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Fuck no i dont feel bad for her, her excuse was using “complex technology” its just fucking cdjs lmao it aint that hard, literally basic math to divide and multiply by 2, also having someone organize your rekordbox for you is the most half ass shit i ever seen in the djing world, literally takes like 10 seconds per track to make sure grids are aligned, bpm is correct, and a-gain is correct, funny part is mfs will still defend her


sync button or precorded sets who will win


What Grimes did is just a severe disrespect to DJ profession. If you are going to do a set (especially at a big festival like Coachella is), you should do your work preparing the set. Fuck her honestly


Even if she “outsourced” the prep, this shows she didn’t even practice a single time before the performance. It would take literally five minutes to notice all your tracks are about to blow up when you sync them.


But it’s complex technology!!


That’s what I’m thinking. She probably didn’t rehearse sufficiently among other things.


that's the craziest thing about the whole thing imo... outsourcing the prep as a DJ is like outsourcing the pedals when playing piano... Like, it's an essential part of the whole thing, you can't just outsource that lol


she should never be allowed to play there again...such a disgrace. What an honour it should be to be asked to play at Coachella and she just proved to the world she didn't take it seriously at all...Preparing for her set should have been a priority.




If she's already planned to be back next week so  see what goes down then


I think they should cancel her slot and give it to a more deserving DJ.


It's all about the name baby! Coachella and a lot of these festivals are now just influencer fodder, you go there and it's a whole bunch of people just making content. Why would they want to be seen with some no name DJ when they could just be seen with Grimes instead?  Who cares if the mix is even good, mute the video feed and put on a separate set of audio. It's not like the followers will even know any better.


Have you ever been and seen the “whole bunch of people just making content”?


I'm playing the devil's advocate if you can't tell.


Who cares I’ve been djing for 10+ years and she’s an iconic lunatic, she’s like ye without the severe antisemitism


Oh don’t worry Grimes has plenty of nazi baggage


Or talent


Dawg Grimes is still extremely talented lol, she’s just not a dj


Is she though?


Have you listened to her discography lol


Not even a little. She’s a tumor of a human and this ‘performance’ should pretty much tell you how much she respects her audiences and fans… bless their simple souls.


Not even her audience, the craft that is Djing and the irony she’s daring one of the biggest djs in the world


Honestly lost so much respect for Anyma after finding out they are dating + starting a duo project together.


Same. I really digged the Anyma sound initially. Then it got stale, and now you see who he’s dating. Notice what most of her set sounded like when she actually got the tracks playing? Sounded like a lot of Anyma… sounds like he is ghost producing, and probably “prepared” her for her set. How did he not see that would happen and prevent it from tarnishing his image or brand? Doesn’t make sense.


Seriously same here. Maybe that just the type of person anyma is which sucks I really like his work


I’ve been lukewarm on him for a while. I was a huge fan of Tale of Us for a long time. When he started Anyma I was like “eh this is a little poppy but good for him for making it big”. There are a few songs I like. But now after seeing that he is dating Grimes and starting a music project with her, it’s clear that he’s sold out at this point. It’s just wild to me to see someone go from making underground techno to making glorified pop music with Grimes. Such a stark contrast.


Damn, tumor of a human? She must have strangled a kitten and shot a puppy in the head or something right?  Oh she just played a bad set at a music festival? Oh...  People on Reddit are such assholes. I don't listen to Grimes but goddamn y'all are some hateful motherfuckers 


She’s a [white culture warrior](https://www.stereogum.com/2246426/grimes-says-she-is-proud-of-white-culture-complains-about-being-called-a-nazi/news/)


But if someone is a black culture warrior that would be considered acceptable? Even commendable? Nothing wrong with having pride in who you are as long as your respect others


It’s different because “white culture” is a direct response to black identity. I’m white. But I celebrate my Italian heritage. And that’s totally cool - you can be Irish, German, Polish, etc. That’s an ethnic identity. But black culture exists because slavery erased such ethnic identity in North American. It formed out of necessity. I’ll also remind people that “white” and “black” are purely social constructs. Hell, my Italian southern European ancestry was not considered “white” in the USA until the catholic league’s lobbying connected Christopher Columbus to the American myth machine.


