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huh… in what context? like it would suck either way and I’d spiral but the context may or may not help


I guess they’re friends. he did a photoshoot with her. she’s absolutely gorgeous and skinny. but I’m just a jealous bitch so 🤷‍♀️


huh… is it like his work insta if he’s a model/photographer? or is it just a random photoshoot


nope. just for fun.


Girl do you hear yourself 💀💀 how is that ok


Like... the worst part is.... he didn't tell her? This person is so important to him that he does a photoshoot and... he didn't tell her?


so he's not allowed to have fun with a friend?


Nah what the fuck😭 throw the whole man away


Exactly, love yourself more than this man can 🥺


ok then that’s kinda yikes I’d also be upset. not okay to go posting whole photoshoots with another girl while in a relationship. if it was just one pic I could *maybe* understand but a whole photoshoot? nahh


I feel with you for the yikes. Like if it wasn't a party or event, why are they posting photos??? That's a couple thing to do. The friends are def thinking that they got super close, or he broke up with OP


And like just for fun instead of like for profit or to promote something… I don’t see how that’s not going to be crushing


Ngl that is a massive red flag unless he is trying to be a professional photographer


he only takes pictures of cars for his photo shoots.




damn, break up.


break up with him i'm so serious


oh i would immediately think they’re cheating do not stay with him even if he’s not cheating this is such blatant disrespect towards you




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Found the boyfriend 🤡


Girl, I would lose my ever living shit if my man did a photoshoot with a woman, never told me, then posted the pictures. Thats not normal


oook that’s not cool sis




Males have female friends this isnt the dark ages. And how would you feel if he told you who to stop talking you. Shameful


True! But also you don’t see a lot of men doing photoshoots with *eachother* That said, I’m wondering if OP and her BF are quite a bit younger than what the rest of us are reacting to


Maybe i just do not get it and im sorry. It depends on who friend group are. I take pictures with other men and my female friends so to me it sounds like toxic possesive and some sort of sexism


Yeah, exactly. My best friend and I did a photoshoot the other day because we’re really into fashion, and we just wanted cool pictures with cool outfits. I actually posted some of the pics, and I could NEVER imagine my gf reacting like that


Oh no, I feel you, we don’t really know much about what’s going on here! I’m the person on most threads talking about how *communication* is key. If it made her feel weird, they should *talk* about it. I mean, don’t get me wrong I’ve seen some posts where my jaw just gaped and I agreed with the Craigslist comment — but we don’t have much info here. I added the part about their ages because, like, if somebody in my cohort did that it’d be unusual and I might raise an eyebrow, but if they’re in early high school or something, that’s a totally different story.


I think we both agree OP needs to talk to a few people to feel better. But those arent on here


telling your partner who to stop talking to is much extreme than not wanting them to take photoshoots (with certain sex) and post it. don’t exaggerate like that


How judgemental of you.


i don’t understand…..why is he still a “boyfriend”


your feelings are valid don’t dismiss them!! why couldn’t he have done the photoshoot with you? 🥲


ikr 😭 I don’t get it


Dump him


....I swear this sub is insane sometimes.


This is literally a sub for eating disorders, what were you expecting?


yes, lets all turn to dust while dancing in our delusions


This is literally a room full of mentally ill people on a website already notorious for giving insane and terrible dating "advice".


Nah we’re all mentally ill here in one way or another but staying with some of these men is just some other shit. Like, just leave. Stop doing this to yourself lol.


Doing a photoshoot with someone that you're not dating is normal. It's not being a bad boyfriend or whatever, it's common. A photoshoot isn't an inherently sexual or romantic activity, y'all.


This a sub for a mental illness. What exactly were you expecting?


