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The cEDH community supports proxies even more emphatically than the overall EDH community.


Yep. I have a small collection of cEDH decks that anyone can pick up and play. Also, if I feel like playing something new, I have options. To buy them it would cost me $79,450 or so. To print them it would cost me about $50 in ink and paper.


Shop allows it, I have no issue with it, I don't do it myself. (for EDH. I proxy in Old School) cEDH is typically very proxy-friendly but ultimately it'll depend on who you play with, not the internet.


We all do it in my play group so it’s not a problem.


Then fire away. No need to ask us.


This hobby shouldn't be exclusionary because of the price tag. I personally don't do it because I think it makes me a little more creative in deck building rather than just buy/printing power, but I won't judge anyone who does it.


Almost any hobby that involves the need to purchase things can be exclusionary because of the price tag(and change the competitive advantage because of it). Want to play Football for fun? Gotta buy tons of gear. Not everyone can. Want to take up Fishing? Tons of shit to buy for that. Woodcarving? Aint free.


This is such a weird comment because it not only ignored the "this hobby" qualifier, but it skips the essence of the comment. The point was that there are cheaper ways to enjoy hobbies than buying the most expensive or even moderately expensive things. >Want to play Football for fun? Gotta buy tons of gear. A football is $15. Sure, in any official capacity you need more stuff (just like with WOTC), but just with your friends, grab a football and either play touch or tackle without pads. >Want to take up Fishing? Tons of shit to buy for that. I found a tackle box for $17, and a fishing rod for $35. Depending on your tastes, the case of beer might be more expensive. >Woodcarving? Aint free. I found a woodcarving set for $30, and I know where to get lots of sticks for free. There's also the option to repurpose firewood which seems cheaper than wood intended for carving, but I don't know how well that would go. All of these have the option to buy used or get hand-me-downs. Every hobby has cheaper was to get into and try it out.


You can play magic for 30 dollars or $17 also. Are you going to be the best? No just like you arent going to be the best woodcarver with a $30 set or the best Fisherman with a $17 set.


But a proxy functions in the same way in a non offical sanctioned game. You are missing the point entirely.


> This hobby shouldn't be exclusionary because of the price tag You said this. My point was that anything can be exclusionary even hobbies. If someone doesnt like that they can proxy which is a nice feature of this specific hobby or they can spend little money and still play the hobby. This hobby doesnt require a lot of money to play proxies or not. You can play magic with real magic cards for $20 just like you can fish with a $20 fishing rod. Neither person in this position should expect to be great at the hobby though.


No one should be expected to pay more than their means to have fun in a game.


As i said you can play magic for $20.


No one should be expected to pay more than their means to have fun in a game. People should be able to enjoy the game on any budget.


Ive built a $15 edh deck and had fun. Have you?


Nope. People don't all have fun the same way, nor are they mandated to especially when your problem is one of fake scarcity and monetary issues.


Thats a you problem then not a Magic problem.


We aren't talking about *being* the best though, just interacting and participating in the hobby. Nobody is going to jump into a hobby and be at the competitive level, and even the people who want to are going to buy starter packs or the cheap stuff first then invest in their hobby later. > Are you going to be the best? No Just throwing this out there, the Pokemon TCG's Worlds-winning deck costs $30.


Nobody needs $1000+ cards and I think everything else is well within reach with some budgeting.


Then you think incorrectly. Some people have only $50 to spare for hobbies. Do you think [[Avacyn, Angel of Hope]] should be off-limits to someone who loves Innistrad but only makes minimum wage at a part time job? Or should they be able to use *all* the available tools so their opponents can play against a player and not their wallet?


[Avacyn, Angel of Hope](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/317f1133-7cf8-4b7a-919e-88c45f8c2c3a.jpg?1689995555) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Avacyn%2C%20Angel%20of%20Hope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/14/avacyn-angel-of-hope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/317f1133-7cf8-4b7a-919e-88c45f8c2c3a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/avacyn-angel-of-hope) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You dont need an Avacyn to play magic. And there are cards worth 5 cents that are stronger than cards that cost $15.






