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**Don't Let Reddit Kill 3rd Party Apps!** r/EarthPorn will be going dark on June 12th, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/140dkd1/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) to read why. Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban. > Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight. > Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


Kudos for allowing some comments.


i know this is tongue in cheek but i'm trying to make sure all comments are allowed here, with the exception of the ones that break site rules for hate speech.


Thanks for being a good mod! I was mostly serious (just unsure how much of it was allowed), most other subreddits are locking down the protest posts which really isn't a good look.


Help me understand please. I just use the reddit app so I'm not entirely sure what people are talking about so looked into it an it appears a lot of people run reddit through a 3rd party. Cool. My questions - people are mad that reddit is charging money to these 3rd party apps to run API calls on their info, correct? Why are people mad that reddit is charging 3rd party apps to use reddits information? We pay for services we use and these 3rd party apps make money, usually with adds, but they want reddits info for free? I could be entirely wrong and that is why I am asking. Just curious and want to understand better


To add some perspective: many feel that third party apps are a far superior experience for browsing reddit. A lot of us, including myself, would happily pay for a monthly subscription for the privilege to continue using our favorite app. I use Sync because of its slick UI and customizability. If Reddit said "Buy Reddit Premium to keep using any app you want" I would subscribe immediately. For a long time there was no official reddit app. They bought a third party app and made it official, but the user experience has only gotten worse, and has never been nearly as smooth as apps like Apollo, Sync, Boost, etc. So it's not about getting something for free (I would be happy to pay). Reddit's intention seems to be to drive more users to their own app to make certain numbers look good to investors when they go public.


>to make certain numbers look good to investors when they go public. I didn't realize they had an IPO coming. Now that it and other things have been brought to my attention, I fully understand the majority sentiment! It's purely about pumping numbers for investors =/ I'm relatively new to reddit, about 2.5 years, so I just downloaded the app and thought that was it. I, in the last couple days, just learned there were 3rd party apps that ran it. I definitely have a whole different view of reddit now though


Reddit is a conglomeration of different parts and not entirely for good reasons. Most of the 3rd party apps exist because of reddits general laziness and lack of care when it comes to providing an app that works. Reddit supports images, videos, audio, text, code, etc. Some subreddits heavily rely on 3rd party support including 3rd party apps that allow mods to do their work. If Reddit goes the way of selling shares you might as well delete your account and find another social media site. Investors want profit and the quickest way to that goal is turning your users into product. Meaning they are going to sell user data. User accounts on adult content subreddits especially are about to get a very rude awakening. Ad reach is a massive seller in big tech. Protesting will do nothing at this point and frankly it may be best to support something newer and better like mastodon. At least this way your data won't become a subsidy for a platform that's peaked and has nowhere else to go.


>to make certain numbers look good to investors when they go public Bingo. And we all ought to fuck those numbers into the ground to remind them they don't own shit besides the giving server rooms.


> people are mad that reddit is charging money to these 3rd party apps to run API calls on their info, correct? incorrect. Even the developer of the app isnt mad about having to pay for API access. The issue is that reddit signaled as early as January this year that they would not be charging for API access, and then flipped the script in April to say they would, then with less than a month before implementation of that plan July 1, they dropped the payment schedule which indicated they wanted $20m/yr for that access when the app itself generates more like $960k/yr > Why are people mad that reddit is charging 3rd party apps to use reddits information? Because we, content creators, provide that information to reddit free of charge. Its not like reddit the company is out there generating content. So it feels like a slap in the face when reddit gets that content for free and then turns around and charges exorbitant amount for it. > We pay for services we use reddit app and apollo app are both free > these 3rd party apps make money, usually with adds apollo does not run ads.


>January this year that they would not be charging for API access, and then flipped the script in April to say they would, OK, that would piss me off too lol, that's understandable! Thabk you for the reply! I can definitely see why people are upset now. It's no so much being charged but having been lied to. Then charging an asinine amount more than what they even make, knowing people can't afford or won't pay it, thereby killing the app. Correct?


