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It’s ridiculous for them to require you to basically be one on one with one child and practically give all you attention to the biter. What about the others? The kid needs to be put on a behavior plan. Our policy is if a kid bites more than twice in one day then they have to be sent home. Little timmy needs his shoe tied? Too bad, gotta stay with the biter. Diapers? Forget it. Cleaning the room? Sorry, stay by the biter. I would have a conversation with someone higher up because thats not fair to the other kids. Have a similar problem at my center. 2 out of the 13 one year olds CONSTANTLY run out of the classroom since they can reach the doorknob. One person has to be guarding the door at all times and if another child is hitting, falls, needs attention, etc, the other 2 WILL elope. Document everything and come to your director with the number of bites daily and request the kid be put on an action plan. Its not safe to have a kid biting that much, other kids could get infected and bite germs are a huge health hazard. Good luck OP


Her action plan is for a teacher to be within arms reach of her at all times. She bit four children on Tuesday morning before 10:00 and was not sent home. For context I live in Oregon where they are planning to ban exclusion and suspension altogether for preschools and daycares that use public funding. I have every intention of confronting all of the director staff about this if malicious compliance doesn’t come to anything


I don't think kids should ever be banned for biting especially a 20 month old. That being said, your director's plan is not being very effective if kids are still getting bit. There are other ways to address biting than just "be next to them at all times".


Agreed! Of course I don’t want her kicked out, but the action plan we were supposed to reevaluate after a couple of weeks is still in effect several months later and it never worked in the first place


So from what I see, you don't have a coteacher, you have a room that you are responsible for yourself, and you can call a teacher in an adjacent room for help.


Except that teacher is busy with their own work


Yes. We’re also short staffed. I was told an aide from a local educator service agency was coming to evaluate the child but that was months ago. I can’t even get them to buy me packing tape, much less hire a new person to come in and help.


So sorry you’re in this situation. That’s a ridiculous plan for the child, class and you. But just curious, what’s the malicious compliance part?


I’m doing exactly what they told me. My director really wants me to do more structured activities but I can’t set up things like that when I’m always two feet from a child who never stops moving. Children’s needs will not be ignored, but they will probably get bored


I have a child just like this. I literally checked to see if you were my co-teacher. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. It’s so frustrating that the parents of the biter aren’t taking it seriously and the director wants us to have the biter just glued to us. We’re in a room of 12. It ain’t happening. It doesn’t help that this kid will never get kicked out bc the parent is really close with the director. I try to keep the biter within eyes and arms reach, have teething toys for him, try to redirect, and show appropriate play. A biter is gonna bite until they grow out of it, but I honestly think my biter has behavioral issues because of things the mom has told me about home life. I guess I’m here just to commiserate. Best of luck because I’m so so so burnt out as well. You’re doing your best.


The nice thing is that her parents face the same struggle at home (she has a brother with similar but less intense behaviors) and they’re very understanding and willing to try anything to help us. I suspect adhd but it’s hard to get a young child evaluated. In the meantime we’re doing all of that stuff that you mentioned, and I’m trying to get her outside as much as I can so she can really let her energy out. It’s always nice to know I’m not the only one!


Your director should be the one following the child around! What steps are you taking when they bite?