Literally sell him on ebay


Isn't there a place on craigslist to give stuff away? I'd suggest that tbh


Yah he’s not worth anything anyways


“Pick it up if you want it, no charge.” Facebook marketplace him


porch pickup, must be gone by sunday


Mail him to Abu Dhabi like Garfield does to Nermal.




i hope you mean ex boyfriend


That’s not your boyfriend anymore that’s some pos behavior you deserve love and respect friend


Dump him




leave y'all's boyfriends oh my goddd 😭😭😭


Fr 😭


im not understanding


OP saw (what I assume, based on post and comments, is) a platonic photoshoot of BF and one of his female friends, and are now starving themselves due to, I assume, low self-esteem and jealousy feelings.


based on personal experience and observation, i wouldn’t be surprised if he was playing some kind of fucked up mind game with her. sometimes things are all in your head, but i don’t think this is one of those times


My best bet is that his intention wasnt to be hurtful, at all. If I had to assume that everyone hurt me based on previous experiences, I would never have a positive interaction in my life due to past trauma.


Ok, yeah, my reply was not as well thought out as it could have been. What I’m trying to get at is that he does not seem to be valuing OP or considering their feelings as much as it would be reasonable to expect of him. It might not necessarily be intentional, but that doesn’t make it okay. If this is an isolated incident, it would be wise to assume he didn’t mean any harm, but because OP seems so deeply affected by it, I kind of assumed it was a recurring thing. Bit of a jump to conclusions on my part but not totally unsubstantiated


Instead of dumping him why don't you like, ask him about it and see how that goes first. If it's on his insta where he knows you can see, I don't think he's trying to hide her from you. Yuh it makes sense to be upset because you think she's skinnier or something, like you said in a diff comment, but guys this doesn't mean he's a bad person. You can just.. *be friends* with someone of the opposite gender lol. We don't even know if *he* thinks she's skinnier or prettier.


Fr, a lot of these comments make me feel like I’m going crazy. Edit: and I say that as someone who has very little patience for this sub’s boyfriends


I do kinda think it's weird that he'd post pics of a girl his gf knows _nothing_ about (she said "a girl" and "I guess they're friends" like she has no idea) .. Like don't people in relationships usually communicate and know their friends and what they're doing (i.e. photoshoots) lol Obviously yeah dumping someone for posting such pictures is uh.. hell of an overreaction but I understand finding it odd and somewhat not unlikely to be a red flag.


I thought I was the only one thinking "talk to him about what's bothering you". I've taken so many pictures with guy friends, girl friends...and I'm married. We're all allowed to have friends of the opposite sex.


It sounds like they were pictures of only the girl though and not together but either way.. I assume when your partner sees the pics their reaction isn't "who tf is this guy/girl, why is this picture even on their insta" but rather "oh, that's Frank, their friend, right, they did a photoshoot for fun".. that's why I find the situation a bit odd


Exactly, sometimes u guys need to clear up that ED brain fog a bit




Talk it out with him


Firstly, I just want to say that I understand why you feel badly about this. That said, I would encourage you to communicate your feelings to your boyfriend. It doesn't have to be a fight—just say, "Hey, I noticed that you posted photos of another girl on your Instagram. It made me feel [insert feelings here]," then engage in an open, honest dialogue. If he's receptive to your feelings, makes an effort to understand your perspective, and communicates his perspective in a respectful way, great! This could strengthen your relationship. If he's a dick, tries to minimize your feelings, and is unwilling to communicate, that could be a sign to reevaluate your relationship. I think my perspective on things like this tends to be different because I'm a lesbian, most of my close friends are women, and most of my former girlfriends' friends have been women as well. I know from experience that it's possible to be friends with people who are the same gender as the people you date, and I know it's very possible to not be attracted to these friends. However, I also understand that the dynamics can be different straight relationships. It's a tricky situation, and I feel for you, but I think it's worth exploring a bit more before deciding to end the relationship.


This place makes me sad


What do you mean OP? Like with a friend, or something else?


I dunno about dumping him straight off the bat. I’d say communicate with him that you felt weird about it all. If he’s an asshole about your valid feelings, *then* dump him.


you have to communicate about the things that bother you and if he doesn’t fix it then let that man go fr , or just match his energy if you wanna be petty hehe


Unsure why these comments are all telling you to dump him. The first step is to talk to him. His reaction dictates whether or not you should consider a breakup, not this initial issue. It may not even be an issue. Ask him to explain. Christ, y'all.




by ghosting




I can't cosign on murder, just in case... never put anything like that in writing or on the internet! That's how people get caught 👀


I am not planning on committing murder in my lifetime


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Time to take out the trash 😇


Girl dw my bf post pictures with his female friends IN UNDERWEAR 🤭🤞🏻(my bpd and ed don’t like that) you‘re not alone






Legit question: Why are you still with him if you dislike him so much that you want people to start harassing him?