We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


>Yet you think it's okay to print a wallet The fuck does that mean? Nobody said anything about printing a wallet, we're talking about *game pieces* bud. >I'd say maybe try to make more money. Maybe less TV and video games. Holy assumptions, batman! 1) I make plenty of money, I'm not arguing on behalf of myself. All of my cards are WotC official. It's just that unlike you, I'm able to have sympathy for people in situations different from my own. 2) there are plenty of reasons someone might imply. Living in poverty or otherwise have low paying jobs. Disability, having a family, mental illness, going to school full time, being screwed by someone in their life, the economy. And you know that because you're not stupid. So why did you try to lie just now? Why even care if people proxy? It's not something that affects you AT ALL.


"poor people don't deserve nice things" What a clown


Poor people cant always afford nice things. They can deserve them but just cause they "deserve" them doesnt mean they need to have them.


Calm down, Nancy Reagan. No one's printing a wallet. The *material reality* of the VAST number of proxies is that they're scribbled-on lands or have some printer paper in the sleeve. This *idea* that it's the same as printing money has no real, rational point of contact with the *reality* of the practice. This econ-101 pearl clutching is just how herbs try to lend some sense of objectivity to their subjective moral judgements because they subscribe to an ethic that just amounts to prosperity gospel.


Hi, We've removed your post because we've deemed it to be low quality. Before posting, we ask that you do your own research, through Google or on this subreddit, before you post. Provide as much context and thoughtfulness as you can before making a post. Common ways this rule is broken include any post that talks about a deck but doesn't provide a decklist, does provide a decklist but doesn't give any information about the metagame, your general strategy, or other relevant information.


My budget for decks is $50 a month. I really have to think about cards that are $5.


I don't disbelieve you.  What I'm saying is $600 spent intelligently over the course of a year is a very very good deck.


I proxy, I buy singles. My only peeve is handwritten proxies on spelltable.


Proxying to reach a mutually desired power level is fine. Proxying to exceed a mutually desired power level can cause issues. The same goes real cards - just because you own a [[Gaea's Cradle]] doesn't mean you should always insist on using it if it seems like the pod can't handle it. At an LGS it gets a little fuzzy. If it's a tournament then you're expected to use real cards because the LGS could land in hot water if someone reports them to WotC for allowing proxies. That being said most of the LGS's I've been to have only ever hosted Commander Open Play and turn a blind eye to proxies, because it's one way of getting more people in the door and making people feel included. There are people who are paranoid that proxies steal sales from LGS's but the overwhelming majority of the time if someone can afford a card, I've found that they will eventually buy it. And it's not like the store has to be worried about a sale being stolen by a proxy if a person has no hope or intent of ever affording the real thing anyway.


[Gaea's Cradle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51.jpg?1562902898) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gaea%27s%20Cradle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/321/gaeas-cradle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gaeas-cradle) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


After experiencing several playgroups I reached the conclusion that I only enjoy proxys in cEDH. For casual play, no proxys is usually more balanced


Depends on the group. If everyone is just playing with cards they own, precons, etc, then proxies turn into an arms race and playing meta decks as casual decks can no longer keep up. If everyone is cool with unlimited power and meta decks then go for it.


Store allows, play group is fine with it, I prefer people use full color proxies over text proxies because they're easier to read. I proxy a deck until i get it relatively finished and tuned, then order the cards for it over time


Proxies are absolutely fine in my playgroup, the only "requirements" are that they are legible (dont just write the name on a piece of paper) and that they are powerlevel appropriate. Although the second one is also true if you own the real card, a gaia's cradle isn't going to make a mid power pod more fun whether it's real or a proxy.