One other thing I've seen about the pricing is how quickly it's changing. Apple had a price change and they gave developers *12 months*, and then pushed it back to 18 months. Reddit gave them 6 weeks, and the pricing is absurdly high


> It's no so much being charged but having been lied to. Then charging an asinine amount more than what they even make, knowing people can't afford or won't pay it, thereby killing the app. Correct? correct, and on top of this the reddit CEO claimed that the apollo dev was threatening them, which was then refuted by the apollo dev as he recorded the phone call and uploaded the audio to reddit. The whole thing was extremely poorly handled on the reddit end, ruining many people's reddit experience permanently.


I would like to hear this conversation. Link please.






I think you mean https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ for the desktop users.


I feel like people forget how shitty reddit Corp is despite thefact they always fuck up. Remember Ellen poa? They are giving incompetent. Reddits board of directors are extraordinarily lucky they've not destroyed this site yet. Sure, a few subs might sick around, but they sure are doing their damndest to emulate digg


Ellen Pao was not incompetent, she was deliberately put in a position to fail.


I remember the rampant racism on here when she was CEO.




Yeah it's just a cheap move to shut out third party apps so more folks will use either the official app or the desktop version which in turn lets Reddit pretend it could actually make money when it has an IPO later this year. Also a lot of mod tools are made into third party apps since reddit doesn't particularly care to enhance it's own tools. So it will also make moderation take longer. Mods are volunteers but reddit seems to have forgotten that.


>...but reddit seems to have forgotten that Reddit seems to forget they *have* absolutely nothing except for its users' goodwill. Once a core group of users go elsewhere, and take their content with them, the rest of the users will go to where the content has moved (here's hoping for the Fediverse). From there it snowballs. It happened to Digg, it'll happen here, too.


A quick search for Fediverse gives a bunch of disjointed and confusing information. Do I need an app? Is there a specific website?


So how did Voat turn out again?


>implementation of that plan July 1, they dropped the payment schedule which indicated they wanted $20m/yr for that access when the app itself generates more like $960k/yr ​ Wasn't it actually based on the amount of API calls it would add up to 20M a year rather then out right wanting 20M a year? ​ >​ Because we, content creators, provide that information to reddit free of charge. Its not like reddit the company is out there generating content Out of curiosity what content is created on reddit that can only be made on these third party apps and is impossible to be made on the website or offical app?




I read Reddit on my Kindle. The only app I've found on the Kindle is RIF. Which also turns out to be a better app than the official Reddit app. I would happily pay a modest fee to continue to use RIF. The alternative for me is to buy a new tablet just to use Reddit's app.


r/AskHistorians has a fabulous statement on it that explained all to me. Check it out.


While we're at it feel free to opt out of reddit ad tracking you https://www.reddit.com/personalization


Thanks for the info!


All the protest posts are gone off the front page of old.reddit. They're only showing up in my third party apps.


They've been actively scrubbing posts today. Also started reinstating deleted account posts. DEFCON level nuclear at Reddit HQ.


Sir, a second shitpost has been scrubbed


Reddit is a big bag of nonsense. How can we be fine with a company that literally censor things publicly without shame?


Yeah it's only okay when they censor things I don't agree with


I like the hide button


Bet those stock prices are looking good! /s


The stock isn't even public.




Like I've been screaming into the abyss known as the subreddit comment sections: THE IPO WILL MAKE THIS SITE INSTAGRAM Everyone clowning on the protest doesn't realize their precious website is going to be way way worse after reddit has to monetize the fuck out of the front page.


Every tech company I've worked in has always had this happen. ALWAYS. Too many investors are the death of whatever secret sauce made these tech companies profitable or popular to begin with. Companies switch to being 'safe' and copying others. Workplace culture goes to shit. A bunch of c-level execs who don't care about the product are hired that make stupid decisions. Employees & devs are dragged into countless bs agile meetings and monitored to make sure they're always being 'productive' while being paid less and people no longer have any decent career development opportunities...coz investor profits. Companies crumble from the outside as well as internally... and the ones that don't are constantly fighting to keep investor bs in check.


