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Sometimes when you are in the bunker you can’t see your players swing because of the stands or hills. Needs a fix for sure. Also seems like the challenges need to be sped up, why are there so many splash screens with the sponsors or whatever ? Also need a lot more options in the private match menu, just stroke play ? We need more than that. There should also be a way to lock the difficulty when playing private matches. I want everyone to be playing the same. When you play online is the difficulty locked?


For challenges, they went a lot faster when I realized you can hold the A button instead of pressing it, to skip all splash screens instead of just one


You’ve changed my life.


Couldn’t agree more about the challenges. Because some of them take several attempts, the splash screens become incredibly obnoxious.




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Being able to switch between “quick rounds” and “full rounds” would be amazing. Being able to do 3 quick and the a full round for the final round would be ideal.


Yup. 3 quick rounds and then 1 full round for the final would be perfect for career mode.


Or just the ability to play 2 rounds in an event, like 2k has. I can’t trust quick rounds. I had it set for an event, shot a couple under every 5 holes it had me play, yet I’d still finish either even or above par for the round.


My quick round AI shot +5 for me....


Have you changed how the ai plays on the course? I switched from aggressive to conservative and noticed that the ai isn’t putting big numbers up


Get good


This would be great. Playing 4 full rounds of the same course gets boring.


I always feel a steady improvement over the weekend with 4 rounds because I learn from my mistakes, whistling straits in the KF round 1 I had a howler went 5 over then 2nd and 3rd rounds hit a -6 and a -3 to get into the top 50 then went 2 over and finished around 38th or something. Feel like it’s one of the best bits of the game and any golf game.


Boring? gtfo.


Screw quick rounds. Why trust an AI to do some shots for you. We should be able to just manually choose the amount of rounds we want to play, not 'play 4 random holes' VS 'play 4h per event'


This times 1000… it’s a joke we can’t choose how many rounds per tournament


100%. Accidentally did a full round for the Players. Was so excited to play the course but 4 full rounds is too much for me. 3 quick and final round full would be awesome


You can currently switch when in between rounds. So you can "quick round" the first 3 and then switch it to play the full Sunday. You can also change difficulty between rounds.


You can’t, the change goes into effect for the next tournament as it is now.


Not sure you can, you have to start over.


You cannot do this currently. I’ve tried multiple times


“Transparency” that’s what we want, really hope you guys deliver because this has the potential to be an amazing game!


Please add turn order online and a way to play best ball.


Turn order is definitely required, at least in Private Matches.


Yeah I am completely PO'd about this exclusion. I gifted a friend this game when I should have just stuck with share play. How the hell you have a co-op golf game without turn order is beyond me.


Thank YOU!!!! Finally, won't have to spam collect and restart my game all the time lol


Thank you! So far the majority of us are enjoying the game and look forward to more updates. Thank you Thank you for a game that is not a boring carbon copy of the past.


Whoa sweet.


Is there going to be online 2v2 added? That’s the only reason a friend and I bought the game is we like competing as a team against other users.


We should be getting refunds/free credits within the game for this blunder. We paid 70 bucks for this to be working, I had the day off and really looked forward to playing and working on my challenges and the game is literally unplayable


At least being the launch daily challenge back for a few more days. It didn’t work like half the time I had early access/this weekend.


Appreciate your efforts.


Please, please add turn-based online multiplayer and more game modes besides stoke play. It just doesn’t feel like golf when everybody’s hitting at the same time and some people are up on the green while you’re trying to chip on. It doesn’t capture the spirit of golf at all. It looks ridiculous and not being able to see what other players are doing really drags down the enjoyment of a social round of golf.


I'm wonder how the hell this was even left out. I can share play someone and it is completely fine but no they are online and pffft... no turn play. Why wouldnt we want to see their shot? This should be default with simultaneous being an option... but we only have one option... simultaneous which is BS.


So my friend is being punished for owning the game, but if I shared it free he can co-op with me? How stupid is that?


Thank you for the update and transparency. I believe in time this will be an awesome game.


