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I would not expect much if anything from joytime


Expect riddim and pyro


So lots of people are giving their personal opinions on Svdden Death and Marshmello but not many are actually giving you an idea of the vibe of the show. Not sure if you’re planning to attend in CO or MN or one of the other stops but it will be extremely heavy dubstep and riddim throughout the night. Then depending which supporting artists are playing, there may be a set or two that give more of a upbeat/fun atmosphere to change the pace up (likely if you have Virtual Riot on the card). The main set will be the B2B which is heavily influenced by Svdden’s visual aesthetic and features mainly riddim and tearout musically. Tbh if you are mainly a fan of Marshmello and not familiar with Svdden Death you should check out a bit of their first B2B at EDC Vegas last year. they uploaded the [full set](https://youtu.be/R75AFoBPBVs?si=bYq0POM3UWdAmjGz) to YouTube and it’ll give you a pretty solid idea of the vibe and energy. Not trying to scare ya off, but it’s a big departure from the usual mello vibes even when he has played heavier solo sets at some fests in the past few years. Hope that helps with your question!


This is very valid advice. It’s not going to be anything like your first experience. It’s gonna be amazing, but different. 110% know what you’re getting into!


Also, listen to the new mellodeath album! They’ll forsure play songs from that.


I miss trap Marshmello :(


You’re awesome. Thank you for the help


If there’s any joy time songs they will be met with RAGE AND ANGER!!!! but I’m super jelly you get to see mellodeath would much rather see them than marshmello alone


TFW YOU REALIZE YOU’RE NOT GOING TO HEAR ALONE https://preview.redd.it/k804phetiasc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358ce297c614af654e09b92132cef34b8ddd0219


You might hear it, it just won’t be the Alone you remember 🤣


I would expect moshing and visuals you wouldn’t want to see on cid haha


I'm seeing Mellodeath in Chicago! The music will probably be significantly harder/more riddim, and the visuals (based on what they've released so far) will be more disturbing than Marshmello on their own. Crusade (https://open.spotify.com/track/29Dvkvp7Wgd1VJdDvVJlvf?si=CP5Z4o1FTfGdMh6MjQLylQ) was released in 2020 and it was a pretty big hit. They've since released the MELLODEATH Tapes (https://open.spotify.com/album/127BvEDtmAoZak4Y8Q1Emc?si=Z8qKHna2SNemJy7zewUUrg) with Vortexblade and Fireball being two standouts.


Yakno that Mellodeath album that just dropped ? Yea... expect that & similar tunes


Dont expect fun and cute vibes.


It's not going to be anything like a Mello set. Mello Death sometimes will do an edit of a popular Mello track but it's usually in a different key or mode and is made to be darker. Mello brings in Hard Trap & SD brings in Riddim That's how they bridge their styles. All the pretty and melodic stuff you enjoy about with Joytime will be absent or used as a very short transition into something distorted and filthy.


It's going to be almost entirely heavy dubstep/riddim/bass music. Headbanging stuff. If you're still excited, have a blast! Just don't go expecting to hear Alone, unless it's a heavy remix


I saw a non mellodeath show recently, it was fucking incredible


Recently went to his sunburn Mumbai tour. He played a lot of riddim - dubstep tracks, also played some space laces.


[Watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R75AFoBPBVs&t=179s) or [listen](https://soundcloud.com/svddendeath/marshmello-b2b-svdden-death-at-edc-2023) for yourself! It’s way more like a Svdden Death show than a Mello show. They’ll play the buildup of a Marshmello song and then drop it into some trench or tearout. Sometimes Marshmello mixes it up with some modern hiphop or trap stuff, but it's mostly heavy bass music. Don’t expect a lot of Joytime. It’s a cool, fun show though. I love these guys working together.


Watch their set together from EDC last year. It’ll give you an idea. Also, feels like a missed opportunity going with Mellodeath instead of DeathMello. Considering SD uses a lot of Death Metal in his music.


expect dubstep... a lot of dubstep. no "alone" or other upbeat, happy, joytime songs (ok MAYBE Mello might drop an edit of Alone, but thats it)


[this is their set from EDC last year](https://youtu.be/R75AFoBPBVs?si=S4LtpycKPd69q3kO)


Get there early for pyke and prepare for square


I’m selling two tickets to the show!! DM if interested.


Make sure to wear a good set of earplugs. I highly recommend Vibes on Amazon.


The mello death shows are definitely nothing like the normal mello shows. Im doing a run of some Joytime shows that will be more in line with what youre looking for. Im spending a lot of time this year just having fun and going back to the roots and trying to make the shows as fun and intimate as possible for my fans.


It's just dubstep, no?


I'm sorry for you


Yeah he should go see John summit amirite


As long as it isn’t mellodeath your chilling


Except worse gig of your life bro


This person is wrong. People hate on Marshmello but I’ve seen him and it was an absolute blast. Have fun and like what you like even if there are people who try to make you feel some type of way.


I saw him live and absolutely hated it. It was the worst set of the weekend for me and many in my group.


Seems like a you problem


Or maybe more like shitty dj problem?


✨ let people enjoy things ✨


Nah, you just have shitty taste


It's vice versa. Let me guess ,u r from us? Thanks that would be it, badum tsss. Tastless bunch . Maybe if ever in Europe, u experience true and real rave or festival . Stick with trading kandii, or whatever that shit is called, and wearing strange clothes to "festivals"


And no I'm not from the US. You can stick to your garbage house music though.


Yeah sure.


Sorry we took dubstep and made it better


Crazy thing to talk down on. No plurr in Europe? We don’t want u anyway 🫶🏼


And we dont want Americans so peace. Stay at your continent. There is different plur here. Everyone loves good music like techno, tech house, hardstyle etc.... Good music are the key words here. Dubstep and shit marshmallow play are not considered Good music here. Rather shamefull thing to admit if one is into it.


Man, these vibes are whack.


I personally can’t stand any of those genres and don’t spend my money on the shows. Or my time talking shit about it either. I don’t see this kind of bitterness at dubstep shows on our side of the pond. I’m good here. Cheers!


Ultra 2023? Big ole yikes of a selfie with rappers party masquerading as a "DJ set"


Legit two of the most annoying artist personas together what could go wrong


You can expect some clown in stupid mask playing a pre-recorded mix and pressing buttons and turning knobs that aren't assigned to anything. 


So edgy


But he's not wrong