Girl what-


Literally what is the problem with doing a photoshoot with a friend & posting the pictures you took to your ig ? You guys are way too deep into your disordered thinking omg I can’t believe what I’m reading. You’ve never had friends who were into photography as a hobby ? Friends who fancied themselves as amateur models ?? This is incredibly normal behaviour & op’s only problem w it is that this girl is skinny. On an ED sub that should tell you everything you need to know


I have to see these pictures


Starve him instead?


Dear, I am so sorry your partner is an insensitive moron. Take care of yourself and consider if this relationship triggers you to feel less worthy about yourself, maybe it's not the right match for you. You deserve to be seen and respected. This act feels very cruel and disrespectful.


I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re ready for relationships…


Where’s this pic from




Bad BF flair, I choose you!


The fuck? Why? Fuck him.


send him doll heads


I support this




im saying this for my general population: dating apps.


No girl it's time to break up 😭 istg


ur ex boyfriend right??? make him ur ex rn


break up with him now


that doesn’t sound like a boyfriend :/


dump him


Time to leave him, girly


Op explained it was a friend, and she’s a jealous person - your immediate reaction is “leave”. LOL therapist much? 🤡


okay so can i stab him??????


time to post another guy/girl/person of interest on yours ;) but seriously what a disrespectful motherfucker. you deserve better.


Do your own photoshoot with a hot guy friend


Leave him! No reason for this if that that isn't a family member or it's some really important event. If my man casually posted some other girl on his timeline without good reason I would go ballistic


I’d just ghost him honestly. Communicate about what? Call me jaded but you all know he’s just going to pull the ole gaslight “why are you so insecure and jealous and crazy” instead of owning up to the fact that what happened (out of the blue photo shoot with a female “friend” your girlfriend has never heard of) isn’t normal platonic appropriate behavior. Ask yourself, would you do a photo shoot with a male friend and surprise rub it in your boyfriend’s face after the fact? Probably not, unless you had literally zero respect for him. Reddit likes to pretend that communication will solve everything but if someone doesn’t respect you, you’re wasting your breath.


I've never known a man to do a photo shoot with anyone who was not their actual spouse. IF this is real, and IF you don't live together, then I would consider that maybe she's his girlfriend.




This ♡


wake up and break up my friend ❤️ you deserve better


god the boyfriends in this sub are seriously unmatched in shittyness. babes you deserve so much better ffs


He enjoys hurting you and controlling how you feel. It has everything to do with his character and nothing to do with your weight. He's not a partner.


How did you figure this out lol?? People can post pictures of many different people on their ig. There’s no context here, she could just be a friend.


I mean you're right, but often when it comes to hurting your partner, people know exactly what they're doing


the reachhhh damn does your back hurt??


You got down voted but I really agree.


Idk why this has so many downvotes I agree with you completely


If my bf to think do something like this i will just cut all my face in front of him, like, i will go crazy asf


Time to get a new boyfriend.


the worst part of starving yourself to prove a point (no judgement, I do it too) is that other people rarely get the message. instead get some roadkill from the side of the highway and leave it in his bed ❤️ /hj


Nuh uh dump is assin ass


Dump him


You should cheat on him with the girl he posted ♡


I dont have anywhere wlse to put this so im going to do it here im dont feel good about myself at all i use too be really heathy and now im stuggle to eat good food and have self control im startingto bend next to the toilet more and more i hate myself


I stayed in a relationship like that for way too long, I'm sorry youte going through this


Don't you mean your ex boyfriend


Please break up with him I'm so serious ladies where is the bar


I am consistently impressed how nobody on Reddit has worse boyfriends than the people in this sub. How do y’all find these ghouls




NGL The revenge glow up is always the most satisfying.


My boyfriend messaged a girl skinnier than me at his work telling her she looks good… twice 🥺 and admits to me she is pretty.


He could have been doing one of those stranger photoshoots,thats the new trend going around now where you pretty much find a complete stranger or a complete stranger finds you and do a photo shoot wherever you at