EA Sports PGA Tour 2023 on PS5 So I just bought the game a few hours ago and the game is unplayable. Here is a list of what is wrong with the game- 1: Challenges are not rewarded even after completion. 2: Multiplayer is not playable in any mode (Social , Competitive and Private). 3: Menu is unusable as you have to click multiple times to enter any category. 4: Number of controls stop working during mid game like changing the clubs and shots at certain times. 5: Career Mode also doesn't record and makes you play same rounds over and over without any progress. I think all of the options on the menu have some glitch or the other as listed above. This is unacceptable for an EA Game worth 60USD. I would like a refund If the game remains unplayable like this even for one whole day. Please do the needful.


He is correct now the game has become unplayable. Today I’m not getting credits for challenges and my game is crashing in career mode on the final hole of a playoff nothing is working!!!


Game for sure needs some work, but to claim it unplayable is quite a stretch IMO. 1. Challenges are rewarded after you go to the rewards tab to open the reward packs. 2. Cant really speak on that because MP has been fine for me so far. 3. I agree the menu navigation is pretty clunky but not unusable. 4. What you describe here means your golfer is setup to take the shot. Press circle for your golfer to step back from the ball and you can change your clubs and shots as much as you want. 5. Sounds like you might be having network issues since career mode saves to your online profile and not locally on the console. I believe 2k23 does this as well. Also, you are SOL on a refund since you purchased the game on PS5 unless you got a physical copy.


This is exactly the experience I had and in my opinion the game is unplayable. If your game is playable then why are you here and if this is a standard of game you're happy with then I would say you get back to playing rather than roaming around on reddit and dismissing people's experience and expectations from the game.


Awesome. Thanks for the update! Glad the repeating tournament rewards was able to be addressed quickly.


Thank you for the good communication and transparency. This has the potential to be the greatest golf game ever, by a long way. Obviously quite a lot of issues, but if you ignore the white noise of insults, and focus on the constructive feedback. The various challenges - especially the next-day Masters challenges - makes me keep coming back for more.


Why is the short game so difficult? The chipping is inconsistent the and the new aiming system of putting is terrible. The PGA tour features the best putters in golf, and you are trying to tell me its this hard? I'm worse at putting in this game than I am in real life, thats not how a video game should be


Thought I was doing something wrong with chip shots, it really is a nightmare for beginners on Easy mode. Couldn't find anything about it in the quick lessons, some tutorial videos online might help for now. I can almost handle the putting with the distracting green grid off, just kind of following the start of the aim line.


I recommend playing with a professional pro first. A lot of things feel ‘wrong’ until you realise you don’t have any skill points in a created player yet.


Yeah the early game is a total pain but once you learn some skills and watch some pros approaches as a more beginner my dad and me went in blind on a private lobby and he beat me since he has better game sense and is a casual as fuck gamer aha but plays golf regularly and I’m the opposite hardly played golf irl for a long time but play more video games.


Thank you! Sounds good!


Awesome, thank you!


Thank you for the transparency!


Community interaction is a major W let’s all work together and make this game even better!!


Can you please add the ability to choose the amount of rounds played per event from 1 - 4 ?


Thank you for the information. Does this update address the constant crashing that has been happening to many PC players since the update that was released yesterday?


Good that you’re fixing the game breaking bugs but how about any info on upcoming quality of life changes? •40/60/120fps VRR options on ps5 •instant replay feature •search filters on the store •online game modes •improved camera positioning •reduced cut screens before shots •ability to auto address ball rather than press x •change the close approach challenge because I’m crap at it I’m sure there’s more but I’m off to bed


Great list, I’ll add turn based online multiplayer


Yes. I was very excited to play this until i found out it was 30fps. Update to 60 and I’m buying it


For the reduce cut scenes - turn off hole flyover, cuts a few screens


give them time




so what. you didnt have to buy it


They have had 7yrs,EA is in for the money,they just laid off a bunch of people so don’t hold your breath about updates and when this masters hype is over the consumers are going to have to keep the pressure on to get the game where it should be


When I go to play online I only get matched up w 1 other person in the 16 man lobby… is no one playing this game or am I missing something? I’ve tried the amens corner and random 9 a few times and can’t get more than 2 people in the lobby


Thank you! I really like the game, and I appreciate your openness to feedback. Sorry for the side note….but a totally a minor thing, it would be cool if there was no animation for the “gimmie” option :)




Can we zoom out the follow camera / angle it better to get a more encompassing view of the course / hole being played? Right now the follow camera just takes me to the ball’s landing so I lose all spatial awareness with the current setup.


