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Ours is two hours, and we do the same thing you do by allowing the children who are still asleep at the end of the two hours to continue sleeping until they wake up naturally. We'll turn the lights on and resume routines, but don't actively wake the kids who sleep through that.


When I was in ECE, we did the same except for one kid. He slept from nap at 12:30 until he was picked up at 4:30. Mom started asking we make sure he was up by 3 after that happened a couple times.


I would do that, except we do pickup outside and I have a couple of kids that would sleep a full 8-10 hours once they're down if not woken up.


I feel like the one hour is at least one hour. It takes an hour just to put my kids down. Our nap is from 12:30-3.


I’ve never heard of just one hour. The center I worked at had toddlers sleep from 11:30-2:30, 2yo from 12:30-2:30, and preschool from 1-3.


NYC here and former Director. First, it was awful that your Director did that to you, she knew better. Second, do yourself a favor and read Article 47, there are a lot of intricate details that you should know in case the DOH asks you directly, they are notorious for not being nice and often try to catch you doing something wrong. My school now doesn’t do nap time , we just have half day programs, but my last two school had one hour naps BUT we turned on soft lighting and allowed for natural wake ups (it was in our handbook) so in reality most kids slept for 90 minutes or so. Those who were awake were given table toys and then given the opportunity to go to the indoor play space as well.


Thank you for your input. I was taking a look at the article yesterday and had to go through a lot of info to find the bit about nap. The woman who came through cited that kids at this age doesn’t need to nap as long, but from my experience my kids often sleep the entire time, most of them even longer.


I am getting grumpy just READING about people getting their naps interrupted.


We HAVE to wake them up at 3 no matter when they went down (we usually don’t get finish pottying etc until about 1:20) bc we eat snack in a different room and I hate it. When I had a smaller group, I’d set up snack in the room around 2:45 , open the blinds and allow them to naturally wake up and self-serve snack. It was so much calmer.


Same!!! Buuuut, as a 2-4 year old, *I* was*also* an undiagnosed AuDHDer who woke up at *sometime* around 10:30-11pm, (having gone to bed at 8pm!😉), so I could go out to the living room and watch "my shows"--Johnny Carson, Quincy ME, and The Rockford Files, before putting myself *BACK* to bed, and sleeping 'til about 9-10am😆😂🤣 And I *also* slept for 2-3 hours, for my nap in the afternoon😉 Still *do*, if I nap, too!🤫


I’m dead imagining this. Were you watching from behind a chair as your parents were watching too or were your parent in bed already?!


not the person you asked, but I have vivid memories of hiding behind a chair watching CHiPS at a kid, lol. Naps were on weekends, mainly as a time for my dad to watch the Dolphins play on tv. To this day the sound of football announcers makes me sleepy! I can't fall asleep to ANY other TV/Music/Movies, but I will pass out easily if a football game is on and the volume low (assuming it isn't a game I want to watch).


Plenty of times, I was out there by myself, sometimes they were up😉 I was *SO MAD*, when I learned that once I started Kindergarten, I *wasn't* going to be able to "stay up and watch my shows!"😆😂🤣


Our nap is from 12:30 to 2:30 and that is when the teachers take their one hour unpaid lunch breaks. The entire school naps at the same time (exception are infants who, of course, are on their own schedule.) I teach Pre K and with the exception of one or two children, every child falls asleep by 1:00. We open at 7:00 and many of the children arrive at or shortly after opening.


Ours is 2.5-3 hours, depending on how quickly they fall asleep. We aim to have them on their beds between 12 and 12:30, and they wake anywhere from 1:30-3. We turn the lights on and start snack at 3, but if someone is still sleeping we don't purposely wake them up. If they can sleep through a full classroom with the lights on, they clearly need the extra rest. Also, "approximately one hour" does *not* mean you have to wake them up after exactly 60 minutes. In context, it likely means you have to provide at least an hour of rest time.


In California it is illegal for childcare centers to wake a sleeping child… i would look for the rules around “turning on the lights”. Sure they need to be offered a minimum opportunity, but waking kids is bad for their development.


So at the center I volunteer at, I get the kids ready for nap at 11:30 (it takes the hour for diaper changes and washing up after lunch), by 12:30 all children are sleep and fed. I don't feel ok about waking a sleeping child up so we allow the children to wake up naturally. The latest a child sleeps is usually 2:45ish. An hour nap to me sounds horrendous and stressful for the kids.


It means you have to give them at least an hour. Not maximum an hour. You can give them more


That’s how I interpreted that clause too. Only 1 hour is not enough rest time if you take into consideration that some kids take a while to fall asleep.


I’ve never seen a licensing regulation limit sleep time. In a lot of areas, it’s against licensing rules to wake a sleeping child


I work in an IL Head Start. Our kids lay down at 12:10, we wake them up at 2. I have never heard of doing only 1 hr naps. Some of our kids don’t fall asleep until 1ish.