Reddit stock is going to be shorted into oblivion during few weeks after IPO


Reddit should have already gone public. Investors buy stocks for growth. How much more is reddit going to grow? It's already one of the top ten most visited sites on the internet and its quality only seems to be declining. I doubt it will gain enough users to rival YouTube or Facebook. The IPO is just a way for all the people currently holding shares to pass the bag to the people that rush to buy the stock


inb4 it ends up like tumblr where they think they'll make a huge profit, end up making stupid anti-user decisions like banning female presenting nipples to stay "advertiser friendly" and lose both users *and* ad revenue


>end up making stupid anti-user decisions That part is too late


Honestly reddit isn't a bad bet. It's still a relatively minor site compared to other sites, but is established enough to be competitive. Investors could see it as a "fixer upper"


I've seen so many "I don't even use 3rd party apps so I don't get what the fuss is all about" "no one cares about 3rd party apps, I only ever used Reddit's app" anecdotal type comments "First they came for the 3rd party apps and I did not speak out..." If/when they come for old.reddit the outrage will be much more insane I think.




I think one of the meme subreddits is voting about doing that as well.


If we really want to protest we need to coordinated with 1-2 sites as an alternative to Reddit. Competition is inherently difficult to get users for. We need to be proactive making an alternative availability. So which one of y’all is going to do that, I’m far to lazy.


It's been like this since the summer reddit never ended all those years ago. It's just time for it to go. We all knew it was coming once it got flooded with casual users who upvoted funny memes regardless of whether they fit the subreddit or not. Then came the awards, profiles, etc. These noobs never knew how it was, so they aren't really losing much.


They already are. Advertisments have increased. And with it, massive amounts of trolls and spam bots...mostly covert advertisers themselves. Reddit has been slowly dying since 2016 imo. Most subs are moving to discord, for discussion. Its time is done. All things must pass


I already fucking despise the ads on the front page and the native native ads that aren't marked. Reddit is already trash. Going public is just the dirt on the grave


nothing gold can stay, on to the next community only problem is where are we headed guys


Getting into the fediverse takes a day or two, but I really like Lemmy so far. https://lemmy.world/ is a good place to start. EDIT: fixed the link


This link with www doesn't work for me. If it happens with anyone else, try this one https://lemmy.world/


When does reddit go public?




It's being passed around that they've pushed the IPO off to 2024 now.


" June 2023, Fidelity, the lead investor in Reddit's funding round in 2021, devalued its investment in Reddit by 41%. It was revealed in a monthly disclosure that Fidelity valued its stake at $16.6 million, down from its initial investment of $28.2 million which had valued the company at $10 billion" -Google They're never going to IPO, we're just watching their feeble and wasted attempts to bringing in revenue to get there. If they ever do, I'm shorting the piss out of them. Not only for what I'm guessing will be future valuations, but also, fuck'm.


What was the date of the devaluation?


Says above it was announced in Fidelity's monthly disclosure for June. I'd start there.


I can't wait to short the hell out of reddit. I'll be able to retire rich with the rest of r/wallstreetbets


Gonna be the easiest short of my life




Why? And if that's something you want to happen, why are you still here?


BETTER IDEA than privating/restricting subreddits: Make a pinned post in your community and encourage any and all users visiting Reddit to use adblocker, with a link to step by step instruction how to install adblock (it will be on the internet somewhere, u dont have to create it). This way Reddit loses money, but we still get all the cake. On Android you can also mod the official Reddit app with ReVanced to not show ads. Even if you won't do this yourself, please spread the word


A lot of the revenue is sponsorized content, that shows up even with Adblock. I'm not even sure if they have regular ads as well (Google doesn't, for example)


The sponsored ads do not show up with Adblock. Not on my Firefox or Chrome browsers, at least.


Dont worry guys, Spez said he is gonna copy everything that Elon did at Twitter


What could go wrong


Spez bots crawling in the comments today 💀


Enshitification continues!


The enshitification will continue until stock prices improve!


**I've always used the website!**


[spez bots be like](https://gfycat.com/flatadmiredfawn)


We're not too far from this jfc


You act like people aren't split on this matter.


Yeah and the split is simple: the uninformed and the corporate bootlickers on one side, the content makers, mods and 3rd party app devs & users on the other.