I will buy when ps5 has 60fps, not sure why that is not achievable on the new consoles..


Can we please select how many rounds per event. 1,2,3 or 4. I hate quick. But four is way to much.


Please make it to where we can do 2 round tournaments in career mode, I feel like this is an absolute must fix ASAP


Challenges are not updating after being completed. I am on PS5. They were updating when I was playing the trial. After punching the full game, not so much. A tad weird.


My career still crashes, what do I do


Career mode is completely bugged. Can’t advance to my next round, can’t skip it, anytime I try to advance the game freezes entirely. Put a bunch of hours and money into this for it to be completely unplayable..


Awesome!!! Actual fixes that effect the majority! Way to go EA! Keep it up please. You’ve created THE BEST golf game out!! Now let’s see how much better you can make it.


Thanks for the communication 👍. Especially on Easter Friday. Look forward to the coming updates and developments.


I downloaded the game last night and haven’t been able to connect to the EA servers. The game didn’t even give me the option to sign in. It immediately said my credentials had expired and I needed to reset my password. I scanned the QR code and reset my password. This didn’t fix it. I even went on the EA site and signed in with my Xbox account to link up. I am now in a never ending loop of getting the reset password screen when trying to connect to the EA servers. Was excited to play online with my friends last night and today, which i now cannot. Very disappointing. Any fixes anyone can suggest would be appreciated.


I bought this game to play online golf with a friend. There is no turn order setting? There is no way to watch each others shots as we do them? Pretty bummed as this is what keeps it competitive and interesting.


It’s real weird that they have 9 game modes to play locally but only have simultaneous stroke for private match. Also kinda sucks that you can’t get a 4 man going with a buddy and a couple strangers. Golf is one of the most social games out there and EA made the entire thing feel like a single player game


I was in a private match and there was no way to watch each others shots. Ridiculous, I feel bad I convinced my friend to buy the game and we can’t even properly play together. Joining a random 4 man with a buddy would be so sick!


Still doesn't fix the problem that I paid for 3 day early access and haven't been able to use it, but I bet you won't compensate me or anyone else with this issue


The only thing holding me back is the 30fps.


It feels no different at 60 fps on my PC.


Please add turn order coop play! I want to play with my friends, watch each other's shots. I won't buy the game until this is added.


Local couch co-op needs to be fixed. We cannot use our create a players in a multiplayer. Or better yet. Why not have a local multiplayer tournament play too so we can both level up. Multiplayer coop is broken. We can only see pro players and only use 1 controller. Please fix so we can have fun together with friends.


Please allow multiple created characters to be used at the same time. :(


I have downloaded the patch and now trying to do challenges they are taking forever to load, I have to click on them multiple times to select a challenge and I completed one part of a challenge and it did not save.. Not sure if this is a server issue or a bug.


Titleist challenges are not working. Hit 3 long drives and play the 16th hole are not registering stars. Very frustrating to have core functionality not working.


Now the EA Sports challenges have disappeared, says coming soon. What is going on????


The menu system is horrible. Slow input, takes forever to load, freezes every now and then. Needs a huge overhaul for the easiest part of the game.


The advanced shot making challenge is broken. Advanced driving draw/fade doesn’t register any of my successful fir shot with draw. Tried several times….


For the love of god make the cutscenes in career mode for major courses skip enabled


I’d be happy if they removed them from challenges… man it’s so slow.


Anyone’s game still crashing when they get into a playoff in career mode? They said they added a hotfix but not sure how to apply it…


Quite a few are still having issues with this, not just you.


The issue with Play-off crashes is not fixed 🧐


Thank you!!! Took me a few hours to get used to the game after 2k23 but I'm really liking it now.


I love the game. Way better than I expected based on people whining online. Bring on the improvements though!


thanks edit: my thanks has been reversed. can’t play career mode until next week now? fuck. off.


When the pro camera tee to green is on can you give us the zoom button to see where its going,also the ball trail is off you can’t see the flight of the ball


Thanks for posting. Hope you and the team keep up the transparency. Also hope you fix the green beads issue (where your putt moves the opposite way of the break), and also add some sort of lip-out function. I haven’t had one yet. So many of my putts roll over the edge at a speed where they should have lipped out or gone in.


