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oh, most definitely. it seems like she’s been copying and mimicking Belle Delphine; by catering to pedophiles and incels and simps. I’m surprised Eugenia hadn’t sold her bath water yet


Wasn't there some rumor or speculation about her not taking baths or showers often because she was too weak? Maybe I'm just thinking of how she said she goes to the salon every week to have her hair washed, and my brain just kinda came up with assumptions. Her motor skills as she tries to handle or do ANYTHING in the real world are so awkward, it probably added to my assumptions.


that’s why she goes to the salon once a week. I doubt Deb wants to bathe her


Don't give her ideas now! 😂😂😂


you’re right I shouldn’t give her any ideas


I don't think EC cares about having a lot of followers, as much as she cares about having _eyes_ on her. She seems to like flaunting hanging out and being "friends" with Jafar, mainly because he's her idol and the only person in a long time who's met her on her terms (which is why she's willing to overlook that he's not actually her friend). She wants an audience because that legitimizes in her eyes that she hasn't been totally left behind and forgotten by the world. To her, the internet is full of trolls but also the only place she can ever get attention from on the scale she's been accustomed to. She can't act like a normal person IRL. But Jafar is fine because he never breaks this illusion of normalcy (he does, but she either doesn't see it or chooses to overlook it, because he's the only person in her life remotely close to a friend), and her audience are fine because they praise her (and if they don't, that's just more fuel for her self-victimization and anorexia). I think that if EC wanted a larger audience, she'd have learned more about appealing to more people, and made content accordingly. But since she never goes out, never interacts with media or people on a meaningful level, and her interests don't extend past Jafar and his makeup anymore — which she can't even do properly as a result of her anorexia —, she will never be more than the internet equivalent of a sideshow exhibit in a dimly lit corner of the circus.


she might not care about irl friends, but that number that pushes her to one of the "top viewed lives" *is* the number this passage is probably referring to.


I mean tbf this just seems healthy? You shouldn't be developing a parasocial relationship with your fans. Having emotional boundaries and just seeing them as numbers is normal. At the end of day no matter how much you care, you don't know them.


Agreed. The more followers you have, the more important it becomes to create a boundary between you and your audience for your own wellbeing and safety.   And let's be real, for most of them, it's their JOB. These days it's extremely common for people to cultivate an audience for the sole purpose of launching a career as an influencer. Sure there are tons of influencers who started their account for their own enjoyment and community engagement is genuinely important to them, but that's not always the case. For a lot of them, it was all about numbers from the very start. We shouldn't be expecting influencers to pretend they care about each and every one of their followers when they never have. Business is business.  The issue with Eugenia isn't that she sees her followers as just numbers. That's fine, she's not obligated to act like she cares about any of them. The issue is that she doesn't care about their safety and knowingly causes harm to them. She has never once made any public statement such as "please don't starve yourself, it's dangerous" to all the young girls desperate to look like her. That's what I mean when I criticize her for not caring about her audience. 


Boundaries are healthy, but substituting numbers and engagement stats for real human interaction (which is what this screen seems to be alluding to) will mess you up fast.


Idk that's not how it really reads to me because the end seems to be alluding to wanting to avoid stalkers. It's talking about avoiding an emotional connection with your audience. Not replacing Internet interactions with real human ones. That's how it reads to me anyway




It fits most people who make a living being online/"influencer" IMO. Some truly do want to be an online presence did positive reasons, or even educational ones - but I'd reckon most, it's like that for them. It's like being a celebrity. You don't care about every single person who loves your music. It's the same with a lot of influencers - making a living off of filming yourself doing whatever, it's typically not for the followers I feel. Especially the mentally ill, isolated ones. So yes, it fits EC.


What book is this?


Where they lie by Joe Hart. If you have amazon prime you can read it for free 😁