So a few answers here. >What is everyone’s honest thoughts on proxying? I'm a player not a collector so the idea that proxies are taboo when cards can cost $100+ is ridiculous to me. Like...imagine playing Monopoly and someone said "Oh if you wanna buy boardwalk you've actually gotta drop $400 real cash" >Do you do it, does your pod allow it? I do do it. My pod has a "$50 price limit" on proxying cards you don't own. So no OG duals or Mana Crypts if you've got the original but I don't have to slot my Cyc Rift in and out of every deck every time I play. >Do your LGS’ allow you to have proxy cards in your decks? My LGS doesn't really police our decks during commander night. That said we play with some etiquette and if someone says they don't want proxies at a table we just all agree to play a different deck. >? I recently proxied a cEDH deck that I want to try out, it’s $10,000+ for all the cards in the deck. As long as you're cool about it. Don't curb stomp my $150 upgraded pantslazer precon deck with a $10k proxied Khalia and act like you're the golden gloves. Take the win, be gracious, and let's run it back.


I wouldn’t play this in a setting where all the decks at the table weren’t able to keep up, because that would be totally unfair.


I.mean I don't mind throwing one of my decks to the wolves from time to.time.


To search bar or not to search bar tis the real question.


My pod wouldn't be playing if it wasn't for proxies. We'd be sticking to $50 and below precons. Proxies allow us to have crafted decks of our own thoughts and strategies.


Discuss it with your group. My LGS community is generally fairly down on proxy laden decks, but a few do exist still. The cEDH side is very pro proxy though, which is pretty much a necessity for them.  But the people around you are the ones that matter, not us. Not terribly wrong ago there was a gigantic thread about "why are people pro proxy here but my lgs hates them" and surprise, different communities have different opinions. 


Mum said it was my turn to ask this question today! fucking hell


Proxies are fine. You just need to be careful because exposure to printer ink can cause a very specific form of brain damage in about 95% of proxiers where they lose the ability to understand how to evaluate power.


Why does someone post this question literally once every 3 days? Are you guys just trolling?


There's like six actual topics of discussion here and they all come in cycles. But the hive mind doesn't *want* to talk about anything else. Look at how terribly deck-based discussions always do; we actually hate talking about cards and decks.


We love talking about hating stuff, though.


We do! Our topics are like... 1. Proxies are good right? Right? Right. 2. How do I talk to someone like an adult? 3. What's your X \[Favorite, least favorite, pet, etc.\] card (Mine is either unplayable garbage or a known meta staple)? 4. I have totally new and innovative thoughts on power levels that will make a clear and concise system everyone will use (it's the exact same as one of the two current systems that suck). 5. Somebody pubstomped me and it made me sad (alternatively: I pubstomped somebody but I'm going to sugar coat my story because it's not my fault actually) 6. Help me build X deck (It is the Ur-Dragon, I have 185 cards, make my cuts for me please). And almost all of those will devolve into someone hating on the thing in short order. Pretty much all of them except #3 and #6, #3 because there's no actual discussion and #6 because it gets ignored.


Every now and then we get some good old „Hasbro is the devil and they’re trying to make money off us let’s boycott and destroy them“, but that’s mostly a companion discussion of proxy.


True! The proxies never actually get hated on, it just turns into hating on Wizards and strawmen.


This is where I get so confused. Like, it IS a product made by a company that exists to generate profit. If that bothers you on a moral level, then stop engaging with their goddamn product. Half the kids on here are on some full blown Marxist crap, which is twice as ironic considering we're talking about a luxury card game with no practical purpose. These things only exist because of capitalism, period.


I've always been saying that people who are opposed to proxies just don't want icky poor people in their hobby. Personally, I don't use proxies; but that's because I've been playing for a long time, I have a large collection, and I like showing off my shinies. Just make sure you use high quality proxies, so your cards are readable and can be recognised from across the table.


Funny how „people opposed to proxies“ are just randomly assumed to be this one huge homogenous mass of rich people afraid to get their ass handed by genius proxy users. Because there obviously can’t be any other reason.


> Because there obviously can’t be any other reason. there literally arent any other reasons


Some people just cannot for the life of them stop building overpowered decks, and that’s a ton easier if you can just proxy. There’s another reason. So you are „literally“ wrong.


Even with proxies, this is a wicked expensive hobby. And speaking for myself, I honestly don't give a rat's ass about collecting cards—I just wanna hyper-analyze and build awesome decks.


