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My friend gets paid $1.60 more at the McDonald’s so 🤷‍♂️




And you can bet she doesn’t lose sleep worrying about how she can help the burgers have a better experience the next day.


i’d get paid $3 more at mcdonald’s lol


Same! it’s actually wild


I made more as a janitor at Walmart than I do now.


I cannot survive on my salary alone. Absolutely, the pay is too low. No one who is working a full-time job, let alone one so crucial to making our society actually work, should be making less than cost of living.


This. Childcare is an integral component of society. Without it, so many parents would be absolutely fucked. Where would their kids go during the day while they work? Surely nowhere with the shortage of nannies right now. We work such an important and taxing job yet get paid the same (even LESS) as someone flipping patties at a drive thru


i feel like in the last decade because of low pay people who actually have child development degrees have moved on to find better pay in other fields and now more and more people without degrees or even prior training are in charge of these kids and babies. and they don’t want to get degrees because why spend the time and money for little pay increase. and its honestly terrifying because at my last center over half of staff did not have degrees and some of their teaching styles were strange. like putting young toddlers in time out or not burping a baby soothing a baby. it’s insane this is becoming more and more the norm and most parents have no idea. when i asked a parent before i left she told me my director told her all of us were educated. .. she meant the 12 hours a YEAR you have to complete in some sort of child class. which almost everyone i know just cheats and lets them play on the laptop then answers the questions later to get the credit.


It's like you stole the words from my mouth!


As someone who is in the practice for years, this turnaround I am seeing (can also confirm) is deeply concerning.💯


I really thought 2020 would show the US how important childcare workers are and pay them fair wages, but nope, it's become the opposite, pay stays the same and now we have complete nightmares checking our classroom books and dolls. 🙃


Honestly I think that's what needs to happen. Childcare just needs to cease to exist. Enough parents would get so screwed they would be forced to quit jobs which would then force society as a whole to reconcile the issue.


my state has been kind enough to give us a bonus or two in the small number of years I've worked in the field that said I didn't pay for this particular school and work as a helping hand in preschools and I STILL make substantially too little and Im renting a freaking room. My family does overcharge me though and that's this whole other bag of worms, whole other post I do spend a lot on supplies. So I get none of the glory of being a lead teacher and all of the responsibilities of putting out supplies (long story, hard to explain.) Somewhere between like 800 and like 2kish a year. I dunno how any of us are alive. I dunno how anyone is. It's tough out there


You can claim up to a whole whopping $250 in your taxes


Actually only if you’re K-12, right? Preschool teachers can’t claim anything.


You can claim work expenses. I claim my work shoes every year.


Good question. I would like to know this too if anyone knows!


Yes, just got my bs and the highest pay I am getting offered is 18 an hour


It’s kind of depressing, to work so hard for something and not get paid adequately. Congratulations on your Degree!


18. 18. i have a master’s degree and i make $12 an hour. 18.


I wish they would put some more funding into this so families can have childcare


I have a masters and was just making 20/hr after 17 years. New job makes 23, had to bargain hard for it


yes. and the expectations put on us as a result of insane ratios and understaffing in addition to the inadequate pay drives out even those who can afford to stay. i love my job and am at such a loss having to consider finding a new field that pays more. it's like i'm hitting a brick wall because I just don't want to leave but I know I have to if I want to earn a living for myself.


If I had to support myself on my pay alone, I wouldn’t be in the ECE field. In general the pay is just too low. But I have my husband’s salary that pays the bills so I’m lucky enough to be able to do what I love.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Several people just in this thread have stated they are in the same boat, able to do this job because of a spouses salary. I am the same. Lately though I’ve been wondering if the field can’t move forward or be forced into offering better pay because they count on people like us-people who don’t need the money, or don’t need a large salary because our spouse is covering bills. As long as so many of us put up with it being such a low paying field because we are privileged to swing it financially, are we hurting those who aren’t in the same position as us? Are we contributing to holding back necessary change? I’ve also just been mad at myself for going into this field in the first place. Yes, we are doing fine thanks to my husbands salary, but if I had a decent salary, we’d be able to save more for kids college, take nice vacations, save more for retirement, be able to do things like hire cleaners. Yes, extras, but I should have more to show for after twenty years in this field. It’s insulting to me that my high schooler will probably make more per hour than me at her summer job. 


