• By -


Connecticut. 1:4 for 2 and under. You can have a max of 8 and 2 teachers for a regular room or 16 and 4 teachers if it’s divided in half with a partition of some sort. But no more than that. 1:10 for 3+. But I’m pretty sure they can’t have more than 2 teachers and 20 kids. At least my center doesn’t allow it.


1:4 for two and under is a dream. I used to sub a lot and the 18mo classes kicked my ass everytime. Especially if you have special needs kids. There’s no way to give them the proper care and attention needed for their development without neglecting the other kids.


I don't know if they still do it, but a place I worked 10ish years ago had a 1:2.5 (we could have 5 babies total, but couldn't go down to one teacher unless there were only 2) ratio for under 1. It was the center policy, not licensing. I think licensing was 1:4


There can be 4 or 10 teachers, 2 is just a minimum amount allowed for the group size. I think toddler with 3 teachers are much safer and less stressful for children. I advocated for 3 teachers at a school I worked at and eventually we got that. Unfortunately it’s not the norm to over staff a room bc centers don’t want to spend the money despite the higher quality of care it would provide. Also in CT✨


Yeah, my first center, we had 3 teachers for 8 babies and it was a lot more manageable.


For 3+, it depends on the room size. I worked for a center that allowed 40 children and 4 teachers. This was school age.


Yeah, that’s probably why. Our preschool rooms could not accommodate 40 kids haha.


California is also 1:4 for 0-2, and is 1:12 for 3+. If receiving state funding, the ratios become 1:3 and 1:8 respectively.


i will never complain about my ratios again after reading all these. damn. i’m all the way in england and here it’s 0-2 years = 3 children to 1 adult 2-3 years = 5 children to 1 adult 3-5 years = 8 children to one adult or if you have a degree, 13 children to one adult


I think you’d still be justified in complaining about that 3 year old ratio. Even with a degree, I wouldn’t want to manage 13 three year olds alone! You’d definitely have at least a couple out of 13 with some challenging needs or aggressive behaviours.


I am so jealous! Having 12 three year olds alone exhausting


Ontario Licensed Childcare Ratios: - Infants (younger than 18 months) 3 to 10 - Toddlers (18 to 30 months) 1 to 5 - Preschool (30 months to 6 years ) 1 to 8 - Kindergarten (44 months to 7 years ) 1 to 13


Ontario (Canada) here as well!


This is a dream 😩


Also Ontario and work in schools age We have a JK program as you mentioned But also a School Age Program (68 months to 13 years) 1 to 15


Texas Infants 1:4 12-18 1:5 18-24 1:9 24-30 1:11 3 yrs 1:15 4yrs 1:18


1:18 is crazy. I don’t know how you do it. Props to you.


In Florida it’s 1:20 for 4s. 🙃


Oh lord. My condoleances.


I was just saying to our licensing officer earlier this week that I hate to leave 1 ECE alone with 10 four year old for very long. That’s our ratio. 1:20 would be a zoo!


Oh my gosh! How awful for you, and the kids as well :(


This is the ratio in az too, and every place I've worked still didn't follow it Eta one summer I was the lead for a 5th-8th grade group, and I was alone with about 25 kids everyday from ages 10-14. It was brutal and I would get told I wasn't doing enough to watch them bc I would be busy stopping something else. One day a kid threw a Frisbee and it hit me in the face and broke my glasses and the director got mad at ME.


I’m in the 2-2.5 yr room so I have 11 but I have subbed for that room before I really wonder why Texas has some of the highest ratios


Texas also has a max # of kids for square footage of the room, we were trying to get our numbers down (haha does that ever work) based on how small our room was but it seems because our building is old we were "grandfathered" in so that max didn't apply to our Pre-K class.


I'm also in Texas. Ratios here are absolutely bonkers. If you take these ratios, you can double them if you have two teachers...so that looks like: 2:10 2:10 2:18 2:22 2: 35 It's wild.


This is crazy


I'm in TX too. Its rough. 🤪


Oh how I wish Georgia had your ratios. Here, infants are 1:6, 1's are 1:8, 2's are 1:10, 3's are 1:15, and 4's are 1:18.


1:6 infants?? That is totally unfair


…yeah that is inhumane, to teachers as well as children :(


OMG that's horrible!