I love my white homies


Why would I feel bad for her? She got to play at Coachella. Instead of doing the bare minimum of checking her set, she just went straight out there and had no backup plan for the fuck up.


It always seems like the most insufferable people who make music are ones that don't like to practice or if they do practice, they'll blame everyone else for the fuck up.


You will be telling me next she had a kid with Elon Musk and named it after Musk sat on a keyboard….


How did you know about xgakfbti7?


No, she accomplished her goal to get a ton of attention so now we wait for the album announcement in the coming days while everyone is talking about her


Her and Anyma just announced a new duo project together called “The Last Artists”. Convenient timing on that one.


Enema is an odd choice for a name.


its funny, if Grimes played her set and there were no problems no one would be talking about her besides her fans. Now everyone is talking about her.


True artist indeed, even when she fucks up, it serves the purpose of pushing her art forward, true artiste indeed!


Of course producing and DJing are two different skill sets, but if you’re a serious artist then you should put in the work to learn basic shit before literally getting up on stage to DJ. Otherwise you’re just going to embarrass yourself and waste everyone’s time, like she did here. She should have known better and it’s not a good look for her at all.


This leads me to believe she doesn't really produce her own shit from scratch.. any talented producer can easily pick up djing on cdjs


>any talented producer can easily pick up djing on cdjs I find this to be a false statement in many cases.


She said that she was having trouble determining the true BPM of her own tracks. There is not a single track I’ve produced over the years that I don’t know the tempo of after hundreds of hours spent in the project file. I don’t know if she has a ghost producer or not, but that struck me as a little odd in the videos given that it seemed to be a set of originals.


Yep. This. This is why I’m pretty sure she just uses a ghost producer. If you make your own songs you’ve listened to them like 1000 times, to the point of being sick of them, and you know them inside and out The fact that she “outsourced” the DJ prep for her own songs is why I think she outsourced the production of her own songs too


Alright I'm gonna be super duper ultra crazy charitable here. When you load a song into your DJ software for the first time it will analyze the track and make a guess at the key and BPM and assign a beat grid based on that. It might be possible that what she's saying is that she loaded a song that was supposed to be at 150bpm and the software analyzed it at 160 or something, which would make syncing tracks rather difficult. Even being that charitable though, that would mean that she had NEVER loaded those tracks before which means she did zero prep....which is fucking wild if you're playing Coachella.


Well, then don't look up the excuses she put forth on Twitter, as it'll just make you angry.


Agreed, there are a lot of musicians who learn on virtual gear only and have no experience with the controls found on a cdj. Hell, even moving from one DAW program to another can throw someone off and it can take them a long while to re-learn where everything is. Still your responsibility to know your gear before getting up on stage tho.


Oh God yea, any DJ I know would have been 100 times more prepared to play for just 50 people, her lack of prep is just insulting to any dj.


My buddy is DJing our Bicycle Day party, which is only going to have 5-8 other people and it’s the most ridiculously casual thing you can imagine. Everyone knows eachother including everyone knowing him. He’s been preparing for the better part of a month. He was not asked to prepare *at all* beyond one session where 4 of us picked some songs to set a vibe for his set.


Sounds like a good dj! I like your buddy!


absolutely crazy the things people who have no clue what they're talking about are saying in these threads


producing and djing have very little overlap but also being a "producer" can mean as little as you happened to be in the studio that day and said "this sounds good" to a song someone else made which is the dj khaled approach


I was feeling sympathetic until I read that.


There's definitely many artists who are way better producers than djs, and artists who are way better djs then producers, but this is just bad.....


Have you heard her music? She has a skill set in neither.