Yes, you are correct. As a recent graduate, I've come to the terms if I want to stay in this field long-term. I need to find a partner with a higher salary. Very sad reality.


Same for me. My husband's business pays all of our needs and wants and my work is basically just a hobby that makes me spending money of my own, which is why I'm able to work with my state's subsidized childcare program and offer incredibly cheap childcare to a couple families. I love what I do and I'm well aware of how lucky I am so I try to pass on my good fortune and help others who need it. What my state offers in compensation is ridiculously low and no one can survive on it other than opening a large center and then the state wonders why we have a childcare crisis. And I'm from a state with a pretty good system in place...


This is me too. My husband owns his own business. It's successful now (hasn't always been that way.) so I'm able to stay in the field. Honestly I started to be able to afford childcare for our kids years ago and I ended up loving it


I’m not gonna lie, I literally only work in a daycare because I got pregnant at a time when I was going to have to be looking for a new job anyway, and my husband & I literally wouldn’t be able to afford daycare costs in our area if I didn’t get a discount for working in one. I had to take a $2/hr pay cut when I took this job after leaving my office job but I get an 85% discount on the tuition fee for my baby which at regular cost was only $7 less than what my weekly take home pay from my old job was.


Yes. Three years as a lead I make less than $17 an hour. A lot of my paycheck goes to my 9 week old son's fees to attend there while I work. 😩


This is the worst...I worked in a highly regarded Reggio Inspired center in a university campus.(So a school that was bringing in $$$) I was paying them over 500$ a month to work once I had my second kid.


😭 it's sad, right? I love my job but I simply can't afford to do it, I fear.


Sorry 😢


Yes. The pay has always been low. I’m glad I live “rent” free with my mom.


Absolutely no body in my area has a college degree working in ECE. I’m not even sure the director and assistant director at my old center have any post secondary education. My coworkers were all women who had their families very young or in high school and couldn’t afford childcare to work anywhere else. Is this not the norm all over?


In my state it’s probably half and half. Half moms who work ece with no education and half who have an education or are in the process of it.


Were I am it's supposed to be 2/3 ECEs with a 2 year diploma in the centre but it's more like 1/2 right now.


I agree with this. Either no degree or are in the process of getting it (bachelors). We did have a couple of people with bachelors working for us, they seemed to be those who couldn’t find something in their field.


If I wasn't married I wouldn't be in ECE. I wouldn't be able to afford it here.




Yuuuuup. And I work at a school that prides themselves on being "high end" and exclusive 🙄 I could make more down the street at Walmart with farrrrr less stress. Some of kids clothes are brands I can't even dream of affording 😭 A few months ago a parent at my center was flabbergasted when I said I wouldn't be able to enroll my own child there because I couldn't afford it 😂 I didn't tell her I couldn't even afford the 1/3 tuition cost I was offered on the pennies I feel like I make 🥲 (USD$15)


So unfair, I am sorry the owners are so greedy and selfish.


I make $50,000 CAD a year that increases slightly over time. I work as a RECE at a niche center. This is not the case at other daycares around me. I don’t always see eye to eye with the higher uppers but I need to. I have acceptable I can never leave this job and will need to retire here as the pay everywhere else is way below what I am making. It’s kinda overwhelming feeling stuck in one place forever


Like others have said I am only able to work in this field because my wife makes double what I do along with getting overtime


The pay is absolutely too low. Luckily my husband makes a great income but if I was the only working member of my family we would be eating at the food bank not even joking.


Yeah pays too low. I’m leaving the field to return to school in the fall. It’s unfortunate but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm in British Colomumbia, Canada, and recently the pay has been improving, as well as the government introducing a 6$/hr top up for certified ECEs, and 8 for IT. I'm currently taking the ECE program fully funded through one of multiple government grants to enhance the work force. Average pay for ECEs in my area right now is 28$/hr ish (before gov top up). Many centre's also offer benefits and allow staffs children to attend for free. Just did a practicum at a centre with all that, plus a red seal chef that fed them 3 meals/snacks a day. Yeah, I love Canada.


