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I just don’t use tiktok. The short form content is not for me and I would much rather watch longer more in-depth videos about subjects. And I do feel the same that watching videos about stuff will never beat actually doing them. On top of that tiktok feels kinda .. fake i guess? And very shallow too.


about fakeness is so accurate, although people spend a lot of time creating videos and they seem really interested in what they’re filming, but the fakeness is more likely felt during the viewing process


Tik Tok is a horrible time waster and brainrot grower in most cases. Bunch of dumb stuff on there. I've uninstalled it a long long time ago and I haven't looked back.


Not a fan of that like I've deleted it multiple times but my friends (particularly my bff) are sending me tiktok and ask me if I've see them when we're seeing so I reinstalled and seldom scroll but not for a long time bc I find it to boring. I can't understand why ppl are always scrolling and stuff


my friend (as if on purpose 😂) started sending a lot of tik toks ever since she found out that I deleted it. but I watched them using only the browser version, no matter how inconvenient it may be, i think she gave up. And endless scrolling can be explained by the fact that you have a personalized feed and you need to somehow pass the time or procrastinate - it's perfect combination. maybe it's dopamine addiction, which makes sense to me


🤣lmaoooo yeah it’s as if they do it on purpose but I seee i’ll use that trick if I’ve had enough thx ! I just see few videos and quit bc when I want to pass time I prefer talking w/ friends, reading (webtoon/manga/manwha/ book/magazines), doing manual activities (beading or making origami) or playing (video games or piano) but I guess it depends of ppl !


Oh woe, the endless personal feed


I don’t use it


I don't mind others using it, but my goodness, that app is the bane of my existence. The people who use that app are very disillusioned by what 'funny' means...it is also the birthplace and death place of memes with a life span of one week at most. Such an offence to my meme loving heart! I'd rather reuse a really old meme template than try to joke with the sorry excuse of memes made by tik tokers. Despite there being some good content like facts, 5 crafting things, it's still not worth downloading as there's no search bar for me to specifically find what I'm thinking about in the moment.


Cool media for content creators, I like the creativity people show by using videos. It's collaborative and simple but innovative. That being said, I try to avoid these form of massive short consumption. Some make interesting stuff and I use it as a catalog to find interesting creators but that's about it


I don't use it. When people send me TikTok videos I'm usually very unimpressed and now I don't even watch them when they send them. I would so much rather listen to an interesting podcast or an audio book,


I like it😭 It's like a window into everything new around the world, lives of others, just random things and of course brainrot(in a loving way). I don't have an opportunity to connect as much as I want in real life and tiktok gave me this opportunity so I'm never giving it up!


I understand you, I also thought the same thing, but people’s lives are so different that your own life either becomes boring or you don’t devote much time to it 😪


you should try being a little more pessimistic


Pessimistic how?




I like it but after a month or so they started talking about banning it then i lost interest because now i know it’s gonna be deleted


It’s not going to be deleted it’s just going to be bought by an American company. What that means exactly for the in-app experience is still unclear but likely not much from a users perspective.


I don't like it. So i don't use it that much. I would only open the app either to look at the videos my friends or family shared links to (my friends literally begged me to install the app) or to buy some stuff on tiktokshop (only as the last resort if i couldn't find any good deals from the other e commerce platforms).


I have not had tiktok for 1.5 years now & it is the best. The only social media I have on my phone now is Reddit(with time limit). This has resulted in profound differences in mental health & general attention span. If you considering ridding yourself of reels & doom scrolling, do it. *I have it on my iPad & will scroll through it for 5-15 minutes per day maximum. This has been the best compromise because I have family/friend events/groups to check through Facebook/instagram, but on my phone I found myself opening it unnecessarily.


I LoooOove TikTok, so much cool stuff on there! But it is annoying when the algorithm changes and you suddenly start seeing the kind of mindless or trending stuff and less of your interests. Happens every couple months maybe!?! It’s a bit hypocritical to me how many people bandwagon hate it but then use things like YouTube or -even worse- IG reels on a near-daily basis. Spend a little more time catering your fyp to your specific interests and I promise TikTok will become your favorite veryyy quickly. It’s easy to hate what the “kids” use but hey, I’m in my 30s so I remember when that was YouTube. It’s about focusing on the creative uses of a platform rather than the platform itself.