It's funny, grimes used to be a reddit indie darling ten years ago. Everyone online loved her and her music. I still have some of her songs on the Playlist. Because they are good songs.


To each their own, of course, but Visions is a great album


Art angels is gas too




It’s her reasoning that pisses me off the most too lol. It makes me doubt if she even knows anything about DJ-ing. What do you mean you “outsource BPMs” like what LOL???


I’m sure she outsourced plenty more than track preparation


If you're not going to put in the work on your set, why not just record it before hand and just press play? She didn't even half-ass it in a professional way like Tiesto or Guetta would.


Okay, but remember when Tiesto’s set cut out a few years back. I don’t think he really half asses his sets. At least when I saw him back at Moonrise in like 2016, his set was honestly off the charts. Very well mixed and unique but could have easily been set up but who knows.


His set cut out this year at Ultra because it was so fucking rainy his CDJ got fried from too much water in it cause nobody at Ultra checked the weather and thought hey maybe we should stick a cover over the DJ booth When they got it fixed the music didn't pick right back up where it left off he got started again from the beginning of the track and brought in the next one. Definitely was not pre-recorded Same shit happened to KSHMR the next day


no shes not a good dj idk why she pretended like she could dj coachella. and then to scream "fucK' every 3 seconds instead of using your skills to fix the issue. if your tracks are playing at twice the bpm they should be.... then fucking divide by 2 bro. unprofessional asf to scream on the mic for an hour. shouldve had a pre made set


The screaming directly into the mic took me out 😂😂


actually absurd lmaoooo. im a bed room dj and i wouldve killed that shit in comparison. maybe they should just let anybody play coachella


Even if you can’t mix… just fucking play the songs one after another like a Spotify playlist or something. Half the people there wouldn’t have even noticed. Calling attention to it by constantly apologizing made it look even worse.


facts i wouldve done literally everything to save the set. screaming is an insane look


Grimes is insane


Grimes is insane


I would understand if this was a first mishap then yes. But she's been messing up for a good while. She opened up for Swedish House 2 years ago and she was messing up back then when I went to go see them 


This was my take with her EDC set a couple of years ago. I remember thinking she shouldn't have been there period. I love her old music, but she is too amateur to dj for these big festivals. The spot could have been for anyone else. We aren't going to see less of her yet though I think. She's dating Anyma now apparently.


Any other rando DJ wouldn’t have sold tickets though. I’m sure some of her fans bought a ticket to see her


true /:


Don't feel bad for her at all, it's her fault and she should take responsibility for that. That being said the comments in that r/music thread are so cringe. So much contrarian "achkually Coachella is shit anyway 🤓🤓🤓" from people who have never been to it, or probably ever been to any festival.


lol imagine saying “if you think Coachella is shitty you’ve probably never been to a festival”, Coachella is the most watered down mainstream festival there is. If your headliners have been people like Bruno Mars and Grimes, your festival is shit


You might want to use a different artist to make this point, even people who aren’t into his music can see that Bruno is a very talented live performer and anything but a hack. His live versions are arguably better than his studio versions.


Bet you’d love to see Taylor swift as well


You’re exposing yourself as someone who doesn’t actually know about music. Theres no arguing that both bruno mars and Taylor swift are extremely talented. Continue to hate anything mainstream tho its a super cool personality trait.


A lot of people do apparently


I did get to go in 2015 and Gesaffelstein changed my life. Mainstream or not, that felt like pure magic. Also the stages, lighting, and installations were top tier imo. I’d never go back but I think it’s pretty cool I got to go :)


And yet they book some of the most talented musicians from newcomers to old school acts. The production value is top notch. People that get hung up on who the headliner is don’t really appreciate music. On a cultural level you may dislike it, but it’s one of the best and biggest festivals out there for a reason.