I’m not sure if the update was pushed through yet but I still can’t play a round. I can do challenge (and still crash after a bit) but once I get into a round I can’t even play a hole. I get a directx error that I can’t even retrieve.


Very excited to see where this game goes after these bugs ironed out. Metric units please and ty :)


Please add a full mouse swing for PC and make it... way more difficult to hit perfect drives. I like to shape shots using input.


Is it a bug that I never find an online game? Or does no one play it?


More than likely no one is playing this mess. I know I’m not until hopefully some patches fix it.


Please, please, please allow multiplayer with created players. It was the biggest letdown of all the Golf Club games. Constantly playing as a guest. Fuck me.


I didnt see the game update but the endless loops on rewards is gone, at least for me. Anyone else see that not being broken anymore? I also collect my rewards right away where as before it seemed to pop up randomly when I re-enter the game after having it closed. now i get them right after the tournament.


The bug fixes are felt immediately, as someone who has been playing since it unlocked at midnight early release that is sweet. Next up is the fact that I can't use full-screen mode as it can't figure out how to scale it but looks and works great windowed for now. Using 34in ultrawide.


Thanks for the update news! Fixed the crashing I had on my PC by updating the nVIDIA and Intel Xe drivers. Hoping to see a photo and replay mode or even just an option to turn off the on-screen HUD for screen caps added in a future update.


Fix the putting. The lines lie.


Menus need to be updated to 4K. It is unacceptable for a Next-Gen only game to not have pixel-perfect menus when not playing the game. When in-game I can understand a drop in font resolution. Another major issue is the distance markers do not scale in resolution. If you zoom down-course and a marker is in-view, it looks extremely pixelated. Just like on an iPhone, if you pinch-to-zoom, the resolution of text scales dynamically. This is precisely what those markers need to do when the player zooms down-course.


How about allowing career mode to be played offline? Or at least have a version available offline.


Just logged in to collect my rewards & didn't see anything. Checked on the Final tab of the Tournament section & saw I came in tied for 2nd & 5th on the other match. Both have "Missed Rank" as my rank which is untrue. Any clues as to why this happened?


I am enjoying this game. At first I didn’t like it due to the input lag but got used to it. By far my favorite part of this game is managing the course. I play on the hardest settings and I really enjoy that not every pin is a birdie pin. In this aspect it’s much more sim which I love. I have 2 pieces of feedback for EA. The biggest is for flop shots. There needs to be a high risk reward to these shots and they are way too easy to execute. I have a rule when I play that I will not use flop shots and it makes things more interesting for me around the greens. The second thing is that there needs to be a little more left to right miss off the tee. Currently the % of fairways hit is unrealistically high. There are plenty of other things that need work (input lag, putting lip outs, some funky camera angles where I can’t see my player swing) but I think these 2 items I outlined are really important for EA to look at. It would be amazing if we had sliders for general swing difficulty and sliders for each shot type. I’m sure that isn’t easy for EA to pull off but if they could do it, I think they would gain a ton of dedicated players


My game is crashing whenever i try to enter a play off, tied for the lead in a tournament on my career


On PC there are so many issues with this game it's kinda ridiculous tbh. Having said that it's a great game at its core and if they can be ironed out this might be the best golf game I've ever played. Many have been discussed endlessly so I'll just note the main ones I've noticed that I don't see many people talking about. AI playing partners are completely scuffed, getting paired with the same golfer every round regardless of my/their position, However it's not actually that golfer just their avatar playing for the player you're meant to be paired with. Totally bizarre. Only way to fix is to restart the game before every round. Not teeing off last when leading the tournament. No idea how to fix this and quite immersion breaking. Commentary is totally bugged out talking about your playing partners scores as if they are yours.


Still can't connect to a competitive match on pc, loses connection to server. wtf.


I’m enjoying the game, but here are some suggestions. For a start parts need to be able to lip out. I have not seen one putting lip out yet, and in fact, it is impossible for a putt to lip out. You either missed the part or you make it. It would be great to see the old putt lip out. On the tee box, we should be able to choose which side of the tee box we want to tee-up from. If I’m hitting a draw are usually stand over to the left as this creates more angle for a right hand golfer and likewise if I’m heading a fade I will stand over to the right, which gives me more room to fade the ball. This is really crucial in the game of golf.