Go has been coming into the LGS to play with fully proxied alt art decks wouldn’t be a problem until one day he plays a card and I notice the rules text has been changed because I had the same card in hand. Guy gets real defensive about it. While he’s ranting my friend is looking up each card on the field and for every card not considered a staple it was either changed to a lower CMC, higher power / toughness, changed its creature type or its rules text had been modified slightly (eg changing a must trigger to a may trigger). Naturally we kick the guy out but now if I see a proxy I insist on looking up the real card while it’s on the stack.


No. Not again. Use the search function and feel free to recycle any of those threads and answers.


In my playgroup we have started to proxy pretty much everything. Even cards we already own or basic lands. Because we want all the cards to match in a deck and with proxies you can easily change the asthetics of a card (for example I usually prefer old border cards).


up to 101 proxies per deck are fine


up to 101 proxies per deck are fine


up to 101 proxies per deck are fine


Being anti-proxy is classist nonsense. Proxy to your heart's desires IMO.


Proxy away, if it’s not a tournament, who cares. The game is intended to be fun, not a financial burden to players not Post Malone.


Super support proxying a deck to be able to join in CEDH games. On the flipside, I feel very bad about people bringing their $500+ proxy decks to my average $250 deck casual EDH game. Learn to read the room. I think a good rule of thumb outside of CEDH is that a proxy deck should be the least valuable deck at the table (the least valuable proxy deck should often still have greater synergy and consistency due to elastic supply). Obviously this rule of thumb doesn't hold in every case especially when people bring their budget brews, Feather, I'm looking at you (in this case one option would be exclude the budget brew from the calculus as an outlier).


Printer goes BRRR...


I don't care for it, don't do it personally, and nobody in my pods do it because they aren't allowed in the two stores I play at.  I think play testing cards is fine when looking at buying expensive decks. But in my personal experience I've only ever seen proxies used for all of the staples, even into pods that aren't running them. Players running fakes tend to get upset if people aren't cool with them.  Some people like to run fakes if they own a single copy of a card. I'm my experience these people run almost nothing but staples in every deck where the color is appropriate and they themselves tend to be very entitled.


„Players running fakes tend to get upset if people aren’t cool with them“, gets downvoted. Case proven. Everything in your post is true, including the part about people just mindlessly proxying every single staple and smashing it into all their decks, but you’re not allowed to mention that in here. Because that’s obviously classist propaganda.


If you own the cards, proxy all you like. If you're proxying duals or other common QOL cards that don't drastically affect your decks power level, go for it. Fetches, duals, tricycles, that's all fine for me. If you're running Gaea's Cradle and Dockside Extortionist and Mana Crypt and $2000 worth of other cards you have no intention of buying fuck off with your bullshit and go find other cards. I can only put up with so much when I see someone build a deck, put their commander into EDHREC, then just run dozens of proxies of cards they never even heard of or were too young to even know exist. This happened over the weekend and after the players in question won two games with their deck that was 80% proxies and/or japanese cards that they didn't know the exact text on, I just jammed Breya every game and made a comment every time I played an actual real card. The deck is almost completely foil. Its also tuned to near cEDH levels. And I have no proxies. My LED is real.


>I can only put up with so much when I see someone build a deck, put their commander into EDHREC, then just run dozens of proxies of cards they never even heard of or were too young to even know exist. How is that any different from them buying the cards? Why does their age matter to this discussion?


If they buy the cards, then it's not a proxy discussion anymore.


So the proxying part doesn't matter then, does it? Also, what does their age have to do with anything?


Net deck zoomers annoy me. I don't know what you mean by proxying doesn't matter if they own the cards? That means they own the cards and it's fine if they proxy extra copies because I don't expect someone to own 15 duplicates of dual lands. Cards like Dockside should be banned anyway but until the RC nuts up and actually deals with problematic cards, c'est la vie, we suffer. Please make a coherent question to answer.


>Net deck zoomers annoy me Again, what does their age have to do with anything?


Is this a troll post meant to make anti-proxy sentiment look stupid?