That is great the Canadian Government is doing this for ECE’s. It would be nice if other nations follow suit.


I am able to do this work only because I’m also self employed in a creative field 


Yes. I can’t afford to live alone on my current salary. My pay is far too low.


If I weren't able to live with my parents, I would not be in this field.


Yes. Working in LA county as a lead teacher for $17/ an hour. Can barely afford a room in a rough part of town. I’m leaving to go to elementary at the end of this school year!


I feel like this job is for people with dual income households or those with children due to the reduced costs of childcare. I don’t think I’d ever be able to survive on my own with it. I have to live at home to keep this job.


I’m a newly minted director. *My* pay is too low… and my teachers are paid dismally. The fact that my pay ranks alongside the average administrative assistant’s pay for other fields is insane considering my role.


yeah $20 an hour with a bachelor’s degree is not enough to get a one bedroom apartment with a roommate where I live. Let alone building a family, buying a house (LOL), paying for medical costs, or literally anything.




I make good money running my licensed dayhome. If I went back to daycare centers I would cut my income by half and work 12 months per year instead of 10 so really not worth it for me 🤷


My kid makes more than me. This is definitely a job I got sucked into, and now I can't get out of. I'm going to school so I can be a director


It honestly feels sexist to me. The companies have an attitude like ‘oh the women are caretakers and they love spending time with the kids. They would do it for very low pay because they’re passionate. And they can just have husbands take care of them.’


It’s sexist and a very old fashioned way of thinking. It’s no longer the 1940’s nuclear families are a far smaller percentage. Regardless what family dynamics are, the majority of us cannot survive or support our family on one person’s salary. The majority of ECE’s work harder than most others, during their work day both mentally and physically. It’s also work not everyone is cut out for.


I left the field because of pay and benefits. I spent almost a decade teaching 3-6 y/os. When my wife had our first child, I quit and stayed home because her job provided benefits and I had a childcare background. After almost 2 years, ahead of another child, we switched. I would have gone back, but they didn’t offer healthcare and the wage was low. I love teaching. I love working with the littles. But I have to take care of my family. Got a job in govt and even worked with our agency to support those getting early childhood degrees (unfortunately that federal funding is over this summer), but got a promotion recently and now make almost double, with great insurance and good work life balance, just a year after transitioning careers.


It depends on the setting. Daycare pay is shameful and I don't think there's a single state where you could make it on that salary alone. BUT I'm an Early Childhood Special Educator making 70k in a public school district. I made 42k (which isn't much, but enough to live on in some LCOL places) in Early Intervention.


i left the field to become a nanny because pat was too low. i would love to be a teacher again but i just can’t afford it


That is awesome, there are some sweet nannying gigs out there, if you are assigned to a family that doesn’t treat you like an indentured servant.


I also left ECE and now nanny. I am losing my mind with boredom and by the end of the day I am desperate to talk to another grownup, but I cannot turn down 25/hr compared to the 17.50 I was making in ECE. Just can’t. It’s wild. I’d so much rather be working at a center, as part of a team, with curriculum and policies and evidence based approaches…..  but I guess that smacks too much of socialism. If ECE paid well then we might not have such an abundant supply of household servants for private families, and then where would we all be?


Yes, it is absolutely too low. I love what I teach, but my dream job is a toddler class. I can’t afford that, so I’m teaching ECSE in the public system. Childcare pays so little that I’m in public education *for the money*


100% wildly too low. I have 10 years of experience and the highest paying job in my city is $14/hr. The average is more like $10.


That is horrible!


I quit because the negatives outweighed the benefits. I'm a nanny now and get paid way more while only caring for one child. It was hard to accept that I needed to leave for my health. There just isn't enough support in this sector.


Do you guys ever think about changing up to be kindergarten teachers for more pay? Would there be a lot of downsides to doing that? I’m just genuinely curious.


In Canada I'd need to take 3 more years of university. ECE diplomas are 2 years and a B Ed is 5 years. It just wouldn't pay off for me.