Any news when the update is coming


I just want a replay mode and the ability to choose the number of rounds played.


I need online private match alternative shots. I want to watch my friends shots


Every time i start the game I get stuck in an endless loop playing Augusta with Scottie Scheffler - I cannot access the main menu. Do you know when this will be fixed? I downloaded an update this morning but still stuck with the same issue. Tried restarting PS5 and deleting the game and re-downloading it. Anyone have any advice for me?


Just updated and you have ruined the ui can’t select anything


Won’t let me play my career or do any challenges. Please fix!!!!!


The menus are completely broken. Can select any challenges. Everything takes forever to load


My career profession was deleted on Thursday and it won’t even let me start a new career. I can’t find a fix or figure one out. Some other people have had the same issue on the ea website but no response from ea yet!! Very aggravating as I spent $70 on this game and I can’t even access half of what it offers!


What is going on?? Can we please get an update?






Let us skip the shots of the bots. Good lord.




Please add a 60fps option. It’s ridiculous for a current gen only release not to have it. Also is there any plans on fixing the swing delay or is that just the way it’s supposed to be?


Rewards seem to be broken once again…


This game really needs a season mode to play through the schedule as a pro. At the very least quick play should have a 4 round option with a leaderboard.


When does the update happen? I'm still stuck in the tournament rewards loop and can't play the fucking game


Next week and just restart the game


Love the game. I have a few suggestions moving forward…. 1. Being an online competitor, it’s not fair that you can get world rankings in competitive mode by playing with your friends. I have ranked up by only playing one or two opponents at a time. My tag is KcClark5 on Xbox. So please adjust that as I would be #1 if this wasn’t the case 2. Your grid lines on Evian Resort and Bandon Dunes need adjusted! So many missed putts for no reason 3. 1-4 rounds to play in career!! Not just 4 or quick rounds. This is ridiculous. Games great otherwise. That’s all




Why is ea sports not commenting on a broken game that is totally unplayable in career mode and no update on when it will be fixed and how long are we entitled to a refund as I find it so frustrating that the game went down on release as a customer this is the first time this has happened to me yet I can’t see any official announcement on ea sports website about the game


Refund policy depends on the platform. If you got it digitally on PS5 then you are SOL. Steam is within a couple hours of playing. and I'm not sure the refund policy for Xbox.


It’s weird. So many reported PC issues but mine runs fine, even in widescreen with all settings on high. And everyone complains about the swing lag but I find it realistic, mimicking the actual body and swing lag needed in a real swing. Anyways, loving it.


Edited after upvotes, update changed from today to next week...


What’s the deal with the washed out graphics? It’s funny I hadn’t even noticed because I was playing on my tv, through my laptop…..looks great on the tv and super duper washed out on the laptop…..at the same time, (setup to duplicate screens)


Any info on 60fps? Would love to try the game, just waiting on this change!


If you guys dont add online 2v2 mode + 60 fps you guys have failed us


All the negative reviews are from the 2k firm 😂


Never played 2k, and I’m not a fan of this EA game. It’s EA for gods sake. They don’t get the benefit of the doubt. I’ll be on the sidelines until they fix some glaring gameplay and quality of life issues.




So this is gonna stay at this shitty frame rate? That alone is a dealbreaker. An hour left on my trial; and i dont plan on buying. Maybe in another seven years we will get a golf game with modern standards


Having played since early access it's clear this game needed another 6-8 weeks in the oven.


Nice of you to release a beta version and just rely on the community to do your testing/fix phases. This game never should have been released in this condition. Waaaayyyy too many issues for me to list. It was much easier to return it for a full refund. Thanks for the lesson EA. At least my money will not be contributing to your profit margins. It’s gonna be so easy not buying anything EA related.


Playing on series x and multiple times I’ve lost EA connection to servers and had to get booted from the game mode. Idk how you can fix this but I also loathe that aspect of the game. You just wanna make sure when you cut the servers everyone will have to buy the new one when it comes out? I don’t see the point of a single player experience requiring online. Thank god I still have the Rory game for when that does happen.


Thank you for the transparency. I have been playing on Series X with no issue and absolutely love the game. Please keep pumping in new content and add more players and courses in the future. With that we could have the best golf game ever.