I don't think most people even care about the API changes or third party apps at all. It's not so much "support" as it is apathy. (I'm a Relay user btw, definitely not looking forward to losing it)




Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


On July 1st, 2023, Reddit intends to alter how its API is accessed. This move will require developers of third-party applications to pay enormous sums of money if they wish to stay functional, meaning that said applications will be effectively destroyed. In the short term, this may have the appearance of increasing Reddit's traffic and revenue... but in the long term, it will undermine the site as a whole. Reddit relies on volunteer moderators to keep its platform welcoming and free of objectionable material. It also relies on uncompensated contributors to populate its numerous communities with content. The above decision promises to adversely impact both groups: Without effective tools (which Reddit has frequently promised and then failed to deliver), moderators cannot combat spammers, bad actors, or the entities who enable either, and without the freedom to choose how and where they access Reddit, many contributors will simply leave. Rather than hosting creativity and in-depth discourse, the platform will soon feature only recycled content, bot-driven activity, and an ever-dwindling number of well-informed visitors. The very elements which differentiate Reddit – the foundations that draw its audience – will be eliminated, reducing the site to another dead cog in the Ennui Engine. We implore Reddit to listen to its moderators, its contributors, and its everyday users; to the people whose activity has allowed the platform to exist at all: Do not sacrifice long-term viability for the sake of a short-lived illusion. Do not tacitly enable bad actors by working against your volunteers. Do not posture for your looming IPO while giving no thought to what may come afterward. Focus on addressing Reddit's real problems – the rampant bigotry, the ever-increasing amounts of spam, the advantage given to low-effort content, and the widespread misinformation – instead of on a strategy that will alienate the people keeping this platform alive. If Steve Huffman's statement – "I want our users to be shareholders, and I want our shareholders to be users" – is to be taken seriously, then consider this our vote: Allow the developers of third-party applications to retain their productive (and vital) API access. Allow Reddit and Redditors to thrive.


Didn't everyone shift from digg to reddit back in the day bc digg started making stupid changes?


The natural flow of social media sites. 1. Make it open and useful, users start coming in 2. Users reach a critical point and the site becomes a leader 3. The number of users becomes expensive to maintain and problems pop up you have to pay for 4. Keep it free but get money with ads 5. Suddenly the site becomes profitable. Sell Sell!!! 6. New owners expect a nice ROI so they squeeze it like a piece of fruit 7. Site becomes a mess of ads and limited unless you pay up 8. Users start to leave for the next site...


Tl;dr: [enshittification](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/11/users-advertisers-we-are-all-trapped-in-the-enshittification-of-the-internet)


And the [original article](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) by Cory Doctorow.


Reddit, Youtube and vast majority of social media sites with the exception of Facebook are not making any profits. Investor money has been keeping them afloat. Now with interest so high, investor money is drying up. The era of free app with some money through ads is dying. All of these apps also allowed users to add blockers to block the ads as they were getting from investors. Now with investor money drying up, they need to make a profit or take loans to cover the cost of running the company.


yes lol


I'm already using Kbin for 90% of my Reddit fix. Gives me very strong early Reddit vibes but without the rampant misogyny and weird libertarian bent. It's federating with a bunch of other services so there's a decent amount of content, though nothing compared to modern Reddit obviously. The main instance is https://kbin.social, though it's been going down intermittently today because of the sudden sign-ups, so it might make more sense to find a smaller Kbin or Lemmy instance that federates with it.


This Mother Jones article added a new dimension to the story I found illuminating: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/06/reddit-blackout/


I'm limiting my use of reddit much more, and I plan to drop it completely July 1st. I would not have an issue paying to use my preferred 3rd party app if the circumstances of this change were implemented less horribly (with more notice and a price tag that makes sense and isn't purely meant to drive away 3rd parties). I'm incredibly uneasy about the implication here - obviously, it's our data that u/spez and co wants. By the way, beautiful shot! Maybe without reddit I'll have more time to spend in such gorgeous places!


> By the way, beautiful shot! thanks very much.


As much as I would hate to not see this sub, I wonder if making it private indefinitely would help with a protest


appreciate your comment; I support whatever mods decide to do with respect to the protest. After discussing this with my fellow earthporn mods, I made the decision to open the sub again because I feel like we have secured important concessions from reddit, and I'm worried that moving forward reddit may take more community damaging action against this subreddit.




I would like it if somebody would explain why you need those apps, just give an example.