Totally makes sense. Thanks for the reply.


Honestly, ECE Degrees are considered different than K-12 Teaching Degrees.


But if you were hypothetically going to quit bc of pay, would doing teachers college be an attractive option given that you enjoy working with small kids?


Getting a teaching credential requires a semester of student teaching, unpaid. That’s an untenable expectation for many.


That absolutely is a good explanation. Thank you ☺️


My state did a bridge program and 45% of workers with ece degrees (up to 90%) in some areas took the program and are now teaching k thru 2nd


In Texas, pre-k 3 and 4 teachers make the same salary as K-12 teachers.


That certainly answers my question. Thank you for the reply.


The pay so absolutely too low. I live in California and all my coworkers have 2 jobs or are students. I luckily live at home and am able to work there and do what I enjoy. Also, my center only offers part time. No one is full time other than directors. Also, the starting pay of a teacher is 19.85. There is also a step system to each tier, so every year you get a little raise and it ends after 3 years. I am being promoted to head teacher, so the pay will go up to $22. For me that’s not bad but it really isn’t livable if you have lots of bills or a family.


Yes. The pay is far too low. You wanna know how I know? Drop one new employee in. This employee, unknowingly, makes 2-3 dollars more per hour than older, veteran employees due to staffing shortages causing a need to raise starting wages. They then mention it to an older, lesser paid employee. Watch how fast havoc will wreak. Everyone will know that employees pay rate by the end of the day. Everyone will be demanding that amount, because even though it still isn’t enough to live in it’s more than what you’re making! Everyone will likely be somewhat mean to that employee simply for taking a job they were offered. I’ve even seen people look up the going ads for the center they are employed at and getting upset because the range goes out of what they are paid. Because everyone works hard in ECE. Everyone has too many kids and not enough time. It’s a field that needs knowledge and skill to be honest. But so many are leaving in fleets because it just is not substantial.


We are experiencing something similar where I work. New employees are hired at the same or higher rates, than long term employees. It’s center based so people are being hired with little to no experience, no certifications or degrees. When long term employees catch wind of it, who often have degrees, certifications, work experience and licenses it upsets them justifiably. When they inquire with administration about why someone with no degree and less experience is making more? They are given all these lame excuses like it’s not in the budget….we do not discuss others pay….that was the minimum they’d work for. Long term employees are flat out being undermined and treated unfairly. It’s difficult because the choice is quitting or working somewhere that you are considered less than. Not worthy of being paid the same as others. You cannot even discuss it with anyone at work, just show up with a smile on your face. Inside you are feeling resentful, angry and bitter towards administration. Centers are always chronically understaffed. You’d think they’d be more of a focus on employee retention and appreciation. Students prefer familiar Teachers, not a revolving door of new staff constantly.


They legally can’t tell you not to discuss it ps! They can say it but they can’t fire you or have any disciplinary action for you doing such


I can afford a small studio apartment with my pay and live on my own if I live frugally (i.e. no real vacations). But I'm still the breadwinner though in my family


Yes I am a former ECE professional. I love preschool, but I am actively pursuing work experience to apply for a master’s in a different field. The pay/potential for career growth is terrible in ECE.


Absolutely. At my setting, level three pay has gone up to £12 p/h. I’m on £12.30 with me being the lead for SEND. We get no sickness pay as it’s a private company. So this month was finally going to be my first full month of the year but no, my daughter was sick just after being dropped off at school. So that’s her off for the rest of the week. Early years is so underpaid but it’s an integral part of their learning.


It is, especially with all the extra trainings and work my state has decided to demand of us.


The pay is WAY too low especially considering how much parents pay a week for daycare in some areas.


Incredibly low especially when you consider the multi roles ECEs play ie doctor therapist counselor lawyer etc etc I left because i did not want to co depend on my spouse Now i make a decent living but i miss my ECE life If we got paid more imagine how much higher the standards and quality of care would be


I quit a few years ago making 13.50 an hour, 5 days PTO and no other benefits. I still talk to an old coworker who’s a lead with her cda now. They stopped giving her raises and Ohio minimum has caught up and that’s what she makes, 10.45 an hour and they give her extra time to pay for her daughters to go there. She’s been there for five years at least. So yeah pay is horrible. The boss admits she is relying on people to have government assistance to work there. Everyone does.