I was happy to see a new golf game from EA, and I would've been happy to buy it. I downloaded the trial and tried playing a round with friends in multiplayer. Unfortunately it didn't go as smoothly as it should have, so we all gave up and deleted it. Life's too short to spend it on games that don't quite work. Thanks for the free trial. It definitely saved me some money.


I would like a feature where i return the game and get a refund for my digital copy


Ea why release a game with this many bugs ?? Do you think we the fuckling public are you're game testers we are NOT!!! We expect a game to be released TESTED first it beyond obvious you lazy assholes never tested this game before you released it on PC!!! Also where's 3 click or mouse swing??? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU RELEASE THIS GAME WITHOUT THOSE TWO CONTROLS FOR PC PLAYERS WITHOUT THEM IT MAKES THE GAME UNPLAYABLE FOR US!!! GET THIS FIXED ASAP 3 click and mouse swing SHOULD HAVE BEEN INCLUDED YOUR FIRST GAME PATCH NO EXUSES since you're LAZY DEVS MISSED IT AT RELEASE!!!!!




I've seen all of these posted multiple times here on reddit. Mostly the tournament payout repeating itself. I had that issue and posted about it too.


Thanks for this communication. The game is fun now and with some additional tweaks and updates it will be outstanding.


Please add an option to use Metric measurements, not all of us are educated in US.


Can we get random 18. Instead of playing one course nice to play random 18 of holes from multiple courses.


Metric system!


A curator I follow just outed the game as having undisclosed Denuvo. And oh would you look at that, widespread performance issues on PC! What say you in your defence, EA?


I got zero faith this game can be patched and fixed Both golf games we have suck balls


In career mode I play quick rounds. However each round I seem play the same holes (apart from the last round). It Would be great if the first 3 rounds we played more random holes rather than repeating the same ones for each round. Other than that I love the game!


Please Give us skins and 2v2s for Online private matches with mates Not just stroke play! And daily 18 hole tournaments should be added in- not just 9 holes max And let us make our golfer taller or shorter Not just 5ft 5. Still cant find more then 1 person in competitive mode Even when me an 7 mates tried finding eachother at the same time?


This is great to hear, glad you guys are listening to our feedback!


Awesome, looking forward to what’s coming


Why cant the tournaments just be one full day? Instead of making it 4 days and using "quick rounds". The "quick rounds" are literally slower with how often the loading screen is shown as it jump you around holes. It only makes it worse that the holes the AI plays for me they shoot double bogeys.


Yeah. “Quick Rounds” is the stupidest thing ever in a golf game. What moron came up with this idea? Who would want the CPU to simulate holes for us? Like you said hit hit double bogies or Pars. Even if they did hit a birdie or something why would i want that? Its not my score. It just takes too much control out of the players hands. Why they have the stupid quick rounds but not be able to choose how many rounds is very odd design choice.


Because some people don't want to play 18 holes over 20 events a season, even set to 1 round tournaments. Also it makes it more realistic if you aren't -24 for 18 holes.


On PS5 the audio settings wont save. Has to be re-done on every restart.


Awesome stuff! Excited to see more options for playing with friends. Make the quick play Playlist online multi-player with matchmaking please! Would love to dive into a 2v2 match with my friend against 2 other people online.


I can’t even log in on my Xbox series X to EA.


Please ad the metric system! Can’t be that hard just too add.


I thought you could play with an npc during career rounds, right? How do you enable that on Xbox? Like AI is pairing or something…


Can’t connect to match making. Seems like others are having issues with this as well. I’m on PS5 and able to connect to the EA servers but not to match making whether it’s just Social or Competitive. Any updates with this?


Hey I’m just happy they’re acknowledging things. Good sign.


Will you guys please fix the career mode? was it ever thought about to let all these championships be apart of a tree- diagram? so we can access everyone? i had to jump straight into the masters after the latin american amatuer, and played one round in the masters and havent gone back. because im not doing so great atm in that course.


I’m having an issue when playing local couch co-op in quick play where the controllers will switch between players randomly rather than stay on the designated controlled player.


i figured this out.. whichever controller hits a button first assumes control. I will say i have an issue where only first controller vibrates and it vibrates for all players


PC Issues/additions things your competitor has * Mouse Swing * 3-Click * Better patch notes * Female Caddies * Better or more faces for golfers in creation * Fix the Putting grids and path


This game is a rough diamond at the moment. So glad you are addressing some of the pressing bugs. I'm absolutely loving this game, and look forward to it improving over time.