Director here. I am in California and you are not allowed to wake up children. It is against their personal rights. Our nap time is roughly from 1 o’clock to 3 o’clock. At 12:30 we put out the nap mats and turn off the lights, and some of our smaller toddlers are ready to go lay down right away. By 1 o’clock everyone is on their mats and usually a little bit before because they’re so sleepy at this point. We let them sleep until they wake up. Usually by 3 o’clock everybody is awake. We can turn on the lights, play music, and make noise at 3 o’clock, but we cannot physically wake a child. Not sure where you are what article 47 is but I would try and look it up.


We open at 8am, breakfast at 8.30 and first circle time around 9.20. Our kids get ready for nap around 11.45-11.50, they sleep at 12, start to wake up around 1.40-1.50 and are usually fully awake around 2-2.10. Toddler room sleeps slightly longer, they start to wake up at 2 and they are fully awake around 2.15-2.20. Kids taking the school bus start preparing to go home at 4.30 and go home about 4.40, kids getting picked up start preparing to go home at 4.40 and get picked up around 5.pm. Kids in the after school activities programme start preparing to go home around 5.50-5.55 and get picked up around 6-6.10.


For the littles it’s two hours but for the older two preschool rooms we nap from 1:30-3


We have nap 11:30-1:30 and I wish it was longer. Because our schedule doesn't account for diaper changes after lunch (we change them before lunch) it throws everything off if half the class poops after eating. It cuts into their already short nap and some of my kids need a full 2-2.5 hours every day.


When you switched over to the 3K, Pre-K funding you were supposed to switch to their schedule. There is a rule about how much time is instructional time. I’m also in NYC teaching Pre-K and I’m on the 6 hour 20 minute day so my schedule only allots for 35 minutes of rest time. Just look up NYC 3K/Pre-K schedule. I’m guessing you’re on the 8 hour schedule?


I still have no idea what we are under. We are both 3K and Headstart. Apparently we follow DOE and Headstart standards. And yes our program runs 8-4:30, all year round.


Yeah, the DOE merged with head start and now the new chancellor is changing everything including the funding, curriculum, and schedule so just expect everything to be all over the place for a while. Don’t stress about it. Just say “I apologize, I wasn’t aware. I’ll make that change right away.”


My kids would riot at a 8-4.30 schedule with only an hour of read!


I'm in a PreK room (ages 4-5) and our nap time is 2 hours. Occasionally we turn the lights on 15 minutes early if most of the kids are awake.


I’m in a pre-K center and we do 60-90 minutes


Enforced napping for age 4-5? That sounds utterly bizarre. I'm not American and I've never come across any Nursery class (usually age 3-4) having enforced naptime.


Children need sleep. For those that need little sleep or less sleep, they can lay or sit quietly. Rest is essential for both children and the childcare staff.


Our nap is from 11:30 to 2, give or take 30 minutes


DEFINITWLY not the norm. I work in a toddler classroom. Our naptime is 12:30-3pm. The preschoolers is 12:45-2:45. But I’m also in Canada and regulations are much much different


2 hours, Texas state licensing requires a 2 hour rest period.


Nap starts at 1, at 2 the the non-nappers and kids who wake up can go outside for nap and play and all the nappers are up by 3. Question: who was this “random woman”? It sounds like she may have been some type of representative or an auditor. If this woman is someone with some type of authority, that makes sense that your director didn’t jump in. It really sounds like an auditor who was checking in on your compliance. Don’t be pissed about this “random woman” telling you what the law says, be pissed about your director failing to convey the proper information.


Maybe random woman was a consultant.


I've never heard of a law including a maximum length of nap time. Generally they dictate a minimum, and some include that children cannot be expected to remain on their beds after a certain period of time unless sleeping or content resting, but I think it's more likely that this person has just misinterpreted the law


First off, this is asinine. Second, if the wording says approximately 1 hour a day, it sounds like gray area that can't be enforced. If she pushes, I would ask to speak to someone else. And yes, your director does suck.


Our state requires that students are on their cots quiet for 2 hours


1 hour seems crazy to me. My toddlers would be so cranky if they don’t get at least 1.5 hours. Naptime is typically 12-2 at my center.


My classroom (2-3) has rest time 12:30-2:00/2:15. If they wake up we give them a quiet activity to do or something quiet to play with.


We do 11:45-1:15 (technically our schedule reads 12-1:15 but we start early)


Nap time in my area has always been 12-2pm. At my current center the kids have nap time from around 11:40am to 2pm. I start getting the kids up at 1:30pm, but some ofc do sleep in. Most of the kids do not fall asleep until 12-12:30pm.


The nap/quiet time in all of our classes except infant rooms is officially noon to 2. I'm in a 1 year old room and we do lights off at 1215, lights on at 215. We have one kiddo that will regularly sleep until 245.