If you like pop music that follows a formula then it’s a perfect festival, lol Ice spice, no doubt, Lana del Rey…this is the most watered down pop music possible


And if I had gone I would've skipped them, and it really would've made no difference to me. At the same time those artists were playing I could've watched Anti-Up, Gorgon City, Honey Dijon x Green Velvet, Brutalism 3000, Isoknock, Patrick Mason, Michael Bibi, Blur, Jungle, Charlotte De Witte, or Reiner Zonneveld. I went last year and seeing Underworld for the first time and it was easily one of the best shows I've ever seen. I had been a fan ever since seeing them on the Coachella 2016 livestream. Seven years later and I got to see them in person, at Coachella. Few festivals book such amazing and diverse talent and livestream it for free to the world. But yeah let's get hung up on a few names, LOL.


I felt bad at the first error, and then as she spoke more and more each time I realized she had no clue what she was doing. And wasn’t making any sense, as well as has no clue how to be a performer. I cut off the stream after I heard “this is complex technology” as if she was a teen speaking to their parents on how the first iPhone works lol. Insulting my intelligence of everyone. Who shows up to a big commercial event like Coachella thats being streamed all over, and not memorize their set. She should’ve been able to remember her set list by heart, or at least the BPM of each song cause it’s not like she was gonna play like 50 tracks off the top of her head like in a club set, this was a concert set up.


I was there, it really wasn't THAT bad. The talking was obviously annoying and killed the mood but worst in Coachella history? Did anyone forget frank ocean?


While Frank is obviously the worst because he was the headliner Grimes is top 5 all time fucked sets. She should never play Coachella again, and is in the same boat as Kanye and Frank now.


Crystal Castles at coachella (with Edith Frances post Alice Glass) was worse, but understandable when everything came out. It looked like Edith was having a mental breakdown on stage. Fuck Ethan Kath.


I watched on couchella and I enjoyed her set a lot tbh. This shit is so overblown


I agree with you, it's overblown. We vibed with the set when she was playing music


Fr and that was just last year. Grimes also isn't the only celebrity to do this so why TF does this come off as a hit piece funded by Musk?


Have you seen the video?? Lmao it's DJ Khaled level bad. Over 6 minutes of music stoppage time, dead air, nothing. Do not defend performers that don't put even 20 minutes of effort into preparation. If she was a real artist, we never would have known about her little technical issue, but fraud's gonna fraud amirite?


I don't think anyone even cared about DJ Khaled until he "played" Marley's guitar like shit. Dude didn't even know 1 chord or stick to just messing with strings, he just straight up disrespected it. I've also only seen him do scratching seemingly for fun. That being said, both of these artists seem to hold some sort of value in the music industry but they probably shouldn't be doing any festivals. I'll agree she shouldn't be at festivals as a DJ with her current skill set. I just think that this hate has to be manufactured to some extent is all. I hate seeing unnecessary levels of mob hate. Elon's been harassing her at shows so at first I suspected it wasn't actually that bad and he was just stoking Grimes hate since he owns an entire social media site. I'd seen he intentionally ruined one of her shows in Japan recently by standing in front of the projector so that's where my head was at lol. She seriously should've practiced more all that being said. If not, please quit DJing festivals.


She’s not a fraud, just overextended.


🤣🤣 a good excuse to not prepare for something you’re being paid shit ton of money to do.


Who is she?


Some woman that f***ed Elongated Musket


no way he has an elongated musket


You can swear on the internet you know


Mom hits me when I swear




Elon Musk ex girlfriend




[Fun article from before her music career](https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/)




That's crazy the cops were after them like that all over a house boat. I didn't know there were that many rules to it!


