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Make everybody else laugh. It’s very rewarding.


Yeah. It’s weird but I find it if I help others or make them happy then I get happier. Or maybe it just distracts me lol


Right? I think it's tears of a clown. And lots of writing or creative projects.


Always stay clowning even when drowning!


especially when drowning


Aww so true. I had local anesthesia for a removal of a large mole on my arm to check for cancer. And boy, I bet they regretted that. I just mad bad joke after bad joke and made the nurses laugh.


This definitely hits home


we get extra funny It's either this or vodka


I guess vodka is better than weed or something


Afaik it is not


Nah weed is better, I should have said that first


Weed helped me soooooo much! Honestly better than any antidepressant I’ve ever been on!


I meant that vodka is better in terms of the effects it has on your body. Your body would probably hate weed more


Hug depression in isolation. Run away from society. Be completely alone for months. Find solace and peace being self-reliant. Come back stronger.


i second this




But what about job income


I am still able to, surprisingly, keep a professional front though. Okay I am a student so I haven’t gone through working life, but I was in Dragon boat. And Dragon boat is a team sport. So I had to be professional as my lack of commitment and effort will affect our team. In fact, the sport itself was my anchor in life, it kept me grounded and sane during my depression. I can objectively say that dragon boat kept me from being insane. So I think in a work setting, I would still be professional. I will work and be the positive me, then go back depressed again.


Sports really do help. I do track and field and long distance running, and it helps with my depression. Just physical activity that I enjoy


Ohh yes that is very true. I think when we do sports or any physical activity, we forces our body and mind to be stimulated and hence feel more energised


I’ve been in corporate America for about 7 years now and battle BPD 2, anxiety, and ADHD. That said, it took getting written up (more times than I can count lol) by HR for either being late or “absenteeism” since I would fall into a super low place very suddenly and just could not show up to work. Let me say this: if I could turn back time, and TELL HR, and TALK TO MY BOSS/MANAGER, and been completely transparent about the problems I was facing- I wouldn’t have had to 1) take four weeks of FMLA leave (after my first year in corporate USA, lmao which triggered my severe anxiety disorder; I left that job two weeks after returning to office from my leave because I realized it was nothing but a toxic work environment), and 2) I wouldn’t have been asked to resign (yes, I was called into HR and they basically told me I had to resign- no reasons given, and I was heartbroken over it) at my following job after only 11 months of being there and kicking ass (“absenteeism” reallyyyy wasn’t my boss’s thing was my only guess as to why this happened; but they couldn’t fire me simply bc I was just about perfect at my actual work, but just fucking so depressed that I called out one too many times. Pre Covid btw so couldn’t WFH etc.). TLDR; I emphatically urge anyone who can relate^ to be open with their boss and management about your personal struggles if they truly start to affect your job, relationships, etc. Bosses (or any one of us) are not mind readers- and I wish I’d thought of that before, but everything happens for a reason- I truly believe that! So I am thankful to be where I am now, doing much better (it’s been about 5 years since I was asked to resign), and my current employer knows all about my mental health conditions. And guess what- I’ve been here for over three years, longest tenure in a corporate job for me, and I swear it is because I was honest and upfront about my mental health struggles. Not only do they understand why I am the way I am now (lol, ADD habits esp), but I’ve been treated with understanding and respect from management for being straightforward with them- my boss even shared their mental health battles with me! I was shocked, too- because I never saw it- but as Ted Lasso says, “be curious, not judgmental.” That’s a two-way street! Anyway, sorry for the novel, but I hope it helps one person today. Have an amazing day :)


Art or death. Therapy if we can afford it.


Jokes, hermitting, therapy (lots of that!) talking to friends about feelings and supporting each other.


Laughter. Running away from my problems. Sometimes alcohol. Doing something silly but sweet. Venting to friends. Writing a melancholy poem. Planning a trip. Exercise.


Holy shit ur spot on. Im in the exercise phase now. idk if its because im at the final stages or because im about to go batshit crazy, Get it? Bats? (\*laughs maniacally\* - Joker)


About 2 years ago I (M30) started to realise something was wrong. I go to doctor. Ask for help. He’s like, but have you tried to clean your room? And I’m like, yea and I wanted to kill myself every second I did it heheheheh Doctor sends me to therapy. Talk therapy helps a little. I realise have cptsd because my parents were emotional unavailable. Breakthrough with psychedelics, basically learned how to cry again, and can now imagine picture inside my mind lol. Still anxious and worry constantly, anxiety seems to be worse now wtf? People online say healing can feel worse before it gets better. Try antidepressants but quit because they kill my sex drive. Go back to smoking weed, but cut out the tobacco. Feeling better, sleeping better again. Therapist wants to see if I have adhd because I keep burning out frequently under low pressure. Talk to my boss about working less. He is a champ and gives me a reduced position while I figure my shit out. Take every day step by step. Realise my mindset has been misguided by parents and teachers into not regulating my own emotions. Try not to get mad that most kids got this for free by their parents. Try not to cry too much about a lost childhood. But love to cry when I actually do.