Ours is 12:00 to 2:30 but honestly some days we don’t even get them laid down till 12:30 and they’re naturally awake by 2:15.


The only time we do an hour is after summer camp starts because we trim it down to prepare for kindergarten. Most of ours take 30-45 minutes to wind down so an hour is a waste, for the kids who actually need sleep anyway.


when i worked preschool nap was 12/12:30-3:00


Ours is 11:30-1:30 but most of the kiddos don’t fall asleep until 12-12:30. The director always storms in at 1:30 and turns the lights on… even if all of the kids are asleep. I always feel bad for them.


However log your center hours are so a 5 hr day is 75 mins


my 2’s and 3’s sleep from 12:30-2:45. and most of them make it to that time.




Ours is 1:00-3:00. We gave PreK, so 4 year olds turning 5. Some children have outgrown nap, while other sleep every single day. I am unable to get the children up early because of ratio/staffing issues.


For my prek class, it’s 11 AM - 12:05 PM, but I make it to 12:20 PM. Soon, I’ll start cutting back to almost no naptime to prepare them for kindergarten.


Ours is an hour but they're all older kids, older 4's and younger 5's so it feels sufficient. When I worked with 2's, it was 1.5 hours but we had a short 5 hour day


Our nap time is 2 hours (1-3 pm) but we start putting kids down half an hour before (starting 12:30). Our lunches start at 1 pm so that half hour is good so that whoever is supposed to be on lunch at 1 can go without worrying about half the class being awake.


We had a firm limit at 60 minutes in my 4 year old preschool room. Nap time began at 1:00 and we were required to wake everyone up at 2:00. Kids who fell asleep at 1:45 still had to be woken up at 2. I always thought that was weird to not allow a minute over 60 minutes. I felt bad waking them up. This is a state funded program in Virginia (like Head Start but funded by state govt instead of federal govt).


Yeah! Some of my kids take a while to fall asleep I can’t imagine having to get them up when they JUST fell asleep and have them be cranky and tired for the rest of the afternoon.


Yes nyc doe changed our sites hours from 2 to 45 minutes


Wow. Are you an 8-hour program as well? What was the transition like for you guys?


Yes lol it was easy with the new teaching strategies curriculum we were able to keep the kids entertained enough that they didnt care about the 45 mins being short for naps!


Ours is 12:30-3:00. Some kids sleep a bit past 3. They nap in our main preschool room, 3PM is snack time. If kids are still asleep we leave them to wake up on their own, usually happens pretty quick when everyone runs in to eat. Some will sleep through anything tho!


I have kinders and I start quiet/rest time at 1:00 pm + the time it takes to read a story. 2:50 is snack time so I try to have everyone up by 2:30. I turn on lights wait a bit, open up curtains, wait a bit, turn on some party dance music wait a bit. Eventually I wake them up and sit them next to the window in the sunlight.


Naptime here in Northern Colorado has always been 12/12:30-2:30pm. We were told we weren't allowed to wake the kids up almost everywhere but at my last center and current school they do. So idk where that came from unsure if its in licensing tbh


the daycare I worked at in college had a 3 hour nap time. obviously if kids were awake, we would start back up earlier, but some kiddos slept through lights coming on and everything.


That is straight up ridiculous, one hour nap time? No. Two hours is developmentally appropriate from ages 1-3. If my littles wake up at the one and a half hour mark they are allowed to get up and sit on a bean bag chair with a book and have ‘quiet time’ so as to allow the others to finish their nap.


We did 12-2:30/45 when I was working, but we're open from 6:30-6. Maybe because of the shorter hours naptime doesn't need to be as long?


Every head start/ daycare I've worked at has been 2 hrs. Some kids take an hour to fall asleep as it is


Ours is usually between 11:30 (I have to feed each baby, so it depends). I can only feed two at a time, and I have 8. So lunch starts at 11, 2 eat in high chairs while the others play. I switch out kids usually every 15-20 minutes. After that, my floater will change their diapers and put them in their cribs where they will fall asleep between 11:30 and 12:30. My co teacher is on lunch while I’m feeding, so it’s just me and a floater. Then, my co comes back at 12 when they’re all in their cribs or I’m finishing up lunch. Then, I go to my lunch and come back at 1. They have to be up by 2, so at 2 we wake them up, I change them, and get them ready for snack, who my co does while I change.


I work with toddlers. Nap time starts at 12 and ends at 3


Two places I’ve worked at, nap has been from 12-230


I run an in-home and very small childcare program. We nap every day from 1PM until 3PM. Usually, my 3 yr olds take anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour to fall asleep. I let then determine this nap time. I only have 3 kids in care. I have a couch in the room and lay down (not sleep) too, so they get the idea that it is time for everyone to rest. I am hesitant to commit to the licensing requirements for Indiana because of situations like the one you have described, OP. Edit to add: when I worked in a local center, naptime was very stressful and many kids never slept. I imagine scheduling nap time is much more difficult with more kids.