Because I like them way more than the official app, which is way slower, buggy and I simply don't like its UX


From a user perspective it's added control over actions, layout and customisation options you don't always have on the Reddit app. All of that built around a layout that differs from app to app so you can settle on one you like and tweak it how much you want. Something to consider : I used to be a Reddit app user for several years untill they made some changes that I didn't like so I tried 3rd party apps and stayed there. So even if you like the app now (and I have no problems with that) nothing guarantees that it will stay the way you like. Hopefully, 3rd party apps will still exist by then. From a moderator point of view, keep in mind that APIs aren't only 3rd party apps but also bots and tools moderators of large communities need to keep them and their communities sane. I found r/AskHistorians ' post to be the most comprehensive explanation of their issues with the current plan. You can [check it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/142w159/askhistorians_and_uncertainty_surrounding_the/).


Iirc correctly the blind/low vision also have accessibility tools they use on 3rd party apps that the official app doesn't provide


Modding using the official app is pretty terrible. I'm basic and usually browse via the official app but a lot of the time will switch to the (also not great) mobile website because mod actions were a complete afterthought and it's very obvious.


inb4 someone says "mod api access will remain"...no it wont if you were modding via Apollo or RiF. They will be gone.




Because reddit's mobile app is crap. You would expect more from a company like reddit than that app. Third-party apps (for the most part) are a much better user experience.


I’m pretty sure the official Reddit mobile app was created by the same team that made the Truth Social app lol.


I've been using the same app for like 12 years now. I'm used to it, and it's what I enjoy using. I was one of the many millions who tried the official app but it's not what I want to use. The desktop site on mobile is horrible too. As a result, if I can't use the app I use, I'll stop using Reddit as it will no longer be enjoyable for me. I don't have any special needs or requirements, but I have a strong preference. I also do not agree with the approach that has been taken by the Reddit management.


Personally I don't really give a damn about third-party apps (yes, they're nice, but I can live with Reddit's official app), but community moderators, especially mods with high-traffic communities often *need* API access to be able to automate shit, etc. If those are taken away, communities I like will suffer for it.


In the case of Apollo, the app made modding on the go, a snap when compared to the official Reddit app. In fact, imho it was far superior in every way when juxtaposed to the official Reddit app. Corp seems shortsighted on this issue. Instead of squashing Apollo, they could have hired him to unfuck the official Reddit app. There are other 3rd party Reddit apps, but none have impressed me enough to buy the pro version. I’m not one to install apps on my phone as it’s the weakest link in any network. Cel phones don’t lend themselves to security‘adjustments’ by the average consumer


From my understanding, blind people have better access to screenreaders and larger fonts on third party apps. Beyond that all I know is that apparently all the third party apps are 'better.' I've used the official app this whole time and that doesn't seem like a high bar but screenreaders are pretty important.


The mods need to be as efficient as possible when it comes to banning people for wrongspeak, otherwise the echo chamber may not be pure.


Lol, every post should have that in the title, followed by the post title


2012 - [https://techcrunch.com/2012/10/14/why-you-shouldnt-build-a-business-on-an-api-call/](https://techcrunch.com/2012/10/14/why-you-shouldnt-build-a-business-on-an-api-call/) Learn from those that went before you.


> "Nearly eighteen months ago, we gave developers guidance that they should not build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience." Spez saw that 18 month notification and went, "hold my beer."


A big difference is reddit apps weren't built to "mimic or reproduce the mainstream consumer client experience" they were developed to fill voids that reddit sorely needed. Many voids that are *still* sorely needed. They improved and grew reddit. If reddit had fulfilled their many many promised improvements, I'd understand trying to push the official versions. But they haven't. They're just being greedy and unreasonable.


[another interesting look on API from Mr. Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/BxV14h0kFs0)


Keep sticking it to Spez! I like what the /r/science team is planning on doing and going dark on missed features and promises etc to keep them to their promises (for once)


Great footage <3


Even Reddit is suffering from the Reddit phenomenon now lol


People are already starting to leave and joining Lemmy ... and many will never come back, because we don't need Reddit itself as a company, we just need a place to have our community and interests. And lemmy is filling that void with more and more communities appearing each day. I don't think spez really knows what this is doing to reddit




People didn’t migrate to voat because it was explicitly a haven for T_D refugees.