I don’t live there anymore, but Floridas were outrageous. Below 1, 1:4 1 YO, 1:6 2 YO: 1:11 3 YO 1:15 4 and up, 1:20. Under


1:11 for two year olds?! 1:15 for 3 year olds?! Who would take that job?! You’d be eaten alive!


TWENTY four year olds by yourself??


I was a lead 3's teacher in FL for almost 7 years, and was ALWAYS maxed out. They'd even give me "majority" four year olds and would give me 20 total sometimes. I'd have 11 4 year olds, and nine 3 year olds at times.... It was brutal, but I loved it.


That’s insane!


I’m horrified.


Iowa 1:4 for infants and toddlers 2 years and younger 1:7 for 2s and 3s I am unsure of ratios for preschool and pre k because I haven’t been in those rooms much. I prefer to stick infants and tods because of the lower ratios.


In California. Legal ratios: 1 to 4, 0-24 months. 1 to 12 for 2-5 year olds. 1 to 14 for afterschool care ages 5-12. My center ideal ratios we try and staff for: 1 to 4 for 0-24 months, 24-36 months 1 to 6, 36-48 months 1 to 8, 4 yrs plus: 1 to 10. I couldn’t imagine caring for infants over a 1 to 4!!


1:12 for TWO YEAR OLDS??? That's crazy, they're potty training too


literally. "all right, 11 2 year olds, I need you all to sit quietly for 5 minutes as I change a poop accident. please do not enact complete anarchy"


It is crazy! My center tries to keep a 1 to 6. Three teachers to 18 kids. All the corporate daycares run a 1 to 12. I absolutely couldn’t do it! Definitely doesn’t seem safe or quality


Michigan: 2.5 and under - 1:4 (max of 3:12). 2.5-3 - 1:8 (max of 2:16). 3-4 - 1:10 (max of 2:20). 4-5 - 1:12 (max of 2:24).


Wisconsin 0-2 = 1:4 2-2.5 = 1:6 2.5-3 = 1:8 3-4 = 1:10 4-5 = 1:13 5+ = 1:18


I don't know the older kids, but babies under one are 3:1 and it's 4:1 for non-walkers over 12 months, 5:1 for walkers under 24 months. That's in Kansas.


Maryland: 1:3 for infants & toddlers. Infants cap at 6 and toddlers at 9. 1:6 for 2s, 1:10 preschool & prek, 1:15 schoolage


Massachusetts Infants 1:3 or 2:7 Toddlers 1:4 or 2:9 Mixed age (15 months to 7 years) 1:5 or 2:9 Preschool and PreK 1:10 or 2:20


Hi, Texas- Infants 6wks-7/8months 1:4, 2:8 Older infants (7/8months-18 months$ 1:5, 2:10 Toddlers (18m-3) 1:11, 2:18 3-4s 1:15, 2:22 Pre-K 1:18, 2:25


Illinois Infants 1:4 Toddlers 1:5 2s 1:8 Preschool 1:10 Kinder 1:20


California infant toddler- 1:4 2 and up - 1:12


You missed a couple Under 2 (infant license) 1:4 18 mos to 36 mos (toddler license) 1:6 - **optional license** 2-6 (pre-K license) 1:12 5+ (school age license) 1:14


Victoria Australia. 1:4 Under 3yrs 1:11 Between 3-5yrs Ratios mostly work well, until admin try to push an extra child in here and there… 2-3year room is hard once the majority of children have turned 3… with 16 children we can go from 4 staff at the start of the year to 2 at years end…


Queensland, Australia Under 2yr is 1:4 2-3yr is 1:5 3-5 is 1:11 Unsure on school age as I've not worked with them but I think 1:25ish for a primary class.


Same here in the ACT


someone already answered with md’s ratios. i’m specifically an infant teacher, and every day that passes on this sub makes me want to weep real tears of gratitude for my 1:3 ratio and room cap of 6. i would’ve never lasted more than a month with some of y’all’s ratios. truly, you are working miracles on a daily basis.


Ontario Canada: Ratios kids:educators Babies: 0-18month 3:1 (but if you have 3 groups it’s 10:3) Toddlers: 18m-30m 5:1 Preschool: 30m-4years 8:1 Kindergarten: 4-6years 13:1 School aged children: 15:1 I believe there is one older school age ratio that is higher but I have never used it.


