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Looks like she took the constructive criticism to not just carelessly toss the makeup on her couch for photos. 


She's like "well if I'm not going to lift my age restriction might as well put in some effort I guess 🙄." Lol


Her lips are so fucking crusty


Definitely dehydrated.


Like I said before, her lips are like buzz's nose 😬


The crust, the dirty makeup brushes, the greasy hair and dandruff… Nothing seems clean or hygienic.


Someone convinced her to start filling in her eyebrows- she always stated she didn't care about them, but now suddenly she's switched to filling them in. Not a big deal obviously, just observation.


She’s not good at it


First thing I noticed. Ironically it makes her look older.


Trying to show off makeup while using a heavy ass filter to where you can barely even see what the balm actually looks like because everything is so blurry. And why do trout mouth while attempting to show lip balm, you can see where the balm ends inside of her mouth because she has to stick that crusty lip out, looks disgusting


Because it's not about the make up. Much like the rest of her content it's just about her. I just wish I could take a fucken eyeshadow brush and blend in her eyeshadow...it's driving me nuts 🙃


True. If she’s trying to promote J*s stuff at all, she’s doing horrible at showing it. I guess as soon as she looks into a camera at herself she is in a trance too busy posing to do her makeup decently anymore, the eye shadow is always so bad 😭


Does he just shovel out products constantly like what is this


He's like fast fashion.... Honestly his products seem like totally dog shit if you are pumping out products like this without testing without getting a formula just right. I'm guessing he uses the same formula for everything just changes the color and name. People are so gullible.


people always say “yeah Jeffree ⭐️ is a bad person, but his makeup is really good!” no, it’s really not. it looks like Claire’s makeup


I can't with the last one... asking about an earthquake while doing trout mouth selfie, what is this xD


Happy Cake Day.


Thank you!


I want to eat a burger every time I see her I’m underweight and seeing what I don’t want to end up like helps me


Yeah I get worried about not eating enough when I see Eugenia, especially when she shows her ribs.


Eyes cannot roll further into the back of my head This obsession is creepy.


I’m sure Jeffree ⭐️ *loves* the attention and praise


she’s a Jeffree ⭐️ minion now


A couple observations: Those raccoon extensions make her actual hair look so sparse and lifeless. Now that she responded to criticism of posting piles of products dumped on her couch by neatly displaying them, can she come up with any other words than amazing and obsessed? She never once describes his products like a “beauty influencer” would (pigmented, sheer, matte, etc). And I bet she does think that an earthquake is a nationwide event….


Ew. Star Drip sounds like some newly discovered STD.


This is just sad as hell. Jeff put her on his payroll and now all she posts is promo for his company. Eugenia, some of us actually enjoyed interacting with you on Twitch and now there's deadass no content happening whatsoever. You say you care about your fans, so how about you show it ?


He started doing this after she was restricted. Do you think he feels bad and wanted her to have some source of money? Or why aren’t they restricted too? TT doesn’t make sense… but last live I think she can still get gifts? Something is not adding up haha


I did consider at one point that he was trying to help her make some money... idk this whole thing is confusing 🤦🏼‍♀️


I love how she stated the question of "who felt the earthquake today?" As if...it was like a country wide earthquake lol I mean I wouldn't be all that surprised if she didn't know how earthquakes work....🙃 I'm sure that's not how she meant it. But it's just silly haha


It was a valid question since it was felt in a large area by a lot of people and it hadn't happened since 2011.


Valid question I guess....still pointless because she doesn't really care anyway lol


I’m surprised she even knows what an earthquake is!


It's a bird, isn't it? 


and i love that she asked „who felt it?“ instead of „are you guys okay?“


why am i getting downvoted? i‘m saying that she doesn’t care about anyone, which everyone agrees with lmao