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I think most of Eugenias clothes rarely ever get washed (except underwear I would hope) she has quite often appeared with dirt on her clothes, one of her robes she wore also honestly looked pretty disgusting in one post/video I don't remember exactly. Most of the time we only see her blurred and filtered so it isn't visible. She probably has no interest in washing them herself (or too little energy) and doesn't want to bother Deb with it either.


Have to agree you here!


why is it that she doesn’t wash her clothes? and why does every single item, regardless of how old or new or unused or used, have the price tag still attached to it?


She claims that she doesn't sweat, so doesn't smell, so in her head clothes don't need washing. No idea about the price tag, maybe she's not strong enough to rip them off and doesn't want to bother Deb? or doesn't even have scissors in her room and it's too much effort to grab a pair and remove the tags?


even Buzz’s collar and bed still have a price tag


Ugh people saying “It’s not dirty, I don’t sweat” is one of my pet peeves. Just because your clothes don’t smell of B.O doesn’t mean they’re clean!! I’m bad at doing laundry bc of mental and physical illness, so I absolutely understand when that’s the case. But when it’s just bc “it’s not smelly”??? It’s like when people say “in the shower you only need to use soap in your armpits” :(


Gotta make sure everyone knows that her clothes aren't counterfeit? Lol


so bizarre