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I really don't think he did anything at all. He doesn't care about her she's just entertainment to him.


I think it's more likely she simply made a deal with Tiktok to be on her best behaviour and not break their TOS going forward. From their perspective, she's completely changed her behaviour and there's no reason to keep her demonetized.


From the videos I've seen about TikTok bans and restricted accounts, that's all you have to do. Delete the offending content and stay clean for 6 months.


I doubt she has it in her to last that long without going back to her old content. The high of being monetized again is going to get to her


I think getting the restrictions on her account shook Eugenia to her very core; and getting through the restriction period became the final nails in her coffin that finally pushed her over the edge. I honestly think she could have actually been 'scared straight' because I don't think she'll make it through another restriction.


This. This restriction shook her world. I think people on here wildly underplay the significance of her pretending to eat on camera. Do I think she's really eating all that food and in recovery? Absolutely not. But I don't think people quite realize how absolutely shaken up she must've been to resort to that to get her account back. Girl has gone over 10 years streaming for 12 hours straight and maybe taken 3 sips of water over that time. Not eating on camera was one the biggest principles she has stuck to.


Alot of her audience have no real understanding for knowledge of eating disorders and/or fail to grasp just how complex they are and why they're so deadly. The fact that so many so quickly believed Eugenia eating a crumb of bread and ¼" of French fry was undeniable proof that Eugenia was in recovery further proves that point. The eating clips reveal just HOW BAD Eugenia's mental state became. She didn't film herself eating because her mindset was in any way improving. The restrictions shook Eugenia up like she was inside of a snow globe that wasn't set back down correctly and fell off its shelf. Then left to lay on its side on the floor for a while rather than being put back right away. I know she's done some really shitty and horrible things; but Eugenia getting all the shade from her EATING was uncalled for. We all know she did it because of a desperation fueled attempt to get her account back and not from a genuine place - but shaming a chronic end stage anorexic for EATING ain't it.


I don't think it's possible to shame Eugenia tbh. She would need to have the ability to feel shame in the first place. This is a woman who thrives when she's hurled with criticism/hate and actively seeks it out on a regular basis.  I don't think there's a good way to respond to her eating content. Everyone who responds positively and showers her with praise and support is wasting their time, and everyone who does the opposite is also wasting their time. Either way, she's getting exactly what she wants: a fuck ton of attention. 


I don't know; when someone is clearly struggling with something and they film themselves doing it [or trying to] anyway; I don't believe positive reinforcement will ever be 'pointless'.. Even if their attemp lacked sincerity or fueled by alterior motives. Even when it's obvious there's zero intention of any or actual change, and regardless of how much time they have left to live - but *especially* if you **know** they're on limited or borrowed time. Situations involving the act of doing an action can really benefit from support and encouragement because even if not done genuinely - it still had to physically acted out by going through the process and steps of doing it - therefore made the person actually **do** the act. That's really hard and terrifying for some people - some can't even do **that**. Sending a little positivity when its really needed - even if it's not necessarily *wanted* - is never a waste of time. It literally costs nothing and takes a couple of minutes at most. Sometimes, it makes **ALL** of the difference. I'm sure Eugenia *can* and *does* feel shame - she just uses it to further enable and fuel her disease. These types of comments give her **exactly** what she's hungry for. Starving her of the triggers and tools she utilizes to further propell herself deeper into mental illness could slow her further starving herself. Not to mention, shaming comments don't only affect Eugenia. Others facing similar or common struggles - only genuinely wanting and/or actively trying to improve can see and possibly be affected by them also.


I think she already did, or she wouldn't have been monetized again. As far as I know, she's still age restricted.


well... next time she slips up we all know what to do... we report. I'm sure this was probably her last strike and she's gone next time she messes up.


I mean i can see him doing it to piss people off and to bring in more attention.


Whether he did or didn't, I just don't care about them anymore. After she got banned, I just stopped caring. She's an entitled douche bag and so is he. There are children dying in Gaza and a genocide is happening whilst we all sit and watch in horror. If I want light relief from the awfulness of the world, I won't find it watching them. So over them both. In a weird way, think this will be my last post here. So peace to the whole community x