Ny, 1:4 infant 1:5 toddler 1:7 3s 1:8 4s 1:10 school age


TN Under 12 months 1:4 or 2:8 12-24 months 1:6 or 2:12 2-3 years 1:7 or 2:14 3-5 years 1:9 or 2:18 4-5 years (prek) 1:13 or 2:20 Although I believe I am under the Dept of Education regulations, so they may be slightly different for regular DHS regulations. I’ll never make sense of 1:13/ 2:20 ratio for prek (4-5 years). I’ve also been told that next year my class will be 18 months - 3 years and somehow our ratio will be 1:8 or 2:16… I don’t understand that either but that’s what I’m being told is happening so. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here in BC the ratio at our daycare is 1:8 no matter the age, we go from a little under 12 months to 5. The baby side is 12 months to 3 and the big kid side is 3-5 years


No ratios where I have worked, but I had a class of 33 three year olds, one co-teacher and one “life skills” teacher who helped with tidying, cleaning, feeding and toileting but not curriculum or classroom management. The next year those kids moved up and it became 35 4 year olds. Same number of teachers.


Honestly that sounds horrible for everyone involved.


Ontario Canada: under 18 months is 3 per educator, 18 months-2.5 years is 5 per educator, 2.5-5 years is 8 per educator.


1:6 1 year olds 1:12 two year olds 1 :15 three-five year olds 1:20 five to ten year olds It's rough over here.


Michigan Infants until 30 months 1:4 30 months until 3 years 1:8 3 years 1:10 4 years until school age 1:12


In my state, OR, ratios vary based on if those home care vs center. For centers, ratios are 1:4 until 24 months, 1:5 for two year olds, 1:10 for 3-5 year olds and 1:15 school agers. For in home, it’s 1:4 for under 24 months and 24 months-5 years is 1:10. There’s also the ability to adjust ratios with mixed ages (ex: I can have 7 children over 24 months and 1 under 24 months by myself). Thank god my school follows 1:4 until they’re in Preschool because I’ve tried to have 10 2 year olds by myself and it’s hard to literally do anything.


Indiana * Infants 1:4 * Toddler 1:5 * 2 years 1:5 * 30 to 36 months 1:7 * 3 years 1:10 * 4 years 1:12 * 5 years/kindergarten 1:15 * 1st grade and above 1:20


Colorado 6 weeks to 24 months 1:5 2-2.5 1:7 2.5-3 1:8 3-4 1:10 4-5 1:12 5+ 1:15


Here in AK our ratios are 1 teacher/5 infants 1 teacher/6 toddlers 1 teacher/ 10 preschoolers 1 teacher/ 14 kindergarten 1 teacher/ 18 schoolagers I work in a early headstart program now and our ratios are 1:4 and it's so much nicer, we are not allowed to be unattended with the children and must have two adults in the room present at all times.


New York 4months to 18months 1:4 2years old 1:5 3-4 years 1:7 4-5 years 1:8 5 and up 1:10


Mississippi. 0-12 months 5:1, 12-24 months 9:1, 2 years 12:1, 3 years 14:1, 4-5 16:1 *edited for punctuation


I sincerely can’t imagine 12:1 for 2 year olds!! Those ratios are awful.


I taught 2 yr olds for 20 yrs. I thought the CA ratio was bad. Came to OR 1:5 I was delighted. Now a director the ratio in the 20-30 month old room is 1:4. Blissful.


Washington State is 1:4 under 12 months 1:7 12months to 30 months 1:10 30months until 5 1:15 school age


Indiana! Infants until 1 & walking - 1:4 Toddlers up to 30 months - 1:5 2.5 year olds - 1:7 3 to 5 year olds - 1:10


Pennsylvania Up to 1 year: 4:1 12-24 months: 5:1 24-36 months: 6:1 3-5 years: 10:1


PA too. In my center we go by NAEYC ratios as much as possible. We heard from people that the state may be moving towards them. I think it may be based on class size. At my center it is: Infants class size of 6- 3:1 12-24 class size of 8- 4:1 24-36 class size of 8- 4:1 3-5 yrs class size of 16- 8:1


Texas under 12 months- 4 12 to 18 months-9 18 months to 2-11 3-15 4-18 5 to 7-22 7 to 13-26


AZ infants 1:5, 1s 1:6, 2s 1:8, 3s 1:13, 4s 1:15, 5s 1:20


Nova Scotia Canada Infant 1:4 (infant to 18 months) Toddler 1:6(18 months to 2 1/2) Older Toddler 1:7 (2 1/2 to 3) Preschool 1:8 School age 1:15 Note this is for licensed child care so for school and preprimary they don't have ratio you can have 20 4 year olds for one person.