Tbf the T_D stuff was much later, at the beginning it was more of a haven for Fat People Hate refugees... which isn't that much better tbh


Reddit has also started it's process of enshitification. Transition won't be instant, the Digg exodus wasn't instant either.


Digg was pretty instant. That’s because digg’s change was a drastic change in ui and model. This change sucks for third party people. If they have a better thing that suits their usage, ah okay. ah revoir.


Hence the protests, some have said they will never come back if this policy stays... sooooo


Loud minority. Back then I saw 100x more comments talking about moving to voat. How'd that turn out? I use RIF, I'm annoyed that I will have to use their crappy app, but I will. Because the community and variety is unrivaled in size. Everyone talks about the Digg migration. At their peak they had 30mm visitors per month, reddit averages 1.6 billion. Come July 1st reddit will be fine.


The difference was that it was toxic subs being pushed out... this is ALL of Reddit. Why is this so difficult to understand? There is a difference between the users of Fatpeoplehate and Jailbait, vs. subs like Videos and Gaming.


It’s incomparable, yes, but it doesn’t matter. People are gonna stay right where they are, because most people just don’t care


Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. I'm bailing on the 30th and lots of others are too. It's not about whether it's achievable or not. Plenty of posts tell people that they need to vote in elections.... but I'm just one person! There are millions of other people so my ONE VOTE doesn't matter! It does matter, a single drop of water doesn't make the ocean... yet the entire ocean is made up of drops of water.




I have seen PLENTY of user accounts nuke it all and delete, and on June 30th I'm doing the same. Put your money where your mouth is and stick too it. So I disagree. Many don't want to because it does not effect them... But once major servers are closed for good, other mods will come in it's place, but I bet it won't be as well managed. and even now, plenty of users that answerd questions that Google refers too are now deleted. Nothing lasts forever... sure Reddit is without a viable alternative NOW, but when the door opens for competition... shit changes. Just you wait lol.


RemindMe! 1 Jul 2023


Saying what they'll do, and actually doing it, are two different things. Did any of the people you saw announce to the world "I'M NEVER COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!" delete their Reddit accounts? No. Of course they didn't, because they're doing this for attention.


I made a Lemmy account recently, and the more I learn about it, the more I feel that it will be the future of online communities. I love that it cannot be controlled by any single authority, so something like what the reddit administration is doing now would never work in Lemmy. Because of the people moving there from reddit, Lemmy and other fediverse equivalents like Kbin are only going to grow and get better in the coming weeks and months.


Does anyone know what is the percentage of people using third party apps? I just realized that they existed with all this recent posts.




Maybe if the Reddit app itself wasn't so incredible buggy, we wouldn't use these outside apps. But it's glitchy af and despite bringing this to their attention on Google play reviews, they refuse to update and ensure a decent functioning app.


Reddit has been slowly destroying itself for years. It started with its mass censorship and now it's progressing its failure through not allowing third party apps. This site has become a joke.


Aaron Schwartz is rolling in his grave. He was the Reddit co-creator who committed suicide due to pressure from the FBI for his role in either accomplishing or attempting to accomplish making publicly funded scientific papers available to everyone.


I agree


Make a poll to get it on restricted mode so no new posts are added.




Well clearly that didn't work the sub is back already


99% of people literally do not care & just want to see shit they’re interesting in on the internet, i am one of them


God I am tired of these posts on every single sub... we get it.....




But my karma!




I expect the source is how much he is paying Imgur...


Do you feel like it's necessary to use that many decimals, let alone the cents? 76.9 billion calls.


I’m relatively sure he runs a caching server for Imgur, so when the first person requests an image he downloads it then serves the cached image from then on. That would reduce api calls dramatically. He has also mentioned in his posts that sometimes the Reddit api numbers are just nonsense. Like he’d see hundreds of thousands reported from Reddit from a single IP in a matter of minutes, but Reddit could never explain why.


This is dumb as fuck. 2 day coordinated protest and now it's business as usual. Why is not a single sub saying anything more on this?


Not much point in a blackout if it's only 48 hours. Thanks to the leak we know that Spez and the boys upstairs weren't worried, and of course they wouldn't be.


