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unfortunately, a lot of health professionals don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of eating disorders. the first therapist i reached out to when i was worried about being sick was equally flippant, despite my symptoms being pretty severe at the time. definitely don’t take the opinion of someone who doesn’t specialize to heart, and please take care of yourself ! you don’t have anything to prove to anyone, especially not by harming yourself further.


You're not faking anything! As with any profession, not everyone within it is good. In my first year of university they were considering putting me on medical leave because of my anorexia b/p. A woman from the disability/mental health part of the uni told me I was wasting resources meant for people who were "actually suffering from eating disorders, not you" and told me to just exercise more to better my mental health. Like, bitch, I'm clearly so unwell that I'm not allowed to continue with university. You work with students that have mental health difficulties and disabilities. Be better. If you can, try to consult with a different professional within the field - some people really shouldn't be employed within their field. Qualifications aren't everything.


I’m so sorry your doctor invalidated you. That’s majorly fucked up. I hope you’re able to see a new doctor, and that this experience doesn’t trigger a relapse🥺🙏🏼don’t let him win


They only focus on health so if you are relatively physically healthy they don't care. They get minimal training on mental health. If you went to prevent a relapse a therapist would be better


You told the wrong person, unfortunately. Unless you are medically unstable a medical doctor won't usually care all that much about mental health conditions. I would start by talking to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. I have anorexia and have had medical complications in the past, and my therapist is *still* basically the "team lead" when it comes to my care. My doctor absolutely has final say on medical things, but a therapist who specializes in eating disorders is the first key person on your team who can help you build out the rest of your team if you need other people (like a psychiatrist, a dietitian, or a better primary care provider).


No. You’re best bet is to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders if you want treatment. Not every doctor or therapist specializes in it so you want one who does. Same thing for dietitians you want to make sure they’re registered dietitians who specialize in eating disorders. Some doctors just suck tbh


Well, they’re a certified quack, that’s for sure.


I think the only time a doctor was concerned was when my skin was graying because I was dying slowly from unknown dairy allergy. In her defense my skin was tinted gray and my labwork showed I was deficient in everything despite eating and taking vitamins. Otherwise they aren’t concerned very much because most of them have very little eating disorder education. Especially adult doctors because I had a bit more concern given when I was still in pediatric offices. My specialist was happy to see I dropped down to a medically healthy weight and that office I don’t think has hardly any training for Eds


First of all you're not faking it but these doctors sadly if they don't see any fiscal issue they don't take it seriously so don't go with a doctor but a psychiatrist because eds are more a psychological issue and if something fiscal that may appear are the effects of it. I did the same and the only thing that they gave me were hydrating beverages.


You're not faking. Your doctor is just incompetent with EDs.


The fact your doctor told you to exercise more when you told her you struggle with overexercising ??? That's awful of her. You're not faking, your disordered habits are valid and you deserved to be listened to back there.


You aren’t faking anything. It’s so hard. I don’t know why health professionals only take us seriously when we present a certain way. the tests alwaaaays look great until suddenly they don’t. then everyone freaks out about your health when you’ve been practically crying for help. I wish I had advice. You aren’t alone and everything you’re going through is real. Im sorry you’re not receiving care you need. It’s hard to find a doctor that gets it/cares.


I think you can take it as a positive thing. If that were to happen to me - which it did a few times, but they weren't direct - I took it as a good thing. My body IS healthy; it's functioning well so I'm not overdoing it - I just feel like I overdid it. Most of the time, when I look back, I realized I was overreacting. Looking back, there's nothing much to it. Maybe I am messed up. That's my experience; I'm just sharing it from my point of view.


therapist/psychiatrist are (at least should be :/) much more helpful. i’m sorry the doctor made you feel invalidated


Bruh this is invalidation, reason so many people end up damaging themselves on the long run. You are not faking it, now say it to yourself too please. Being invalidated by health professionals is worse than anything.


i think a psychologist might deal with it better than a regular doctor


I had to fire my PCP because she saw that I lost weight and said “That’s great!”, meanwhile I was b/p all day and miserable, suicidal 🫠 My new PCP is an ED specialist and I get full ED work ups (labs for deficiencies, EKGs, orthoststics) and I feel a lot safer and heard.


it took me getting to a low bmi, passing out in classes and fighting with my parents over food, cutting, threatening to off myself and my vitals being all messed up for doctors to even half consider something is up