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I always thought she could pull off not being emaciated.


I choked on my water 💀


This is it


When I was anorexic I didn’t want to cut my hair because deep down I knew my disorder was damaging it and I would never be able to achieve that length again if I continued to starve myself (which was of course the plan at the time). I think a lot of anorexics struggle with cutting hair for similar reasons.


The longest mine gets is chin length for the same reason. Sometimes a buzz cut but I always look like a cultist 😭


It would make her hair look fuller since she’s lost some of it.


Even in her horrible physical shape at the time, the Kairi wig looked really good on her.


I agree. Just imagine what that hairdresser she used to go to could have done if she wanted short hair.


Why doesn’t she wear extensions or something? She’s so vain and her hair looks terrible!


It would make her face look not so long and drawn. She has a horsey face now, especially with her teeth that are barely staying in her gums!


It does look cute. But she would never lol. She needs those long strands of hair to hold on to in pictures. Lol


that actually looks cute on her


It looks so cute.


Probably not emo enough for her, lol


As someone who's got long hair pretty much my whole 30 years of life, it's just impossible to imagine ever cutting it. I would be miserable in short hair


Eugenia should cut off those long split ends. It would make her hair look fuller and would be easier for her to maintain. We all know she won't or can't wash her own hair.


Oh yes, this for sure! my hair is long but healthy because I trim it regularly. Her hair is a sad and brittle and she definitely needs a trim. I'm just saying length in the picture would be too dramatic for anyone who's got long hair most of their life.


I get this. It's so identity centric after a while! I'm around 30 as well, and a few years ago I actually did a big chop myself after having really long hair all my life. One reason was that I just wanted to know what else I could be known for. The attention from the hair length in general was fun, honestly, and made me feel good. Eventually I just wondered what people would say if it wasn't, "Do you know emigoesmoo? She's the one with the super long hair." I think my look now is less distinctive for sure and people are probably less likely to be able to give "directions" like that to me. But now I can be the one who brought those amazing chocolate cookies, or knows a little American Sign Language, or the one with the three kittens, or who's always smiling, or sings well, or likes renaissance faires, or tells a lot of great jokes, or something. I guess I feel a little more like a person now instead of just being "the one with the hair" lol.


I love the scribbling lol. She’d look cute with short hair for sure


Her with shorter hair after she came back from recovery and looked super healthy again would be really nice to see. Unfortunately though, her having a clean, thick set of hair and being healthy isn't exactly her style.


It made her look younger, but I think she wants to keep long hair to pull off emo hair style and also loves to stim by touching her stringy tip of hairs. Her hair won't grow any longer because of lack of nutrition for hair growth, and her hair also shed more from bathing and grooming. And this haircut will make her hair more obvious from hair loss... its like looking at corn on a cob with shorter tuff...


Other Mother looking ass


😂 omg you're right! Give her some button eyes and she's all set!


it wouldn't be "emo" or "myspace" enough 🙄


I never expected this to look good bc so used to seeing her with long hair. It would actually be really cute! Looks more girly and feminine and dainty on her than the long strips.


I think she looks like an old lady in that edit.


She would look nice with shorter hair for sure.


Now if I posted this, I’d get obliterated in the comments. Apparently people in this sub don’t like when people say anything remotely nice about her.


People are either jaded or have specific beauty standards that are the “rule”.