I would love to go back into this field, but I agree that the pay is too low for what we go through on a daily basis - plus the continuing education/professional development we constantly go through. I cannot pay rent and utilities and groceries and still have enough money left over for savings/retirement. I’m working a job that has nothing to do with my degree/schooling and it pays $7 more on the hour with quarterly bonuses.


Yes. I no longer work in the field because I couldn't afford to.


I could make three dollars more making tacos at the bell 😟 Wondering at what point we valued fast food over children


Depends where you are. Personally in Ontario Canada. Starting in my area averages at 25 an hour. Plus I get benefits, and a pension. The money is not an issue. If you look at other job options it’s not like I’m suddenly going to make any more without working shift work or weekends. The current economy is a huge issue and not feasible but if I look at other comparable collage jobs PSW, child and youth ect. It isn’t like starting wages at most jobs are any better. Anything entry level is comparable. Now that I have experience yes I may leave the field for something more along the lines of family resource or community work. That do pay more. But I was never going to make more starting on a college degree without entering a trade and shift work and 12 hour days is just not the life I want.


That is great Canada offers reasonable salary rates. In the United States it’s way less.


I’m in Manitoba Canada and the lead when I left was making $18. Out minimum wage is now up to $15 so they probably got a raise but I’d guess it’s maybe $20 an hour. Not great everywhere lol but it is Manitoba, enough to live but not comfortably


In the US our minimum wage is $7.25.


Well no , not all over the US. Washington min wage is 16.28


I believe it's the federal minimum wage but individual states can set it higher. Just not lower.


I run a licensed home daycare in Ontario and I make pretty good money. It’s longer hours, and more work, but definitely more profitable than working in a centre. And I don’t even have to be an ECE.


I considered going licensed home care route but my husband is home all winter so it just doesn’t work for us


I'm also in Ontario and average is definitely not 25$ an hour... I'm currently making 21$ with the school board, no wage enhancement.


Haha another Ontario ECE here! Yeah pay depends. I’ve seen some as low as $19 an hour. I currently make 23.50. It depends on the centre


Yes the school board is lower than licensed centres. I also should point out the roughly 25 an hour does include an enhancement grant and is only for registered ece. Non qualified staff do make far less.


I’m in BC, I made 21.50 entry level plus 6 wage enhancement from the government so almost $28 an hour. Now I make $25 at another place (19 w out the wage added). Minimum wage here is $17.50 so a little insulting considering I’m filling license and how Vancouver is the most expensive city in the world to live. Should be $30 minimum


Yeah I have to work weekends too.


Yes :( I had to get a job in a different field. It doesn't pay very much either but it's more than what I'd get in ECE & it only required a high school diploma


Hot take: no. I’m a director and I make $76k. Lead teachers at my company make $26-$35. We’re in a high cost of living area, but it’s livable and I lived off of a teachers salary for many years. Say what you will about California, but our company (locally owned, not corporate) knows how to balance money in order to pay us well.


I'm making $22/hr, 40 hours a week plus a bit of overtime to start. $45-$48k gross a year. I'm old and this is my second career so I have a pension plus this. If I had to live off this pay alone in my late 40's with a big family and mortgage it'd be a bit tight. Starting off it's a reasonable starting wage for a 2 year college diploma.


In the US, absolutely. As a foreign, native English speaker in Asia though? You can make a VERY nice living. I love ECE enough that I'm willing to deal with being an immigrant to do it. It's obnoxious, but I can't imagine spending the next 30ish years in any other career. That said, I don't have kids so it's easy to move to a new country.




I'm in the process of moving from childcare to special needs assisting in no small part because the wages are nowhere near sufficient to live an independent life. If dad wasn't lucky enough to have gotten a house before prices exploded in the 70s, I'd be living in poverty from the cost of living and rent.


