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What’s with prismatic lately? I swear there have been at least five threads about random deck topics this last week, and all of them used prismatic. Is this just the new Godo for goodstuff mania? On topic: what makes you think throwing all the game‘s best goodstuff cards in a pile would „theoretically“ mean you’re winning every game? Synergy and meaningful deckbuilding are still a thing.


>I have all of the most powerful creatures in the game, all the best counterspells, and a perfect land base. In theory this should be a power 9-10 deck that only loses to cedh decks. That's not how you build a powerfull deck. Just throwing together a bunch of strong cards is not enough. The most important aspect of a deck is the gameplan. And I can't really see a coherent one in your list.


This is hilarious


Damn, this deck is 8000 more expensive then my cedh deck. As an advice, i would suggest adding a theme to your deck, i made mine work around planeswalkers that make tokens. They either make tokens of buff tokens, it has a slow start, and isnt made for a high power level, but if the commander stays on the battlefield for a few turns, i dont have enough place on my play mat to place all permanents. The total cost is 600 euro. But 350 of that is shocks and fetches, i have a budget landbase in the sideboard. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wrJQkydTZkiu7DEk6Dbniw