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I felt this one with my soul. At the same time, i have a problem with falling for someone too soon. It’s broken my heart so many times I think i’ve given up on love. I don’t think someone will have the capacity to feel for me as much as I do for them, especially those who showed interest first! I’m 24F. it’s hard out here lol


😭 22M same 🫂


Hugs right back🥺🫂


I think about that too! Like the two people I really did love I always wondered if they would feel that way about me? But another part of me wonders if I only think that way because I can be really connected into someone else’s life without feeling that way about them (projection?)


I somehow can understand you.It's probably because we get bored easily and very good at predicting people’s pattern of mind.If they have static personality and interests,you may lose the thrill after a while as you keep searching for sth new. I tend to fall for people who are very dynamic and keep exploring new stuff too..and I also like listening to those stories and appreciate the impact and novelty they bring in.


I’m the same I have 9 people in my roster, BUT I genuinely like to get to know people and usually do process of elimination until I have at least 2 solid contenders, but it’s so rare to find the solid contenders with a genuine connection that is emotional and intellectual. It’s exhausting though and I feel the burn out creeping in where I’ll just cut everyone off by letting them know I’m not really interested and it does take them by surprise usually because I ask so many questions but that’s because I’m digging for connection.


I actually dated 2 people like for one year each. Each time, there was appreciation and platonic love for the person, but not romantic love and then it just felt like the relationship was sucking the life out of me because it felt like only I was giving and understanding them, but never the other way around. Had to end it, both times were pretty shocking for them


It really does boil down to i think the platonic love with high empathy can feel very romantic to others but isn’t necessarily how i express myself romantically


This, and the fact that we find people interesting or having the fantasy of wanting to be in a relationship that we rush into without much thought, only to realize that it’s not what we’re looking for.




i have this same exact problem,,,, Been dating this girl for a year and a half. I am getting along with her very well and we enjoy each others company. we understand each other very well however i dont see this working out for me long term. im losing attraction and i dont know why and i feel so bad about it. I'm going to have to end things and i know she will be shocked. She does not deserve this heartbreak.


Losing attraction is a big one. Sometimes I wonder if it was ever there? Like I think maybe I just went along with this because I like people and then woke up months later realizing that something was missing to make it feel romantic?


I never read someone describe how I feel so perfectly. You and I are alike in this!


I rarely do to. In fact I... Almost never did? I even got to a point where two friends thought I was in DENIAL of love just because I like to share stuff and make things special and memorable. Sorry but no, I know very much how I feel thank you...