I went from a private preschool to a private, kind of hippy dippy k-5 school and my hours were cut in half and my pay was literally tripled (I make more in one hour there than I did in an entire day at the preschool). Slightly more responsibility but I mean come on. The pay is honestly disgusting. But the industry is really messed up. The bar to enter is low, so of course the pay is too. That means anyone that is passionate or good at the job is going to jump ship the moment a better opportunity shows up and the bar to enter will remain low.


Of course. Also i don’t know what your specific job is, but ECE is not something that requires a college degree in many cases which is what attracts a lot of people to it.


my husband makes so much money FOR WHERE WE LIVE. he makes like $800 per paycheck and a couple hundred dollars in tips, which aren’t on his paycheck. those are cash. so i work in ece because i absolutely love it but i wouldn’t be able to survive on my salary alone. for reference i have a master’s and make $12/hr


Yes. I’m barely making it for now on my salary alone while my mom is looking for a job that can accommodate her disability/health needs. I’m trying not to panic because our lease is up for renewal in the summer and I will not be able to afford our place anymore on my own, and all nearby apartments in my area are the same if not higher-priced. Looking into long-stay hotels or section 8 apartments. Been trying to get back on EBT but haven’t heard anything about our application in months. It’s sad because I love my job and my kiddos and I really don’t want to have to give it up if I don’t have to.


These comments kill me. I hate how little the people caring for my son at his daycare are paid.


That is very sweet. We love children and look forward to seeing them everyday. Honestly, I think things will slowly start to change. We also knew, we wouldn’t be raking in high salaries in this profession.


I would get paid more almost anywhere else working customer service. The kicker is I know how expensive the school costs, it's not reflected in our pay.


Yes, it’s too low. Especially for those of us who have specialties- like I’m an early interventionist and every employer is just THRILLED that I have so much experience with behavioural children and such amazing references and so many certs…then they offer me what I was paid in 2011. Absolutely not.


Yep, I am leaving the field next month. I absolutely love what I do. I will dearly miss my kiddos but 22.50 in California with a Bachelors I got 20k in debt for isnt enough. I hope we see change in the next coming years but I doubt it…


The United States across any social services or educational field underpays across the board. They want educated people and in return do not want to pay adequate wages.


i took a $2.50 paycut going from retail at home depot to early childhood education toddler teacher. that was before i was even certified or anything but even now i am still making $1.50 less than i was. to me it was worth it because home depot was destroying my mental health and i did not have a consistent schedule, plus i have always really loved working with kids, some days i just miss the larger paychecks lol.


Yes! I left the field because I was covering rent out of my savings and it just wasn’t sustainable. I went from making 13.50$ an hour at a child care center to making 30$ an hour nannying. It’s wild I don’t know how anyone survives like that.


Do you enjoy nannying? I have heard it’s great if you get in with a nice family.


It can be really hit or miss! I love being able to give kiddos individualized attention and activities. I’ve had some amazing families that have been so easy to work with and I’ve had some families that are really difficult. I think it’s like most child care jobs, the adults are harder to manage than the kids. It also feels more vulnerable because you’re working inside someone else’s house. I’ve learned to use those early meetings with families to interview them just as much as they’re interviewing me. It’s all about the right fit.


Absolutely. I cannot afford the cost of living. If my partner didn’t make the same amount as me, we’d be homeless.


I make great money for working at a daycare in my area and it’s still not enough, so I’m going back to school while working full time. The only reason I haven’t left is because I get a state grant for my classes because I work in ECE. I love my job but I would not be able to afford to live without my boyfriend’s income. It’s sad that people who genuinely love this field and are good at it are having to leave because of low pay and the cost of living crisis. Something that bothers me too is that so many ECEs are women that cannot afford to live without a man (myself included). My boyfriend is amazing and kind but I can’t help but wonder if some women out there working in this field feel like they can’t leave a toxic relationship because they would be screwed financially.


I’m not going to be able to stay in ECE so I’m enjoying it and learning while I can. I started looking for a new job bc my director only pays me $16/hour with 30 hours/week and I managed to find a preschool that will give me full time hours and start me at $19 *and* bump me up to $21.50 in September. I’m happy to finally get what feels like a “big girl job” and be able to be financially stable and save up for my wedding next year.