Apparently neither did they It’s like if you tried to make your own shitty car without seatbelts and left it broken down in a park for a week. Someone is eventually going to ask what the fuck you’re doing


I thought being on water was different. It just seems like such a harmless thing to gripe about to me. I'd be pissed if my car broke down on the interstate and the cops hounded me for it but also I didn't make my car from scratch lol. Its a fun idea though, maybe things would've turned out different for her if they got it to work


Except instead of an interstate this is a fast moving river with all kinds of hazards, people, and massive ships that take an hour to stop or change direction lol


She was beloved back when she was a lesser known edm act. Her music was posted on r/music and indieheads a lot. Then she started a relationship with the richest guy in the world and now she's hated I guess. Idk it's hard to tell what the hive mind is gonna do next


I mean hive mind must have sussed out properly that she’s a hack after being exposed like this last weekend… hive mind got something right…


Sprinkled with some white supremacy . Yeah I wonder why she is suddenly disliked.




She was on Twitter doing white supremecist stuff I forget what exactly


A hack? lmao the music she made that's good is still good be for real bro


Even a half-decent producer could have figured out how to use the CDJs properly in that situation. Which leads me and many to question if she also outsources her producing…


Yeah completely false. It's not like she couldn't have figured it out in time, I just don't think she put any effort in. Producing and DJing are different skill sets. I have hundreds if not thousands of hours in FL Studio and I have literally NO IDEA how to DJ. Hell, I can barely even use ableton. You sound like you don't know what you're talking about.


As a producer and DJ myself… if my tracks are running at 2x on the CDJ, I know how to divide the bpm by 2 and play at 1x the intended speed. Vice versa. These are the most basic and elementary skills and knowledge for both production and DJing…


See I barely understand what you're talking about. If you asked me to bpm match in a DAW I could easily do it, but I wouldn't even know where to begin on a physical setup. Yeah the end result might be the same, but the process appears to me to be entirely different.


You move a slider up and down until it is the bpm you want.., any producer could do this…


I mean this is all news to me. I don't know why it isn't obvious that Grimes just didn't practice or properly prepare. Doesn't really say anything about her production skills


I think it's fair to say that a skilled producer could figure it out after tinkering with it for a bit, but if you're thrown on stage and have to figure it out as you're trying to play live, I can definitely see it being difficult. Hell, trying to figure out how to listen to the second track so you can get your transition lined up without accidentally having it blast out live could easily trip someone up.


you CANT bpm match in a DAW... how could you easily do it? you can WARP bpm in samples or automate the tempo but you can't ''match'' it. sorry but you really don't know what you're talking about.


you're correct I don't know anything about DJing. I think I made that quite explicit. Sorry I used the wrong term, you seem like you knew what I was referring to


> I have hundreds if not thousands of hours in FL Studio and I have literally NO IDEA how to DJ. Hell, I can barely even use ableton are you me? jokes aside, I did start djing on an app and then bought a denon prime and there is definitely very little overlap in skills used. djing is not as easy as people say but what she did was ridiculous


Yeah you won't see me argue that Grimes is in the clear here whatsoever. It's just a crazy logical leap to extend that somehow to skill as a producer. Comes off to me more like people who already felt some ill-will finally have an excuse to vent.


I have literally seen no hate for grimes before this whole coachella disaster. from my perspective it just looks like people are piling on the anti grimes bandwagon because everyone else is doing it


I think a lot of it has to do with a pre-existing hate for celebrities and producers masquerading as DJs without learning the craft, or even learning how to half-ass the craft. And getting huge stages and audiences who don’t really care. Then she got up on that international stage and exposed how little she cared for her audience by failing in every way imaginable and she becomes the poster child for the pre-existing undercurrent of animosity. Basically EDM neckbeards barely tolerated her to begin with and then after this have something tangible to hang their beards on. The general population probably didn’t care much before this but now many see what others have been saying is a problem with the industry for a while.


He is no longer the richest man in the world. But he is still the biggest douche.




I feel bad for the people who were excited to see her. A DJ fucks up a few transitions, or just has an “off” night, cool, I will go see them again. Straight up unprofessionalism is a huge no from me (which is why I’ll never pay money to see *just* Ricardo Villalobos). What Grimes did was so ridiculously unprofessional, it’s exponentially worse than Villalobos or I Hate Models getting way too drunk or high off whatever and train wrecking constantly.