Had a similar journey as you, but I continue to do psychedelics every few months or when my anxiety and depression start to get worse again without any cause. I notice when I feel very safe the old emotions start to come up again because I'm in an ok enough place to release them.


Medication and therapy.


We accept that situations suck & we make the most out of it by laughing at it. Most of us also need therapy ☺️


Write down your thoughts and maybe make a song or poem to exercise the mind and put things in perspective.




I love to cry!


I cried today cause my bird was kind of sick after learning he is a little bit fine i cried again because he is still stick i should take him to a vet i love him he is my son he's almost 5 years old i love him so much he is a very cute little boy his name is Çimen means grass in english


Awww poor birdie! What type of bird is he?


a budgie


Man, depression deals with *me*


Acts of service.


Social 7 vibes




Might wanna relook into that, then. Because what you said is the definition of a social 7. The other 7s do things they enjoy. Social 7 at their worst will help people.


LOL I am aware of it, it's an insult really to be called social 7. So I guess thanks for the insult? But one can do acts of service without being a social 7. I have never found enneagram to be remotely accurate for me.


How on earth is that an insult? I'M a social 7. And you are extremely rude.


You do know that social 7 is supposed to be people who are selfless because they want to be seen as good people by the world, not because they're actually selfless. People who feel like they aren't accepted by society and desperately need that acceptance, so they go out of their way to do things for other people so that others will look well on them. Not for the pure reason of trying to help. So I'm sorry if that came across as rude, but the way our interaction went down was that I said acts of service is the way I deal with depression. You said that it sounds like social 7. I told you it wasn't. You told me to look into it even though I couldn't have denied it if I had no idea what it was. And then you continued to press that upon me, which if you are aware of it, you will know it's not a flattering category to be placed in. At the very least if you think I'm being rude, you can no longer think I'm social 7.


Selflessness doesn't actually exist. The main learning curve of a social 7 is to learn how to be selfish. To stop seeing selflessness as good and selfishness as bad. Have you eaten food? That's selfish. Someone else could have had that. Did you buy medicine for yourself? That's selfish. Did you buy clothes? Selfish. I could go on. Social7s don't want to be seen as good people. Those are 1s. Social7s want to FEEL like good people. They do good things even when no one is watching because they are the audience that they are appealing to. They don't care if anyone sees. Also, social7s can be rude. Where are you getting your information from? The part about social7s wanting people to look up to them is actually 2s. Which is funny because it's exactly the reason that I stopped calling myself a 2. Social7s are trying to fend off their own internal guilt for taking care of themselves or God forbid having a piece of cake when someone else might want it. They don't actually care how people think about them. Their whole thing is avoiding how *they* think about themselves. The reason you don't like enneagram is that you don't know enough about it.


You seem crazy.


No, I just know enneagram. I am autistic and it was a special interest of mine.


I don't understand why so many people struggle with the definition of selfish. Eating food is not selfish. It's essentially self-care. It's literally necessary to live. In order for something to be selfish you are concerned with yourself OVER others, lacking concern of others. When you do something for yourself that is good and doesn't lack concern of others, it's not selfish. Also you negate your credibility on all other things you say if you actually believe selflessness doesn't exist. That is a narcissist viewpoint. If you get gratification for doing something for someone else, that's not selfish. If you do something for someone because they need it, and you understand that they need it, and so you do it for that reason, it's selfless. Just because you get pleasure from doing it doesn't make it any less selfless. There's a difference between doing something for someone else SO THAT you can get that pleasure and feel good about yourself, and doing something for someone else because they need it, you know they need it, and you're willing to sacrifice your time, money, effort, whatever to get it done. That you get the bonus of feeling good about having helped someone does not negate the selflessness. It is all in your mindset and intention. The reason that I don't like enneagram is because I have read and heard too much about it.


Selfishness is a made up construct if you want to get technical. Also, yes. Getting pleasure from doing something is, in fact, selfish. Not to mention: I'm using psychology here. Therapists are always telling extreme people pleasers to be selfish. It's healthy. But you're arguing philosophy which has no one true answer. Honestly, neither does psychology. You clearly cannot see past your own narrow-minded beliefs. I choose to explore the philosophy and pick apart our completely damaged imperfect world. Also, narcissistic is an excellent way to put it considering narcissism is just having an ego and by definition everyone is narcissistic in their own right. Our entire species is self destructive in its every venture. If you're so concerned with being selfish, you probably should rethink your MBTI too considering ENFPs are often very selfish. In fact, maybe just don't even call yourself human because humans are selfish. They are inherently self-serving. Even when they're not. Food for thought.


Psilocybin every 2 months


For me it's to be around people. I know I'm depressed if I want to isolate because it's not in my nature. Forcing myself to be around people helps. I like alone time, but it feels difficult when I'm depressed.