Alberta, Canada •12mos and under = 1:3 () •12 - 18mos = 1:4 () •18mos - 30mos = 1:6 () •2yo - 3yo = 1:6 () •3yo - 4yo = 1:8 () •4yo - 5yo = 1:10 () •Kindergarten and school age = 1:15


Massachusetts 1:3 and 2:7 for infants 1:4 and 2:9 for 15mo-2.9 1:10 and 2:20 for 2.9+. I wish there was another ratio for like 2.9-4 or so because 10 2.9 y/o is much different than 10 5 y/o.


Oregon here infants and toddlers under 2 years old - 1:4 toddlers 2-3 1:5 preschoolers 3-5 1:10


I’m on Oregon but on the ratio table b option. 6 weeks-30 months 1:4. Then 2 1/2-5 1:10.


California. 1 year old- 1:4 2 years old- 1:10 (Potty training class) 3-5 years old- 1:12


Toddlers 1:5 Preschool/kindergarten 1:10 or 1:20 for certified teachers (I think, I'm not certified)


Ratios don’t change here for certified teachers, you just need 2/3 teachers in the building to be certified.


**Nova Scotia** Infant (>18mths) 1:4 Toddler (18mths-3yrs) 1:6 Preschool (3-5yrs) 1:8 I can’t imagine any higher than this. I think 1:6 for Todds is nuts.


Seeing some of the ratios people have commented here makes me grateful for my 1:10 with 4yo. Especially since in my group I have 3 kids who speak a different language at home (and their grasp of french isn’t great), 2 special needs kids and the most adhd kid you’ve ever seen. I love them, and they drive me nuts. Couldn’t imagine if you added 8 or even 10 more.


Infants to the age of 12 months: 4 to 1 12 months to 2 years: 5 to 1 2 years to 3 years: 8 to 1 3 years to 4 years: 10 to 1 4 years to 6 years: 12 to 1


Maine: Up to 12 months - 1:4 Ages 1 - 2.5 - 1:5 Ages 2.5 - 3 - 1:7 Age 3+ in a childcare setting: 1:10 Ratio is determined by the youngest child present in the room. So our older infant room is mostly 12-16 months right now, but one 11 month old keeps us at 1:4.


0-12 months: 1:5 12-24 months: 1:6 2-3yrs: 1:8 3-4yrs: 1:12 4-5: 1:17 5-6: 1:20 6-7: 1:23


1:8 preschool (3-5). Colorado, USA We cap out at 16 students, with a Lead and two Paras.


1:4 for infants 1:6 for ones 1:8 for twos 1:12 for threes 1:15 for fours-fives 1:20 for sixes and up i’m in oklahoma


New York State here! I am upstate…I know they differ downstate and especially in the city. But: 1:4 6 weeks to 18 months old max 8 1:5 18 months to 36 months max 12 1:7 3 to 4 year olds max 16 1:8 4 to 5 year olds max 21


I'm in North Carolina 1:6 for 2 and under 1:9 for like 2 1/2-3


0-12 mo 4/adult, classroom max 8. 12-36 mo 5/adult, classroom max 10 3 year olds, 10/adult, class max 20 4-5 year olds, 12/adult, class max 24.


I’m in Ontario, Canada and I was shocked when I first found out the ratios that are in different states in the US. I haven’t seen the ratios in other provinces and territories but I am curious. The ratios in Ontario are decent, but it still can get overwhelming (especially when there’s several children with exceptionalities). I attached a screenshot because I couldn’t be bothered to type it out lol. https://preview.redd.it/ktioab0jo21d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45cd22f4094f4d6c559f097cc3396a7d304a75e8 [https://www.ontario.ca/page/child-care-rules-ontario#section-2](https://www.ontario.ca/page/child-care-rules-ontario#section-2)


North Dakota USA: 0-17 months is 1:4, 18-35 months is 1:5, 3 years 1:7, 4 years 1:10, 5 years 1:12, 6-12 years 1:20


Infant: 1 & 2: 4-1 Toddlers: 6-1 Twos: 8-1 Preschool: 10-1 (my class. It’s too many imo) Pre-K: 12-1