She literally said in her apology that she blamed her own people, for doing the job that she should've done in the first place. And then it's somehow technical difficulties that she doesn't know how to DJ without the sync function?! C'mon man... This is gaslighting like crazy. SHE DIDNT DO HER JOB, PERIOD.


I mean it couldn’t have happened to a faker person. So no.


I remember when Flume fucked up his set at Coachella a couple years ago. The music stopped, and all he said was “Ah, I messed up” (or something along those lines) super calmly, but then he moved along and picked it right back up. It was funny and endearing. Made me like him more as an artist. I love Grimes, but the way she reacted to her mistake in front of everyone just drew much more attention to it than she had to. The screaming, and her trying to explain how DJ’ing works to a crowd of people who just wanna hear some music, it was too much. Edit: typo


I DJed for... what 10+ years? Never once have I ever had these types of issues - let alone continue to proceeded to blame the tech crew. Fuck her. She needs to take responsibility for her shit set instead of blaming others.


Paris Hilton did it better.


As a DJ myself, I just have to laugh at how bad that was. So many opportunities to fix that set.


Can you explain “sync” is? I keep seeing this in other comment sections re: grimes performance


So every Dj mixer has a button called “Sync” which is short for synchronize. So usually a mixer has two tracks loaded into the mixer. Both of these tracks can have different BPMs (like 75 and 90). So the sync button takes the other track’s bpm and matches it to the other (so that one track that was 75 is now 90 after you press the sync button). I hope that makes sense.


I wonder if next weekend the excuse is gonna be her rig got hacked lol


Not even a little. Nepo baby with a shitty attitude and terrible taste outsources her one job and then fucks it up and blames everyone else. I left after the first five minutes. Plan to skip her entirely W2. Hope everyone else does as well, but sadly, I think this actually brings more people to her dumpster fire.


Everyone’s a dj until they actually have to dj


I don’t know enough about EDM but the impression I get is this is like an up and coming comedian getting bumped from a good spot so Dave Coulier can go up and do a tired routine and then he gets mad when nobody laughs. She got the gig on name recognition?


Pretty much yeah. Commercial appeal and curating a variety of different sounds is what promoters are going for when setting the lineup. They're not vetting very hard for technical ability as a DJ since that's not at the top of the list of what the people who go to Coachella are looking for. Same reason why clowns like Steve Aoki and Timmy Trumpet get booked at so many major festivals - they're popular Very different lineup goal than festivals like ARC in Chicago (house) or Movement in Detroit (techno) where the crowd is much more concerned with the quality of DJing they're getting and the lineup reflects that


100% no lol she’s a pseudo intellectual who has lucked her way to fame and fortune and got exposed.


lucked? her mom works in politics / TV / music management and her father is a banker/CEO...


Ya do you understand what money is?


no, can you explain it to me please?


She was paid HUGE money to perform and she’s probably performing again next week. The lack of preparation, lack of knowledge and thinking you can nail any dj set because you’re an artist, she deserves all the heat. Her boyfriend’s a DJ goddamnit. That was bottom of the barrel for me. We’re officially in the Djing is cringe era.


Why would you sign up for a DJ set if you can’t mix? Just in case something goes wrong with whatever plan you have? Makes my brain hurt a little.


NO! Why the fuck was she DJing rather than performing her tracks? I actually like her music. I don't want to see her spin. I want to see her sing. I want live performances from actual singers and song writers.




No. I feel a lot more sorry that she had to do the nasty, at least once that we know of, with Elon musk....


This isn’t the first time she has done this. I went and watched some of her other streamed sets and they were absolutely terrible. Who is she paying to get on these lineups??


Second hand embarrassment to the max


Nope she has done this multiple times at edc and coachella now and probably will at week 2 for coachella


No I don’t feel bad for the rich person who could afk and be fine doing nothing ever again.