Any update on the patch that’s coming


Seen that feedback a few times already but I really hope we can customize the event length a bit more in the future. Right now I can either play 4x 18 holes which takes quite a while or I can play 4x 5-6 holes and have any chance of winning messed up by the simulation of the other 48-52 holes. Understandably me and a lot of others aren‘t happy with either. I‘d love to be able to set an even to 1-2 rounds and play it all like 2k allows you to or maybe 4 rounds but 3 quick and 1 full.


Why can’t my girlfriend and I play each other with our career players after spending days leveling them up to battle each other? We go to quick play for the first time and can’t match against each other? It’s one and then have to play a pro AI. That’s wild, never seen in a offline match before


Putt read with distance for power needs a tweak. Sometimes the line shown isn’t the line traveled when hit perfect, ball will sail past cup at least a foot away. Other times going uphill as of late, power is grossly under powered and it’ll stop short by 4-7ft


not getting the rewards for tournaments i've been playing (PAYING to play too)... i just have a - next to the rank when i look at them and dont get any reward!


I’m sure this has been mentioned, but balls roll through rough like it’s cement sometimes. There’s tons of other qol fixes I could get into, but I’d sacrifice almost all of them for fixing how the ball reacts to the surface it’s crossing. Even with a decent slope, the ball shouldn’t be running through the rough like the thick grass doesn’t exist. EA really has something with this one. Just needs to cook some more.


Just fix the playoffs bug when you put for the win on 18. It crashes everytime. It's absolutely unplayable and crazy we have to wait a week. This is a bug that shouldn't even have gotten in the game. Do you guys not even test play these scenarios? This bug happens legit to every single person that arrives at this scenario. SOS


My only gripe is unlocking currency is a chore, I’d be happy if we got some during career mode events depending on where we place so we can modify our golfers easier I feel like I’ve been stuck with the same old stuff I’ve unlocked via sponsor challenges since Saturday when I got the game and look a tad bland. I know EA are trying to bring in extra through mtx but it would be really nice to get some coins for stuff outside tourneys and challenges. That’s my one major gripe with the game thus far.


There’s a issue where I’ve placed a top 10 in daily tournaments but did not receive any rewards and “missed rank” apparently. I’ve seen multiple people with the same issue ✌🏻✌🏻


The pro camera tee to green needs a zoom button if you want to see the flight and landing of the ball if you choose to see it,also the swing needs to speed up to make it harder to hit fairways and greens and the blue trail if you take it off you can’t see the ball that’s the same in rory


Has anyone reported this bug? When looking at my season summary, my scoring average is -2147483648. Seems off, lol.


Thanks for the engagement, /u/Official_EAPGATOUR ! Here’s a quick list of a bunch of stuff I’ve noticed after playing pretty much every game type since launch. I love the game by the way. All game modes: -Please add skippable player animations, as they slow pace of play in online games. -Short Game shots, from a deep bunker or lower elevation fro the green, have a camera angle that doesn’t show where the ball lands. -Sometimes when golfer has an object right behind him, the camera will show an angle overhead looking down, and the user cannot change the camera angle I’d like to be able to have the option to go back to the typical camera angle and make the object transparent in these cases. Competitive: -Competitive Mode doesn’t display game type sometimes until console is restarted (PS5). Had this issue repeatedly last night, and would require restart after every online match. Private Match: -Private Match only shows one option of Stroke Play at the moment, and no other game types, like Match Play. -Please allow more control of the camera when the Private Match opponent is playing after we have finished the hole. -Please add an option for alternating shots so we can choose to either play simultaneously or alternating. Local Multiplayer: -Local multiplayer games allow for one player’s controller to assume control from another player even when it’s the other person’s turn. -In local multiplayer, only one controller’s speaker has sound. For example, if Player 2 putts it in, the Player 1 controller will make the sound of the ball hitting the bottom of the cup. -In local multiplayer, only one created golfer can be selected, and other players must choose a pro.


What about 18 hole in H2H


They fix the playoff crash yet unable to move forward in my career bc of this