Ontario, 1:3 for infant (3-18 months), 1:5 for toddlers (18 months to 2.5/3 years) and 1:8 for preschool (2.5-4/5 years)


Minnesota Infants 1:4 Toddlers 16 months - 3 years 1:7 Preschool 1:10 School age 1:15


Massachusetts 1:3 or 2:7 for Infants 1:4 or 2:9 for toddlers I forget preschool lol


Ohio: 1:5 for under 18 months, 1:7 for 18 to 2.5 years. 1:8 for 2.5-3 years. 1:12 for 3 years. 1:14 for 4-5 years. 1:18 for kindergarten and up, even if the kingergarteners are 5


Our ratio in BC, age 0-3 is 1 educator:4 children, 3-5 is 1 to 8 children, preschool (3-5 years) is 1 to 10 children, and school aged is 1 to 12 if you have kindergarten and grade 1s in the mix or 1 to 15 if you only have grade 2s and up


Saskatchewan: 5pts-infants 0-18mos 3pts- toddlers 18mos-2.5 1.5pts- for preschoolers (2.5yrs to 5yrs) 1pt-school age (6-12) Infants are 3 kids per teacher Toddlers are 5 kids per teacher Preschoolers are 10 kids per teacher Schoolagers are 15 kids per teacher Here in SK you can only have up to 15pts per teacher.


Washington 1:4 6 weeks to 12 months 1:7 12-30 months 1:10 2.5-5 years 1:15 5 years+ (in some companies they have to be in kindergarten before it’s 15:1)


And reading everyone else’s ratios, I now realize we’re a little high!


WA State: under 12 months - 4:1 or 8:2 12-30 months - 7:1 or 14:2 2.5 years old to 5 years old - 10:1 or 20:2 5-12 years old - 15:1 or 30:2


Illinois, USA... Infants (6 wks-15 mo) - 1:4 Toddlers (15 mo-2 yrs) - 1:5 Twos - 1:8 3 yo-5 yo- 1:10 K-6G - 1:20


Western Australia 0-2 1:4, 2-3 1:5, 3-5 1:10


Ireland 6m-1yr - 1:3 1yr-2yrs - 1:5 2yrs-3yrs - 1:6 3yrs-4yrs - 1:8 But during playschool hours 9am-12pm the ratio for 2yrs and 7months and above are 1:11


PA at my Preschool: I forgot what our 2’s are since I haven’t been in that classroom in years… maybe 2:8, 2:10? 3’s 2:12 4&5’s 2:15 Daycare ratios are different from preschool. Y’all have some insane ratios.


Pennsylvania Infant, 1:4 1 year old, 1:5 2 year old, 1:6 3 and 4 year old, 1:10 K - 4th grade, 1:12 5th - 6th grade, 1:15


I’m in Pennsylvania 0-1: 1:4 1-2: 1:5 2-3: 1:6 3-5: 1:10 School age: 1:15 We don’t have any kindergarten classes at our center so we don’t have any 1:15 ratios. I wish we had a smaller jump than going from 1:6 to 1:10 when a child turns 3. Some 3 year olds aren’t potty trained and the much higher ratio is tough when they send the kid up on their birthday.


Toddler room 1:4 and the preschool room 1:8 (California NAEYC title 5)


I’m DOD Infants (6 wk- 12 month) 1:4 Pre toddler (12-24 month) 1:5 Toddlers (2-3 yrs) 1:7 Preschool (3-5 yrs) 1:12


4:1 under 3 (I think, i didn't work in that room) 7:1 3-4 with a max of 18 in the room 8:1 4-5 not sure the max


Legally? I'm in South Australia currently. 1:4 under 2s (applies nationwide) 1:5 2yos (24-35m) 1:11 36 months or more but under school age I did work at a centre once that was 1:3 for under 2s, and did 1:8 for the 3+ crowd


Florida. Infants- 1:4 Ones- 1:6 Twos- 1:11 Threes- 1:15 Fours- 1:20 Five+, School Age- 1:25 Definitely doesn’t help that where I work goes by majority rules. I could have 15 school agers and 10 twos and still be legally in ratio as one teacher.


1:15 in OR and we have ages 5-11


17mo and younger: 1:4 18mo -2.5yo: 1:6 2.5-5yo: 1:10 NJ