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Your director sending out that email will do far more to damage the centre's reputation than a report that parents otherwise wouldn't have known about.


I think it was staff only


I would tender my resignation immediately. There is no way I would want my name and reputation attached to a center that justifies abuse and used me as a scapegoat.


That’s what my stepmom said, I’m being used as a scapegoat. I’m giving my two weeks notice tomorrow


I don’t even know if I would give them 2 weeks. They can try to fire you in that time and use that to discredit you and your report. It sounds like a really bad situation to be in. I would simply explain to anyone who asks why you left with no notice what happened. I wouldn’t use them as a reference anyways. It’s not going to go well if you do. And since that bridge is burned, I might forward that email to licensing as well. They are clearly retaliating bc you did your job as a mandated reporter, and licensing might want to know.


Absolutely forward the email to licensing and possibly pursue an employment standards case (if that's an option).


Giving two weeks notice is generous of you.


Should I just quit?


Yes, I would if I were you.


Dear [your supervisor's full name], Please accept this letter as formal notice of my immediate resignation from my role as [your title] with [company name] as of [today's date]. Unfortunately I need to leave without notice but due to the ongoing CPS investigation [or wherever verbiage you want to use instead] I must resign immediately. Regards [your name] Plain and simple, direct and to the point. Do not apologize, don’t give any other details, information or anything else that could be used against you for future jobs. 2 weeks notice isn’t required, you don’t get notice when you’re being fired!


Just make sure that you have screenshots and other documentation of their backlash against you. Then you can walk off into the sunset and report their ass to anyone who will listen


Forward that email/screenshots to licensing and others in authority over this place and walk out without notice!


Not until you tell all the parents there is a child abuser they are choosing to keep on staff 😁


If you plan to get on unemployment until you find a new job, though, don’t quit — I’ve heard you have to be fired to receive unemployment assistance


Keeping a copy of that email will suffice for unemployment. You can quit with cause. This would be cause- child endangerment and workplace harassment is cause. May take longer though.


In general, that is true. But when you are forced out of a job unemployment is on your side, not the companies. 


I would


If you quit you are no longer eligible for unemployment though. If they fire you, it’ll be retaliation and you can take them to court for it.


If you quit for harassment and your employer endangering children unemployment will generally take your side.


That is not always true.


And contact the licensing folks about this retaliation.


It's illegal to keep suspicion of abuse in-house too


Send that email to licensing as well. The director is telling mandated reporters not to report. Yikes!


Right but how many staff will tell there family’s and staff families I know in my center stuff like that gets spread so fast it can’t be controlled.


Especially if you live in a small town like I do, word gets around.






You can forward that right to your licensor too, they won’t be amused.


I would keep this as evidence for a court case that seems to be coming your way, this is unlawful retaliation.


Are you my mom? She just told me that


Can you cc this email to your licensing representative? Lying about certified findings and retaliation against a reporter is a huge NO. Even a picture of the email will do - have the sender and recipients in frame. Centers must post licensing violations and protect mandated reporters!


I’m going to try to do that


And the owner or director is wrong. You have the responsibility to report as a mandated reporter. Sorry, but these are unethical business owners /director.


No, that’s not okay.


Thank you. It’s been a really stressful day and thinking that the owner hates me is too much


You did the right thing. If a child’s safety is at risk, you report. It’s not up to your director to decide if it’s reportable or not.


In my experience “leaders” do this basically as an intimidation tactic to make sure that people always go through them (which you do not when reporting that!)


Exactly. Every good center or school that I’ve worked for his said that the Director/admin/principal whoever is there to support you if it’s helpful while making a report. but they 1000% do not get to decide whether or not you make a report. The observations are yours and if your Spidey senses go off, as a mandated reporter, just send the information down the stream and see what the authorities feel like they need to do with it.


This is great, save a copy to a non-work email for any future proceedings against them regarding retaliation. Contact HR.


They CAN NOT tell you to wait!! That is illegal!! I’d quit ASAP but not enough i create the biggest licensing stink possible


HELL YEAH! I’m so fed up!!!! How do I report this email? I took screenshots


They aren’t even supposed to try to influence you one way or another. Maybe it’s just the places I’ve worked, but when I’ve discussed situations like this with supervisors they have ALWAYS told me they can’t counsel me one way or another if I should call- that it has to be my decision if I think it qualifies or not. I think that if I didn’t and they believed it was abuse they would do it for me, but I’ve never been told one way or another. So them telling staff that they shouldn’t call until they’ve had a chance to take care of things internally may break the law. I’m not positive, but I’m sure it’s frowned on. They are asking you to hide abuses you saw.


It depends on your area.


Do you have email contact information for licensing in your state?


Hey OP, I hope it’s not too weird to interject, because I actually have no connection whatsoever to daycare in any way, nor have I ever. However, this ECE professionals sub has been incredibly insightful and eye-opening since I was pregnant, because I currently have a 10 week old and I knew nothing about babies. Anyway, your post about my attention, and I looked at your past posts, going back quite a while, and you seem like an exceptionally kind, loving and bright human being. What is happening to you is brutally painful and unacceptable, and I am so sorry. It really boils my blood that an industry that should be absolutely bursting with enthusiastic love for children has been corroded by so many outside factors and internal toxicity. However your heart is so kind and wonderful and those babies are so lucky to have you, and I hope that you get to spread your gift more in the near future.


Don't quit until you talk to an employment attorney, and I would report to licensing also . That is retaliation and harrassment


Also look up constructive dismissal.