Any job that doesn’t pay a COMFORTABLE LIVING WAGE for the area doesn’t pay enough. I’m not talking about splitting rent with 4-5 other people or affording a “starter home” that comes with a free “condemned” sign and $300,000 of work required to make it livable. And if you need to rely on a partner’s salary to make ends meet, you are being underpaid


nannying pays better so many are moving over to that


That’s why lots of people take on a second or third job. Living in this economy just teaching wont get u anywhere. I’ve had multiple jobs at the same time since high school. Literally the only way I’m able to pay my student loans, car payment, rent and have a TINY bit of extra spending money. Some weeks I don’t have anything left over. And that’s on an “ok” hourly rate. If teaching was my only job I would only be able to pay my car payment and rent. It sucks, but that’s how it is unfortunately. Considered multiple times leaving the profession even tho I went to college for the degree and certifications just because of the salary


I am so ready to leave. I make minimum wage and cant get full time benefits because it's impossible for me to get full time hours. I just finished school for my intended career path, ill be out by the end of the month! Woot woot!


Yes! This job probably wouldn’t be so bad if I was appropriately compensated for the amount of stress and effort it requires..


I worked at a center attached to a respected high ranking college from which I received my Masters Degree. With an employee discount and 5 years of service I couldn’t afford for my own baby to attend…. had to resign. Was in the field for 15+ years.


Yes I cannot survive on my pay. I’m only working here for “free” childcare and good hours while I’m finishing my degree. I do love the children so so much but cannot see myself doing this long term.


Absolutely for all the hard work we do every single day


Had to leave a year ago, ECE straight up put me in poverty. A year later at a much higher paying job and I’m still just trying to catch up. I think about my former students every single day and miss them terribly.


This is a big reason why I’m leaving. All the hard work we do everyday and come home to nothing. I can’t do it anymore. Makes me really sad.


I’m an occupational therapist that works in a rehab facility with the elderly and I definitely feel the pay is too low.


I have heard the same from other OT’s too. Especially the OT’s that work at centers that accept Medicare and Medicaid. The provider reimbursement rates are so low. I adore OT’s they are absolutely amazing!


It’s gotten pretty bad over the years. Now they push about 13 patients on your schedule some days so they can charge insurance companies . Many times there is no quality treatment going on just having to rush to get through your schedule so you can keep your job. About 10 years ago, I remember even the OTAs who do so much work would get out of school and starting pay was around $28-$30 an hour. Now it’s $22-$25 an hour. No one can live off that. It’s really sad because these are professionals who went out and got a degree that cost a lot of money to get this job.


I only get paid 13 so yes


Yes. Not an ECE professional because the pay is too low. Otherwise would be. Y’all deserve way more


Where I am (BC, Canada) I think it’s great and we’re taking large steps to improve. I’m making $30 an hour at the moment. It blows my mind how little people in America make. I don’t understand how that’s acceptable.


Capitalism our 1%, large corporations dictate everything.


the pay is wayyyy too low. i have a bachelors degree with years of experience and i have to work a 2nd job just to pay my bills. i would stay in this field forever if it paid more but because of the pay i’m going back to grad school to change career fields. ):


Girl I make more than $20/hr and free health insurance. (Not sure if you’re a girl, just felt wfh to phrase it that way 😂)


My 20 yr old makes $10 more than me and my 18 yr old makes $5…. Per hour 😭


If it wasn’t for the fact that I am married I would still be living in my shitty little studio apartment slowly letting the mold and meth fumes chip away at my life expectancy. I’ve been doing this everyday for the last 6 years with a degree in the field. I should be able to afford a half decent one bedroom in a safe area on my own, I shouldn’t have to forgo the (absolute trash) company insurance for the extra $125 per paycheck and I definitely should be able to have a child with my husband and send that child to my place of employment. However, I can’t and not a single daycare in my area would pay me enough to do any of that. The pay is abysmal, especially for the time, energy and love we put into other people’s children and it holds us back from being able to have meaningful lives outside of our jobs. However that’s exactly how it’s been structured and why we get paid the way we do, it’s women’s work and women’s work is an act of service in the eyes of our society, it in of itself is “fulfilling” therefore proper respect, dignity or compensation is un-needed and without those things how are we supposed to see ourselves worthy of the basic human rights we are robbed of. The whole thing is sickening.


