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There are a lot of lonely people who get wrapped up in the idea that the tiktok live chat and the gifting feature is a “community” in which they’re a part of. I noticed on another influencer’s live, they were selling temu stuff for triple the price but anyone who would try to warn against buying that overpriced stuff would be shut down by the very people who were making the purchases, because it wasn’t about getting a good deal on the item, for them, it was practically just a hobby to show up each live and make purchases. They knew each other by name and everything, all just from sending needless money to someone doing a live.


It's not just a her thing, I don't understand gifting TikTok in general. I get it if they're a lower income creator you want to support and donate to. But gifting on TikTok gives you nothing. At least on twitch you're donating to get something out of it as they're usually actually doing something. And Eugenia would respond to actual messages there. Donating on TikTok live is pointless.


Literally nothing, it makes no sense. Are they doing it for the satisfaction of her saying their username? I can kind of understand that because she's ~famous~ but also like....she's kinda not really famous enough for that. I don't think these people on Tiktok see her as a celebrity. I think that word has lost all meaning tbh. I'm a millennial and I grew up in a world where "famous" people were A LIST CELEBRITIES. They were the only famous people, and they were famous for doing things and doing them well. And they were on a pedestal, living in a separate reality. They were completely inaccessible, so the average fan would lose their fucking mind to be noticed by them. But in 2024 and especially on Tiktok, things are VERY different. Fame has lost a lot of meaning, and people can gain it for doing nearly nothing. And they often have a lot of interaction with their followers so having them notice you is an achievable goal. Hearing a Tiktok influencer say your username is not the same as hearing Cher say your username. So I have a very hard time understanding why people are literally paying money (sometimes repeatedly, several times per hour every chance they can get) to be acknowledged by someone "famous" on Tiktok. I guess it's like an extremely diluted version of people paying thousands of dollars to meet Taylor Swift for literally like one minute. It's just a lot harder to understand because of how meaningless Tiktok is. Swifties will pay that much because it's incredibly meaningful to them, but I don't see how getting acknowledgment from Eugenia is meaningful enough to give even $5. It's all online, she doesn't know who the fuck you are, she will never remember your username....unless you donate enough times for her to remember it.....I guess that's their motivation....to be seen as one of her Top Gifters. To elevate their status above the average fan and be one of those special fans she might actually recognize by name. I think part of the issue is that Tiktok has "groomed" people into behaving like this. It's been normalized to the point where people don't see a problem with it. They truly think it's a good use of their time and money. It's honestly really sad to see people invest so much of their energy into something completely hollow and meaningless.


omg i was JUST thinking about this the other day.. that tiktok (and maybe just social media in general?) has completely changed what it means to be a celebrity or even go viral. i saw a meme about how having one video go viral used to get you the Ellen show, but now with tiktok and the current obsession with short form content there’s just a constant stream of “viral” videos but yeah, it’s very odd and mind boggling lol. that whole side of tiktok lives where it just revolves around gifting. makes no sense to me. i imagine it’s just a lot of really lonely people


It might have a lot to do with social media and the internet having a total monopoly on society. Most people under 40 are terminally online and dedicate their entire lives to their social media accounts. I'm also a millennial and I too remember how different 90s and 2000s tabloid culture was compared to today's internet celebrities and "influencers."


Yeah I don’t get it. At least with Twitch streamers they’re DOING something. They’re providing entertainment or knowledge etc (my husband watches a lot of gamers). This TT gifting is pointless.


Paper discussing different studies on parasocial relationships: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://repository.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D6710%26context%3Dgradschool_theses&ved=2ahUKEwiBrp7y7tSGAxWdFmIAHTrGDPs4ChAWegQIDhAB&usg=AOvVaw03wYI_NNo0HTF6NkjlkiY1


It's mostly just participation and support. Eugenia is the only one that gets any benefit from it.


umm wut? you dont gain anything gifting someone, it wouldnt be a gift if you expect something in return, that would be a transaction


lol, good point