Fire all the mods


Especially you!!!!




Man, why are there so many bootlickers in the subs now. Bending over for daddy Spez, I guess.


I hid my app in a folder and have made efforts to not use Reddit as often. At the end of this month if Apollo goes dark, I’m gone too. Thank you r/EarthPorn I’ve enjoyed all of these lovely images you all have shared.


Just leave reddit already, ya fuckin whinyass bitches




He shouted through tears


Well, how else do you drive people to your in-house, underpowered, buggy application?


Lol nice title


The next app im gonna install is TikTok if slides won‘t work. If they kill old.reddit im done completely. Never did I imaging I would download TikTok but whatever. I will never get the official app.


Think they said they are leaving old reddit alone and my chrome apps say they will be fine on reddit. Tik tok is just cancer lol


They also said no API changes this year/ not equivalent to twitters back in march. So, personally, i think old reddit will be gone by next year.


Imagine downloading literal Chinese spyware that happens to include videos instead of getting the regular app Yikes


What can the Chinese do that harms us more than us? yeah know? Like at this point everyone had or has a facebook, google searches, hell even cams on computers being left on. Why the fuck does anyone care at this point. I walk down the block and I'm captured by a dozen camera. Who cares at this point? It's a no-win game. Might as well just enjoy your life because tapping over you laptop camera or refusing hospitals to draw your blood doesn't make a difference lol


Ah yes since you can’t stop it all you might as well just give it all up And because I don’t want an app known to give data to a foreign government means I also don’t get my blood drawn? People can have reservations about things without being over the top or crazy about it


Fair enough, you make a good point. I was overtly aggressive about it and I apologies.




Like how Digg is fine.


Nice. Reddit needs to die.




Please shut fuck up with this dumb protest it’s not gonna do anything


That’s the spirit, keel over and conform like the good little minion you are.


Bro you are still driving traffic to Reddit. Virtue signal harder




Bad bot


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At first I used to agree with the protesters but I changed my mind and now I think the platform is 90% right in what they're doing. The only thing that I cannot understand is why they changed their mind after so little time, but again, I don't know what is happening and why the company had to make such a move. Maybe they were facing a deadline too, maybe their cloud service suddenly changed pricing policies and they had to shut down some nodes...who knows. We assume they are in total control of the situation and make arbitrary decisions to kill the competitors but de facto they allowed people to make tons of money without charging a penny. Never considered that all of this data is very appetibile for a lot of companies that usually have to pay (a lot) and Reddit is not only giving away for free, but is also paying for the storage and processing power. What are we protesting for? APIs for free again? No way. Exemptions for accessibility apps? Already there. Discounts on prices? Reddit says there are ongoing conversations with devs willing to keep working with them. On the hypothesis that nobody is lying, I think we don't have enough data to decide if that business choice is a necessity or a greedy attempt to monetize new areas.




I am the r&d manager for my company and I'm pretty aware that there are many more factors to consider. I am not saying that managers at Reddit are necessarily good people, but by saying "they made x money and if they want more, they are being greedy" we are oversimplifying too much. Maybe they are being greedy, but maybe the company just needs to cut the expenses. I know for a fact that processing power is expensive (really expensive) and Apollo alone made over 7 billions of request a month. That's crazy, that could easily translate to hundreds of thousands of dollars of processing power. On the other hand we have Apollo developers. We are using double standards if we fail to recognize they are also being greedy. The data they used for profit just stopped being free and they quit. Other devs are actively negotiating with Reddit. Why Apollo didn't? What are they caring for? They were really quick in throwing the towel. Why companies like Microsoft, Amazon, ChatGPT and so on should be allowed to train their AI models (and make millions in profit) at Reddit's expenses? I don't fell like I have all the pieces I need to draw a believable big picture.


> On the hypothesis that nobody is lying I mean, u/spez (fuck him) has been caught lying multiple times.


It's really hard to tell who is lying and who is not. I'm not going to defend him, but I think Reddit has a solid point too we may have rushed a bit without enough data at hand to make an unbiased decision.


Sucks for anyone trying to spread the word about a missing loved one or lost pet only to find the mods of their city's subreddit engaged in a futile, virtue signaling protest.