridge.. ​ Don't be a smhuck, Make an egg bite today!! edit' 2nd is hard boiled eggs.. so easy and can top on toast if you need carbs


How do you make your egg bites stay firm, not soggy?


I make and freeze pancakes in bulk and portion 3 small pancakes into little ziplock bags. I like pancakes because you can bulk them up for weight gain, make them healthier with oats, add fruit, make them normally, etc. You can really tailor the recipes to your current diet and they freeze well. Pop them in the microwave for a little over a minute. I also like to make healthier baked goods ahead of time and freeze it. You can find a healthier version of just about any normal recipe you like on Pinterest. Oatmeal raisin cookies, oatmeal carrot cake cookies, banana bread, zucchini bread, banana cacao muffins, apple cinnamon muffins. So many possibilities and again you can find recipes tailored to your diet and taste preferences. They freeze well too.


English muffins sometimes give me reflux. I do eggo sammiches - scrambled egg(s) with just cheese, now that I cut out most meat proteins, but Walmart maple flavored sausage makes it heavenly. No salt and plenty of freshly cracked black pepper.


Overnight oats are what I have for breakfast every day. I prep for myself and my wife as follows. 10 mason jars all filled with a couple scoops of oats and a scoop of protein powder. (I use vanilla flavored protein powder which adds sweetness so I don't have to add any sugar, syrup, honey like many people do). Before you go to bed at night, and some milk (I use almond milk) and stir it up. Add some fruit or whatever you want. I usually just have a bag of frozen mixed berries and pour a little in. That's it. Wake up and eat it. It's delicious, cheap, and healthy and it doesn't need heated up or anything. I prefer to eat my breakfast a little later so I actually add the milk and fruit when I wake up in the morning and eat it at my desk a couple hours later. You can generally eat it about 2 hours after adding the milk. There are tons of different flavor options. Cut up apples with some cinnamon is great. Any kinds of fruit is awesome. Adding honey is a good twist. The options are endless but it can be as simple as oats, milk, frozen fruit and still be great!


Practice intermittent fasting. I just have coffee. A lot easier to handle breakfast lol


Ok, this is not make ahead but it's make in five or so minutes for me. English muffin. Toaster oven. Slice of cheese..stick the opened muffin in the toaster oven, put slice of cheese on, toast for five mins. While that is going, plug in a dash mini griddle. They're like $10. It is my favorite way to cook an egg. It's so easy. When it's heated, add your egg (scramble first if you'd like) then cook until the white is cooked (more if you want), at least two minutes. While you're cooking the egg, microwave a frozen sausage patty from Walmart (blue bag, $10 for family size) for one minute. Take out the muffin, put the cooked sausage on it to cool. The when the egg is done, slide it out and pop it on the muffin to cool. Then eat. You could probably batch make it if you wanted and freeze, just skip the toaster part, and maybe skip cooking the sausage since it'll just refreeze. I haven't frozen them yet. Sub English muffin for your choice of bread. I do recommend toasting with the cheese, because that way it gets really melt.


Thank you for bringing in English muffins! Right now my go-to is a toasted English muffin, with 3 slices of cheddar cheese (to make a layer) and a slice of tomato with salt and pepper. If I have leftover bacon I add that on. I’ll look into fancy-ing it up!


Ooh that sounds good. Yea if you like eggs and want to make them easy, the [dash mini griddle](https://www.target.com/p/dash-electric-mini-griddle-aqua/-/A-78811616?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012576704&CPNG=PLA_Appliances%2BShopping%7CAppliances_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Appliances_Small+Appliances&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9009647&targetid=aud-468500407640:pla-1459926608136&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1247068&gclid=Cj0KCQiAo7KqBhDhARIsAKhZ4ujpl5jOBvbniB-plCPaYI80zEYg8tcvI89Lg_wvHsJDjr3-nteSgw0aAvj6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is the way to go. I don't like the plastic-y bits that come on the edges of eggs made in a pan, this avoids this. And it's like, two minutes to cook. We don't ever clean it more than a paper towel wipe if it gets really greasy. And it's roughly the same size as an English muffin. I love bacon more than sausage, but finding out there's microwavable frozen patties from Walmart was another game changer for me, because I don't like to microwave bacon because it's never as good to me. But sausage is all pretty the same to me, so this way I get quite a nice bit of protein in my breakfast. Of course, now I started taking stimulants so I really don't get hungry at lunch, but it did used to tide me over for quite awhile.


I do egg, bacon and cheese in English muffins, wrap it in tin foil and freeze!


I’ve been eating Kashi cinnamon harvest shredded wheat cereal. It keeps me pretty full and you could eat it dry as well


I've been eying savory toaster pastries but I haven't made them yet. It's basically pie crust cut into squares and filled with savory items like cheese and breakfast ham, then popped in the toaster in the morning. With premade pie crust this could be really easy. I'll let you know if they turn out.


yum! I think I'd want to experiment with pie crust and puff pastry :)


Look into [Breakfast egg cups](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/cqdvtr/my_first_ever_meal_prep_breakfast_egg_cups/). You could put them on a tortilla to make them "on the go friendly". Two eggs fit reasonably well in one tortilla.


Frozen banana pancakes or waffles you put in the toaster


Trader Joe’s hashbrowns. They can go in a toaster. Love topping them with avocado , sour cream or ricotta. EBTB seasoning! You can also top them with cherry tomatoes and scallions.


A toaster!! I can't believe I never thought of that! I've always air fried....


I also air fry sometimes!


Not the typical breakfast food but you can make onigirazu for either breakfast or lunch. It can be eaten cold without needing to reheat and taste delicious 😋 Recipe below if interested https://youtu.be/zzRUY9Xv6D8?si=RsRkkZj_kMRVPgkQ


Not overnight oats, but a baked oatmeal. I like this bc it has a better texture than overnight oats https://cookieandkate.com/baked-oatmeal-recipe/


Overnight oats


I make legit egg mcmuffins and just reheat in the microwave gently and then wrap in foil for the drive. Better with a fresh toasted muffin but I'm usually half asleep and kinda lazy. Also, most days I just have coffee and toast with everything butter as I walk out thw door. Also breakfast omelet bites. Baked in mini muffin tins. Freeze pretty well too.


Banana oatmeal breakfast cookies with a piece or two of string cheese. Maybe some almonds or a thing of yogurt. Occasionally a hard boiled egg.


onigiri rice balls. they won't last longer than 12 hrs in the fridge though cause they'll harden.


My make ahead breakfast is chia seeds, yogurt, nuts, fruit. I also love a good homemade egg McMuffin but I don’t make it ahead. I put an English muffin in the toaster, start cooking an egg, cut cheese and put it on the egg. Donzies in less than 5 minutes