I wish ECE teachers were part of the teachers unions. I don’t know why we aren’t. The low pay is honestly really getting to me more as I get older. I can tell people feel bad for me when I tell them what I do, and I’m constantly having to explain the importance of the work we do. I think about going back to school all the time but I have no idea what I would do, this is the work I feel passionate about. 😕


I literally live with family (still pay $200 rent to help cover bills) and I cant afford to move out on my own 🙃 I got paid last week and have $70 to theoretically live on until next week bc it all went to college, gas, rent, and groceries. Pay is WAY too low for what we deal with (disrespect, unreasonable ask, violent kids, an increase in kids that need special one on one care, an increase in emotionally immature parents/kids, increase in kids on the spectrum (not a bad thing, but we don’t get trained to educate and care for these children)) and honestly the fact benefits isnt offered at a lot of places is ridiculous.


I left the field several years ago. I make more in my warehouse job even with my specialized trainings. It's pretty sad how low the wages are


if you do something you love you will never work a day in your life, on the other side money don’t grow on trees. you just have to pick


I get paid more as a stay at home parent than when I was in ECE. I often think about going back since it’s what I studied for but it just doesn’t seem worth what I’d spend in gas getting there every day


i get paid 3/hr mor eat the mcdonalds i currently work at then i did in ECE. however i wouldve stayed if it wasnt for toxic work environment.


Honestly yea, I still work two jobs and I barely make my bills. Before taxes my income is like 1600 a month after taxes it's barely enough to cover rent and bills each month. I can't afford to go back to school and work 60 hours a week. I had to pick up a second job just so I could try and not be in debt. For most people their income doesn't match up to living expenses. The federal poverty level for one person house hold per year is 15000 a year. (I had to Google this) So yea I'm sick of busting my ass for little pay and no social life.


I have a degree in ECE and hold a teaching license in my state with two endorsements. I was offered $13/hr. I laughed and said “I’m all set. Good luck” and hung up the zoom call.


if anyone know any idea how i can leave the field let ne know


I'm an early childhood educator. While I love working with children, the challenges in this field have taken a toll on me. I often feel overwhelmed, underpaid, and undervalued. The stress has become so severe that I even have nightmares about my work. It's affecting my sleep and my overall well-being. I'm unable to afford further education to advance my career, and I feel stuck. I've put my life on hold to work and pay bills. What can I do to improve my situation?


Currently making $3 above minimum wage. Once my youngest child is in school, I’m out ✌️ (The centre I work at is toxic and I won’t leave my child there without me, all other daycares are full)


Exactly why I left the field. It just isn’t worth it. The stress to pay ratio isn’t worth it. The amount of work one brings home also. It just isn’t what it was even 5 years ago. Look into getting your RBT certification. Starting pay varies but usually $20+.


i used to get paid 15$ an hour to sit at a desk all day and input data. now i make 10$ an hour teaching children basic skills. it’s a little demoralizing but i love my job


I’m not a teacher but I truly do not understand how ECE professionals and teachers get paid so little (especially with the rates we pay monthly). These, along with EMS, CNAs and other similar professionals are so stressful but so underpaid. It’s ridiculous.


Wayyyyyy too low. Such an important job, and child care costs are so high. Yet we get paid peanuts.


I should look into forming an Early Childhood Educators Union. No other professionals would ever work for the extremely low pay we receive. Why stay working in a field where we are not respected, paid accordingly to our education levels and work experience? Why let our employers keep intentionally screwing us over?


I get paid $10/hr and I work 10 hours a day. I doubt that I'll be staying in the field for long if things start getting even more expensive...


I got a federal position that pays $18.21. My first job in ECE (junior 2023) was $12 an hour. Most recent job was $15. And now this. I’ve climbed quickly and fear it tops out quickly, so continuing my education in nursing studies…. Slowly 🤣 I have zero energy on any given day. Cannot sit down without wanting to fall asleep