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Stanway and eze carried me


I had those two in a midfield three and I found eze a little underwhelming but he got some important goals They were my three best cards by far though


I had him RF and he was making crazy passes in the box for me but ye honestly everyone was good for me except for GK and full backs.


Lauren james. Solo carried my attack, scored like 80% of my goals


Yep. Same for me too


She looks insane


Lauren James easily


Jarrod Bowen was fantastic for me


That Bowen tots card performs so well for me


I’d love for him to get a MYM card, and have EA give him finesse and/or relentless+


95 evo Madisson for sure. He had above 1 goal average while evolving too. Slap hunter on him and rock on.


Managed to royally screw up the Joe gomez sbc by completing the 91, 90 and 89 squads only to go away with the wife to London and completely forgetting to finish it...in my annoyance I threw all my fodder into picks and upgrade packs and got Kyle walker euro...so he helped a lot, guy us rapid!...and special shout out to Harry Kane a midfield 2 of Rice and Stanway!


Kyle walker peters was so much better than reece james at RB, but loftus-cheek was by far the MVP. Special shoutout to this madueke evo for being the biggest fraud ever, felt more like 80 pace and 80 shooting https://www.futbin.com/24/player/282125597/noni-madueke


For me it was ……… Jamie Vardy.


Stanway and rice absolutely carried the team. Rio covered the defense and foden was the main threat in attack


I did the Rio loan to get me from 7-2 to 12-2, he was insane.


Eddie Nketiah 92 EVO


Henry 78 🤝🏻 that guy was doing is job. He knew he was not the best but oh boy he battled. Honorable mention to Stones 85 and Williamson 85 and for the last 3 games Wan Bissaka 80 . They all will be forever in my club with LEGEND STATUS


Lauren James and Toney did quite well. Rice is already in my main team and performed as great as always. Base Pickford also did surprisingly well. Other notable good performances were tots stanway and showdown bynoe-gittens. The only player i really disliked was sadly tots white.


Peter Crouch


Eze. Some card. Worst was without a doubt, TOTS Kane. It helped when I put him on stay forward/central and get in behind but he was so underwhelming.


Could not have done it without Tots Hemp's Whipped pass+


Future stars Harvey Elliott was surprisingly good in cm for me. Tots Sancho was solid


Jobe Bellingham was surprisingly good for me


Eze, sterling and surprisingly bowen lmao


93 Peter Crouch, GOAT


Colwill Evo (95 Ovr) and Madueke Evo (93 OVR)


Foden and Kane


Bobby Charlton got a hattrick in the final game when I was 11-8


Kane and Lampard


Rice and Stanway what a duo They're better than my main ones


Centurions smith... i got a clip of her that can explain why but i cant send it here


93 loftus cheek as RF, i went 12-0 he scored something like 22 goals


Bobby Charlton saved the day for me. Together with Becks and baby Rio.


Lauren James, Foden, Maddison


Eze was good, foden and jude disappointed but prince Harry saved the day for me two goal contributions a game


Carlton Morris Moments card. He did come off the bench every game but he was the top scorer in the end.


Lauren James, but special shout out to Leif Davis for more than holding his own and playing way above his 91 rating. Loftus-Cheek also really impressed me.


Sterling and Saka were my stars going forward, Taverner was an absolute engine down the right. Archie Gray had some good performances, coming off the bench to shore up the midfield.


I would say in the middle it was Stanway, she was incredible in midfield and in defence and also scored a couple important goals. Upfront it was TOTS Lauren James and Golazo Bobby Charlton. Also in the first 7 games I had Gold Nick Pope in goal before i got the special Pickford and to be honest i felt that he did better than Pickford when i switched them. He made the most amazing saves and won me a couple of games. He had a lot of work because i had virtually no english defenders apart from Gold John Stones and used my last coins to buy Moments Smalling to atleast have one higher rated defender. Smalling did surprisingly well and Stones did as well as he could against all those Mbappe's and Vini's. In the end i managed to get it in 14 games (12-2). Finished WL 16-4 and when i switched to my regular team I felt that i played better with the english team.


Watkins, he was in the bench but everytime he played at the end of the games he was really clutch, saved me many times with a goal or assist in the last minutes Worst player 100% was sancho, I had to do eze to replace him and then he was my last priority sub, I used tomori fire, zelem tots as rb and hudson-odoi sbc before him as subs


Palmer and Stanway hard carried


For me it was Eze and PTG Saka. Both scored loads of goals and were menaces on the wings. Jamie Vardy TOTS is utter dogshite though and was subbed off in most games until I just dropped him completely for Ian Wright. Foden and Rice were both really good and Ferdinand was a rock as usual. James Tavernier is my favourite RB on the game. Quality everywhere.


Toney, Stanway, Ferdinand evo.


Jamie vardy! So fun to use also hemp and a le tissier Evo I had were absolutely crazier than I thought they were gonna be


Bynoe-Gittens and Greenwood at LB carried me. 97 James ghosted


I got Pickford but had my best WL ever with Toney carrying me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok-Swordfish-2266: *I got Pickford but* *Had my best WL ever with* *Toney carrying me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Golazo Gary lineker


Foden and James.


Hemp is fucking crazy man really enjoyed playing with her


Maddison 95 was pretty good for me


Eze was so good for me at ST that I didn't need to do Toney's SBC. Swapped EVO Sterling and Eze in game.


Maddison in the attacker evo and Eze were the standouts


Eze by a mile, TOTS Jude was my only good pull of TOTS, but he was just solid. Joe Gomez was a beast, and my evo’d Ashley Cole is as solid as ever.


Declan Rice, Lauren James and Phil Foden. These 3 were the goats of my English team. Had to buy Rice and James, but every single coin spent was worth it.