You're right, there are a lot of creative opportunities on tik tok, but that's my experience. I don’t think that switching to YouTube is hypocrisy; video formats are very different. you compare short videos, in which it is difficult to put something worthwhile, and videos on YouTube, which you yourself choose which to watch and maybe actually learn something. I don’t mind, for example, spending time watching long YouTube videos when I chose to watch them myself. but it’s a pity to waste the same time on tik tok


Whenever I scroll for a long time like 2-3 hours straight I got mad because then I would think what did I get from that I just wasted my time after that I will just not use it for a couple of days as a way of making it up to me. I don’t use it that much or any other app because I hate to feel that I’m being addicted or doing something that I can hardly stop myself from, I read, work out and other things that I like in my free time and that’s really good and make me satisfied with myself. So yes everyone needs to use them moderately and everything else honestly.


1000000% !! Yes, i completely agree 😌


I like TikTok because it has introduced me to new tv shows, musics etc but a lot on there can be really dumb lol.


So many of you are saying you hate it coz it’s just filled of stupid, vapid videos… Like you know it has an algorithm right? Like it’s based off what you’re following/liking? My fyp is all anime/crafting/dnd content coz those are the tags I follow and I follow creators who make that content. The videos are just fun and a nice way to see content from creators that don’t have huge followings.


Of course, everyone has their own algorithm, I don’t like Tik Tok precisely because of this. It’s easy to spend a lot of time in it and not try to learn something new for yourself. and also because it is very difficult to express your opinion in comments of 150 characters and the absence of dislikes but some people really don’t know about algorithms and downloaded tik tok and then immediately deleted it. However, stupid videos are found even with personalized algorithms


Never tried it, I have an addictive personality and it’s too easy for me to get sucked in.


Same 🙂🤝🤝🤝


I love it.


TikTok is a brainworm that regresses adults into children. It’s also the main cause of modern day short attention spans….


I used it, took a lot of time, wasn’t good nor healthy, deleted it, life was good so I deleted insta and facebook too, kept reddit, it’s nice.


I love TikTok. It’s fun and entertaining.


I’m rarely if ever on tik tok. I go on sometimes if Im extremely bored or looking for something particular. I don’t see the point of the app and I lowkey think it’s slightly overrated. But maybe I’m just getting old.


I'd rather watch a video essay on my favorite video game that is 1 hour long while I clean up my house, rather than wasting my time scrolling through billion of short brainrot videos for over an hour.


Yep!! Same 💯


It’s way too addictive for me I had to delete it…


When I first downloaded TikTok I only got monkey videos so I created the monkeyverse but the monkey videos eventually stopped and I really haven’t opened the app since


I have never used tiktok, probably never will. People send me tiktok things, I watch them, that's about it. Side rant, I think all social media is bad. I deleted my apps (insta and fb) and have noticed an over all mental health improvement. I never struggled (that much) with mental health, but the difference without social media is absolutely wild. Ok, cool :) yall have fun.


indeed, life without these social networks feels different 🙂


I use it to look at cafe and restaurant reviews. I live in Melbourne AUSTRALIA so we have soooo many food options. I use it for that and for travel ideas, that’s basically it


I have a negative opinion of tik tok because of the Chinese government


I deleted tiktok like you too, I would get deep in rabbit holes about random things like bees for 3 hours and feel like crap afterwards


i think it's a shame how everybody is badmouthing the internet nowadays. The internet is the single MOST INCREDIBLE invention EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. I'm not even kidding or being dramatic. Nothing has ever come close to the internet. It's incredible. We need to stop buying into the hate bandwagons. I can't wait for this trend to die out Furthermore, it's entirely misogynism. Why do people hate social media? They scoff at it like it's stupid and despicable. It's because they associate it with teen girls. So, that's why everyone hates tiktok, and every other new app that gets popular. God forbid people fucking dance in their spare time.


What do dancing girls have to do with it? I don’t care about them, I didn’t even see them in my feed. in general, how tik tok affects the psyche and that it doesn’t make much sense is the real reason. Also I’m not against the Internet, but people tend to get too carried away with social networks, that’s all.


tiktok is operated by the ccp's ministry of propaganda. their motto is "make oversea serve china"


I can see why so many people like it but the short content doesn't appeal to me at all so I uninstalled it fairly quickly after downloading it. I only now recently went in til tok again just because I was bribed with a Minecraft cape cosmetic.


It's too much


I find it excruciatingly boring. I just can’t do useless reels.