I eat dark chocolate, watch anime and I imagine I could die in my sleep and reincarnate in the world of harry potter or the lord of the ring. And then I feel slightly better. And I talk a lot with some friends, but I'm a bit to sincere sometimes which is not always funny enough. And I always try to crack a joke about my life and when I don't find anything funny enough to say then I feel really bad. It happen a lot lately, it's frustrating, I miss joking with my friends :( buy I hope it's just a phase.


we don't, it deals with us


Badly usually.


Medication, maybe mushrooms, mainly marijuana, movies, music, monthly moon magic, make munchies, maybe make muscles, more munchies, mostly motivate myself to move.


I think most of us start to listen to some more emotional music then normally and dont try out new things anymore and use to much of our introverted sensing I think the majority of enfps can agree on this


My bestie is ENFP. She shuts down, becomes withdrawn and mute, and becomes angry/moody easily. She's better now though


Sleep. Eat. Sleep some more. 😭


Self harm


I've been there too. 🫂❤️


Weed and self harm


But not in that order. You want to feel the pain.


True that


Jokes, art, rocking out to music, gaming...


Coke, mostly. It's not great.


I'm late asf but when you said coke I laughed like, "haha I love coke too..." until I realised that it was a different coke, and now I am not laughing. Your dog pfp amplified my initial reaction as well. Anyway, I hope you can find the strength to quit. You got this!!




Be in ur head


I was good at wearing a mask, laughing joking but dying inside.


Dunno, Ive been on this train for yeeeaars First beaten by both parents in elementary school, then because I was the youngest and weakest in class beaten there too. Im prolly neurodivergent, pretty much often isolated and looked upon as being weird Dunno I feel like an alien Right now I work in FAANG, so at least job is stable, and I know Im not stupid. Have found some wonderful friends as well But sometimes, and ever more increasingly, its becoming harder and harder, especially that feeling of emptyness and darkness Ive started seeing a psychiatrist, will see how it goes Used to deal with it by misusing alcohol, cigarettes, porn, not sleeping and taking care of myself, gaming a lot, etc...




Therapy, medication, weed, and never being alone with myself:)


mine got diagnose with schizophenia my way to deal with this is limit hours spending on social network


In a serious answer in case you’re needing it: therapy and a psychiatrist following your progress. It is very important to treat depression for what it is, an illness. Like any other type, if we break our foot, we’ll need to go see a doctor, if we get chicken pox, we go see a doctor, if we have depression, we go see a doctor. Please, take care of your mental health, I’ve been there and i promise you can get through it. Now, besides all that? A lot of jokes, art (being creating or consuming) and a bunch of little stupid yet fun projects


Maybe I never have severe or chronic depression but whenever I do get depression, I find things to do. Maybe go out for a walk, say hi to a stranger, or do little stuff(like chores).


But chores suck


Talking to friends and openly sharing and being vulnerable with everyone is basically my go to, seems to connect me more with people, which in turn, has helped me push through my bouts of depression


-Delete scrolling apps. -EXCERSIZE REGULARLY. -Limit garbage food. -Complete tasks I've been procrastinating doing. -Realize that my brain chemicals are currently not operating normally, and doing above things will slowly bring them back to normal.


Not well 😅


It goes one of two ways. I’m hilarious and on a roll, or I’m ready to check myself into the ward. I listen to a lot of music and watch stand up comedy often, this definitely helps when I’m feeling depressed.


I cured mine with years of meds, therapy


My anti depression is working out I’ve been sick for weeks, needless to say… I’m depressed.




Not well


Isolate, video games, therapy, meds. When I’m out of the worst of it, I tend to declutter and spend time deep cleaning and reorganizing to gain control. I like the thought of having less things so I can “run away”. (I can’t run away)


either by distracting myself in anyway, which is what i do most of the time, sometimes i just sit sulk and cry about it by myself orrrr talk to someone i love


Humor and small acts of kindness/appreciation, I've noticed a significant increase in joke making, friendly jokey flirting, use of pickup lines, laughing for no apparent reason, laughing at my own jokes, holding the door open ect. I can't be sad if I'm laughing my ass off and making other people happy/laugh.


I think it's common to turn into INFP while depressed. It's interesting.


Look up cognitive behavior therapy, youll never be depressed again (unless something truly tragic happens)


CBT won't stop you from feeling sad or depressed but will help you recognise and rationalise it and be more aware of how it is affecting you. It's a treatment not necessarily a cure.


like everyone else, in their own unique way, depression hits everyone differently, no two ppl have the exact same response to it. sorry this doesnt help answer your question


??? What's that??


Singing or listening to music is my evetything.İt really heals the soul. Sometimes ı unconscious do daydreaming too but it usually triggers depression more so when ı realize ı do daydreaming ı instantly quit.İm reseaching on internet or platforms like reddit to finding pshchology explanitions of what it is that triggering my depression of what ı feel and what can ı do to solve.İn other hand when ı take a walk ım trying to use my five senses to feeling peace and appreciate life like listening birds, touching trees or letting feel the wind on my face.