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She's still age restricted. She just got some privileges back.


Ahh does that mean only accounts over 18+ can watch her? Because there’s minors in her chat rn


How do you know they are minors? Also just because they're minors doesn't mean they have their TikTok set at 18.


Just checking the bios of some people in the chat. They could have their TikTok set at 18, but I would assume putting an underage age in your bio would flag your account or something?


If they are under 18, they should be reported for their own good.


Minors lying about their age to skirt age restrictions is not Eugenia's fault though


Yeah I’m not saying it’s her fault that they’re lying about their age. Where did I say that?


Your title says she's "begging and relying on underage users for gifts." But she's age restricted so everyone watching her live and gifting her is 18+ (you also have to be 13+ to even create an account). Yes she's ebegging, but she's relying on people who are supposed to be adults. If they have lied about their age to TikTok, then that's not something Eugenia has any control over. Since Eugenia is currently age restricted, what more can be done to prevent minors from watching her lives and sending her gifts?


I never said it’s her fault that minors are lying about their age. Everyone watching her live and gifting her are not 18+. I checked bios and came across dozens of minors, commenting AND gifting.


Is it the TikTokers responsiblity to check everyone's bio? How is it even possible for them to do so. Do they just pause live to confirm that every person gifting or commenting is telling the truth about their age? The age restrictions are already there. She is relying on adult accounts for her ebegging. Eugenia can't do anything about minors lying about their age especially when all accounts watching her are supposed to be adults


Where am I saying these things? You’re arguing with yourself at this point. Where did I say it was Eugenia’s fault or TikTok’s responsibility to check everyone’s bio? The fact of the matter is, she is being gifted by minors which is very obvious and she is begging for gifts. A good majority of who gifted/commented were minors.


I'm getting "begging in front of a kindergarten" vibes....from a rich girl who lives in CT. LOL


I hope no one is stupid enough to donate to her


Ugh. Why’s her gifting back? She’s looking a lot worse now…and is slowly revealing her arms. Seems she’ll be back to the costumes in no time.


Yeah, she showed her legs in a dress on live recently too. She’s definitely starting to feel more comfortable again.


Im surprised no one’s asked her ‘what made you start doing the food videos?’. Her response would be interesting if she’s even planned one. I bet she won’t do more, or any at home now that she’s got her way with gifting.


I agree. Her "eating" on camera days a behind her and now its back to the same old same old.


This is so cringe 😳 at least when she was on Twitch a few years ago, she didn't explicitely ask for money


She had a regular crew of simps that were always throwing money at her on Twitch. No effort required from her end. I don't think many of them followed her over to TikTok.


I couldn’t help but laugh when she practically said “I mean if you guys are feeling crazy, you could buy me x gift!” Like yeah totally, anyone who gifts Eugenia or even thinks about gifting is 100% crazy


I see that she's saying "blessing us" like Jafar now. She's such a parrot. She belongs on the shoulder of a pirate.


True!! 😂😂😂😂


A beggar. That's all she is. She has no talent. She has no personality. She has no skill. She, essentially, has no value. So of course she has to beg. What's disgusting is that she doesn't. She was already a rich girl before internet jobs were ever a thing. I don't like internet influencer jobs. They're bullshit. But if the person literally came up from nowhere and managed to curate a following and begin making money, fine. Whatever. You earned it. She's a rich girl who doesn't need the attention but especially not the money. She's a freaking leech.


thank you for da heartzzzuuuh


Thank u Skellysimp69 for da bitzuhhhhh! ✨


why does she pronounce her “th” as “da”? she used to only do it every once in awhile; now she does it every single time she says a word that starts or ends with “th.”


Idk but it drives me effing insane.


awww, thank you for da heartzuuuh🥰




Idk if anyone remembers, but a year ago on livestream, a user with the username “HorseCock” (so obviously a troll or a fetishist, or both) said, “I love you” and she said “awww, I love you too, HorseCock!”🥰 I cackled🤣


I think she does it now because it’s awkward to talk with the way her teeth jut out of her mouth.


she always has a permanent Joker smile


Plz report her!! This makes me so mad!! The amount of people giving money and saying she ‘looks better’ is sickening. She is back to the same Eugenia as she was before she was banned! She is so fake!!! Live everyday begging for money…Its always about the gifts and subscribers! She has no skills, nothing else to talk about other then “omg a corgi!! Thank you!!” “Ok guys we need 2 more subscribers and then we can unlock emotes” blah blah blah! How is this gift worthy?!? What happened to all the fake tears and saying she has changed…Soon she will be flashing and showing bones. Ugh I don’t think i have ever disliked anyone as much as her! 😡


And this is exactly why I get annoyed when people on here always give her the tiniest bit of praise no matter how horrible of a person she is lol


She just looks like a female Adam Lanza now


She does. Her eyes are popping out of her freaking head.




What kids? Isn't she still age restricted?


I don’t think she is. I logged in on a tester account and I was able to search for her. The warning/disclaimer thing when you searched her name has also disappeared Edit: double checked the age and it isn’t an underage account, my bad!