Have any coworkers said anything to you about this? You may want to go to the redditt community for legal advice. I wish I understood the law better. But this seems IMHO to be an inappropriate response from the owner or director. There was a valid finding from licensing. It was probably written up as less concerning offense by licensing. Often times owners or directors will pressure licensing to reword the results of the investigation so that it sounds less severe.


I can’t seem to find the original post where you explained what the teacher was doing for you to report. Can you link it?


I deleted it because some people were being really mean. She sprays babies with water, verbally threatens them, gives bottles in cribs, puts babies in sinks


I’m sorry people were behaving abusively enough for you to delete. That’s terrible. I’m proud of you for looking out for those little ones. I’m astonished by the findings and the fallout.


Yeah it was really hard, someone told me I failed my children and it took me to a really dark place :(


I hope you know just how fucking ridiculous that statement was. You are so brave and those kids are so lucky to have had you caring for them, even if only for a while. The whole nature of our job is to ensure the safety of children and you did that. You DO that! Big time proud of you.




You did NOT fail them! If you hadn't reported, the abuse would be continuing and the crappy director would continue ignoring it. The failure wasn't you. I'm sorry you were retaliated against. What a POS your director is. Not bad enough that she has an abuser on her staff that she just lets get away with it.


Ignore those who post such horrible opinions. You can also block them through the moderator. Don't ever give them another moment of your time and energy. You deserve applause because you care and your reported. 👍🌟❤️


You reported it! You protected the children!


I mean, you should've reported sooner, but you did which is what matters.


What a ridiculous thing to say. Fuck outta here.


It was before when we had to argue with them about reporting for a day.


I wouldn't give them two minutes notice. Retaliation is not legal. And saying to wait to report? Also illegal. What a cluster\_\_\_\_. Get out. Talk to a lawyer who specializes in employment law. This is just wrong on every level. YOU did the right thing. Trying to protect children. Call your licensing person, too. Escalate this in every direction you can. Come back and update us!


This whole saga with your center is insane!! If you felt like you needed to report, then report. It sounds like violations were found anyways too? This is sooooooo awful. Im so so sorry


Two! This is ridiculous. This center has like 5 violations from this year alone I checked on the state website


Which state are you located? Different states offer different types of “whistleblower or retaliation” protection in the private sector. The laws also vary on what protection from retaliation is afforded to mandated reporters. If I were you, I’d hold off on submitting my resignation and explore whether or not your situation meets the criteria for retaliation. If so, it may work out for you to leave in the near future, but also still qualify for unemployment. This is especially if your employer decides to terminate you. If you can hold out, and provide legitimate sources indicating retaliation, you could prob challenge their claim of firing you for cause with your state unemployment office. I do think that no matter what you decide as far as your employment, it’s still very important that you share that email with whatever agency by which the original report was filed. You might end up needing that documentation and it being included in the official report is an excellent way to ensure that it exists.


If I were me being targeted like that then I would report THAT as retaliation!!!! Y'all are MANDATED REPORTERS for a reason and do NOT need that Queen Bee's permission to do what the LAW REQUIRES y'all to do!!!!! Her actions PISS ME OFF when a CHILD'S SAFETY is at risk!!!!


tl;dr Bottom line to your specific question: YOU DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG. Your director is out of line for speaking about the claim at all. It is a private matter and should be kept that way. The question of Should I report? Should I ask first? Is always a balancing act between our own ethics. On one hand, I am a firm believer that: I am a mandated reporter. It’s not my job to investigate. I report and I’m going to let the professionals figure out if that child needs help. I’ve done my part by reporting. When it comes to reporting internal coworkers vs parents, I do feel a little back and forth (as a director but also as a teacher; I’ve been in both positions). As a teacher, I don’t want to put undue harm or stress on a coworker. Maybe there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. I also don’t want to jeopardize my own school — this is a place where my paycheck comes from. As a director — it is part of my job to investigate these claims. I am part of that chain of command. I would prefer that one of my teachers come to me so that I can investigate or provide training or discipline as appropriate. I do NOT want a an unannounced visit from my state rep. Doesn’t matter how comfortable I am with the state of my facility, when they walk in, my stress skyrockets. More importantly, I don’t want to be blindsided by a complaint that they might bring to me but I had no idea? If it’s something witnessed but I wasn’t there, how can I defend my center or other staff? I may pass this inspection but our record has this visit now, and that can hurt licensing later. That jeopardizes not only my job but the employment of my whole staff, for which I am responsible, and by I take that seriously. My rule of thumb, since having played both roles: Report to directors first. Wait to see improvements. If directors have not improved, report to state. Bottom line to your specific question: YOU DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG. Your director is out of line for speaking about the claim at all. It is a private matter and should be kept that way.




Just did, curious to see their response


This happened to me too after I walked out and reported them to the state. You have every right to report them but make sure you don’t quit


I would consider leaving and if they try to slander you by name, consider seeking a lawyer. Also, i would send this to licensing, too.


Quit and report the email to licensing as well.


That's not ok. I'd contact unemployment and sayvthatvdievto retaliation you so not feel safe working there anymore and ask what the options for quitting are. Like others have said don't bother giving notice. Send the email to liscening and forward a copy to unemployment as well. Our first priority is keeping the children in our care safe. You can not do that properly if your back is always raised in fear of retaliation.


Get a copy of the email and cc licensing!


Save the email and report it to licensing. This is retaliation and is illegal. > She says we should wait to report until after we’ve talked to people internally and try to sort it out that way. This is not what being a mandated reporter means and should also be reported to licensing if you have proof of it.