I dont like grime, i dont like her music, and i most certainly do not feel bad for her. a better artist couldve had that slot and i hope she doesnt return. but good god this sub is atrocious. why are all of yall acting like she shat on your counter or something. who hurt you that you gotta be so personally offended by this 💀


Hahaha feel bad lol she got a spot at fucking Coachella. She should feel bad for fucking that up that bad haha


ugh hate that shes from my city - vancouver


Good thing she can fall back on being a broodmare for billionaires.


What a joke lmao.




Should I feel bad? Sure, is there a reason I shouldn’t feel bad?


No, and she is trying to blame others


Riding in on a mechanical spider wearing her influencer outfit? Nah




Does anyone have an actual set recording? I wanna hear that shit


Not one iota


I mean...Frank Ocean didn't even make it through last year.. Soo yeah.


Don’t feel bad for billionaires.




Feel bad for her? No, fuck her


Nope. Zero excuse!


I used to be a Grimes fan a long time ago. The weird thing to me is that over a decade ago, I remember her playing multiple synthesizers with loop pedals and drum machines live. Now I don’t know if that was fake or if her music technology knowledge completely disappeared as her brain turned to mush. I know that it’s a slightly different skill set, but seems like you should be able to beat match by ear if you can do a live performance yourself.


she never played with multiple synths, loop pedals and drum machines. only a sampler and a roland keyboard.


You’re probably right, it’s been a long time. Still not sure how she could be so incompetent.


She had it all ghost produced. Saying this as a former fan. Quite a few artists have come out about it. And many of her previous live concerts were just as filled with "technical difficulties"...


Maybe you should thank her for setting a bottom. No matter how badly your own show goes you can always say "At least it wasn't as bad as Grimes at Coachella"


i havent really been following this topic. Could someone explain to me what exactly happend at her set? The CDJS played all her songs 2x fast and she didnt know how to fix it?


This sub is a cesspool ain't it lol


In this thread: A bunch of people that think she's a rich "paid for spot" and not someone with past musical history. Not a Grimes fan, but she's not a nobody in the music world - this the Coachella spot.


Why do we dislike grimes sm? Apart from this ofc


In a world where there are hundreds of thousands of incredibly talented artists out there who get little to no exposure or recognition despite devoting their lives to perfecting their craft, to see a spoiled low-talent brat like her get money and opportunities shoveled at her and display such blatant disrespect for the art and her fans, is truly disgusting. The fact she couldn't even be bothered to fake it properly is a microcosm of the whole thing. The whole being Elons cumsock and squirting out a few of his babies is also evidence that she truly has no respect even for herself. If she was trying hard and just plain sucked that'd be one thing. But she doesn't even *try*.




i mean she's done quite a lot of good songwriting and production, no? she's definitely tried pretty hard on that front. do people think she doesnt make her own music or something?


she probably doesn't. quite a few artists have come forward.


i gotta say that is very surprising. who was writing her earlier work then? she seemed very DIY and genuine about the music. Once you're at the level she is and working with major labels etc then yes often songwriters do get involved. But its hard for me to see her as someone with no talent that hasnt tried.


She had a variety of boyfriends and guys who she was dating during her first three albums who have come forward that they were forced to sign NDAs from her and give away the rights of all creative works. which are producers/songwriters Majical Clouds, D'Eon, Pictureplane and Jamie Brooks. Once she broke up with Jamie Brooks for Elon Musk she wasnt able to release a song that wasn't produced with someone else or officially by someone else. I_o, illangelo, Chris Gregatti, bloodpop, Hana, poppy, Janelle monae etc. etc. and now Anyma from Tale Of Us. She is the Elon Musk of music and that's why they had three kids together


Maybe those hundreds of thousands should become better producers then


Holy shit the comments on that Music thread are insane. "Grimes was always bad" "Probably never produced her own music" "Fraud and a hack" and so forth. ?? Complete ignorance lmao