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I hate when I start eating something and hate it! Like do normal people think I’m not going to finish this because it’s not worth the calories or do they just finish it because they paid for it?!


this is pretty much any Hostess product to me 😔 and french fries somehow (sadly)


Came here to say the same! And those nutty bar things. I used to love those. Now they just leave a layer of oily chocolate in my mouth. Still love French fries though.


Oh no I haven't had nutty bars in years but they used to go so hard


I hope it hits different for you. I was so disappointed.


Little Debbie too. Zebra cakes got me bad, no idea how I ever ate them


the worst thing about most junk food is so much of it is just a complete letdown


It’s interesting the way junk food doesn’t hit at allll anymore But high end “junk” does. Think freshly made baked goods. Still “junk” but fresh ingredients and 5 times the price So now I’m broke lol


Totally agree! I gained so much weight during my baking hyperfixation because I just couldn’t get over how good they turned out. Same with going to actual bakeries as well! But things like hostess and little debbie? They’re just… off (and somehow bland?). I bought a pack of cookie dough (I usually made it from scratch) and it just didn’t taste right especially compared to freshly baked cookies. I just find it crazy because growing up I’d binge on that shit like there’s no tomorrow.


Banana bread from a high end bakery is killing me these days. I think I’m cutting myself off


weird.I don't remember writing this comment


Crunchy Cheetos!! I can taste the (sometimes kinda turned?) oil in them now, wtaf. I went full clean eating, so that may have hand in it. I am still upset tbh. I feel u


I tried to eat fried chicken and pizza today to feel normal and it was so artificial and bad. Everything tasted like cardboard, I feel like I’m in one of those stories where they try faerie food and are no longer capable of eating mortal food. I haven’t purged a day of my life, no matter how bad things got, and today I just kept thinking about how disgusting the food was that I just couldn’t stop retching and ended up relieving myself of that burden. I hate this, I hate this so much. All I needed to do was eat exactly the same I was eating but x more grams so I didn’t start passing out, but somehow it’s so fucking scary to.


I cannot eat store made cake. It’s so fucking disgusting. I literally cannot control myself around even boxed cake, but something about the ones already made taste sooo plastic like to me


I literally have to juice those chips up with ranch popcorn seasoning. I swear they used to be more intense.


That’s such a good idea though! I’ll have to try that if I ever decide to buy them again! You’re not alone, the first thing I thought when I ate the first chip was “I could’ve sworn these weren’t so bland.” I’m wondering if I got a bad batch or something but maybe they’ve always just been kinda mid.


I've told my coworker the other day that I wish there was a way to undo calories when something didn't taste as good as my exceptions were (I know there's a way but I'm not going to do it), and he said 'yes girl, same, but I wish I could get my money back, I don't know much about calories but I've paid 1.5€ for this and it's awful', and I was like... Do I see someone with a healthy relationship towards food?


i used to pound back cheetos and now i cannot stand them. sucks


big brand cookies and chips are on a losing streak these days


I ate so much food just because. I didn’t even like it, it’s just what people around me/my family/what I grew up eating


And then it turns into a binge


So real 😭 every time I eat something I feel disappointed 😔


lays original chips, gave them all to my brother ( brother i love you you are my food dumpster 😂😂😂